PAGE SEVEN. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY KAST OHK;OM. PUNDLETOX, OKEGOX. 1K1DAV, UMEMIJEK 24, 109. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Tips That Siivo Steps. Half a toaapoonful of sugar thrown Into the embers will nearly always re vive a dying fire, and It Is alwuya safe for that purpose. To prevent lamp wicka from emok big, soak them thoroughly in vinegar and then let them get dry before put ting them into tho kerosene lamp to tie UHod. If the colling should becomo smok ed, from an Improperly regulated lump underneath, tho blackened sur-f-iee may bo cleaned by washing it r.lth a llttlo weak soda water. When packing away white summer riipfwoM or any white goods for the winter, wrap each piece carefully In blue paper. It will prevent the white mater al from turning yellow. Writing Ink, npeclally if kept In n open bottle, quickly becomes thick and unfit for use. In that case dilute the Ink with a small quantity of vine gar and shake the bottle well. If soot should fall on the carpet, of suit a pint of milk. Mix thorough ly in a bowl two tablespoonfuls corn starch, two tablospoonfulH nr Ik, three tablespoons granuluti'd huir yolks of two eggx, p ncii of freshly grated lemon peel. Add th's to the boiling milk, let It cook four minutes, stirring while cooking; flavor with wmila. Pour this into a flat pudding dish. -Beat tho whi tes of two egg to a stiff froth, add four tablespoon ful powdered sugar, also meats of half a pound of finely chopped walnuts; mix thoroughly to a light puff and spread on top of mixture in pudding dish. Put the whole in hot oven and daintily brown. Servo cold with raspberries or slic ed bananas. The above will servo half a dozen people and can also bo made into individual molds. Italian Macaroni. Cook In plenty of water one pound of Imported macaroni; spaghetti will do. Add enough salt and boll accord ing to the kind of macaroni wed. Im- ,A ... ... ... . - piru?a iriiwiroiii win imu one nuur cover it liberally with salt beforo ' , . . , . , . ., .aT"l a ha'f to cook. For gravy take Is $4,826,161,655. "The Information secured relative to deposits Is of especial interest nt this time, when the adeauacv of pres ent means for the cuRtody of the pco- I pie s savings is under uiscussion. ji is shown that 35 per cent of the total Individual deposits In all banks are savings deposits, and, In addition, over $1,211,0011,1101) are time deposits. The individual deposits subject to check aggregate ver iG.UuG, 500.000 of other minor classification.-! is over $316,900,000. "As fluctuations of deposits In the hiinks of the country from year to ypiir Indicate in a large measure eco nomic conditions, it Is of interest to note that since June 30, 1U00, Indi vidual dtporiit: in reporting banks Iniv" Increased over 93 per cent, the amount of deposits on that date be ing $7,2;iS,!lt((i,450. BAKER CASE SETTLED roirmriT picks jeff to wix m; FIGHT MIS. WAM.ACK gets dam. AGES Foil IirSII.WD'S DEATH (. 11. & X. Company Hud No Objec tion to Iteasoiialild Settlement In Mailer. ng nn attempt to-swep It up. It will then bo possible to remove the soot with the salt, leaving the carpet clean. Ruga often have a tendency to curl up at tho corners. To prevent them from doing so, bind them on the un der side with a strip of narrow web- three small slices of veal, chop up fine, put In a saucepan with a little lard, and brown. Cut up a ltttio cel ery, a small onion, add salt and pep per and put all-splce to taste. Cook this together a little, then add two half size ripe tomatoes, then cook luw vim a oiwH w ,,.. on V... ,l'f 1. It ,. blng of the kind that Is used to hold ; " ' ' ' V 1 Mix al ltogcther with some grated choess. The Imported macaroni Serve when hot. the springs In furniture In place. It Is a thi ng well worth knowing scattered upon book shelves, back of ; CM" 18 l" D1' .v. k-u- .in . . or it Is good cold. III?3 Uinv, Will jyicTrui . from Injuring the binding of books 1 Dishes Served With Goose, during prolonged seasons of rainy j In answering tho question as to weather I what dishes should be served with Moths do not like to make their Roose. it is taken for granted that the nests In any place w-here salt has j dinner Is to bo a home affair. Soup been and one may often get rid of should be the first course, and. in them by scrubbing the floor with a this case, it Is better to have one of hot and strong solution of salt be- j tho thick soups. Next comes the fore hiving down the carpet and scat- I (roose, and with it should be served trr'ng dry salt on the carpet when I apple sauce and dressing, cither sage sweeDing it or chestnut. The potatoes should be j boiled, baked, mashed or sweet po About the House. tatoes southern style. In addition. The shamrock design la one of the any cf the fresh vegetables may be best varieties of table linen. served, such as stewed celery, brus- One-tone effects, with touches her , npls sprouts, eggplant or cauliflower. and there of a contrasting color, ! the if n is desired to serve salad after the fashion In furnishing rooms. i meat course it would be better to There Is a new electric sweeper i make It plain on account of the rich which brightens as well as cleans the j n(vps 0f the goose. Tomato or lettuce ccrpet and raises no dust. salad would be good. After the sal Tho new decorated enamel ware i ad. dessert of m'nee or apple pie, plum pitchers and dippers add a pleasing ' pudding or Ice cream. At this sea- touch to the kitchen pantry. j gon nf the year nuts and raisins may To save an accidental tearing of the follow tho desert, and the meal should curtain, slip the finger of an old roso wnh cheese and black coffee, kid glove over tho end of the brass ; ,jPmj tasse rod before running it through the, nn Grm,n , ! Soak a cupful of dry bread crumbs For use on chairs where there are n of hQt mk fop J5 m,n. bare floors there are little wool t ps g Dlvo one fourth teaspoon that are absolutely noiseless. fu) of RO(a ((((,ant measuro) ln tne A very useful article Is an old ce- m,k whi,o neatlnff gp . nto tnIs dar wood treasure chest made of the , (wo (lnj(hps of nne nnJ B celightfully fragrant mounta;n-grown ; ras(p a we, bpUen pgg (two are bpt. s. i;t hern red cedar. ' ter). one tablespoon of melted butter. One of the luteal time saving de- fjmm of aMly n rap!y a vices is a iiifiiiu le-uinR ,i,v iimv, New York. "I pick Jeffries to win the. great battle," says James J. Cor bett, former world's champion, in a long statement published here. "Johnson is overrated," continued Corbett. "Jn all his career Johnson has not defeated any good men of heavyweight caliber. You hear much talk of the cleverness of Johnson. Very few realizo that ho has only two good punches w th his right hand a short uppercut and a lightning cross counter. His left arm is no use to him, except for blocking. Jeffries, on the other hand, is a real fighter, and no science In tho world can stop him. Johnson may swing and jab, but the big fellow will brush his blows aside and force his way through the barn er. Jeffries may take 10 blows to land one, but when he lands It means tho finish. "Jeffries and I will do some real fighting in the training camp. We shall strip and fight 20 rounds. This may happen three times or more. It will be the severest test that any fighter ever ran up against, but It wt II give Jeffries a good Idea of Just how he stands" Looking tme's Bet. It's a woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores and bolls rob life of joy. Listen! Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures Dimples, sore eyes, cold sores, cracked Hps, chap ped hands. Try it. Infallible for piles. 25c at Tallman & Co. 31.ft00.000 IN REALTY TUANSI'EitS AT DAYTON A ease that has attracted consid eiablc attention was settled yester day afternoon without trial In cir cuit court, says a Haker City dispatch. It was the case of Mrs. Lee Wallace versus Oregon Railroad & Naviga tion company, for the killing of her husband at the railroad crossing on Fourth street in Baker City last Aprd. Mrs. Wallnce sued for the limit al lowance made by the statute in such cLses, and a compromise was effected by the company paying her $2750 and $50 for court expenses. Thoso who supposed the railroad company intended to fight the case to tho last court of appeal were doom ed to disappointment for there was no d position apparently on the part of the company to take the case into court If a settlement was possible. Judee Bennett, of The Dalles, and Saxton and Godwin of Baker City, represented Mrs. Wallace, and the company was represented by C. A. Ji hns. local attorney, and tne com- tiunv'n lecal department at Portland, including Mr. Cotton and Mr. Spencer. Lee Wallace was in the transfer business in this city. One morning last April he was crossing the rail road on Fourth street when a fast train struck him. He was instantly killed and his horses were also kill ed. In the case it was alleged that the train was running very fast and because of the secluded crossing Mr. Wallace was In no way to blame for the accident that caused his death. Whether this could have been Bus ts lned is not known as the case did not come to trial. Tlio Company's Policy. It seems to be the policy of the O. I-.. & N. company where an accident of this kind occurs and there is a widow or orphan children involved, to agree to a reasonable compromise without going into court. At least that was the procedure in this case, which Is only one of several where the company acted' In a similar manner. SMART SET BEFORE FOOTLIGHTS FOR CHARITY G I IF T S Highest Grade Moderate Prices Something for old or young Ladies or Gentlemen We offer the best only at all times The Pendleton Drug Co. wh'ch turns flat pieces in a trice. The expense of heatng is one cent an hour. , Hints for Baby's Rath. A thermometer Is Indispensable. small cup of grated cheese. Pour In to a greawd pudding dish. Ktew dry cracker crumbs over the top, dot with butter, dust delicately with cayenne or paprika, and bake In a quick oven, covered, for 15 minutes; then uncov- Only pure castllo soap should be I or and brown lightly. Send to the ta used. bio at once, as t falls very soon A soft linen napkin Is preferable to , while puffy and hot it is delicious, a sponge. j It Is well to have a special piece for j AMERICAN OPULENCE, the face. Everything should be at hand be- , statistics Show V. S. to bo One ol fore undressing h!m x , , wrJ Tho water should be between 96 and 99 degrees There are some wonderful figures Tho temperature of the room should ' contained in the annual report of the register 70 degrees. Comptroller of the Currency Just made A flannel apron 'should be spread I public, which go to show that the over tho parent's Up. Cnlted vStates is one of the richest Face, ears and nose should be 'countries of the world, If. Indeed, it !. washed first. Then the rest of the body should be gently soaped. After the flesh 's covered charge Is put In tho tub. A rubber top should be put in the water to amuse hlm. When taken out he should be wrapped ln a flannel apron. Drying should bo done with very soft towels. "Cilorla Pudding. not the most opulent. For Instance, the report says; "The deposits, Including govern- the tuent deposits, held by the banks ot the country, aggregate $14.105.5124,- 984. Excluding those of the govern ment, the individual deposits aggre gate, $14,035,523,165. The total of the government's money held by tne nationnl banks on April 28 was $70. 401,818. "The amount of savings deposits Boll n a porcelain pan with a dash held by all the banks of the country Dayton, WaMi. Ileal estate trans fers aggregating $1,500,000, with but olio mortgage foreclosure, make up the record of prosperity for Dayton and Columbia county in 1903. Head ing the list of transfers is the sale -.t the Dr. M. Pietraycki ranch of 10. 000 acres near Starbuck for $225,000, and the Homer K chardson ranch of 2i00 acres for $176,000. These are the two largest deals ever recorded here. Other farm transfers range fiom $75,000 down to $5000. The Correct Time. to stop a cough or cold is Ju?t as soon as it starts then there will be no danger of pneumonia or consumption. Just a few doses of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough If It has been run ning for sometime the treatment will be longer, but the cure Is sure. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. TOWN PCMSI1ER RY STANDARD OIL CO. Chieo, Calif. It is announced here tiiat tho Standard Oil company will pcnlsh this city because the trustees pi.ssed nn ordinance forcing the Standard to bury a big gasoline tank under the ground. Workmen have slrrted nn the job of moving the en tlr. plant away from this city and es tablish, ng it at Maryville. It is re ported that the price of gasoline in will be raised three cents. nirls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when wo sew them on at 65c a pair No swell dressed man or wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. New Yoiit. Mrs. A. C. Barney has I written a new society play, which was presented at the Belasco the other night for the benefit of the Christmas funds for the poor. As Is uual with Mrs. Barney's productlonr -.he cast contained a number of the most prom inent debutantes of this and last sea sens, as well as young matrons and the beaus of the smart set. On the stage were Miss Ogla Roosevelt, Miss Mar guerite Ittirbour, Miss Mary- Chew, Miss Jean Crosby. Miss Katherine Brltton. Miss Louise Cromwell, Miss Gladys Hinckley, Miss Ethede Koven, Miss Alite Shepard, Miss Annie Ir win, Miss Margaret Cotton Smith and a number of others, the cast being a large and brilliant one. Baroness Hengelmuller,. wife of the Austrian Ambassador headed the list of patronesses. KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL Is to protect Its depositors from possible loss, therefore the larger It is, the greater protection the depositors have. This bank baa Capita of $250,000.00 SurpluB and net profits . . 175,000.00 Shareholders liability 250,000.00 A total of ?675,000.00 This means that this bank must lose over 2-3 of a million dol lars, before Its depositors could lose a cent. This protection is for YOU. Th. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon SECURITY Don't Re Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried lots of things and they failed. Try' Ballard's Snow Lin iment It will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Fresh oysters at Hohhaeh' buii-rv Our New Stock Just Opened DAINTY AND DELICIOUS "GOOD TO EAT3" FOR THE HOL IDAY DINNER. New lino canned goods new crop nuts and fruits In season Holi day candies everything in vegetables. Dressed poultry, not only Saturdays, but every day. EAST END GROCERY Phone Main 538. Prompt Delivery. nilS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS. YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE. alum th hArk. dizziness, headache and general languor. Get a package of Mother tiray's AfHTKALIAN-LEAK, the i plessant root and herb cure for all Kidney, , lllndder and Vrlnary troutiles. When yon fool run down, tired, weak nd without energy use this remarkable combination of : nature's herbs and roots. As a regulator It lias no eqaal. Mother Grays Australian Leaf Is sold by Drngglsts or iwnt by mall for !oe. Sample sent FUKE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., I.e Roy, N. V. THE BOWMAN BAR. For Stahl Famous Near Beer Pints and Quarts City Near Beer on Draught All kinds of Soft Drinks, Cigars, Fruits and Confectionery. MARTIN ANDER.SON, Prop. Grace of Distinction in a Christmas Gift-Worth and Taste 1 Princess Rings A large display of Princess Rings in all dia monrla and precious stone combinations: DIAMONDS WITH EMERALDS DIAMONDS WITTI RUBIES' SAPPHIRES WITH PEARLS Car Tins with lovely pearl and sapphire set tings, and with pearls and diamonds. DIAMOND BROOCHES AND PENDANTS DIAMOND . DAINTY NECKLACES NECKPIECES We have an extraordinary large line of beau tiful diamonds. By, buying heavy we have bought for less and will give you tht benefit of this saving. Get your diamonds NOW as there will bo a 10 per cent raise after the first of the year. Watches all movements, and all grades of cases. Tho timepiece which is handed down from father to son this is he kind of watch you will find at ITanscom's. Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas Toilet siIver Sets The wide scope of this store's assortments gives latitude for the exercise of every individual taste and allows the choosing of Christmas gifts appropriate and pleasing to evcryone-rwoman, man, girl and boy. rwA '4 : '-it 111 I ' 1 Y, xj. The known high quality of Hanscom's goods makes 'them particularly acceptable as gilts. You'll be quite welcome to look, whether you ,'in tend purchasing or not. All articles purchased here will be engraved ! free of charge T? ?4 A rVlQfM Pendletoa's Leading Jeweler VV Hi. , nildvAJrl, O. M. Heacock, Eyesight Specialist More and more delicacy and distinction have crept into the designs and silver-smithing of theee new silver sets. Thev are rich lookine pieces for the toilet table; in beautiful cases provided with a drawer for the smaller article, for manicuring, etc. Gorham silver sets, consisting of from two to ' thirteen pieces, ?5 to 40, Heavily engraved brush and comb ?eto in cases, 5?S and up. The perfectly plain silver is also very mnch liked. And it comes in beautiful shapes. Thrifty buyers of Xnias gifts will find the greatest variety of suggestions at this store from the least expensive to the most elaborate and at prices that will meet the purse nicely, quality and value considered. The style ques tion is in a class by itself. Buy your gifts now and avoid the great crowds of the last days rush. W F, 1 N V1T K ( '(1 M PAR I SON. Trices ascend in easy steps to suit all purses. y."