EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAOT OREGONTAlf, FKXDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1800. PAGE FIVE. We Wish Our Many Customers a Merry, Merry Christmas Store Will be Closed All Day F. E. Livengood & Go. Agents for Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Publications lit . ! LOCALS Pastime pictures please ell. Coal. Oak wo. Phone Main 8. Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 3811 Furnished rooms to rent. 502 Wa iter street. Automobiles for rent t the P.n iletfm Auto company. Far Sal Few tons of Timothy hay. Oiegon Lumber Yard. Lenses duplicated In a few minute Hanscom'i Jewelry store. Oak wood, the heat Elver, good aa coal. Oregon Lumber Yard. Good clean real at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone MaWi 8. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoe for $2.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. Highest price paid for veal nt Rey Iiurn's mnrket. Old W. & C. R. depot. For rent Modern seven room house; North side; Inquire 223 Per kins. Hairdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hansoom's Jewr' store. We grind any lenne. A few desirable rooms, single or en mite. Furnace heat. hath. Contrail located. 613 Willow street. Good store or office room for rent ir i'-mi Oregonian building on Main sin-el. Inquire at this office. Wo can grind you a new lens In a -i-w minutes. Bring your broken lense to us. Hanssom's Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood dn.l coal that will burn clean. Promptly delivered. .Oregon Lumber Yard. Wanted, room (at from (20 to $30 per month) or room and hoard (at 150 or 3S0 per month) with a refined private family by business gentleman. State who composes family. Address, Hox 28. Post Office. SPECIAL ATTRACTION. At the Pauline Picture Show Today ami Tomorrow. Three feature films, 3000 feet, all American subjects, Including such no ted makes as Biograph. Edison and Kalem. "The Redman's View" ( Olograph ). A thrilling story. "The Governor's Daughter." An absorbing pictorial drama of Colonial days. "Tho Thanksgivings." Comedy, pa thos and the atmosphere of rural, city and western 1 f e are beautifully blended In this picture. Virgil Cooper, a member of the 1909 class of the University of Oregon, now wi th the Northwestern Gas and Electrical company nt Walla Walla, will arrive this evening to spend. Christmas with friends. CHRISTMAS- BEST OLD DAY OF ALL 1 Christmas Is the best old day on the calendar. Three hundred and sixty-four other days In the year come and go, few of us paying but a small amount of attention to them. Now Yours would pass hy unnoticed were It not for the fact that our friends keep telling us of the good resolutions they are mak ing and Inviting us to a front seat on the water wagon. Decoration dny gives the older generation a chance to do honor at the graves of our soldier and sailor dead to the younger gen eration It means a bully good chance to lay off work and root for our favorite team and help swell the gate receipts. July the fourth brings with It outbursts of patrlctlsm and a great deal of noise, rattle and bang and leaves behind a trail of disfigured. Injured and dead. The small boy glories In It wise parents dread It the surgeons welcome It. Then shortly our president Issues his Thanksgiving proclama tion and It Is given millions of dollars worth of free advertising In the newspapers of the nation. But when Christmas Is In the air the English speaking world sits up and takes notice. Each one of us becomes enthusiastic. From toddling tot to second childhood, In all walks of life. In all classes of roclety, high and low, rich and poor, prosperous and des titute, the well and the sick, the strong and the afflicted arise and with one mighty shout, proclaim: "Rejoice for Christmas Is here." And why? Simply because the first Christmas was real and human and rfonulne. There was a reason for It The reason was apparent to all who cared to know. And the world knew. Thousands of Christmas' have followed the first. Yet through all the years the same spirit of "Ceace on earth and good will to men" has been preserved. Tho form of celebration vhas been changed tout little the main it Is identical. Christmas is not the desire of a few It Is the privilege of the many. There Is nothing of sham or mockery In It. i It's genuine through and through. It's as broad as the earth and stretches from pole to pole. It's the best and best known day In the year. It's Christmas. V ' a.Trj A Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year "Them's Our Ssntiments" KOEPPEN'S The drug store that serves you best. Visit the Gift room in our new Annex Newsy Notes of Pendleton Co. L. Dunce Tonight The. militia boys of Co. L will give a Christmas eve dance tonight In the armory. A ChrlKtninH Eve Wedding. One marr age license was Issued at th county clerk's office today, the priuci-als being James II. Johnson and Miss Bertha Guyll. I'or a Charitable Purpose. For the benefit of an aged couple In need, the beautiful silk bed set on ex hibition at Mrs. Campbell's millinery store will be voted to the most popular lady at ten cents per vote. Ballot box open Jan. 16. Tracy linker Home, Tracy Baker, former star player on tho Tendleton high school football team and now a member of the Uni versity of Washington team, return ed today from Seattle and will spend the holidays here. They Are Not Pears. "My, aren't those big pears," says the passersby at tho Bentley Lefflng well real estate office as they glance at a display in the window. But they are not pears, they are grape fruit and were sent to Col. John Bentley by hla brother, R. K. Bentley, who I ves at Oakdale, California. Lieut. Drake Gets Medal. Lee D. Drake, first lieutenant and commanding officer of Company L has Just been awarded a medal for his record made at the state rifle tournament held at Clackamas last si'mmer. The medal is from the Ore qon State Rifle association and was given for marksmanship In the 80 per cent course. An Order From London. That Pendleton Indian robes are fast becoming known far and wide is indicated by two orders that Bond Pros, hnve Just received from Lon don. The order was received from parties who formerly lived In this country and who desired to send robes for Christmas presents. The robes do not go to London but are for paHies In America. Lot Llvermore, Santa Clnns. Lot Llvermore, clerk of the school board, has been serving as a very practical Santa Claus for the local whool people. Though the school month Is not yet complete, the board authorized Mr. Llvermore to pay the monthly salaries of the teachers at the close of school Wednesday and this was done. As a result tho teach ers have had money for holiday pur-purposes. An Instructive Rook. "Mexico and Her People;" an ac count of the customs, characteristics, amusement1?, h'story and advance ment of the Mexicans, and the de velopment and resources of their country." by N. O. Winter, "presents In readable form reliable information concerning- the customs and charac teristics of the people of Mexico, as well ns the great nntural resources of the country." Anyone interested In that country should call at the public library and g"t the book. Riislnej to Re Suspended. Although tomorrow will be Satur day, and ord narily a busy day In this city, practically all commercial activ ity will be suspended because of the Christmas holiday. All the principal business houses will remain closed throughout the entire day. The pub lic offces and the banks will like wise be closed. The postoffice will remain open from 9:30 until 10:30; tho Pacific Express company will be open all day long. The barber shops will close at 12 o'clock, noon. Mistaken for the President. Charles H. Carter, the well known local attorney looks like President Taft If an Incident that occurred at the O. R. & N. depot yesterday Is a cri terion to go hy. While waiting for a train yesterday Mr. Carter was ap proached by a stranger with the greet ing "How do you do. President Taft, I believe I met you In Spokane." Though badly staggered by the unex pected announcement Mr. Carter was able to reply "I am not President Taft but I thank you for the compliment. May I nsk who you are." The visitor answered that he was Dr. Gleason of Spokane and insisted he really be lieved the Pendleton man to be the president That this Is a fact is vouched for by Major Lee Moorhouse who was a witness to the Incident and enjoyed the same. MG SllT SAMS AT ROND BROS. The lUvt Suit nnI Overcoats In Pen dleton Ut bo nt $15 Knch for One Week. Commencing Next Monday. Homl Bros, will Inaugurate a cloth 'ng sale on Monday morning, Decem hrr 27. the likes of which the men folks of Pendleton have never had an opportunity of visiting hereto fore. Tiny will offer you unrestricted choice of any suit or overcoat In their store for the sum of $15. When you take Into consideration that they car ry only such famous New York made clothes as the Alfred Benjamin Co.. and Fo-'oty rirand. representing the best made In America and the kind you see on the streets of Pendleton as well as large cities, you may readily see there are no clothes better you are getting the boat Mr. Bond, In answer to the quos tlop, "How can you afford to make such a reduction?" stated plainly: "We give the people of Pendleton the best there Is to be had for their mon ey the year around and they show their appreciation by their liberal patronage. It Is unnecessary for us to be continually cutting prices, ow ing to thetclass of goods we carry. "You see," he continued, "by hav ing a sale but twice a year we are enabled to cut tho price down to bed- A Merry Christmas to All We extend to you our grateful appreciation for a most pleasing and satisfactory Christmas business and thank you heartily for it. We trust that our efforts to please all will permit of a further increase of your valued patronage, and our present happy relations continue. Soliciting your continued friendship we again wish all a Merry Christmas. Some days must be dark and dreary Occassionally snow will fall There are times when the outlooks leary For mortals nearly all. But take the year round weather And the opportunities many And all things considered together The Eastern Oregon people are luckier than any. lnJoSi9eoSserg Bep't. Store Better Goods for Less money mmlS rock even below cost and this of course sells the clothing and sells It fast. This is the end we aim for, as we need the room for our new stock." Every su t and overcoat In the store will be included in this big sale, blues, blacks, patterns, light or heavyweight. Just bear these three things In mind you can get a suit ranging in price from $20 to, $35 for only $15 during this pale; the sale starts Monday, De-rr-Tnb"r 11, and those coming earl'est will of course receive the best selections.. AMERICAN RANKERS WILL MAKE LOANS TO CHINA Washington, Dec. 24. It is belfev ed here today that France will with draw her objections to allowing Am ericans to participate in the Antung Mukden railroad loan to China, w th in a few days. American bankers will take seven millions of the loans on which they will receive Interest from China. American steelmakers will receive a large share of the or ders for rails and American eng.neers w 11 be engaged in the construction of the road. Read the Earn Oregonian. BIG SHEET AND PILLOW CASE DANCE To Re Given by Pendleton Aerlo No. 28, on New Year's Eve, Decem ber 31, 1909. Ten Dollars In Prizes to Be Awarded Good Time for Everybody. The fraternal order of Eagles who have always been known for never do ing anything by halves, are to give a grand sheet and pillow case dance on New Year's eve, December 31, 1'j09. This will be something r.w for Pendleton. All Eagles are making a combined effort to make this the howling success of the season and know of no better way to spend the last few hours of 1909 than by having the biggest dance of the year. , la order to make the dance more complete the committee has dee ded that no one without a sheet and pil low case will be permitted to dance until the prizes are awarded. For the best sustained character a cash prize of $5 will be given; for the second best, $2.50, and to the most awkward a prize of $2.50. Admission charges will be as fol lows: $1 per couple; ladies masked free; ladies unmasked, 60c. Th's will be possibly the last dancs or the year. Watch for the novel pa rr 1 on New Year's evening at 7 o'clock. ' I $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be please to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease mat science has been able to care In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall'. Catarrh Cure is the only positive core now . known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrb Cure injtsa lalsxn&lly acilng dJieciL; urnja. the btnod and nfucous surfaces of tKe ST" Km, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and glviag tbe patient strength by building np the constitution and assist In nature In doing its' work. Tbe pro prietors bare so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any rase that it falls to core. Send for list of testimonials. Address : . F. J CHENEY CO., Toledo. O. Sold br Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion, v It is neither difficult or extravagant to buy "Gifts from Nelson V COME AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK Pitures Mirrors POSTAL ALBUMS, BRASS WARE, PICTURE ALBUMS, PICTURE FRAMES. ETC. Fancy China CUT GLASS. SILVER WARE, GLASS WARE, DISHES, ETC. ROUND RING HANDLES, OVAL WITH EXTRA LONG HANDLES, SHAVING MIRRORS. Leather Goods MUSIC ROLLS, PURSES. BILL BOOKS, CIGAR CASES, Toilet Sets HAIR BRUSHES, COMB BRUSH SETS, MANICURE SETS, SHAVING SETS, SEWING SETS, ETC. Toys DOLLS, WAGONS, COASTERS, MECILVNICAL TOYS, BLOCKS, Pt'ZZLES. ETC. Books and Christmas stationery are always acceptable Gifts. NELSON'S?3 Phone Main 5 1 3 The Handy Store 7 1 9 Main St