East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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One More Day
and Santa will be here
If you still have any presents to
buy you will find this store better pre
pared to show you large assortments
of desireble presents than any store in
Presents of style and qualityJust
the kind you'll wantWe are
offering exceptional values too oh
Christmas Goods.
All chinaware, plain and fancy
All glut j) are of all kinds, Perca
tors, Chafing dishes, Crockery, Pic
tures of all kinds are all going at
Women's Tailored Suits are going: at HALF
PRICE. Women's Silk and Wol Dreeweti. The most
bpautiful creationH you rwr saw. stylish and
up-to-date. Just the thin? 'r n present.
Men's Bath Robes
Lounging Robes and Smoking Jackets are
Krently reduced for Christmas. They are al
ways greatly appreciated as Christmas gifts.
All Men's and Boys' Clothing
(Nothing could possibly be betted for a gift
than a nice new suit.)
All greatly reduced. Every garment Is a
All Men's and Boys' Overcoats
are going at ridiculously low prices. You can't
help buying when you see the prices. j
New Neckwear for the Women
Our Neckwear is exceptionally good and new
and thoroughly complete. Every new style is
rcpresonted In our stock . . . .25c to 85.00 each
Women's Gtczn
We always make It a point to nave -actly
the KlUHT THING in gloves. The new colors,
all the new little kinks that gives style and
quality always $1.00 to $1.50 per pair
A more suitable Christmas gift could not b(
l'i;itid anj'where.
EveiyfliKii- for lien, Women and Children
! to wear and eat.
Will pay to
Bearer Dollars
In Merchandise.
Pendleton, Oregon
When in doubt what to give, buy one of our
Merchandise Certificates. The one to whom
you give It can come here and choose exactly
what he or she wants. Certificates can be
made for any amount.
This store will be closed all day Christmas
Saturday, Dec, 25.
Don't Fail to visit
our toy land. It's the delight of every child
in this town. Lots of new mechanical toys,
card kames, animals, engines and train, etc.
Prices are very moderate.
ThePeoples Warehouse
Washington Southern Telephone
Company Organised in Spokane
Consolidates Montana Independent,
The Home mid the Interstate Com-ponies.
Spokane, WaShl. Washington
Southern Telephone company has
been organized in Spokane with a
capitalization of $100,000 to merge
the interests of the Montana Inde
pendent, Tho Home and the Inter
state companies, with through con
nect on Into St. Paul and traffic ar
rangemenls with all Independent tel
egraph and telephone lines out of
Salt Lake City. Towns In British Co
lumbia and Oregon will be connect
ed under the new system. The offi
cer? tire: President, Charles R.
CuKhman of Spokane; vice president
and secretary, Charles M. Cooley of
Aberdeen, S. D.; treasurer, D. W.
Cuchman; directors, Lewis V. Gray
and Clarence M. Thomas. The exec
utlve offices w 11 be In the Llndelle
building, Spokane, with exchange of-
I flees at Harrington, Wash. The com
I pany has terminals at Portlanft-and
other cities on the Pacific coast.
Tho company will work directly
I west and south, connecting with Pa
i co, theneo with c ties along- the Co-
j lumbia river tnto North Yakima,
through Ellensburg and directly west,
connecting with the Everett Inde
pendent l.nes operating eastward out
of Everett, Wash. Bntlnh Columbia
nnd Orepon town w'll be connected
by this p'.an.
That the new company, In conjunc
t'on with the Independent lines of
Montana, Idaho and Washington, now
combined an tho Montana Intorstato
Telephone and Telegraph company,
Is to be a factor In tho merging of
j all Independent lines in the country
I is suld to be evident in the arrange
I ments with lines running east out of
I Montana. A thorough connection,
with the except on of 20 miles In
Montana, has been made with St.
Paul. All Independent lines operat-
Ing westward out of Salt Lake City
have consolidated with the Washing
j ton Southern company. Negotiations
I for further consolidation with lines
I rearhlng to all parts of tho country
I are heing planned by tho subord nate
organisations In the merger with the
controlling service vested in the con
i soiidated Home, Interstate and Mon
tana independent companies center
ing In Spokane.
According to the contracts with the
triuno consolidation, the Washington
Southern Telephone company has 1 fe
l contract to connect as many linos as
it can get Into Spokane with the lines
of the Independent companies In
Spokane. The connect'ons will be
made at the western limits of Spo
A contract has also been made
I with the Postal Telegraph company
I for an exchange of service. The tele
I graph company will use the tele-
plionn exchanges for telegraph offi
! ces and a reciprocal arrangement Is
to be made with tho Postal company
! for telegrnph service.
The object of the Washington
i Southern company Is to bu'ld up
i western Washington and northern
I Oregon. The Montana Independent,
i the Home, and the Interstate Telc-
phone companies effected a consoli
dation two months ago.
Do You Get Up
With a Lame Back?
Kidney Trouble Hakes Tou Miserable,
Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver an
uiauuer rcmeay, De
li cause of its remark
II able health restoring
II properties. Swamp-
fHl every wish in over
iftri rt coniniL' rheumatism.
, win in the back, kid-
r"Qak.j and every part of th
urinary pwmiigc.
corrects inability to
hold water and scalding-pain in pastiiufrit,
or bad effects following use of liquor, wiuo
or beer, and overcomes thut unpleasant,
necessity of Ih-miijj compelled to go often
through the day, and to get up mau
times during the night.
Swamp-Root is not recommended for
everything but if you have kidney, liver
or bladder trouble, it will be found just
the remedy you need. It lias been thor
oughly tested in private practice, and hat
proved so successful that a special ar
rangement has been made by which all
readers of this aper, who huve not al
ready tried it, may have a sample bottle
sent free by mail, also a book tellum
more about bwainp-Kooi, ami now
IiiiUoutu you nave iciu
nc v or bladder trouble.
When writingmentioti f::Kj.! jE.Te:
renilinir this ecncroiis I t!"Ilu
offer in this paper and f ijKHMjKga:'
send vour address tolZZ&XjJ
Dr. Kilmer & Co., n,. .io.Hm.
Binghamton, N. Y. The retmlnr fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles are sold by
all druggists. Don't make any mistake
but remember the nnmc, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the sd
dress, Biughumton, N. Y.,on every bottle.
The Grand Theatre
Pendleton's Home of Amusement
Refined Moving Pictures
and Musical Comedy
Complete Change of Programme
Admission 15c and 25c Matinees 10c and 15c
Spokane, Wash. E. J. Halley, a
hermit In the Blacktall district, In
North Idaho, for 11 years, has been
adjudged Insane at Sandpolnt and sent
to the Oroflno asylum.
Halley's family was descended from
ancestors of Astronomer Halley of the
Halley comet fame, and Halley him
self has studied Incessantly along these
lines and was much Interested In the
approach of the comet.
Last winter lie put In all his spare
time making a telescope. He mount
ed a lense he ground himself and only
to intimate friends did h exhibit his
As a result of pouring over his
books, Halley became Insane. When
brought before Judge Randelln, Hal
ley said that he wa. receiving "wlre
Iihs messages from God." Halley Is
a scion of a rich Chicago family.
Our New Stock Just Opened
New lino canned goods new crop nuts and fruits In season Holl
iny candles everything In vegetables.
Dressed poultry, not only Saturdays, but every day.
Phone Main 5S6.
Prompt Delivery.
The Correct Time,
to stop a cough or cold Is Just as soon
as it starts then there will be no
danger of pneumonia or consumption.
JuBt a few doses of Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup taken at the start will
stop the cough. If It has been run
ning for sometime the treatment will
be longer, but the cure Is sure. A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
Moscow, Idaho. For years the var
ied and prolific agricultural resources
and products of Washington, Oregon
and Idaho have been sung by the var
ious railways and other argencles.
This region Is also known for its many
conventions and fairs, tending also to
the enlightenment of outsiders. It bo
happened recently that an enterprising
merchant of Moscow determined to
have a little fair of his own, and In so
doing he supplied Irrefutable proofs
of the facts that the railways have
been claiming.
.This particular exhibit was equal to
a county fair. The particular feature
of It was an exhibit shown from a
single farm of 160 acres of 118 dis
tinct varieties of products. Here Is the
Corn, castor beans, buckwheat,
pears, pumpkins, celery, sweet pota
toes,' cauliflower, ogra, cherries, beets,
parsnips, timothy, clover, flowers,
melons, parsley, popcorn, caraway,
peppers, peaches, squash, cucumbers,
onions, cabbage, plums, tomatoes, po
tatoes, rutabaga, alfalfa, oats, flower
bulbs, peas, tol acco, sweet corn, flax,
apples, grapes, rhubarb, beans, salsi
fy, asparagus, prunes, carrots, turnips,
sage, wheat, grass.
Special sale for this month only
of all sewing machines for cash. I
can sell you a first class machine for
$18, warranted for 20 years. Agent
for the celebrated Free machine and
all other leading makes. Jesse Failing.
$40,000 Prize For Poor. .
Paris. Baron d'Estournelle de Con
stant, who was awarded one of the
Noble prizes recently, has given the
amount of the prize, $40,000, to the
Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best for
women and children. Its mild action
and pleasant taste make It preferable
to violent purgatives, such as pills,
tablets, etc. Cures constipation.
Koeppen Bros.
' Nearly all Linn county school dis
tricts show a large percentage of In
crease In school children over a year
(Special Correspondence.)
cho. Ore., Dec. 22. Umatilla
Lodge No. 40, A. F. & A. M., has
elected and Installed the following of
ficers for the ensuing Masonic year:
W. M., Otis McCarty; S. W., F. R.
Dorn; J. W., W. A. Thomas; treas
urer, L. Scholl, Jr.; secretary, R. B.
Stanfield; tyler, Wm. McCarty.
The Echo orchestra furnished the
music Monday night for the dance at
Stanfield. Fifty couples were in at
tendance and a good time was en
Joyed by all.
R. R. LewU came up butt night
from his Hermlston ranch and spent
the day here, and went to Pendleton
this evening, where he will spend the
holidays with his family.
Edward R. Taylor of Hermlston,
attorney for the reclamation serv'ce,
rode, ud from that place on horse
back this evening to attend to some
business here.
The freezing weather the past fow
days has temporarily suspended work
on the new school house.
Born, today, to the wife of Jas.
Meador ,a ten pound boy. Mother
and child doing well. Dr. F. R. Dorn
was tho attending physician.
I. W. Durel visited Stanfield Mon
day on business.
Will Moore of Pendleton, general
manager for the Pacific Coast liJleva
tor company, made Echo a short bus
iness visit yesterday. '
Stung for 15 Years
by indigestion's pangs trying many
doctors and $200 worth of medicine
In vain, O. F. Ayscue of Inglcstdo, N.
C, at last used Dr. King's New Life
Pills and writes they wholly cured
him. They cure constipation, bil
iousness, sick headache, stomach, liv
er, kidney and bowel troubles. 25c
at Tallman & Co.
Big Game at the Pastime Show To
night. A big fat turkey will be given away
at the Pastime tonight, which prom
ises some amusement In edition to the
regular program. Mr. Matlock Is al
ways in the lead with something new
to please his pations.
Is Here
Butter sure that cold befors
it Is too late.
cold capsuls will knock the
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallmai. & Co.
Leading Druggists of . East urn
Oeorge Grey broke his log yester
day kicking because he couldn't get
Folger's Oolden Oate Coffee.
What Could
You Give
your son or daughter for a
Christmas present that would Le
more appreciated In later years
than a course In tho Pendleton
Business College? Our mothods
are modern and thorough.
Special rates now being offered.
Pendleton Business
Telephone Main 14$, for particulars.
M$W$MHMfe " MV
f If
Tonics that make them lay.
Alfalfa Meal.
Bone, Shell ana Grit,
Insect Destroyer.
Conkpy New Line
127-129 E. Alta
Dally Bast Oregon Ian by
only IS cents per week.