PAGE roUK. DAILY EAST. OREGONtAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MIUKSDAV, DECEMBER 23, 1M. ttQllt PAGES'. i- ! ! ( AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. PoblUbed Dally, Weekly and Semi-Weekly, at Pendleton. Oregon, by the AST OREtiOMAN PUHLISHINO CO. 8URSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall 3.00 Dally, six months, by mall 2.50 Daily, tbree months, by mall 1.23 Daily, one month, by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, aiz months, by carrier 5.75 Dally, three months, by carrier .... 1.03 Dally, one month, by carrier 63 weeaiy, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mall 73 Weekly, four months, by mall ...... .50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 Semi-Weekly, alx months, by mall . . .75 Semi-Weekly, (our months, by mall . .50 theatre. Yet a good substantial ar mory, large enough for convention purposes and gatherings of all sorts would be Very desirable. It Is some thing Pendleton will surely have some day. LESSENING THE GULF. The Dally East Oregonian Is kept on sale t the Oregon News Co., iI 6th street, Portland, Oregon. Chicago llurenn, 009 Security Rulldlng. Washington, D. C, Fnreau, 501 Four teenth street, N". W. Member United IYesa Assiatlon, Entered at the postofflee rendletos, Oregon, aa second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 4444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A PRAYER. P- born anew, dear Lord, be born again, Unto the hunger of the sons of men! Whose famine is too bitter to be fed By jiiiy lower food than sacred We thirst for hope and, tast ing, drink it not. We choke for joy denied a bar ren lot. We starve for love, find, starv ing, throw the dice That may, or may not, pay love's precious price. Our trembling hands infirm, have lost the wit To grasp Thy holy cup. Lord, give us it! it with strength despaired of by the weak, it with brimming rest the weary seek. f the chalice let the lonely drink. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. It is rather refreshing to read that two prominent women, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont and Miss Anna Morgan, daughter of J. p. Morgan, are interest ed In the strike of the shirtwaist mak. ers of New York. According to press reports those ladles have taken active charge of the slrike and will try to win it. This Is an unusual course for the aristocratic fair ones to take. As a general thing women of this type are interested in social affairs or In dis cussing the probable marriage of some millionaire's feeble minded daughter t this or that gentleman with a title but no brains, money or character. If a few more of the Idle rich women would mix up in such affairs as the shirtwaist strike the action would serve to narrow the growing chasm bttween the rich and the poor of this land. Each of the chief or dain of the body ii link ia tha Chain of Life. A chain it no tronger than itt weakest link, the body no atronder than hill weakest organ. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there ii weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this ao-cailed weaknea " is caused by laok of nutrition, the result of weakneai or disease of the stomach and other organ) of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesaet of the stomach and itt allied organs are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, diseases of other organs which setm remote from the ttomaoh but which nave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and Other organs of digestieu and nutrition, are cured also. Tha strong man baa m atron atomach. Taha the above recommended "Dlacov try" and you may have a atroai atom ach ana a atroni body. , OrviN A way .Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Ldlticm, is sent frei on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol ants. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Walla Walla is now advertised as a town where the "Toughs" defeated the "drys." If the prohibitionists fol low the saloon methods they will now produce pictures showing Walla Wulla to be a city of dives and divekeepers. Hut don't do it. - The army of Zelaya has surrender ed, after a terrible battle, to the forces oj' Estrada and the great Niraragunn revolution is over. Reuno! Now let the vanquished tie up their Injured fingers and talk over this bloody re bellion with their conquerers. F .11 Fill Out Old King Leopold was buried dur ing a downpour of rain. This seems fortunate for there are many whoi have a theory that there will be little moisture where Leo Is going. j It seems that vigorous efforts are being made to show that President Taft is also on trial along with Bal- linger. But the president will do well uovernor nay or iiasiimfiiun """ demand "DAYLIGHT" SALOONS. THE American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Invites deposits and accounts of those starting iu business as well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion nnd the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested banl; should be able always to afford its patrons whether their balances are large or small. Safe deposit boxes, of con venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates. " Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 allowing saloons to remain open only during the daytime. He wnuld have Washington adopt a law similar to the Nebraska law. Under this law saloons close at & o'clock in the evening and are under such other restrictions as to insure, decency. Governor Hay be lieves that In Washington such a law would be preferable to a state wide prohibition law. So it would of course. Such a law would likewise e beneficial in Ore gon. It would probably -save Oregon from state wide prohibition. Such a law would look to eliminating the un desirable features of the saloon busi ness yet at the same time permit the legitimate demand for liquor to be met in a legitimate way. The East Oregonian has frequently advised the drafting o such a law for Oregon and till so advises. Such a law would meet the demand for saloon reform and would render state wide prohibi tion unnecessary. However we hear of no move tow ards submitting such a law to the peo-j pie at the next election. At this time It looks like Oregon will have to take Its choice between prohibition and "wide open" saloons buc'.i as now o'j tain in the "wet" sections of the state. If the fight is waged along these lines It Is very probable that the state of Oregon will go into the "dry" column. a separate hearing. It is one. two, three days yet until Christmas. Yet he is foolish 'indeed who waits until the last evening t do his Christmas shopping." There wont be much left then to buy. FOR SALE 1800 acres all fenced, good Ii room house with basement, 4 big bums well built, 3 orchards, and other Improve ments. This land lies almiK ihe foot hills of the Blue mountain.-- in the Chinook belt where gruus ihe fine hunchgrass, and flows th.- crystal springs. Owner cut 150 ton of al falfa thjs year. This Is an ideal stock ranch, 10 miles off a It. K., and can be bought for $12.50 per acre, and ten thousand dollars worth of cattle and horses thrown In. besides 3 good wagons and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranch. I f!ud the bargains, that is why I sell the goods. E. T. WAD 11. Pendleton, Oregon, THE BOWMAN BAR. For Stahl Famous Near Beer Pints and Qyarts City Near Beer on Draught All kinds of Soft Drinks, Cigars, Fruits and Confectionery. MARTIN ANDERSON, Prop. Orheum Theatre J. P. MEDKRNAC II. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPER. Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week. IT WOULD BE FINE. At North Yakima they are erecting a large auditorium in the central por tion of the town and the building will be Intended primarily for convention purposes. It Is an improvement that North Taklma has long wanted, Pendleton too needs a structure of this kind. It would fill many needs. Pendleton Is a convention city and It should sustain Its reputation as such. Then frequently there are large local gatherings for which an auditorium In needed. ' M' An auditorium is usually so built that It may be used for varied pur noses. For Instance it serves to ac comodate Indoor athletic games such as basketball. At this time this city has something like six basketball tm. Yet there is no suitable room in the city for such games to be held. The Commercial association gym nasium is too small to accommodate a crowd while the high school gym nasium Is both small and inaccei.,bie. Under the present armory law, pass ed by the' legislature last winter, it should be possible for this city to se cure a good armory and auditorium on very advantageous terms. Under the law the state will erect an armory or a guard company, such as company L, provided the city or county where in such armory is built, meets half the expense. Whether or not Pendleton shou'd take up at this time the matter of try ing to secure a building of this sort the East Oregonian Is not sure. Prob ably this improvement should be made secondary to the securing of a new Let, Your Presents Be lMaliiG'PJsG Nothing is more appreciated than a present for the home one that will be used, enjoyed and remem bered the year 'round. OUR. PRICES ARE MOST MODERATE and our goods are guaranteed Just a Few Suggestions: Table Silverware, good assortment, Chafing Dishes from all prices. Carving Sets from ?3 to $10. Get the old man a safety razor, $1.00 to $12.00. Ret Keen Kutter Forks, ?6.00. Knives and The boy would like a set of Keen Kutter tools, $7.50 to $20. All goods absolutely- guaranteed. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY LA !W & PETE'lfflSODKI The Independent Hardware Store. C&sRBSTIVaAS GIFTS The unusual, the uncommon, the unique, the exclusive, HODILAT. GIFTS are at "THE GIPr KOOM , KOEppENS NEW ANNEX, next door U Koeppens Drug Store. In this list of a few suggestions for the Christ mas Gift, you'll find many very appropriate articles, priced so the purs Is lighted little. HEAL ltOSE IIAT PINS We are offering these metallzed flowers (a lost art of the ancient Egypt- ians) at about half the - usual prlce from 2So to 75c. 4 . HANDBAGS. The largest and most exclusive stock of choice 4 Handbajrs; some were 4 made especially to our order frames, linings, leather and trimmings, were seleoted by us from a large line of samples, 4 sent us by a firm that make all their Handbags. We have no hesitancy In saying that no more 4 exclusive line of these 4 4 goods has ever been of- 4 fered in Pendleton. We have all kinds of 4 4 leather and will order you any style or kli.J dl- rect from the factory. If 4 we do not have In stock just what you want. All our Leather Hand- bags are guaranteed to woar well (of course Bags like shoes, or any article of leather will show wear, unless the proper care Is given them and we tell you how to care for them.) ' 4 -r RUSSIAN 11KASS. We are showing an ele gant assortment of the genuine hand hammered. Just as they leave the hands of the Russian workmen In Siberia. We will have these fin ished for you in any style you like, should you not want them In the crude state; compare our brass ware with the ordinary kind and see tbe wonder ful difference. TOILET SETS Our Toilet Rets are prettier this year than ever. Hrlght, Oxidized, French Gray, Buttler Fln- Ished or Satin. Also Men's Shaving Sets. Smoking Sets. Cl- gar Sets. 4' An immense, assortment of toilet articles In Ebony, Pearl, Bone, Ivory, and a number of different kinds of wood. ' 4 4 44444444444444 4 4 4 TOYLANI) . 4 4 We are In a position to 4 4 satisfy every demand in 4 4 the toy line. If something 4 4 out of the ordinary toy Is 4 4 wanted. 4 4 If you want something 4 4 that will really please 4 4 the little ones, be sure 4 4 and Inspect our toy de- 4 4 partment, but come early 4 4 as they are going fast and 4 4 you will be disappointed 4 4 If you wait too long. 4 4 4 44444444444444 44444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444444 AN IXGEUSOLIj WATCH Every boy should have a watch. Not an expen sive one, but a good time keeper that will stand hard knocks and not cost much. The Ingersoll Is the watch. Put one In his stocking for Christmas. From $1.00 to $5.00 each. One of these watches In a man's 'hunting coat wouldn't come amiss. 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444444 444 4 Ol'K PEEKI.ESS CUT GLASS Tou can't think of any thing more desirable, more tasteful, more suit able, more glveable or more likeable than our Peerless cut glass. "TIs true some of . the articles run up Into some money, but see what you are buy ing. , Cut Glass such as we sell Is Cut Glass In deed. It sparkles like dia monds. It lasts forever and la a never ending source of delight to Its owner. 44444444444444 44444444444444 4 FOUNTAIN PENS 4 We have all the leading 4 4 makes Waterman's, 4 4 Parker's Conklln's Self- 4 4 Filler, and many others. 4 4 We have them from $1.00 4 4 up to $18.00, plain and 4 4 gold and silver mounted. 4 4 We also have the genu- 4 4 lne Red Dwarf Ink pen- 4 4 ell (the new fountain pea 4 4 that looks like a pencil) at 4 4 $2.50. - 4 4 We guarantee all our 4 4 fountain pens and - sell 4 4 them on trial. Tou do not 4 4 have to keep them until 4 4 you are satisfied and have 4 4 Just the pen you want 4 4 Buy him a fountain pen, 4 4 any price you like and 4 4 then ask for a guaranteed 4 4 trial certificate. Give hint 4 4 the pen and the cert If I- 4 4 cate and we v 111 see that 4 4 he gets the pen he wants. 4 4 He will remember you 4 4 865 days In each y ar for 4 4 years and years. 4 4 4 44444444444444 44444444444444 4 4 4 4 SURE LADY 4 PLEAS ERS 4 4 What woman In Pen- 4 4 dleton would not appreel- 4 4 ate' a few pieces of Havl- 4 4 land China or some 4 4 hand-palntod china? 4 4 All our china is dainty 4 4 in -outline, dainty In con- 4 4 ce'ptlon, dainty In decor- 4 4 atlon. Our entire line of 4 4 china Is "dainty," Our 4 4 patterns are excluslye and 4 4 found In no other store, 4 4 and still better, If you 4 4 are not pleased with what 4 4 we have we can furnish 4 4 you china after your own 4 4 Ideas we will make Just 4 4 what you want. We have 4 4 two eastern art studios to 4 4 draw from and we can 4 4 furnish anything you 4 4 want. 4 4 See samples of mono- 4 4 gram china made by ar- 4 4 tints with reputation!) 4 4 all the articles In the two 4 4 studlo are at your ser- 4 4 vice. 4 4 4 44444444444444 4444444444444 4 USE MANNING 4 nOWMAN GIFTS 4 A Chafing Dish with al- 4 cohol gas stove, a coffee 4 Percolator, a Teapot or 4 Teakettle, an artistic Tray 4 these or any one of the 4 dozens of other useful 4 household necessities, r bearing the M. B. trade- 4 mark would be enjoyed 4 by the whole family any 4 day In the year. They 4 are highly and heavily 4 nickeled a few are cop- 4 per and earthen and with 4 ordinary care will last 4 practically a lifetime. 4 See them In our Sundry 4 Section. 444 444444444 4444 4 444444444 RAZORS Razors ure Just the cor. rect and most useful prcs- sent for any man, even If 4 he does not nhavo i,im. a " -By t seir. mere ia always a 4 a time when he can use onei when traveling and 4 when too busy to go to 4 the barber, or when he 4 forgets to go until too 4 late. 4 We have razors tmm 4 $1.00 to $3.00 without can- 4 e. and razors Ii. leather 4 cases from $1.75 to .v A We have safety razors 4 from $1.00 up to $5.00. 4 Get him any kind of a ra- 4 "r you like, call for a 4 razor certificate, and he can set the razor he wants. 4 Remember no price ap- v pears en the certificate. 4 4 44444444444444 44444444 4 4 CHRISTMAS CANDIES 4 4 Christmas giving Is not 4 4 complete unless it con- 4 4 tains a box of delicious 4 4 candles. Koepnens -r an me leading and ex- elusive kinds Iluylora New York rnn,U- urui. Willi- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 mans Philadelphia Can ies, Lowneys Boston Can dles, Taylors 8ororlty Chocolates, the best of everything and some of these will only be found at Koeppens. We have had a, regular 35c nackflirA m,t ... - ' " V. V wi UB for the Holldnv t,j. 4 which we are offering at 4 4 the special price of 25c 4 4 the box. 444444444 KOEPPEN'S "The Drug Store That Serves You Best" And Their New Annex, The Gift Room : 1 V