i PAGE THREE. EIGHT PAGKK. UAILY EAST OHKGONIAN. PKXDLKTO.V, OREGON, MONDAY, DKCEMItKIt 27. 1). Sdfe This is the First time in our history that we have ever given a sale Everyone has confidence in the name of Alexander and knows that his goods are always marked at the lowest figures for the great values given, of any other store in the northwest. 0) 3 iMffll C7 Mrafes and continuing Two Weeks, we are going to give you the greatest bargains ever UITS an OVER.CO AT olfered in Men's All are high grade clothing including Stein Bloch, Progressive, Sincerity and Sophmore, rangin. in .price from $1 7.50 to $35.00. We will give you these two weeks for just -, 2 . ' - c Remember they never sold before for less money than quoted above, but in order to make room for our new goods we offer them for $14.50 The name of Alexander as well as the makers stands back of ever suit The Lines are Unbroken. Come Early 'aiv Ge o t e Best We do not lay away the best ones, but give you your choice of any in the house. suit in plain sight, nothing hanging where it can't be seen. No price marks changed Remember the Place and Date Every o o Jk .tf ilL Jib Jk D Is v. :m Q O The Progressive Store 1