PAGE TWO. 1AILT EAST ORBGOXIAX. PKNDLETOX, OREGON, FIUDAV, DECEMnER U, 1909. MIGHT PAGES. 7"Ai Store will be open until 9:30 this Evening. There will be a delivery from this store after 6 P. M. We wish you All a Merry Christmas The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade MAKES R n " ) SHOWS ITKKF.ST TO BE OX KAPID INCKEASE Aver::?e Dally Circulation During I.ast Month Has Been 6" nooks lt8 Rooks and One Paniphlot Added During Last Month. FREEWATERNEVVSNOTES M UrHOlISTS will OOXIrCT REVIVALS WALL, STREETS' R E VILER IS STILL DISCOURSING Walla Walla Minister to Do Evan. seUstic Work DanBhtor of Old Pioneer Marries. (Special Correspondence.) 1 Freewater, Dec. 23. "he Metho dists of Milton and Sunnyside have engaged the old school house and will begin a series of meetings on Monday, December 27. Rev. M. L. Landers, pastor of the Frst Metho dist church, Walla Walla, will be the evangelist Mr. Landers has had great experience and success in the evangelistic work in the northwest and a good meeting is looked for. Mr. Bert Ramsey, manager of the Hazlewood creamery of Walla Walla, and Miss Pauline McCoy, a daughter of Mr. McCoy, an old pioneer of th's alley, and living on the Walla Walla river, were united in marrage on December 15. The marriage ceremony was performed In Walla Walla -where the young people will take up their residence. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spencer of Mount Hope. Wash., are here to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Spenee's s'ster, Mrs. Fred G. Stevens of Ft-rndale. Fred Elffert, the popular auction eer, has been appointed t'eket agent for the Traction company at State Line and will also run a grocery rtore In connection with it. Reuben Biskett left this morning for Vale, Oregon, to spend the Christ mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ingle and son, of Crockett, have gone to California to spend the winter. C. Wilkins has traded his Ferndale property for Walla Walla property and has gone there to live. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballou were very agreeably stirrr.sed! on evening this week by a large numbu- of their friends and neighbors meeting at their" beautiful home and spend ng a Jolly evening. The firm of Godwin and Neal has been appointed attorneys for this city at a salary of 125 per month. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert of North Da kota, are visiting their old friends and neighbors, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Curts. Rev. Mr. Kitt, pastor of the Congre gational church, has gone to Spokane to spend his Christmas holidays with friends Rev. Mr. Mathiee will have charges of the services on Sunday. The Presbyterian ladies are having a sate of fancy and useful articles this week at Hadley's store. Washington. The robust figure and r-?onant voice of John Wesley Gaines of "Tennessee, Sah,'" may no longer frrace the chamber of the House of Representatives and animadvert on the iniquities of Wall street, but that same robust figure and resonant voice are by no means lost to the National Capital. John Wesley, who went out in a blaze of glory when he escorted Pres ident Taft then president-elect to the Capitol for his inauguration, is resurrected. Despite the efforts of the democrat, ic voters of the sixth congressional district of Tennessee to shift the lime light from his heroic figure and their success in casting the glory of repre senting that section upon Hon. Toe Byrns, John Wesley is undismayed. He is back in our midst. Be it known that John Wesley was one o"f the few recreations of the last congress. Whenever things got very dull which was quite often John Wesley unlimbered his oratorical ar tillery, advanced his elocutionary cav alry, held his verbal infantry 'n re serve and began a wordy assault up on Wall street. From the failure r.f the tobacco crop to the last storm that swept the Grtat Lake.1? every evil that befell the country John Wesley charged to the iniquitious and abstracted Wall street. If the debate in the House waxed dry. some bored legislator would turn 'to John Wesley Gaines, of Tennessee, :md implore: j "Tell us about Wall street, John." i And John would. John appeared in Washington this year as soon as the congressional ses sion opened, despite the fact that cruel fate and an ungrateful constitu ency had barred him from lifting his voice in rigorous denunciation of Wall street. He called on President Taft. and on leaving, held a score of news papermen spellbound with a vituper ative discourse ra Wall strot. Tl" holds forth n t-e same theme tf an audience in the I. ',':; of one of the fegislative hotels. OREGON THEATRE Sunday Dec. 26 FIRST TIME HERE The Most Pretentions Musical Comedy Offering at the OREGON this season. HARRY II. FRAZEE. Inc. Pre sents BILLY CL1FEORD And u Ri-vy of fifty Helpers in the LA SALLE THEATRE'S LAT EST SUCCESS "A GIRL AT THE HELM" LA HALLE THEATRE BEACTY CHORrS BIO GIRLS LITTLE GIRLS PRETTY GIRLS, DANCING GIRLS Fantoaa Male Sextette Augmented Orcheptm 12 Song Whistling Hits Eleetrte Motor Boat Race Scene A REVELATION IN STAGE CRAFT Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c Seat Sale Open Sat. 10 a. m. Pendleton Drag Co. The monthly report of Miss Mayme Patterson, librarian of the public li brary hows that the Interest In that Institution continues to Increase In a very satisfactory manner. The aver age circulation per day during the past month has been 6" books and this is three times the average circu lation at the time the library was first opened in the city hall. The following is in part the detail ed report submitted by Miss Patterson: Registration: 110 residents, 3 non residents and 2 temporary residents have registered during the month. making a total of 115, for the month. Ttotal registration to date Is S23. Circulation: The circulation of books has Increased during the month notwithstanding holiday times. Aver age daily circulation for the month Is 6" books, largest dally circulation. 151. Reading and Reference Room Use: Average number of persons using the library for reading and reference pur poses, daily. IT. A great deal of ref erence work is being done for the High school, especial!;.- in connection with the work in debate. New Books: 118 books and 1 pam phlet have been added during the month. 70 of the books were added by purchase, 9 by gift from local peo- j pie, and 39 bonks and 1 pamphlet by gift from the government, being gov ernment documents. Advertising: Nothing,has been done in the way of advertising except the table of -Books worth reading." Twenty-five volumes of non-fictton that is rea'.ly worth reading are kept on the table in front of the loan desk and an effort is made to direct readers attention t them. The books are changed each Saturday morning. Business Equipment. Work Accomplished: The new books were ordered, received, cata logued and put' into circulation. Much time has been spent in cleaning, mend ing and rearranging the books from the old library. Points to be acted upon: The most urgent need of the library at present h new hooks. Coffee I Just Coffee, but perfect Uortee. Your grocer will grind It better if ground at home not too fine. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Invites deposits and accounts of tboae starting in business as well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested banl; should be able always to afford ita patrons whether their balances are large or small Safe deposit boxes, of con venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 Pneumonia Season Is Here WILL COVFEItEXCE LET MICHIGAN" PLAY AGAIN Better cure that cold bsJere it is too iate. TALLMAV'S p. s. cold capsuls wUl knock the worst cold In two days. Manu factured and sold only by Tailman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME OX EASY PAYMENTS. 31350 cash or 1550 cash and 85 monthly payments of $13.11 each or 3350 cash and 100 monthly payments of 314.80 each, or 1360 cash and 120 monthly payments of 313.11 each. MARK MOORHOUSE 62, CO. Tel. Main 83. 120 E. Court Chicago. The eyes of the big col leges in the middle west turned to day toward the Auditorium hotel In , this city, where the football coaches and managers of the conference j schools met to settle definitely the n tercollegiate turmoil over next sea- son's battles. i It is expected that before the con- I ference adjourns the perplexing ques- i tion of the University of Michigan games and problems bearing on the j continuance of friendly relations in I the "big eight" w'll be definitely de- i elded. Rumors are in circulation that Michigan games and problems bear ing UU Hit? t-UUi. IIUatlLC 11 .tril'.llj lati '" in the "big eight" will be definite;- ''eo'ded. Runv -i are in circulation that M i.;.:;; . . will petition for readm's slon to the "big eight," but It is not gen rally believed that Michigan will tak any such action. In case such action Is not taken it will be up to the conference to decide whether Minnesota or any of the other con ference schools shall be permitted to contract for games- with Michigan next season. At the Orjihriini Tonight. Music by Orpheum orchestra, A. H. Johnson, leader. 1. March A mo, Herbert Ingraham. 2. Overture Shapiro's Song Suc cesses, Harry L. Alford. 3. Picture Faithful Wife. 4. Picture Making of a Sailor. 5. Picture German Spring Parade. 9. Picture Life for a Life. 7. Pcture Mischief of a Big Drum. 8. Song In the Garden of Roses. Mawrnerade Ball. There wIl be a grand masquerade ball In the German hall, Middle Cold Springs, on New Tear's n'ght, Jan uary 1. Prizes will be awarded for the beet sustained characters. Every body Invited. Get in line for a good old time. Johnson's orchestra. PHILOSOPHIC REFLECTIONS OF THE TRAVELING SALESMAN (By Bob Blake.) Kid gloves and a walking stick are useless to a man driving an ox team. Many a man begins where he ought to finish, and then wonders why he never accomplishes anything. A college education is a good asset, but practical experience pays better dividends. Small pitchers have large ears, so be careful what you say In the pres ence of children. It Is a fool who flies In airships even though the walking Is bad. The man who always carries a chip on his shoulder generally gets his head knocked oft A "good fellow" Is usually the one who dies poor and whose widow dis covers that his life insurance policy had been allowed to lapse. If the hotel grub is bad, the wise drummer calls tor ham and eggs: If the coffee is poor he hits up the milk; falling which there is always water. It seems that the idea was to kid nap the Rockefeller and take him to sea, which would five him a fine op portunity to sprinkle oil on the trou bled waters. COt'RT DECISION BRINGS MAX NEARER TO NATURE Washington. The mummified egg Industry received another Jolt and the human race was shoved another notch nearer nature by a court decis ion Just rendered at Peoria, Illinois, the opinion In which today reached the Department of Agriculture. The Illinois Judge held against the use of borax as a preservative for eggs, In a case growing out of the seizure of fifty cases of hen fruit preserved In that "dope." While the decision may bring egg consumers nearer to nature, depart mental officials aren't yet anticipat ing the time when the housewife can hope to stand expectant at the hen house door awaiting the kaplunk which indicates the production of the egg. Indeed, the department still sorrowfully admits that eggs may yet be messed up, dried and kept many moons ere they appear, gravled and mushroomed, as an Inviting omelet on the restaurant table. The pure food law has its defects, they admit. But they intend to stop the practice of egg storage houses In "pickling" hen fruit In poisons. What Could You Give your son or daughter for a Christmas present that would more appreciated In later years than a course In the Pendleton Business College? Our methods are modern and thorough. Special rates now being offered. Address, Pendleton Business College or Telephoje Main 148, for particulars. gvp v HOTEL O&fGON 4 I' A JtvLMTH f Located on the corner of Seventh mul Slnrk streets, evteixlitu tlirotiyli the block to park strwt, Portland, Oregon. Our new Purk sirwl Amies to the only fireproof hotel building In Oregon. Kates $1 a Day and Up. European - Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEPERNACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. HAFFNERCD laoiw axwfrL. MNVITR. COLO. Bring Us Your Poultry and Eggs Orders promptly delivered any part of town. to ' Man near Hazeldell, Lane county, lately trapped two fat bears and a big wolf One bear yielded 35 pounds of grease. MOST PEOPLE have trouble at some time or other with the stomach becoming weak, the liver Inactive and the' bowels clogged, and it is at such times that you'll appreciate the benefits from a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Therefore get a bottle today and keep it handy for emergency, and If you'll take it promptly you can save much suffering. It Is for Poor Appe tite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, ColJs and Grippe. Get a free copy of our 110 Almanac from druggist. Chickens, gees turkeys, ducks, eggs farm produce and second-hand goods ought and sold. Highest cash price paid for hides, pelts and junk. L. K. Curlright & ...Son... . Successors to Stark tk Allen. Phone iUln 379. Dally East Oregon Ian by carrier, only 1 rvntJi pT ik Heat or Smoke Which? Do you want a fuel to fill your home and lungs with smoke and nasty odors, or with clear heat, as and when you want it? Then use gas, the fuel that answers every demand made upon it quickly, conveniently, cheaply and with cleanliness. You're Losing Money every time you fill that old stove up with coal the cost per degree of warmth from coal is vastly more than heat ing with gas, and what a difference in conven ience, cleanliness and results! . It heats perfectly the cold corners; is cheerful and clean. Phone Main 40 today and end your heat and light trouble Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Matlock Building. Byers Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that trows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR U used. Bran Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon" THE ORIOTNAL LAXATIVE HONRYnml Tab I j Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat J and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption liv pacj;aob A. C. KOETPEX A BROS. ' 1 i