EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAbT OREGONIAX, PENDLETON, ORXGOX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER; Wr 1M. PACK RYE. Only One More Day F RJ P A Y Do your Xmas shopping if you pos sibly can in the forenoon, and by all means come here. A beautiful line of presents for the whole family to choose from And They Are All Reduced D& E E DB E K But Two More Days and our Men's department will be closed. Take advantage of the tremendous cut in Prices F. E. Livengood & Go. Lnlle Home Journal Pattern The Church of the, Hcitreimrr. Saturday next being Christmas day, there will be a full Christmas service with n celebration of the Holy Communion nt 10:30 a. hi. Tlie fol lowing In the program: 1. Processional "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." I. Venlte MorninKtnn S. Proper Psalms 19. 45, 85 4. lit Lesson Isniah, 9 to verse 8 5. Te Ileum In A, founded on Ad ete Fldeles. 6. 2nd Ix-Hson St. Lukf, 2 to verse 15. 7. BenedictUM Anon Ji. Anthem, "Heboid 1 Bring You Good Tidings" .'..C. Simper . Antl-Communlon In H Flat.... E. Wheaton Heailo 1'). Hymn S3. II. Sermon, St. Luke II. 10-11 , "Fenr Not fir l'ehM, Ft" 11 Solo. "O Little- Town of Bethle- hem Dr. Hill 13. Recessional, 49. The offering for the clergy wid ows and orphans. A cordial Invita tion is extended to all. Charles tjulnney, Hector. ( lii-isiiiins Service nt the Church of the Redeemer. Friday being Christmas Eve, the Sunday school Christmas tree and services will take place In the church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. An offering will be taken for tne "Child's Cot," Good Samaritan hos pital. Everybody is Invited. Any one wishing to put presents on the tree may do SO. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregontan build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot irv! c"li water; bath. Inquire at E:i. Oregonlan. CHRISTMAS BEST OLD DAY OF ALL Chrictmaa Is the best old day on the calendar. Three hundred and sixty-four other days In the year come and o, few of us paying but a small amount of attention to them. New Tenrs would pass by unnoticed were It not for the fact that our friends keep telling us of the good resolutions they are mak ing and Inviting us to a front seat on the water wagon. Decoration day gives the older generation a chance to do honor at the graves of our soldier and sailor dead to the younger gen eration It means a bully good chance to lay off work and root for eur favorite team and help swell the gate receipts. July the fourth brings with It outbursts of patriotism and a great deal of noise, rattle and bang and leaves behind a trail of disfigured, Injured and dead. The small boy glories In It wise parents dread It the surgeons welcome It. Then shortly our president Issue his Thanksgiving proclama tion and It Is given millions of dollars worth of free advertising In the newspapers of the nation. But when Christmas Is In the air the English speaking world sits up, and takes notice. Each one of us becomes 'enthusiastic. From toddling tot to second childhood, In all walks of life, In all classes of roclcty, high and low, rich and poor, prosperous and des titute, the well and the sick, the strong and the afflicted arise and with one mighty shout, proclaim; "Rejoice for Christmas Is here." And whyT Simply because the first Christmas was real and human and xenuine. There was a reason for It. The reason was apparent to all who cared to know, world knew. And the Thousands of Christmas' have followed the first. Yfet through all the years the same spirit of "Peace on earth and good will to men" has been preserved. The form of celebration has been changed but little in the main It Is Identical. Christmas Is not the desire of a few It Is the privilege of the many. There Is nothing of sham or mockery In It. It's genuine through and through. It's as broad as the earth and stretches from pole to pole. It's the best and best known day In the year. It's Christmas. , A Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year "Them's Our Sentiments"--- KOEPPEN'S The drug store that serves you best. ' , Visit the Gift room in our new Annex Newsy Notes of Pendleton Kxtcmlliifr 'Phone Line. A rural 'phono line is now being constructed to tho Ritner-Storey-Btrand ranch upon the reservation. V lule Huh New Office. E. T. Wade, the real estate man, now haa offices with A. A. Colo In the room in the rear of tho American National bank building. It la the room formerly used by the city re corder and later by W. J. Furnish. Meat Shop Has the Spirit. : The Central Meat Market on Alta street, and owned by Carney tt Twee dy, Is now decked in Christmas time order and presents a very pleasing appearance. Tho decorations consst of evergreens and red. white and blue bunting. Will V.o 0cn One Hour. Postmaster J. T. Brown has -announced that on Saturday, Chr'stmas day, the registry window a well as the general delivery window, will be open from 9:30 until 10:30 In order to accommodate those expecting Christmas mall. No. 7 Was Annulled. Owing to delays encountered east of the Oregon-Idaho line several O. It. & N. passenger trains were annulled today. Among those annulled was No. 7, the westbound passenger due hero at 12:45. No. 5, last night's west bound passenger, passed through the cify at 11:30 this forenoon. Too .Much "Firewater." ' At the police court session .this morning five Indians appeared before Judge Fitz Gerald to answer to the charge of drunkeness. They were given the usual sentences. Owing lo the fact that the Indians have Just re ceived considerable rent money local bootleggers have been busy during the past two days. Rev Van Nuys Is Clone. On last night's westbound train Rev. V. L. Van Nuys and family took their departure for the Hood River valley where Mr. Van Nuys Is to labor In the future. He served as pastor of the Pendleton Presbyterian church for many years and has many local friends V'thln the church and with out who regret to see the family leave the city. Injured ut Meachani MM. The La Grande Observer says: Mike Le Page, an employe of the Nibley Lumber company at Meaeham, was brought to La" Grand last night on a special train and hurried to the hosp'tal to receive surgical treatment, aa the result of a severe Injury sus tained last evening. Le Page was caught between two logs and both bonea of one ankle were fractured. Ho was taken to the hospital where Doctor Molitor Is caring for him and reports him as resting satisfactorily today. PRINCE ALBERT HI-XWMICK KIXO OF BELGIUM Brussels, bee. 23.; Prince Albert be. came King of Belgium today when he took the oath administered in Par liament Hall today in the presence of the Belgian minister, Prince Albert's wife, Princesses Stephanie and Clem entine and scores of foreign diplomats including the American minister Lane. Albert became King of the Belgians from the moment the oath was ad ministered. In fact the official cere- monv did not Include a coronation. In his inaugural speech Albert at tempted to defend the government ot the late King Leopold against the world's attack because of the course Belgium pursued In the Congo. "We will continue Belgium's policy for humanity and Justice and in the future colonization of the Congo. We have a great work to perform there, and we will give it our best adminis trative ability," the new monarch declared. LOCALS Pastime pictures pleas a all. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main S. Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R S81t Furnished rooms to rtnt. 502 Wa ter street. Automobiles for rent t the Pen dleton Auto company. For Sale Few tons ef Timothy hay. Otegon Lumber Yard. Lenses duplicated in a few minutes Hanseom's Jewelry store. New Market Meai cheap for cash. Phone Rayburn, Main 4J0. Oak wood, the heat giver, good as coal. Oregon Lumber Tard. Good clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone Main 8. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for $2 60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. For rent Modern seven room house; North side; Inquire 223 Per kins. Hairdressing, manicuring and sham pooing parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery; A fey desirable rooms, single or en lulte. Furnace heat, bath. Centrally located. 612 Willow street Good store or office room for rem In East Oregonlan building on Main street. Inquire at this office. We can grind you a new lens In a few mlautes. Bring your broken lense to us. Hansoon's Jewelry store. Wanted, room (at from $20 to 130 per month) or room and hoard (at $60 or $60 per month) with a refined private family by business gentleman. State who composes family. Address, Box II, Post Offioe. to the Mind" A Special Message "Can't Make Up My GIVERS The purchasing of presents, will be easier at this store beautiful new stock sufficient courteous clerks "BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY" Shop Early Shop Easy GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS SILK WAISTS NET WAISTS HOSIERY UMBRELLAS . NECKWEAR INDIAN ROBES FURS PETTICOATS GLOVES WOMEN'S SWEATER C'TS DRESS SKIRTS SILK KIMONAS NOVELTY IIAT PINS FANCY BACK COMBS NOVELTY HAND BAGS TABLE LINENS FELT SLIPPERS LADIES', MISSES' AND BOYS' SHOES TOYS TOYS TOYS DOLLS GAMES ' DISHES , (fancy) A New Suit for Her A new winter Coat Presents and Prices That Will Please All lnJoh9enberg EBep'it. Better Goods for Less money At the Orpheum Tonight. Music by Orpheum orchestra. A. H. Johnson, leader. 1. March Amo, Herbert Ingraham, 2. Overture Shapiro's Song Suc cesses, Harry L. Alford. 3. Picture Fathful Wife. 4. Picture Making of a Sailor. 5. Picture German Spring Parade. 6. Picture Life for a Life. 7. Pcture Mischief of a Big Drum. 8. Sung In the Garden of Roses. , Will Continue Sale. P.aker & Folsom will continue their dissolution sale of furniture until Christmas day. Big bargains all over the store if you haven't bought that present visit us first only two more days and the sale closes. Notice n. P. O. Elks. There will be Initiation followed by a banquet at the regular session to night. Como out all. See the new work and forget your troubles. THE COMMITTEE. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hanseom's Jewel store. We grind any lense. FUEL FUEL Reck Springs Coal Good dry Oak, Black Pine, Yel low Pine, Fir, Slab Wood and Split Wood B. L. Burroughs Phone Main 5. Orfice 507 Main Street, Near O. TX. & X. Depot. It is neither difficult or extravagant to buy "Gifts from Nelson's COME AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK Pi tures Mirrors POSTAL ALBUMS, BRASS WARE, PICTURE ALBUMS, PICTURE FRAMES. ETC. Fancy China CUT GLASS. SILVER WARE, GLASS WARE, DISHES, ETC. . j?Aii:,'j,-'-.v;!v, .y ROUND RING HANDLES, OVAL WITH EXTRA LONG HANDLES, SHAVING MIRRORS, Leather Goods MUSIC ROLLS, PURSES. BILL BOOKS, CIGAR CASES, Toilet Sets HAIR BRUSHES, COMB & BRUSH SETS, MANICURE SETS, SHAVING SETS, SEWING SETS, ITC. Toys DOLLS, WAGONS, COASTERS, MECHANICAL TOYS, BLOCKS, PUZZLES, ETC. Books and Christmas stationery are always acceptable Gifts. NELSON'S Phone Main 513 The Handy Store 7 1 9 Main St