I.TS or '1 J.' PAGE SCC DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PKNDLK7TOX, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1809. RISUTPAGBS. ; j ! ;'i I : t 1 . i i: . J t- f v.. 1 I i 11 Coffee Always u n 1 f o r ir our best product sold in 1 lb., 2 lb., 2 lb. and 5 lb. cans. Your grocer will grind it better if ground at home not too fine. 1 y Ml Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST" PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children nndep 1Q years, 5c BY FRAU VON ENDE G1VFS IMPRESSIONS OP NEW YORK SOCIAL LIGHTS Declares Helen Gould and Mrs. R asset Sage Are Not Philanthropists But Are Merely Trying to Re-establish Besmirched Family Reputation Sols European Civilization Above American. Berlin. A sensational book by Frau Von Ende, a German-American au thor,, Is just recently published. In it she gives her impressions of New York society and millionaires. Frau Von Ende says politely that Miss Helen Gould and Mrs. Russell Sage are not really sincere philan thropists ;thal by their gifts to char ities they are striving to restore the reputation of their families "be smirched by the unscrupulousness" of the father of the one and the husband of the other. "Even the libraries which Andrew Carnegie endows cannot undo the damage he has done in his money making career." Frau Von Ende thinks. She says New York Is be coming "un-Amerlcanlzed," partly be cause the children of New York's mll liona'rea are educated In Europe and getting their Ideas of true civili zation from Europe. Another cause is the existence of vast colonies of for eigners In New York, people who not even the social settlement workers cafi convert into 5004 American clU zens. frau Von Ende Undertakes to ex plain why so many American heiress es marry foreign noblemen. She says American heiresses do not get ah Am. erican education. Their brothers go t American colleges and are imbued with the American spirit and remain in touch with American feeling, but the girls are taught by French and German governesses and are brought up amid surroundings which are sup posed to imitate those in which culti vated Europeans live. Oftenest the furniture and paintings In their fath er's mansions are mere imitations made by unscrupulous European deal ers, but still they are capable of af fecting the girl's view of life and what Is most desired in it. "So, when American girls and mar riabeable men meet in a drawing room they have nothing in common. The young women feel the need of Eu ropean civilization. They are expat riated even before they make their first voyage to Europe," says Frau Von Ende. She says that if New York wishes to remain genuinely American, It must return to the simplicity It en joyed before its millionaires began to buy fjnourlo antique furniture and fake paintings. fused. However, De Forest was In formed that the Eiffel tower would gladly receive any rad o telegrams he might send from New York." So far the record for the wireless telephoning la held by Lieut-Major Orana of the Italian navy. He has spoken 260 miles. It Is said the rea son the French government refused the American inventor permission is Viat 't long has been secretly perfect ing a w reless telephone which Is due to tho Invention of Captains Franc quo and Bennett of the army. Ex periments already have succeeded and tlio apparatus is now being put In tho tower. It will be complete in four or five months and will enable verbal communication with French stations in America and French ships at sea". PRIESTS NEW TELEGRAPH. Italian Invents Pocket Instrument for Vso in the Field. Milan. Mgr. Cerebotani, an Ital ian pr est, famous for his numerous Inventions in connection with field telegraphy and telephony, haa now Invented a telegraphic transmitter and receiver which can be carried comfortably In a pocket. It will be known as the Cerebotani pocket tele graph. Experts believe that the In vention will revolutionize field work especially for military purposes. The invention can be attached to ' any wire. Alone In a Saw Mill at Midnight, uumlndful of dampness, drafts, storms or cald. W, J, Atklna worked as night watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure g5vp him a severe oold that settled on his lungs.. At last he had to give up work. He tried many remedies but ?11 failed till he used Dr. King's New Discovery. "After using one bottle," he writes. "I want back to work as well as ever." Severe colds, stubborn coughs, Jilflamed throats and sore lungs, hemorrhages1, TP Wl4 whooping cough get Quick felief" an! prompt cure from this glorious med icine. EOc and $1. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by Tallman & Co. Empress Eugenie Is 111. Monte Carlo. Former Empress Eu genie is seriously 111 at her villa, Cy rnos, at Cape Martin, it is reported here. She has grown extremely fee ble and never leaves her home ex cepting on particularly fine and sun ny days, when she is wheeled about in a chair for a while. Eugenie is elgthy years old, but her interest In affairs remains Intensely active. She never speaks of her health and seems to strive to keep from her mind any thought of the Inevitable. She possesses an immense fortune, which, it was believed at one time, she intended to bequeath to the then Princess Ena of Battenburg, now the Queen of Spain, who was a great fa vorite with her. It is thought that she will leave most of It for charitable purposes in France. ' FROM UPPER M'KAY LARGE BOBCAT TREED AND BROl'GHT TO EARTH It ix. i-r- pnmTS WATER ' AND AIR ARE 1IE-LTP dils rob lUe of joy Looking une's JJr, It's a woman's i-ff&Tu to look her best b- ppfeJ!, kln eruptions, sores Listen: If Your Watch Balks! WE CAN FIX IT Years of experience allows us to assure work that is PROMPT RIGHT CAREFUL THOROUGH We cordially invite an oppor tunity to prove the above A. L. Schaefer Soeceaso. o L. HUNZ1KER. Pendleton's leading Jeweler. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. What a Heap of napplneM It Would Bring to Pendleton Homes. Hard to do house work with aching back. Brings your hours of misery at leis ure or at work Miiiritl Water Cure at Pao Roblce not Springs. It is quite Interesting in this age of advancement to learn that the great scientists and medical men are really willing to admit the success of nature over man The Paso Rubles Hot Spr ngs of California have bo wonderfully cured such obstinate diseases, and 1 that cure has caused such comment, that science has at last In many instances, been unable to fully account for the reason. The waters of Paso Robles have br:en analyzed. Chemicals distilled by man have been apparently used for the same purpose as those to be found in the waters of Paso Robles. Still the cures have not been forth coming and yet such cases find re lief in the baths at these spr ngs. The recent, successful treatment of Admiral Evans has caused a new se- dies of Questions and arguments among the world's scientific -men. Admiral Evans had the best 01 medical attention aboard ship, yet wht-n he reached land he was so weakened and In such pain that his journey to Paso Robles had to be made in easy stages to prevent col laps., from suffering. He spent three weeks at Paso Robles and was so much benefited that he was soon able to resume command on the br clge of his flagship. The air at Paso Robles pauses as much investigation as the waters for !t is said that the peculiar and per fect air found there has aa much to do with the curing of the disease as the mineral baths. To the visitor in perfect health Pa so Robles is a place of consuming in terest, while to th.- sick it is a re treat almost lxynnd conception, if their words of pra.He :ire hrard. In Paso Robles n- hears only w,t ilmcklGH's Arnica Salve curej emi makes he skin Soft and VelVoly. Tt School Term Closed Another Young Couple Married Other Notes ol Interest. (Special Correspondence.) McKay, Dec. 25. George Adams and Frank Hubbard treed a strange animal recently. George stood guard while Frank went to the house after the gun. Finding his companion had not been devoured during h's ab sence he selected a vital spot and fir ed. Then they proceeded to hold an Inquest. The verdict was, "It's a bob cat, and a walloper." George will act as taxidermist, and when the bobcat is properly mounted It will be exhib ited at next year's fair as a product of McKay. Charles Canfield closed a very suc cessful term of school yesterday. Charl'e has proven a very popular teacher. Every scholar in the district would like to see him come back for tho spring term. Ed Carney and wife, Frank and Joe Hubbard and John and. Will Wynn visited Pendleton this week to buy Christmas presents. George Haw, and nephew, Louis King, raited McKay on Thursday. They reported sixteen inches of snow at Meacham and. the thermometer registering from six to twelve below Jtero. For the last week here the mer cury has stood from 18 to 22 above zerq in the morning and from 26 to 30 during the day. A more even tem perature would be hard to find. Have you ordered your apple tree yet? Better hurry, it will soon be March and. lime to set them out A Christmas tree and entertainment was held at the school house lost eve ang. Mr. Canfield, the teacher, de serves a great deal of praise for tho creditable manner in which each scholar rendered their part. The en tertainment closed with a selection by the "burnt cork artBts," Joe Hubbard and Chas. Canfield. Miss May Schumann was recently married to Henry Wimmer. The bachelors' club is Inconsolable. Mrs. Wimmer was the last marriageable young lady on the creek and now but let us draw the mantle of sweet charity over the bashfulness of our bachelor friends. KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL Is to protect its dcKHltors from possible loss, therefore the larger It is, the greater protection the depositors have Tills bank has a Capital of ?250,000.00 Surplus and net profits L 175,000.00 Shareholders liability 250,000.00 A total of $G75,O00.00 This means' that this bank must lowc over 3-3 of a million dol lars, before Its depositors could lose a cent. This protection Is for . YOU. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon SECURITY Heat or Smoke Which? Do you want a fuel to nil your home and lungs with smoke and nasty odors, or with clear heat, as and when you want it? Then use gas, the fuel that answers every demand made upon it quickly, conveniently, cheaply and with cleanliness. You're Losing Money every time you fill that old stove up with coal the cost per degree of warmth from coal is vastly more than heat ing with gas, and what a difference in conven ience, cleanliness and results 1 It heats perfectly the cold corners; is cheerful and clean. I glorifies the face. Cures pimples, sore pvm. coicl sores, cracneo upn, lum ped hands. Try It. Infallible piles. 25c at Tallman & Co. for Italy's Policy Outlined. Rome. Baron Sidney Sonnino, the new premier, has formally introduc ed his cabinet to parliament and briefly outlined Its policy. The gov ernment, he said, proposed to en courage education by the establish ment of additional popular schools. Two new departments would be cre ated, those for labor and railways. The premier said Italy desired the maintenance of peace and would re main loyal to the triple alliance. , Calling cards, wedding stationery .mil commercial printing to order, at rh Eaut Oreeonlan. SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS IXDKiESTIOS, GAS, HKAKT- Bl'KN OH DYSPKPSIA VANISH Phone Main 40 today and end your heatand light trouble Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Matlock Building. THE HOUSEWIFE. Is the one who will appreciate fully the quality of OUIt coal. The uniform A-l quality of our Rock Springs coal means eeonomy better heat sitisfaetion nnd the mini mum stove, trouble. Orde,-your next supply from us and secure, the best. HENR.Y KOPITTKE ' Phone Main 178. Five Minutes After Taking a Utile DlapepKin Your Stomach Will Feel Fine Again Eat Your Favorite Foods Without Pear of Dlntress. t r and air wpuken of as the roal phy- , i.. i ih.i uirtisiii whili- every turmoil seen is iiii- II UHIJ fclllW 1. " Of. U .T-. ..a... ... . - - d.i..,.k ,..i. onm frnrr. IpV oil with lh..- buoyancy of hope an.l re- nenwl vieor ana i;ik.s -.-m. light in telling you what he used to be. A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recently published by the man agement telling the Bt-iry of the Hot j .-prings In a most interesting manner mid Kiving complete .information. .Send for it, cither to Wm. Mc.Mui ray. General Passenger Agent of th O. It. Portland, Ore., or Dr. 1. w r. Manager, I'aso Robles. Cal. kidneys. 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. Many renldent of this vicinity en dorse th-m. Mrn. Gertrude, Hiil, T street, La Grande, "re., &': "T do not hesi tate to rerornrnerd Doan's Kidney Pills for they pr-.vd of creat value to me. For forn time i was annoyed by a'.taokn of bat karhe and any any heavy lift ng rauvd the pains to heroine ii.ter.fe. I had heard so much about Down's Kidney Pilis that I pro cured a box and began their line They (.roved to be Juft the remedy I required and absolutely rid me of the trouM-i'arid Improved my general health." For cale by all dealers. Price 60 cent?. FosterMllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. N ! W WIIiKI IiHS 'PHONI FOR THE EI I I I ill TOWI.K Pally Ea Oregonlan only IS cents per by carrier. j.;ir's. The announcement that a wirelexM telijhone servlfe w:is to be eLaMi.-'iel 'between the K.ffel tower and Xcw York i inexact. The offi cers and engineers attached to the wireless telegraph station in tht E.f- i Tel tower have made the following statement: "The American Inventor. Le de Forest, asked tho military authori ties to permit him to install, his ap paratus In the tower. . After a full Investigation this permission was re- Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers In the Uni ted States, England and Canada take Pape'B Dinpepsin and realize not only immediate but lasting rel et This harmless preparation w 11 di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out of order Btomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that Is a sign of indica tion. Get from your pharmacist a 50 eent case of Pape's Diapepsln . and take a dose as soon as you can. There w'U be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach "r heartburn, fullness or heavy fueling in the stomach, nau-s'-a or intestinal griping. This will nil go. and besides, there will be no Knur food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pope's Uapepslri is a certain cure for out of order Stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it Just the fmo as If your stomach wn.sn't there. Relief in five minutes from all rtomach misery is waiting for you nt any drug store. . ' These large BO-cent cases contain more than sufflu'emt to thoroughly cure almost any ease of dyspepsia, In digestion or any other stomach disorder. Chickens Tonics that make them lay. Alfalfa Meal. Bone, Shell and Grit. Insect Destroyer. Conkey New Line COLESWOR.TKY 127-129 E. Alt OrheUm Theatre ' " 3. 1. MEDETtVAC H. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children-! SEE P1KH1KAM IX TODAY'S PAPER. Is made from the choicest wheat that I grows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on I hand. Dyers' Best Flour Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon" Our New Stock Just Opened DAINTY AND DELICIOUS "GoAd TO EATS" FOR THE HOL IDAY DINNER. New lino canned goods new crop nuts and fruits In season Holi day candles everything in vegetables. Dressed poultry, not only Saturdays, hat every day. EAST END GROCERY Phone Main 530. Prompt Delivery. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. 1 It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks before you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D.H.MHY Contractor and Builder Cor "Roilroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore