DAILY EAST OREQONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 24, 1909. KIGIIT PAGES. .X Cough Slopped CALIFORNIA CITIES THE EARTH'S CENTER ii M-unwjHiiifrwn HOLDS LIFE'S SECRET tant iviirf to PAGE SIX. or and v t&rxh- "V r.- unit lvi In Get Free miraiuyiiyiJHUirJjuuuuriiiiiannuiM'Hym" Gct Free Sample t Tonr!ni(nrift,crtVn(l We keep liuiniv. or wnt Hon don Mfg. &k Minneapolis. Minn. For Headaches Caused by sick stomach, ill regulated bile, sluggish bowels, nervous strain or overwork, the safest and surest remedy is BEECHAM'S FILLS 5ci0 vcrj"v!icr. It- boift 10c- acd 25c O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight Specialist. I MM A My Glasses are Guaranteed te gtre you satisfaction or MONEY REFUNDED. I Grind all My Lenses. Any Lena Duplicated In a Few Minutes. With WM. K. HANSCOM. Jeweler. WAR FOR EXPOSITION nOTII SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO WANT 1915 FAIR The Quel) e Gna. La Fountaine, Prop. Best 25 cent meals in the Northwest. Flnt-class Cooks and Serrlee. Shell -fish In Season. La Fountaine Block, Main tC Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the city. Hides, pelts, wool, sacks and second-hand goods bought and sold. Stark & Lang, Props. Phone Main 407. 110-312 W. Webb St. Buy Your Meat i : : OF THE EMPIRE MEAT CO. phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. Fresh fish dally, steak, chops, roasts, sausage, hams, bacon and lard. W w WW w w w w w w w w Chickens Tonics that make them lav. Alfalfa MeaL Bone, Shell and Grit, Insect Destroyer. Conkey New Line COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alts Each Has Representative in Congress Who Seeks to Gain Federal Recog nition Smith for Sail Diego Tries to Seal a March Kuhu for Frisco Introduces Complete BUI. Washington. A drawn battle be tween San Francisco and San Diego, California, is one of the biggest things In congressional shows on the boards for this winter. The arena is at present in neutral ground somewhere between the com mittees on expositions and foreign af fairs, but it appears now that before the issue is decided the forces of the two cities may have to meet some where on the Mojave desert and fight it out. The question is whether there shall be an international exposition in 1915 at San Francisco or San Diego. The proposition thus to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal startea out on the Pacific coast last summer when the gate receipts at the Seattle exposition began to pile up in such a gratifying quantity. There Is still some dispute as to which city first broached the Idea, but both are rep resented here in numbers trying to get Federal recognition. Representative Smith, who hails from the San Diego district and Representative Kahn, of San Francisco, are going to be the star performers. Smith is known as the "getter" of the California delegation. He has gone about securing the exposition in a typi cally Smith way a prooess of stealing up a back alley into the dooryard be fore one knows he's around, and then walking away with the goods. His bill is a simple little thing. It is mere ly a resolution authorizing the Presi dent to invite the nations vt the Pa cific to an international exposition at San Diego in 1915, when the executive is satisfied that the citizens of San Diego have raised a million dollars. It doesn't ask for any money from Uncle Sam. Smith doesn't intend to do that yet. Quite a harmless look ing little measure, but if Smith can get it through It will amount to feder al recognition of the claims of San Diego. "And then, some fine after noon, we will get our fingers into the Treasury," Smith confides to his friends. The proposed fair is to be culled under the Smith bill, the Panama- California Exposition. Smith got President Taft's promise that the ca nal would be finished by 1915 before he put in his bill. San Francisco's claims to the right to celebrate the completion of the big i-itoh are bring urged by Julius Kahn. With shaggy gray locks and a flowing Winchester tie, Kahn looks like an actor. As a matter of fact, he used to be one before he broke Into the statesman business, and he still talks like one. went at it this way. His bill calls for a celebration of the "opening of the Panama canal and also the four hundredth anniversary of the discov ery of the Pacific ocean by Vasco An nez Balboa, by holding an Internati onal exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures and the products of soil, mine, forest and sea." Good scheme that Balboa idea! The San Diego peo. pie are still gnashing their teeth be cause Kahn beat them to It. Julius Kahn calls his show the Po-nama-Pacific Exposition. He wants the paltry sum of five millions from Uncle Sam, but not before his new exposition company raises a like am ount. The bill Is about five feet long and provides everything from the ap pointment of a commission, to regu lations for the feeding of the troops that will be there and the appoint ment of a board of "lady managers." Kahn even has it figured out to le galize the importation of the exhibits and the establishment of a bank on the exposition grounds. His bill is so complete that you could close your eyes after reading it and see the throngs streaming in at the gate. As a sort of sop to San Diego, Kahn provides that the combined fleet of the world shall attend and thr.t the President Bhall invite them to assemble in San Diego harbor. Other members of the California delegation are not at present lining up with either city, and most of the members of congress say they can't for a minute consent to grant an ex position to a Pacific coast city unless the coast Is agreed upon which city it wants. Nature's Chemistry Best for MenlUi So Claims Science After CarefiU Study of Mineral Springs and Nat ural Watws. El Tl It is now ostabl'shod firmly in the scientific mind that nature, through her mineral springs and her bubbling health waters, produces curative pow ers which cure certain diseases more surely .than man can do. Recent attention directed to Cali fornia's most wonderful hot springs at Paso Robles, by phenomenal cures of disease, has shown the world that th's resort is doing most marvelous work every day. Science has done much to discover v herein lies the -secret of natural wa tr cures, but has not as yat been fully able to apply nature's chemistry from tho laboratories of men. It is said that at Paso Robles. more so than at any other health resort, the Meat medicinal, natural and pleasing requisites are found. Here is a perfect atmospheric con dition, not too much mo'sture, though it lies but 20 miles from the sea, no hot, dry winds, h Becret of the per fect air Is said to be a natural valley surrounded by high mountain ranges which permit only an equable high ly sterilized air to settle into Paso Robles, a combination of thin salt air and the dry land atmosphere, a rare health requisite. The air condition, so perfect here. Is lacking at most mineral water re tieats, such as Carlsbad, Baden Bad en and Kisslngen in Europe. The waters at Paso Robles comes from the earth hot and cold. They aie light and pure. One does not tire of them as one does at most resorts. They have a most soothing effect on the nerves, and in cases of dyspepspla, lusonvn'a, nervous breakdown and paralysis bring almost instantaneous comfort and relief. Women who had not enjoyed health for years seem, after a brief stay at these springs, to be beyond even the slightest evidence of former weakness. One mets scores of men who, being of the sporting fraternity and suffer ing from abuse of system from high living or alcoholfc excess, come here to be made well and strong again. Ch idren and the aged are seen go ing about in the warm sun, for while tho temperature is hot, no one is ever exhausted and sunstrokes never oc cur. This spot is California's gift to the world, and science marvels at the wonderful cures daily being made at Paso Robles. A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recently published by the man ugtment telling the story of the Hot Springs in a most interesting manner end giv.ng complete Information. Send lor It. either to Wm. McMurray, Gen eral Passenger Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Ore,, or Dr. F. W. Saw yer, Manager, Paso Robles, Cal. HERE THAT ARE REAL We must reduce our entire stock before invoicing time (January 1st) as there will be a change in our business on that date Com aneB dau Our PrEces Just An Example of the Reductions: $35.00 Ranges for $65.00 Ranges for $26.00 $42.00 HEATING STOVES at Half-Price Everything reduced accordingly to clean out an reduce the stock no limit. Get busy and get Furniture Cheap PENDLETON FURNITURE CO. Next Door to St. George Hotel W. R. GRAHAM, Manager Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in the East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat; electric UgHts; hoi and cold water; bath. Inquire at Eajt Oregonian. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Will Break I'p a Cold in Twenty-Four Hours and Cure Any Congh That Is Curable. The following mixture Is often pre scribed and la highly recommended for coughs, colds and other throat and bronchial trouble; Mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can be bought in any good drug store and easily mixed together in a large bot tle. The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure Is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chem ical Co., Cincinnati, and put up for dispensing in half-ounce vials. Gift Day s Community and 1847 Roger Brothers ILVERW AR E The Community Silverware is guaranteed for Twenty Five Years in ordinary family use. When this high grade ware is given you can feel you1 have given something that will last and satisfv. Other Articles to Be Considered When Christmas Shopping CARVERS, CHAFING DISHES, PERCOLATORS, TEA AM) COFFEE POTS, SCISSORS, INGERSOLL WATCHES, AIR RIFLES, 22 RIFLES, POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, TOOL HOXES AND TOOLS ROASTERS AND MANY OTHER USEFUL GUTS. Our Store Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas Taylor Hardware COMPANY Ihe THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHORETOUR ORCERS-TCU GET THEM RIGHT fiilno Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answereil for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. ONE ARM FREE FOR GOOD SLEIGH DRIVERS New York. Chancellor James R. Dny of Syracuse University, Is a firm bcl'ever in the old fashioned Christ mas. In his farewell address to the students who loft for their holiday vacation he said: "I urge you all to celebrate Christ mas In the old fashioned way. I hope that J'ou will be favored with plenty of snowballing and good sleighing while you are at home. If the align ing is pood I hope that the young men w 11 all learn to drive with one arm. If I were a girl I wouldn't go driving with a young man unless he could drive with one arm." I . Vi,l.E'i(iJy .car C yv.".:-v ! '"-iTTi i TJ a treasure house of Christmas goods 4 ?v''.V. Beautilul Jewelry Novelties .1 Only a Utile cold in-the head may be the beg nnlng of an obstinate case of nasal catarrh. Drive out the In vader with Ely's Croam Bairn applied straight to the Inflamed stuffed up air-passages. Price 60c. If you pre fer to uo an atom zer, ask for Liquid Cream Palm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful hab t. No mercury to dry out the secretion. Price 75c, with spraying tube. AU druggists, or mailed by Ely Bros., B Warren street. New York. Take this list fcr a hint uklt j 'ins i;oni:ox uoxes ' BRACELETS MHOOCIIES CARD CASES CHATELAINES CLOTH HKUSHKS CO LOON K BOTTLES COM IIS CUFF BUTTONS GLOVE HOOKS HAIR BRUSHES LOCKETS LORGNETTES ItlRRORS MANICURE ARTICLES PARASOLS PHOTO FRAMES PURSES OPERA GLASSES For 'Her" or "Him" At Schaffer's you will find the most complete assortment of (Tliristmas-Gift Jewelry to be found in Pendleton. And at prices that are so out of proportion to the excellence of these fashionable articles that you'll bo eager to do your Christmas buying now while assortments are at their best. Every market of the world is represented in this marvelous f-howing. Copies of nntique jewelry, made famous by some his torical figure, dull gold, tinted gold, filigree, carved, studded jew elry, semi-precious stones revivals of almost forgotten styles all are combined to make this an eventful exhibit of high-class Holiday jewelry. DON'T WAIT BUY NOW OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS. A.L. SCHAEFER., Official O. R. & N. Time Inspector 726 Main Street Phone Red 3011 Take this list for a Hint PIN CUSHIONS PIN TRAYS 'PUFF BOXES SALTS BOTTLES . SCARF PINS SCISSORS SHOK HORNS THIMBLES SOAP BOXES TOILET SETS UMBRELLAS VELVET BRUSHES DIAMOND RINGS WATCHES VINTATGRETTES LAVALLIERS HAT PINS EARRINGS NECKLACES TOTLET SETS. 4 'I