PAGE SIX. DAILY KAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1909. EIGHT PAGES. The Gift You Give A Man Wants to be a man's gift and - the natural place to buy is Jl at a man's store. We have only quality goods here and the very, veryj latest styles. So if you buy your Gifts of us, you may be sure on both these important points. We invite you to come and see our grand display Max Baer Men's Shop WILL GET L CONVENT SO SAYS DR. M'CLURE OP ANIMAL INDUSTRY Oregon's Chances Very Bright to Se cure tho Great Assemblage Port land Commercial Club Rack ot the Movement Special Train to Ogden. A Reliable Reraatfy FOR Ely's Cream Bain is snick hr absorbed. Gnu ReiieJ at Once It cleanses, soothes, heals aud protects the di&t'a-stHl mtm- brane resulting trora Catarrh and drives away a Col J in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Ta4e aud Kuioll. Full size 50 eta. at DruijgMs or by t:i il. Liquid Cream Balm for use ia atomizers 75 cts. 3v Brothers. 56 Warren Street, New York. O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight Specialist. My Glasses are Guaranteed to give you satisfaction or MONEY REFUNDED. I Grind all My Lenses. Any Lens Duplicated in a Few Minutes. With VM. E. HANSCOM. Jeweler. HERMfSTON DEFEATS WIN SECOND TIME ON BASKETBALL FLOOR First Game Ever Played In New Town Abbreviated Attire Shocks Ladies Umatilla Got Biff Lead But Game Was Tie When Whistle Blew and Locals Got Winning Basket. The Quelle Gna. La Fountalne, Prop. Beat 2S cent meals In the North-west. First-class Cooks and Serrtee, Shell-fish In Sea ana. La Fountains Block, 1U1B Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the city. Hides, pelts, wool, sacks and second-hand goods bought and sold. Stark &. Lang, Props. Phone Main 407. 310-312 W. Webb St Buy Your Meat OF THE X EMPIRE MEAT CO. Phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. J Delivered promptly. a Fresh flan dally, steaks, chaps, X roasts, sausage, hams, bacon t and lard. . Si V Every Wobss bout the won'ierfn: t Marvel vvh'""9 krtt x-nj flHi-rltt tor VrJl-W ': V u. fie AIM.V; .U trn- 10 V , " G hr, bit Hl,j rtKBip 5 t film- I triti-.l book It f'xi-i full 4'l.i2J L. i:. S RVr.l CO., i E. 23d St.. Vtm Yart f MEN AND WOMEN. In Biff for on natural r a 1 I rm. dMcbTtaIiatUniDs(IODI. irwuuaf m irntiimt or OJ ,rU 004 Mt w rtar. w of mncoii rnvmbrariM. Trvwmm f Uti PainlMi. and tint ajtrln. Kt twia unuw rcn uo. fent or poifonout. ClNCtRIUTLO. 3 aM fcr Itracciata, j for Bant la pltii wrapper, 51 br n". prt.i4. tof VU SI .00. i bXtlC1.75. cmulax at as naowt (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Dec. 21. Some one said that there waa a game of basketball In Hermiston last Saturday. This was the first game ever played here and as Hermiston Is a new town there were a number of people who had never seen the game played. Some came because they were told that there was going to be some excitement up at the hall. When the teams appeared in their short pants and sleeveless shirts some of the women were wont to cover their faces. But with the faces covered they were unable to witness the game, but it was not very long until their eyes became so accustomed to the at tire of the youths that they were mak ing remarks about the broad shoulders or the well formed legs of a certain player. One young lady about 22 asked a player why he did not crease his trousers. Those of the men who had never seen a game remarked that It must be that new fandango game that the high moguls of athletics are trying to adopt, a cross between foot ball and socker. Nevertheless It was a game and a good one. It was a real battle ' for supremacy from start to finish and at the end of the first half money stood at 9 to 7 In favor of Hermiston for that was the score. At this stage of the game Hermiston became a little over confident and as a result Umatilla ran up the score fairly high and before Hermiston could stop her the score stood 20 to 12 in favor of the boys from the Junc tion. Just at this time a cheer went up from the Hermiston supporters. And if there was a Umatilla man failed to look them over he lost his chance for from then on there was nothing to be seen of Hermiston except a flash of white now and then as one of the players passed the audience. Her miston overcame the big lead and when the .whistle blew to end the gnme the score stood 22 and 22. This meant that the team that scor ed the first two points won the game and of course the home team won. Umatilla took defeat very hard, this being the second time within two weeks that Hermiston has downed them. The referee and umpire were very good, both teams being well satisfied. Those who were crowned with tne wreaths of glory, were Thompson who held the mighty imported Stephen in tow. Wallace Wilson the fast little forward who could never be found by his guard O'Connell. F. E. Ituffner who held Umatilla's star player Mc N'urland to a standstill. II. Ge!se who showed wonderful form and who is what Is termed a silent mixer. The Umatilla team was: Forwards, Frank McN'urtnnd, Orle Stephens; Center, John McNurland; Guards, O'Connell. McDonald. Referee, Kimball, umpire Stover, time keepers B. Switzler, L. Canfield. Time, (wo 20 minute halves. According to Dr. S. W. McClure, chief of the bureau of animal indus try In tho northwest, the 1911 an nual convention of the Nat'onal Wool Growers' association will be held in Portland. The move to secure this greatest of all national meetings, with the exception of political conventions, was started in this city during the state convention of woolgrowers by Dr. McClure, and subsequent devel opments would indicate that Ore gon's chances are exceedingly bright. The Portland chamber of com merce and other organizations have entered into the movement with a great deal of enthusiasm and are do ing everything in their power to as sist the sheepmen of Oregon to land the big meeting. It Is also believed that the hearty co-operation of the other western- states can also be se cured and In that case the conven tion Is practically assured. At least one special train will be run from Oregon to the convention which Is to be held In January In Ogden and it Is there that the fight will be made to bring the next meet ing to the Pacific coast. Portland Club Is Assisting. Dan P. Smythe, secretary of the Oregon association, visited the Port land Commercial club and asked its co-operation to secure the conven tion. This has been given. The commercial club will send a delega tion to Ogden, consisting of B. H. Trumbull, commercial agent of the Illinois Central, and D. O. Lively, manager of the Portland Union Stockyards, who will co-operate with tho sheepmen in attendance from this state, and will bear the official in vitation. ' Badges having the legend, "Portland, 1911," have been pre pared by the Commercial club, and these will be taken by the Oregon delegation to Ogden and used 'n the campaign to bring the next annual meeting here. loom Sunday, OREGON THEATRE 09 FIRST TIME HERE La Salle Theater's Latest Success 26. rv - v SIS A On at TU? the m BILLY S. CLIFFORD AND Bevy of Fifty Helpers LA SALLE THEATRE BEAUTY CHORUS BIG GIRLS LITTLE GIRLS PRETTY GIRLS DANCING GIRLS FAMOUS MALE SEXTET AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA 12 SONG WHISTLING ACTS ELECTRICAL MOTOR BOAT RACE SCENE A REVELATION IN STAGECRAFT. Prices:--$1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c Foley's Honey and Tar Is the best and safest cough remedy for chil dren. At the first symptoms of a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, ' bronchitis, sore throat, cold In the head and stuffy breathing. It brings comfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Keep always on hand and refuse substi tutes. Koeppen Bros. Masquerade Ball. There will be a grand masquerade ball In the German hall. Middle Cold Springs, on New Year's night, Jan uary 1. Prizes will be awarded for the best sustained characters. Every body Invited. Get in line for a good old time. Johnson's orchestra. PILES 8URED IN 6 TO 14 DATS AZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing rues Id o to 14 days or money refooo ed. 50c. Bleak weather, but the holiday country seems to have cash to burn. THIS WILD INTEREST MOTHERS. Mother Gray'a Sweet Powders for Chil dren, a Certain relief for FeTerlahnesa, Headache, Bad Stomach, TeethlDg Disor ders, more and regulate the Bowels and de stroy Worms. Ihey break Dp Colds In 24 J QourH. 'loey are ao pieasanc to me taute and harmless as milk. Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials of cures. They never fail. Sold by all draggta, 25c. Atk today. Don't accept any aubatltnte. Git Bay Suggestions Community and 1847 Roger Brothers S I LV K R W AR K The Community Silverware is guaranteed for Twenty Five Years in ordinary family use. When this high grade ware is given you can feel you have given something that will' last and satisfv. Other Articles to Be Considered When Christmas Shopping CARVERS, CIL1FING DISHES, PERCOLATORS. TEA AND COFFEE POTS, SCISSORS. INGFRSOr I WATCHES, AIR RIFLES, 22 RIFLES, IOCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, TOOL BOXES AND TOOI ROASTERS AND MANY OTHER USEFUL GUTS. ' Our Store Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas TEe Taylor Hardware COMPANY A Policeman's Testimony. J. Nj Paterson, nght policeman of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I hnd a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thlrdg of a bottle cured me. I consider It the greatest cough and lung medicine in th world." Koeppen Bros. Freeh oysters at Hohbach's bakery Oats for sale We have but a few tons. Send in your order now. Ore- V WW ' "AW W 5, m & Take this list for a Hint BKLT PJKS BONBON BOXES BRACELETS BUOOCIIES CARD CASES CHATELAINES CLOT J I BRUSHES COLOGNE BOTTLES COMBS CUFF BUTTONS GLOVE HOOKS IIAIB BRUSHES LOCKETS LORGNETTES MIRROttS m antct m e a rticles PARASOLS PHOTO FRAMES PURSES OPERA GLASSES a treasure house of Christmas goods Beautilul Jewelry Novelties For "Her" or "Him" At Schaffer's you will find tho most complete assortment of Christinas-Gift Jewelry to be found in "Pendleton. And at prices that are so out of proportion to the excellence of these fashionable articles that you'll le eager to do your Christmas buying now while assortments are at their best. Eveiy market of the world is represented in this marvelous showing. Copies, of antiquo jewelry, mndo famous by some his torical figure, dull gold, tinted gold, filigree, carved, studded jew elry, semi-precious stones revivals of almost forgotten styles ell are combined to make this, an eventful exhibit of high-class Holiday jewelry. : , DON'T WAIT BUY NOW OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS. A.IL. SCHAEFER., Official O. R. & N. Time Inspector 726 Main Street Phone Red 301 1 Take this list for a Hint PIN CUSHIONS PIN TRAYS PUFF BOXES SALTS BOTTLES SCARF PINS SCISSORS SHOE HORNS THIMBLES SOAP BOXES TOILET SETS UMBRELLAS ' ; ' VELVET BRUSHES DIAMOND RINGS WATCHES VINAIGRETTES LA VALUERS HAT PINS EARRINGS NECKLACES TOTLET SETS.