PAGE THREE. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1909. BAD KIDNEYS OR OTRKI) FOREVER WITH THIS EFFECTIVE PREPARATION IiUMg Rack and DlHtress from Out of Order Kidneys Will Vanlsli A Few Dose of rape's Diuretic Will Make Your Kidneys Act Fine and Cure All Vrlnnry Disorders. $3.60; poor cowb, Z. 00 2.50; bulls, $2.002.75; states, J2. 500-3. 0U, Hokh Best east of the mountains, $8.76j8.85; fancy, $8:65; Blockers, tlS.00; plKR. $6.007.00. Sheep BeBt wethers, 15.255.60; ordinary, $6.00; spring lambs, $.00; straight ewes, $4.75; mixed lots, $4.75 6.00. Calves Bst $5.265.60; ordinary. $3.00 J 4.60. HE WHEAT MARKET KIIARP CUT IN CHICAGO WHEAT FUTURES YESTERDAY - Out of order kidneys act fine and backache or bladder misery Is reliev ed after a few doses of Pape's Diu retic. Pains In the back, sides or loins, rheumatic twinrcs, debilitating head ache, norvouimess, d islness, sleep lessness, Inflamed or swoolen eye lids, wornout fueling and many other symptoms of clogged, Inactive kid neys simply vanish.' , Froquent painful and uncontroll able urination due to a weak or Irri table bladder is promptly overcome. The moment you suspect any kid ney, bladder or urinary disorder, or feel rheumatism com ng, begin tak ing this harmless remedy, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine, at any price, made any where else in the world, which, will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty cent treatcent of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can upply. This unusual preparation goes di rect to the out of order kidneys, bladder and urinary system, clean ing, healing and strengthening these organs and glands and completes the cure before you realize It. A few days" treatment with Pape's Diuretic means clean, active, he<'.iy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs nd you feel fine. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cincinnati, Is a large and responsible medicine concern thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store eny where in the world. Close t 1 1-8 to 1 3-4c Lower Than Day Before After IulUul Drop Caul! Wheut Offered More Freely. Chicago, Dec. 22. Wheat closed 1 1-8 to 1 3-4c a bushel lower after opening 1-2 to 6-8c under yesterday. Liverpool was weak ull day, open ing l-2d lower and closing 1-2 to 7-d under yesterday. Rumors were In circulation here ol a sale of 200,000 bushels of cash wheat over nlisht at 6c over the May. A thorough canvass of leading cash houses disclosed no knowledge of It, and they scout the report. Brokers In cash do .the same, also the one milling concern on the floor this mor nlng. Cash men say the prices Is higher than is asked for no. 2 hard on delivery. Disappointed longs were selling wheat at Kansas City. Cash demand there is poor. One of the best posted and reliable cash houses at St. Louis, working with Nebraska people, say they are or ferlng to sell hard wheat In increased quantities. It is stated that the Minneapolis elevators are not holding more than 500,000 bushels of wheat compared with 1,000,000 bushels held previous to the strike. Little Things Annoy COWS ADVANCE 10 $3.85 IN YARDS PRICE IOC HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS SALES JJexamcthlencetramlne. The above Is the name of a Ger man chemical, which Is one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetet ramlne Is recognized by medical t books and authorities as & uric acid solvent and antlseptlee for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice an irregularities and avoid a serious malady. Koerpen Bros. Cows Which Brought That Price of Ton Quality Big Run . of Hog Dow Not Hurt Market Value Sherr Finn With no Arrival. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock dale, Dec. 22. Another high record was reached In the cattle market at Stockdale during the past 4 hours. when cows sold up to $3.86. This was an advance of 10c over all prevl ous nrlccs for regular runs. The cows that brought this figure were of most excellent quality. The lot eolsisted of It head and averaged ini rwitinila. Several lots were mov ed during the day at $3.50, but these were generally of very light weigni. There was only a fair run of cattle In the yards during the past 24 hours, and this was a wonderful help to the trade. If receipts are lighter, still, It will have a further Influence upon the market. Hogs and Sheep are Firm. ika run gt hMra In thA Stork it line 1 1 1 v. . m v dale yards today wns very liberal; in fact, by far the greatest run for the wpfIc. a ood tone continues In the market for swine and for real good quality prices are being safely main tained. There was no real fancy hogs In the yards for this morning's trad ing, and therefore prices did not range above $8.5 during the sales. All lots reported, went at this value. There were no sheep In the market today, and the few head that arrived yesterday were therefore well taken care of at recently advanced values. Regular Shipments of Goats. Regular shipments of goats are now being made to thu Portland market. Most of the supplies have thus far hern sold for Pugct sound account and have generally brought quite fair values. That the shippers are well satisfied with their returns Is shown by the fact that the same people con tinue to send stock In this direction. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1610 42 65 49 18ns None. A year ago today all lines of live stork were firm at unchanged prices. Thoo Who Supply the Market, Gonts George Kraus of SUverton with Iwa para. Cattle M. R. St. Clair of Idaho Fnlla with three cars; W. I. Plshman f Wniiowa. with five cars Hogs Harvey Blake of Welser, with .ir Pvrmni Tlvlor of St. Johns, Wash., with one car; Llnd & Van Ausdeln, -one car. from HanBon, Idaho, ono car from Buhl, and one car from Mllner, Idaho. F. R. Good ing of Gooding. Idaho, with one'load; R. L. Day of Enterprise, with two loads; W. I. DIshman of Wlllowa, with one load; Gibson & Co. of Wil lows, with two loads; O. H. Jacobsen of Huntington, with one load. Mixed lots W. I. DIshman of Wil lows, one load of cattle, calves and nOR8- The following Is the general range or livestock values In the yards: Rattle Best steers, weighing 1100 ' pounds. $4.75 4.80; medium steers. $4.50; best cows. IS.75flS.S5; fancy heifers. I .1 5 S.8 5 ; medium cows. GeU Tlireo Story Brick. -Kennowick. Wash. Plans are be ing prepared for a handsome three story pressed brick or concrete build- In on the Otto Hanson property, 10 be erected bv the- Kennewlck In vestment company. Ample capital is available for the bu lding. and worn on It will commence soon after tne fir nt the vear. The building will bo 50X1ZD reel. . The lower floor will be used for store ! rooms and for some time to come i will be the best business location in the city. On the second floor com mn,iiniia nffinM for the Investment company wCl! be opened, while the remaining floor space and tne inira fi,,.r will ho used for office purposes. The building will cost not less than $35,000. Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. H. writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney troube of several years stand ing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend t ".KIeppen Bros. Roseburg Dedicates Cirurch. Roseburg, - Ore Roseburg's new Presbyterian church, erected at a cost of $16,000. has been dedtcaiea. mo dedication ceremonies were conduct ed by Dr. J. A. Townsend of Arleta, a former pastor of this church; Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor or tne west minster church of Portland; Rev. W. A. Smlck, the first regular pastor oi the Presbyterian denomination In Roseburg. and Rev. J. E Burkhart, present pastor. Nearly $3300 was nip,irn,i at the time to pay off the re maining indebtedness of the church. After exposure, and when you feel rnminar on. take Foley's Honey and Tar, the great thront and lung remedy. It stops the cougn. relieves the congestion, and expew tne com from your system. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen oron. 1S09 1908 1907 1906 114 58 135 4 646 &&&& or Please Us Little things annoy us the little curl of smoke that, if left alone, would soon smudge the furnishings and make work for the house-wife. There are no annoying little jhings in the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) They've been banished by hard thought and tire'.tss vork. In their stead there are lirtie things that please that make for comfort and satisfaction. The little self-locking Automatic Smokeless Device that actually" prevents smoke the little lock on the inside of the tube that holds the wick in check keeps it below the smoke zone, so ac curately adjusted that it cannot go wrong these are some of the little things that please that have contributed to the name and fame of the Perfection Oil Heater. The most satisfying- heater you can buy always ready easy to manage always dependable quickly cleaned. Brass font holds 4 quarts burns 9 hours. Attractively finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles and finishes. Ery Dealfr Everywhere. If Not At Yours. Write for Tecriptive Circular to' the Nearest Agency o( the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) MUM i llll Mf I I II um'lllM Geiifornia 8 iinfsr Excursion Walla Walla TO Los Angeles and return on Jan. 1 7th, 1910 Soil Much Alfalfa Seed. Ti-oiaor Idaho Kicker & Green have handled about 500,000 pounds nr oifnifn mi within tho past year. The larger portion of the seed was sold outside of the state, i ney uisu , handled a large amount or noma grown timothy seed. : Tho alfalfa seed was purcnasea in , amunts as follows: Vale, 100.000, rounds: Pavette. 60,000 pounds; Ha-, german Valley. 280,000 pounds; Wol- ser, 60,000 pounds. A largo amount , of the timothy seed was purchased from Long valley farmers. $100 Reward. $100. .... . j .i.ia na.kAi will hn nlpasod to learn thst thc-r la st least one diendc.l .llwflH tmit science nas pecn w ; . in all Its stages, and thnt Is rntarrh. Hnll a Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the merilral fraternity, intnrrn ; being 8 constitutional cUbcsso. requires n . constitutional treatment. Hall's Cntarrn Cure tnVin Internally, acting directly iipim ths blood and mucous innncn m m- .) tiin, thereby destroying the founds Hon of the disease, nnd (living the patient strength h hiillriinir no the constitution and asslBt ; lik nature lu doing its' work. The pro iirletoin have so much faith In Its curative . . m m ,1... If ..h.Ima.I nl powers mat mey oner i innnn.-w lara ror any case mm mn w ...i-. ..v.... for list of testimonials. AdilrtRs. ci1KJjKy ft CO., Toledo. O. Bold by PriiKElsts. 75c. Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipa tion. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood ind coal that will burn clean. Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. Calling cards, wedding stationery nnd commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonlan. Do You Know? fl-I have no rent to pay or high priced men. For this reason I can save you from 50 to 100 dollars on a Piano and from 1 0 to 20 dollars on each Sewing Machine. Something new in Player Pianos. Come and hear this wonderful instrument. THIS KATE IXCLCDES RAILROAD TICKET IXR THE ROUND TRIP, AND BERTH IN SLEEPING CAR FOlt THE GOING TltlP. SIDE TRIPS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ITINERARY, AND ALL MEALS FROM THE HOUR OP DEPARTURE MONDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 17, UN TIL ARRIVAL IN LOS ANGELES, 5:30 P. M.. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, ARE ALSO INCLUDED; ALSO TRIP TO RIVERSIDE AND KEDLANDS, OVER THE INSIDE TRACK, MON DAY, JANUARY 24TH. TWO TICK ETS ENTITLES HOLDERS TO A FI LL SECTION. RETURN LIMIT, APRIL 17, J910. STOPOVERS ALLOWED RETURNING. Berth rcservaUons and full Itinerary of the trip can bo bad of your local agent, or R. Burns District Freight and Passenger Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. A deposit of $20.00 will be required on each ticket at time res ervation is made. Tel. Main 83. JESSE FAILING A I HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. 1360 cash or 1560 cash and 85 monthly payments of I13..J1 each or 360 cash and 100 monthly payments of J14.80 each, or $160 cash and 120 monthly payments of US.J1 each. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. 120 II Court m And the Present Will Suit the Receiver A uniaue touch that gives distinction and daintiness to our merchandise is the mark we aimed at and hit when we chose the line of Holiday presents we are showing this week. We carry many exclusive styles of goods you cannot find in other Stores Our suits haven t the ready-made look. Our furnishings for both men and women have that much sought touch of style and exclusiveness that adds grace and dignity to the wearers. Just One More Day and Then Santa CIqus. Have you selected that present yet for "him" or "her"--if not here is a handy directory, any article of which will be sure to please. FOR LADIES! Suits. Coat, Opera Coats, Gloves Furs and Fur Sets, Waists, Hand Bags, Jewelry, Fancy Combs, Handkerchief, Fancy Kimonas and Lounging iRobes FOR MEN Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Fancy Vests, Fancy Suspenders, Coat Sweaters, Silk Shirts, Neckwear, Fancy arm bands, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Silk Handkerchiefs Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Hoping you receive the "Just what I wanted' present we again call your attention to the fact that there remains but one more day in which to Shop. ' HLEXHN D E R Everything for "Him," "Her" and "The Table" s Si !i; It in i s; 1 f J T-