PAGX TWO. DAILV EAST OREGONIAX, PEXDLHTOX, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27. 10. EIGHT PACES. IS Theatre i It JJ The Grand Pendleton's Home Ills DECISION MIST " SOLVE PRESENT CIUSIS Copyright 1909 bv A Special Holiday Sale I During the Holiday we will offer remarkably low prices on the following articles Clothing and Overcoats Radical Sueur by Patriot King Tories Swear at Hlni Poors Fstirp Royal Power nikl Defy King's Might Eiluard May Retaliate by Creat ing Xow Fticrs. of Amusement Boys Bovs 3..r0 Suits and Overcoat:- will go for Bovs' $4.00 Snits and Overcoat? will go for. $4."0 Snits and Overcoats will go for. ?5.00 Suit? and Overcoats will tro for 6.'0 Suits and Overcoats will p for. T.r.O Suits and Overcoats will go for Boys' $10.00 Suit; and Overcoats will go for ... Bovs' $12..V Suits and Overcoats will go for Bovs' 1'..00 Suits and Overcoats will go for.. Boys Boys Boy3 Bov 93.15 . $3.49 . $3.93 $5.15 $5.95 . $7.93 . $9.95 $11.95 Men's Suits and Overcoats Holiday week will be full of BARGAINS in tli IIens $10.00 Suits an-1 Overcoats will go for Men's $12.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for Men's $1'..00 Suits and Overcoats will go for ... Men's $17.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for Men's $20.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for Men's $22.50 Suits and Overcoats will1 go for... Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for Men's $27.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for Men's $30.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for. .Men's riothinir Department. $7.85 . $9.75 $10.85 $13.60 . $15.95 $17.95 $19.80 $21.25 $23.75 This stock of clothing is the best in Ka-u i n Oregon such famous makes as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Ilirsh. Wickwire. S-hl.- Hnx., and many other good brands, are here for yon to choose from. We "positively guarantee you a satisfactory fit and your money's worth. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WIIERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. London. The interest In the gen eral election becomes more and more absorbing and the probability is in creasing that the king will be the proof of the whole struggle. At present the radicals are more royalists than the kingj It Is poss' ble that in February they may re vert to the attitude of their ances tors of the Cromwellian age. Rut for banning or blessing Edward VII is emerging as the "man on horseback." upon whose decision the resolution of the crisis depends. The radicals are all swear'ng by the patriot king. The Tories are swearing at him. for expressing regret in his speech from the throne that the supplies voted by his faithful commons were rendered unavailable by the rejection of the budget. But If after the election the king refuses to mnko every liberal agent to the tune of 600, a peer of the realm for the purpose of overaweing the house of lords, then the boot will be on the other leg and the Tor es will bless and the radicals curse their sov ereign lord and king. Topsy-Turvlners in Politics. For' the moment the radicals are nl royalists. A pamphlet has Just been sent to press containing the sev eral counts upon which the 350 peers who rejected the budget ought to be attainted as rebels and traitors to the crvn. To refuse supplies is the last stop but one before armel rebellion. The peers usurped the authority of the commons in order to refuse the king supplies which he needed for the government and defense of his realm. They encroached upon .the royal pre rogative of dissolving parliament; they exposed to the world the- im portance of the crown; they broke down the balance wheel of the con stitution and generally committed enousth treason to Justify their exe cution at Tower II 11. The king's scepter is the trencheon of democracy. Without the king the commons are powerless, face to face with the usurpation of the peers. His minis ters are at present contemplating re signing office if after the election he should refuse to make 500 brand new peers, whose votes would enable them to pass their budget, to restore the ! absolute control of finance to the commons and to abolish the veto of the peers. Wholesale Creation of Pots. There is every probability that the king will refuse -such a creation of peers unless there Is a 'veritable landslide in the rad'cal dl-1 ! rection. In that case Mr. Balfour would come in and there would be. another general election hard on the 1 heels of the first, in which the con j servatives would appeal to the con j situencies to resist radical attempts to dictate to our gracious sovereign lord and k ng. Fortunately there is no need for so disastrous an annual climax. There Is only one-way out of the present impasse, and that is for the king to exercise hi- ancient, traditional pre rogative to refuse to Issue writs of summons with contempt, and to fill up the vacancy by summon ng to the house of lords good men and true, who will he simply lords for the du ration of this parliament. It Is ob jected that this is a strong step to take. The answer Is that we are fighting a revolut on wh'oh is taking far greater liberty with constitution al usuage. .It is necessary to fight revolution by revolution. ou can not make omelette without breaking eggs, and we shall never get out of the present impasse unless the king can be made to use his Derogative to make the will of the commons pre va 1. Refined Moving. Pictures 5 Vaudeville j and Musical Comedy j Programme THURSDAY Complete Change of Every SUNDAY and Admission 15c and 25c Matinees 10c and 15c should be entirely confined to an in dentured form. Over H0 witnesses, representing every shade of official, farming, mining, commercial. Indus trial and medical opinions, were ex amined and their evidence goes to show that the employment of Indians .'n the colony Is widespread, and not confined, as was generally supposed, to a few special Industries. Tho chief objections to Indian Im migration were that the conditions It Implied were servile and had a de moralizing influence on national life; that the Indians displaced the native of the colony, and even white labor; and. lastly, that their competition placed a fictitious value on land the colony. WHITMAN'S COACH AT A THEN A. AITOMOBILE ROAD TO CltOSS MONTANA Billings. Mont. To consider the question of building a state highway which will cross Montana from North Dakota to Idaho, call for a conven t on to be held in this city June 1 and 2 wi!lbe made through the medium of the chamber of commerce. The The matter was Introduced at a meeting of the business men by W. B. Oeorge and met with favorable re sponse. Mr. George pointed out that Mon tana is sadly In need of better roads, und that from the standpoint of tour ist travel by automobile alone the state loses fully 11,000.000 each year, to say nothing of the benefits which would accrue to farmers who could deliver their products to market at a mln mum expense. Interests Basketball Men In Release) or Good Shooting Other Note. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Dec. 24. Coach Blancfk ard, head coach for both football as basketball at Whitman college, baa been at Athena for tho past week coaching the high school baskotbal team. For several hours each day he has. put tho squad through strenav ous practice, besides a game each day between the first and second teams. There has boon remarkable development In the team, especially In passing and goal shooting. There ln ! !s more interest In basketbnll In' Athe na now than ever before. The firtst game to be played, since Coach Blanchard took charge of the team, w'll be pulled off with Weston next Tuesday evening, when a lively time is expected as there Is keen rivalry between the two schools. A special program nan been pre pared for tonight at the Baptlat church. After a sermon, from Rev. Driver, prepared especially for late occasion, tho children will recelTe their presents from the Christmas tree and Join in singing the Christmas songs. Hoi Miller has Just returned from Corvallls, where ho ha been In schoal for the past term. Bennle Gross returned yesterday from college to spend the holidays. Don't He Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried lots of things and thy foiled. Try Ballard's Snow Lin iment it will drive away all aches, wholesale j pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bras. FAMILY AWAITS IN VAIN FOR DEAD FATHER Only a little cold ln the head may be the beg nnlng of an obstinate case of nasal catarrh. Drive out the la va def with Ely's Cream Balm applied straight to the Inflamed stuffed ap alr-passnges. Price 50c. If you pre fer to uie an atomizer, ask for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the gooa qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid yeu of catarra or hay fever. No cocaine te breed a dreadful hab't. No mercury to dry out the secretlen. Price 76c. wla spraying tube. All druggists, er mailed by Ely Bros., 5 Warrea street. New York. IVDHNS ARE 3IAKING CHARGES OF GRAFT Spokane. Wash. Coenr DAlene Indiana will testify against the Wash ington Water Power company in the overflow land case to occupy the fed eral ec'urt at Coeur d'AIene Monday. Tne Indiana of the reservation are unsatisfied with 11.25 per acre settle ment for land flooded by the Post Ralis. Idaho, dam. Clarence Butler, an educated Ind an from near St. Maries on the St. Joe river, declares that Superintendent Worley Is the na tional protector of the Indians and that Allotlnr Agent Louie made af fidavits that the flooded land was worth but 11.15 per acre. When the fact is the Indians raise as high as 400 sacks of potatoes from an acre, and in one instance made $300 from an acre of peppernVnt ra sed as an experiment. The Indians unanimous ly declare there i a graft connected with the case. that other newspapers were forced to take it up. and now it Is sounding from one end of the country to the other. The first count in the indictment is that the people are taking to Ameri can shoes. Almost weekly new shops appear to handle only the American article. Roller skating is another invasion. American companies have opened four big rinks this seaon. It is reported that Frank Bostock, who owned the hippodrome, has taken the Paris Zoo in order to remodel it on American lines. American hotel? are coming Into view and American pat ent medicines are sold everywhere. elusive perquisite, and any Liberal or Radical who happens to' fill a minis terial position and draw a handsome salary is held by them to oe an Inter loper who has no right to be there. They have now been out of office four years, and during that time they have been unable to do anything for their friends or relatives at the public ex pense, which is an intolerable state ot things to them. REM, TRCTn ABOUT BrDGET. Big Game ai the Pastime Show To night. A big fat turkey will be given away at the Pastime tonight, which prora- ' tses some amusement in aditlon to the j regular program. Mr. Matlock Is al- ways In the lead with something new ! to please his paUons. Ub- LN ROADS WORRY FRANCE. to American Invasion Proves ISlo Commerce of Gay Republic, Paris. France is again plunged in to woe because of the "American In vasion" and the newspapers are Join ing m a. cry of "wolf," lest France's commerce be seriously hit because of the growing favor of American goods for common use among the people to the neglect of National manufactures. Figaro started the cry. possibly with sensational Intent - Statistics Tories Saw Chance to Weaken era! Party. j London. At this moment, when the lords assert that the budget has been refused because of its revolutionary i proposals, it Is interesting to recall that early In the summer the reason given for Its threatened rejection was not its Socialism, but that It did not provide sufficient money for Dread noughts. It was on the imperial safety cry that the Tories were relying for their Justification. When this cry was taken from them they were not long In finding another. The real truth is that the budget was thrown out because it was the only way open to the Tories of weaken ing the Liberal party and opening up a prospect of a return to office for themselves. The Tories regard office Masquerade Ball. There will be a grand masquerade ball ln the German hall. Middle Cold Springs, on New Year's night, Jan uary 1. Prizes will be awarded for the best sustained characters. Every body invited. Get In Una for a good old time. Johnson's orchestra. PILES ftTRED IN 6 TO 14 DAT! AZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cur any nK of Itching. Blind, Hlcedin or Protrud ing pils Id to 14 days or money refund ed. SOe Mrs a Joyce, Claremont, it. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It cured me ef severe case of kidney troube of several years stand ing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend came to Its support In such volume in this country as their special and ex-it Kleppen Bros. MARRIED TOO SOON AFTER HIS DIVORCE Lewiston. Idaho. Because he vi olated the Idaho statutes, which pro vide that a divorced person cannot remarry until six months has elapsed after the decree is secured, George Riley, a farmer. Is in the county Jail here awaiting the arrival of an offi cer to take him back to Idaho coun ty. Riley Is alleged to have commit ted perjury in swearing that he had been divorced more than six months, when it has been only a 1 ttle more than 30 days since he got his divorce He was arrested today by a deputy from Sheriff Welker's office in the Garden Gulch district. San Francisco, Dec. 25. Authori ties are searching today for the rela t ves of R. G. Sharp, who are delay ing their Christmas dinner while waiting for a man whose body, nearly cut in two. lies on a morgue slab. Sharp was killed on Fllmore street last night while trying to evade a throng of holiday shoppers. His agony screams created a stampede among the thousand women who saw the accident. Taft's Pie Roaches Washington. Washington. Dec. 25. President Taft's Christmas pie arrived last night and will be served on the white house table today. This pie was packed In a heavy wooden box four feet square, nailed with ten pen ny nails and all the way from New York to Washington four delegates of the Baker's union sa on the cov er one on each comer. The pie was taken to the white house on an au tomobile truck. Mme. Tcttrnzlnl III. Pittsburg. Dec. 225. The Illness of Mme. Louisa Tettrazlnl of the Man hattan Opera company, who was scheduled last night to sing the lead' Ing part ln the opera "Lucia" result ed In the money being refunded to the seat holders and the performance be lng cancelled. Mme. Tettrazinl Is suffering from vocal trouble and her doctor advised a two days' rest. Pencil Factory Burns. Ocala. Fla.. Dec. 25. Fire this morning at Crystal River near here, completely destroyed the Dixon Cedar Pencil factory, entailing a loss of half a million dollars. 1 WOI.UAST WILL FHiHT RATTLING DAN1 Los Angeles. Dec. 25. Tom Jones. Ad Wulgast's manager who matched him to fight Battling Nelson last night tated today that the date for the con test is not fixed. Among the local srortlng men. however, the opinion Is prevalent that the two fighters will come together Feb. 22nd. Jones stat ed also that the articles for the fight are being prepared today, and wlH be forwarded to Chicago tonight for the Rattler's signature. The Correct Time, to stop a cough or cold is just as aooa as It starts then there will be as danger of pneumonia or consumption. Just a few doses ol Ballard's Hore hound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough. If It has been run ning for sometime the treatment wW be longer, but the cure Is sure. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Girls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when we sew them on at S5c a pair. No swell dressed man or wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. CinLDREN WHO ARK SICKLY Mothers who valu their own comfort and the welfare of thttr children, should never be without a box of jrfpther Uraj'a Sweet I'owder for Children, for urn throiiifhont the season. They Break op folds. Cure Feverlahneaa, Constipation. TeethlnK Disorders, UeaiWh and 8tm- Troubles. THESE l-OWDERS NKVHB FAIL. Bold by all Drug Stores, 23e. Don't nrcrpt any autuHtufe. A trial package will be sent KKKE to any mother who will ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted, La Koy, N. Y. $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease mat aclence has been able to cur In all Ita stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'i Catarrh Cure ui the only positive enre now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conatltntlnnal disease, reqnirea a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, actine directly upon the blood and mucous surface of tbe sys tem. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and trivia the patient strength by building op the constitution and assist ink natnre In doing its" work. The pro prietors have so much faith In Its cnratlve powers that they offer One Hundred Lol lara for any case that It falls to rure. Send for Hat ot testimonials. Address : V. J CHENEY A CO , Toledo. 0. Bold by nrujtsrlats, 75c. Take Hall's Family ill la for ronatlpa tloo. FREE LABOR INFLUX TABOOED IN NATAL Cape Town. The commission ap pointed by the governor of Natal for the purpose of considering the ques tion of Indian Immigration have completed their report. In effect the commissioners recommend that the Importation of free labor should at once cease, and that Immigration FUEL anything you want in FUEL Reck Springs Coal Good dry Oak. Black Pine, Yel low Pine, Fir, Slab Wood and Split Wood B. L. Burroughs plione Main 6. Otflo 607 Main Street, Near O. R. N. Depot.