PAGE FIVE. All This Week . You will find Extra Specials In Every Department Furs, Silk and Net Waists, Silk Petticoats, Skirts, Ladies and Misses Suits, Coats of every de-. scription, Silk Waist Patterns, Shoes, Fancy Hosiery, Drawn Work, Doilies Etc. Everything goes at extraordinary Low Prices before inventory. F. E. Livengood & Co. Azentsfor.LaiieSjHojaa Journal patterns andJPublicationsI LOCALS Pastime pictures plea" all. Cal. Oak woed. Phone Main i.. Sayder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3811 Furnished rooms to rent. 10 1 W ter street. Automobiles for rent at the Pen dletm Auto company. Vol Sale Few tons of Timothy hay. Oilgon Lumber Yard. Lenses duplicated in a few minute Hanscom's jewelry store. Oak wood, the heat giver, (rood as coal. Oregon Lumber, Yard. od clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Tarda. Phone Main 8. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for $2 60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. Highest price paid for veal at Uey urn's market. Old W. A C. R. depot. For rent Modern seven room hot we; North side; Inquire 22S Per kins. Huirdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors In conneetton with the Vogue Millinery. Hroken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hanscom's Jew ' store. We grind any lent". A few liexlr&ble rooms, single or en unite Furnace hent. Imth. ' Cetitrall located. 612 Willow street. Wunted A good well driller. Ad dress, Situ J. Culley, Weston, Oregon. Wanted Nicely furhlBhed room. Steam or furnace heat. Address, P. O. Box iit. iood store or office room for rcn. In ICast Oreg'xilan building ot, Main street. Inquire at this office. We can grind you a new lens In a few minutes. Bring your broken lense to us. Hanscom's jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood and ceal that i will burn clean. Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber Tard. Wanted, room (at from I2P to S30 per month) or room and hoard (at 150 or 110 per month) with a refined private family by buslaesa gentleman, titate who composes family. Address, Box 28, Post Office. PERSONAL MENTION Carl S. McNaught of Hormlston Is here today. ( N. R. Carmlchael of Boise is regis tered hero today. L. Scholl, Jr., the Echo realty man, Is now In the city. Carl Hemphill of Pilot Rock, has been here today. Col. J. P. McNaught of Hermlston, Is In the o'ty upon business. Miss May Marble of Noiln Is vls't- Projrram at the Orphcum Tonight. Music by. Orphcum orchestra. A. H. Johnson, leader. 1. March Last Days of Pom pel," C. M. Vandersloot. t. Overture Rerlln In Sm'leS and Tears, A. Conradi. 6. Picture The Great lottery. 4. Picture Deputy. 5. Picture Mysterious Motor. 8. Picture A Vllllnn's Downfall. 7. Picture Arab Life In Southern A Igerla. 8. Rong Can't Tou See. HIS FLIPPANT COXIUCT COSTS 1I1M POSITION Peking. The vlreroy of ' Chill Tu-Kiin-Fang, has been cashiered, and the viceroy of Wu-chnnge appointed In his place. It Is alleged that Tusan-Fnng permitted clnemntrographlc records to be made of the funeral rites of the late empress dowager. The rich holiday feeling only goes with the jingle of the purse. ' ,T. 1 1 1 L mm T.nrry O'Connor and I.litlc Molly In "sweet InnNfnllcn." nt the Oregon Frlilny. IeronilHr 31, for the Bene fit of Iho Public Park Fund. "SWFITT INNISPALLEV rXDFU AFSPICES OF CIVIC CIA B "Sweet Tnnl.fnllcn" with Mr. Daley ns "Larry." will appear at the Ore gon theater fin Friday, December 31, tinder the auspices of the Civic and Improvement association for the ben efit of the pubic park fund. Many complimentary things have been written and printed about Ber nard Daly, the sweet Irish singer and actor In romantic parts, and here he W with us. or will be soon. Mr. Daly was a hit as Dan O'Hara and ns "Rory of the Hills." but he has forsaken them for a new love, "Sweet Inn sfallen," which It is said gives Mr. Daly a broader field for his. talents. It has more romantic situations and a fresh bunch of songs which ho renders with much tender ness and effect. Among his collec tion of melody ho will Blng the song of all IrlHh songs, "The Wearing of the Oreen." His song "Hide and Seek," with 1 ttle Molly, which must be acted ns well as sung; "Sweet Eyes of Irish Blue;" "The Call of the Wind;" and others equally catchy are in his collection to deliver In the new piny, Mr. Caldwell, his manager, has provided him with. "Sweet Innlsfallen" Is. an island in the lakes of Klllarney, where the scenes of the play are la d and beau tiful scenic effects are promised. Attention Knights. Damon IOrtge, No. 4, K. of K., will work In the third rank th's evening nt 7:30. All Knights please attend. R. E. TAR BET, C. C. R. W. FLETCHER, K. R. S. Wheat hay for sale. Phone Dave Nelson, Farmer line 16. At the Store thfe Jew Year Let us express the hope that Old Father Time has delt kindly with you. May the New Tear bring no sorrows, but .an abundanae of all things good. We thank you for your patronage for the year now waning and hope you will continue with us during the new one. Tours to please, KOEPPEN'S The Drag Store That Serves You Rest. and "The Gilt Room" , ; Where the best of things were served Ing on the Morgan farm James Cooper of the Hotel Bow man, Is 'in Walla Walla upon a' short trip. L. W. Furnas of Hermlston is now In the city, accompanied by his fam ily. John S. Crimmins, of Huntington, was in the o'ty Saturday patronizing local stores. S. R. Oldaker of Hermlston, is among those now in the city from the west end of the county. W. A. Slusher left this morning for the Slusher ranch at Nolln after spending Sunday in the city. Nesmlth Ankeny, now of the First National bank force, came over from Walla Walla thin morning. , I.esnc Anger left last evening for Walla. Walla after spending Christ mas at his home In the city. A. L, Schaefer returned this morning- from Walla Walla where he had been visiting relatives and friends. Dr. E. B. Waffle, who has been visiting at his home In the city, left on the westbound local train today. Miss Lurie Dorothy, who has been visiting at her home near Milton, was lere last night en route to Portland. Frank McKenzle, formerly of Pen 'loton, but now located at Hermls on, left on the local train this mom ng. County Commissioner Horace Valker was a passenger on the morn ng local train for the west end of the county. Hoy Alexander returned home this morning from Walla Walla, where he had been visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Drake have re turned from Gibbon, where they passed Christmas visiting at the home of Mrs. Drake's parents. Richard Nye, son of Mr. and, Mrs. A. W. Nye, has been here from his ranch In Idaho and spent Christmas as the guest of his parents. Miss Rita Howland, who has been teaching In eastern Washington th's writer, Is now In the city upon a vis it with relatives and friends. Virgil Cooper of Walla Walla, re turned to that city last evening afler visiting w'th friends and former fel low vurnity students In th's city, Joe Kennedy was among those re turning to the city for Christmas. H passed the holiday visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy. Mrs. J. W. Maloney and children expect to leave today for southern California to Join Mr. Maloney, who left for the southwest a week ago. A. H. McCarty, the well known Stage Ciiilch farmer, is in the city to day and Is expecting his son. Dell Mc Carty to arrive from Alberta this evening. H. W. Shafer, section foreman at Cop station, has just been discharged from the Good Samaritan hospital, where he had been taking treatment for an injured knee cap. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Phelps and children have' been visiting for sev eral days at the home of Mrs. Phelps' parents at Hilgard. Mr. Phelps '8 ex pected home tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cro ner, former ly of Pendleton but now located at Hanford, Wash'., have been spending Christmas in the city ns the guVsts of A. W. Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nissen of Port land have been spending Christmas In the city as the guests of Mr. Nls sen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nissen. They will remain for a wee. Ty and. & In D WW T MORROW AT TJoSilenlberg Oep't. Store Better Goods for Less money BIG SHEET AND ' PILLOW CASE DANCE S. IV TRAIN WRECKED IN CALIFORNIA San Francisco, Dec. 27. The north bound "Owl" train of the Southern Pacific which left Los Angeles at B o'clock yesterday was wrecked at Hal ley, 14 m'lcs south of Tracy at 5:13 this morning. According to Southern Pacific officials no one was seriously hurt. A broken rail is giv en its the cause of the accident. Two standard Pullman coaches, the offi cials suy, were turned over. LA POLLETTE OF PFLLMAN . IS OIT FOR CONGRESS Pullman, Wash., Dec. 27.- Honor able W. La Follette of. Pullman has entered the race for the republican nominat'on for representative in con gress to succeed Miles Polndexter, who has announced his candidacy for Fnited States senator to succeed Sam Piles. La Follete's boom was started by the Pullman Herald. Former Governor May Dle-V Omaha, Neb.. Dec. 27. Former Governor J. H. Mickey, who has been confined to his bed for a month, is believed to have 1 ttlo chance of re covery. His condition last night was alarming. Prince, llroglle an Actor. Paris. Prince Robert de Broglle, whose marriage to Estelle Alexander, the American singer. In Chicago, was annulled by the French courts in 1907, has made his debut as an actor, under the pseudonym of Starllo, In comic opera at Nice. Ho has been taking singing lessons from a French profes sor, whose daughter, according to re port, he shortly will marry. Perhaps the king of Sweden Is an other victim of the janitor, and has to "coal up" himself. BARTENDERS TIRE OF LIFE. To Be Given by Pendleton Aerie Xo. 28. on New Year's Eve, Decem ber 31, 1909. Ten Dollars in Prizes to Be Awarded Good Time for Everybody. The fraternal order of Eagles who have always been known for never do ing anything by halves, are to give a grand sheet and pillow case dance on New Tear's eve, December 31, 1'j09. This will be something new for Pendleton. All Eag!M are making a combined effort to make fills Uje howling success of the season and know of no better way to spend the Inst few hours of 1909 than by having j the biggest dance of the year. In order to make the dance more I complete the committee has dee'ded that no bne without a sheet and pll luw case will be permitted to dance until the prizes are awarded. For the best sustained character a cosh prize of $5 will be given; for the second best, $2.50, and to the most awkward a prize of $2.50. Admission charges will be as fol lows: $1 per couple; Indies masked free; ladles unmasked, 50c. Th's will be possibly the last danci of the year. Watch for the novel pa rade on New Tear's evening at 7 o'clock. London Saloon Men Seek Aid of Sal vation Army Suicide. Bureau. London. The Salvation anti suicide bureau continues, according to "the report, to do good work. The number of applicants (after allow'ng for the rush at its inauguration) re mains about the same. Experience has greatly helped In classification, and care has been taken at the first interview to sort out the cases which can better be dealt with through the labor bureau or other social lnst'tu tions. Lately there has been a larg er proportion of applicants. who, hearing of the anti-suicide bureau, have not waited until they practically J had ccme to an impossible position. Quite a number of bus ness men In difficulty have sought advice in the early stages of their depression, and have been brought to face the alter ed circumstances in such a way that they did not go under. Many of those who have sought ta bureau's advice through an' unsatis factory spiritual condition have prov ed to be very diff cult to deal with. Fatalism, Christian Science, election, the larger hope and such doctrines, have led them first into a maze, and then a despair. During the past few months a number of bartenders and saloonkeepers have come in the great" est distress, stating that "the trade" is in such a bad way that it 'is indeed a question of the survival of the fittest. No doubt at all that the courts have taken Mr. Rockefeller's advice as t "struggle." Evidently they are strug gling to put the great world-owner down and out. MASONIC MEETING. Public Installation of Officers This Evening. On Monday evening, December 27. i'iitb win ue a puonc insrauaiion oi j the newly elected officers of Pendle- ! ton lodge No. 62, A. F. A A. M., at Masonic hall. All Master Masons In the city, with w.'ves, mothers and daughters, arts invited. There will be a musical program, talkfest and ban quet. Please arrange to be at the hall at 7:30 o'clock. STEPHEN A. LOWELL. W. M. Woman Is Recognized. Seattle. Governor M. E. Hay's ap pointment of Mrs. Emma Smith De Voe, president of the Washington Equal Suffrage association, as a dele gate to the Nat'onal Divorce congress. called by President Taft to meet at Washington, D. C, January 14th to 17th to formulate legislation on the question, is a graceful tribute to the part voting women have played in remedying the divorce evil. Since women were granted the ballot in New Zealand, it is pointed out to the governor, divorces have been reduced 77 per cent, while Wyoming, which has had equal sufferage longer than other states, has the smallest percent age of divorces of any state in the union. O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight Specialist. no My Glasses are Guaranteed to give you satisfaction or MONEY REFCNDED. I Grind all My Lenses. Any Lens Duplicated In a Few , Minutes. With WM. E. HANSCOM. Jeweler. Any Suit or Overcoat in our store for only 1 5o0 Xo elothirifr stored away or reserved everything on the racks. Some range as high as $35.00 in prices they go also. Sale Positively Ends Saturday Night January 1 BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers The "Handy Store" FOR Office Supplies WIUTIXU INKS DRAWING INKS TENS PENCILS STATIONERY LETTER AND BILL FILES "MrClLAGE INK ERADICATOR MEMORANDUM BOOKS FAFER CLIPS Anything and everything for the desk and office and the kind yon want will be found at NELSON'S Phono Main 513.