EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION SBBESBUGJf E f ISSi WEATHER REPORT Bnow (onight and to morrow. Calling cards, wad ding stationery, com mercial stationery and job printing to order at the East Oregon lan COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 22. PENDLETON, OKE(iON, MONDAY, DECE'MKETl 20, 1909. NO.' 0776 ml FRAUD QUEEN . ; HERE AGAIN : Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, Alias!, , n n aij MaUd baney, UCCUpieS Uldl. ' quarters in Jan. i WAS ACQUITTED OP CHARGE IS SEATTLE Deputy Sheriff Joo Blakcley Arrived With Shrewd Swindling Female Yesterday Wun Paroled Hero Five Years Ago and May Have to Serve old Sentence in IV-rdtentlary Law yers Doubt Legality of Her Detention. For the second time In the history ' declared today If Welsh wants to of her career of crime and fraud, I tlKht It must be for 45 rounds or to . u ft finish. If Welsh refuses to ac- Mary Myrtle Johnson or Mrs. Maud cpt tneM condltlon8 the Dane says Baney, Is again behind the bars of he wlll Ktve Ad Wolgast a fight, the Umatilla county Jail. Acquitted rackey McFarland is out entirely so by a Seattle Jury, after a deliberation ' far concerned. Several days ago John Robinson, Nelsons of six hours, of the charge of defraud- mfnager announccd he had ac. Ing the Seattle General Electric Co. CPptej terms for a 20 round fight be of $800 by means of a fake dam- tween the Battler and Welsh to take age suit. Mrs. Johnson waa Immedl- P'"- In London next February. ately turned over to Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley of this city. Her at torneys at first declared they would resist her extradition but later chang ed their minds and In company with the Pendleton officer she arrived In this city yesterday noon on the North- ' em Pacific train. . Under the name of Maud Baney she appeared in Pendleton five years ' ngo in company with a man sup posed to be her husband and another man by the name of Hlekcnschmldt. She proceeded to pass forged checks on Lee Tcutsch, Joe Tallnian and R. Alexander but before she could make '. her get-a-wuy was nprohended' and arrested. While In Jail she feigned an attack of tuberculosis, hail "hemnr hages.'' dislocated bones and various othes alleged afflictions until she ap- peared to be about to "pass In her George l'cchlcr. the 13-year-uld cheeks." She was finully permitted son of Mr. nn 1 Mrs. David Pcebbr t.i plead guilty to a charge nf uttering u,,, ,.,!,,. on tht. corner of Marki-t a forged evidence of debt and was , ,, , . , . h . . ' ' street and Perkins Avenue, is the vlc paroled dining good behavior and on condition that she did not leave the endlclon's first i casting uc- slate. It was for violations of both rldent of the season. As the result the conditions of this parole that she l)f ,uml,i0 taken by him yesterday ; ,m,j ,,;lt many details were lost when was returned to this city for resent- morning be Is now lying at the bos-!,, WUJ, enlarged for use as a picture enclng to the penitentiary. pit.il with his leg broken Just above ! slide, speaking of the Brooklyn ex As a great amount of time has el- ,)10 k,,r,. j t,IrJrt r:isher said: 'When Cook opsed since she was paroled there Is In company with several other boys i i, , tmvd n this city he was asked doubt in the minds of many lawyer u. Injured lad was coasting on Oai - j x )1;lt .sextant he had used in making as to whether or not she can be Jailed ri l.l street yesterday morning. It 's , n s observations and replied: 'I can under the old sentence. She Is being rather a dangerous place to coast foi I n,n reniemlier.' Tlrs was a peculiar represented here by Judge James A. , the reason that the walk is narrow I form of forgetfulness." Fee and he will maKo an eirori in show that the local court has no Juris diction over her at this time. There Is another warrant of arrest out for the woman and If she Is turned loose here she will 'mmcdlntely be taken In custody an, 1 taken to Van-j eouver, Washington, where she will be tried on the charge 01 omaining I12r.n fraudulently from the North ern Pacific company by reason of an alleged accident which nceured at Yaeolt, last spring. The trial of Mrs. Johnson which ended Faturday In Seattle, attracted much attention throughout the coun try on account of the evidence intro duced bv the state to show Hint the woman bad defrauded several railroad companies In the states of the middle west by means of fake damage suits. When the verdict of acquittal was read.Mis. Johnson wept. EB Captain C. W. Dulton, national or gnn'xer for th" Order of Good Tem plars, who has been in tho city for nearly a week, declared to a represen tative of the East ' Oregon an this morning that he Is going forth throughout the northwest and pub licly refute the base slanders which bavo been circulated concerning Pen dleton. He -said that all through Washington the basest kind of lies have been circulated concerning th s city by Hie saloon people in nn ef fort to keep their owl. communities wet and that ho came to Pendleton fully expecting to find plenty of va cant store rooms, in one of which he expected to open up headquarters to carry on his work for the order which hu represents. Ho declared this morning that in all his travels he had never been in a town where there wer better hotel accommodations, where the hotels were better patronized or where such excellent living was to bo obtained at such reasonable prices ns were to lie obtained In the restaurants of this WILL DENOUNCE PENDLETON S FA TAL HACK WAR IX liOCJSIAXA. Grand Cane, La., Dun. 20. Three men are dead "and six seriously wounded as the result of a desperate battle between parties of white men- and ne groes near this city early today. Troops have been sum moned to guard aga'nst another outbreak of the trouble which started when John Allen, a white farmer, accused Belle Bower, a negro, of stealing his hogs. Bower and, his brother-in-law resented the accusation In-law resented tne accusation ad opened fire on the white man. Bower and hiB kinsman were Instantly killed when Al ien and ft. party of friends re turned the fire. Allen was f a-' tally Injured and died an hour I . v .-u i later. Otner negroes una j who were drawn Into the fight continued the battle for an hour. The six wounded were negrum. RATTLING NELSON GIVES HIS ULTIMATUM TO WELSH Chicago. Dec. 20 Kvlrtently real izing that to engage In a twenty round fight with Freddie Welsh, the British lightweight champion w6uld place his title In Jeopardy, Battling Nelson BOY BREAKS LEG 1 ' GEORGE PEEHLER'S SLED CRASHES INTO THEF- ' I First Accident of Col.i SoiiKon Boys Pittsburg, Dec. 20. That Dr. Fred Were Sliding on Garfield Street ; erlek Cook; the Brooklyn explorer. Sled Hew Track uml Roy Was "faK,;,,1" ?M th "S I he claimed he planted at the north Hurled Against Tree Now In Hos- j ,,hargPd t0(lav by Dr. John pital. a. Prashcr. astronomer of the Uni- ; vcrsity of Pittsburg. Hud the flag nnd Is lined with trees and with stakes which have been set for the grading ! of the street. j Several boys were coasting down , the hill, one behind the other, when I the cap from the boy in front of j p, ebbr flew off and landed on the i walk so that when the hitter's sled ' runner struck It. the sled swerved to one side, struck one of the grade j stakes and hurled tne uoy against i a tree. Dr. C. J. Smith happened to be standing near when the accident or cr.red. He quickly picked the In jured boy up and took him home and then discovering the serious na ture of the fracture, had him remov or ine rrnciure, una mm remov- , to the hospital where the Injury ; ed could be better attended to. The I doctor says It wlll require care to ! prevent a stiffening of the knee point las' a result of the injury. elty. ' . ' Ho visited the schools of the ciiy and pronounced them the equal of any to be found in any other city or town in either Washington or Ore gon, while he insisted that the busi ness houses would compare wlih those of any city In the northwest. lie says that instead of beinj ready for the sexton, rfh.tt Pen diet n has every appearance of being a progres sive, up to date hustling e.iy with prosperity in. evident e evcrywiu iv He said that though he had been in the city since last Tuesday that he had only sotn one tnloxlcaN-1 man on the street in lliat,t me. That nun was seen yesterday. Captain Dutton leaves tomorrow for North Yakima and he will then con tinue his tour of the northwest. He was loud in his praise of the treat ment he hud, been accorded in this city as well as the conditions pre vailing here and he declared, that he would publicly denounce from every public platform on which he speaks, tho lies which have been and are be ing circulated concerning thTs'city. H T s Committee Investigating' Dr. Cock's Data Would With draw Graceluliy. REPORT MAY HE XEITUEK FAVORABLE XOR ADVERSE Member of Faculty of University of Copenhagen Believes Such Course Will Be Adopted Professors Eni barraMiod Because of Former Championship of Explore Data Is Very Incomplete Brooklyn Doctor's Presence Will Xot He Required. Copenhagen, Dec. 20. That the committee Investigating the polar data of Dr. Frederick A. Cook will return a report neither favoring nor averse to the claims of the explorer, was the prediction today by a mem ber of the faculty of the University of Copenhagen who is cognizant of the deliberations of the committee. The savants of the Danish university who are serving on the committee are said to be deeply embarrassed by their former -championship of Dr. Cook coupled with their inability to find anything approaching acceptable proof of his reDorts. and are casting about for a way to retire gracefully ' from the controversy. , Rumors I tiov.. lonlrer from thp committee room that the d:-a submitted by the Brooklyn explorer is so incomplete that Cook's presence before the com mittee would not aid its work, and he will not he asked to appear. Says CK)k"s Picture Iss Faked been planted at the pole. Brasher de clared, it would have cast a long shad ow, as the sun at that t me was at an . i.'Vjjtb n of eight degrees Cook's picture, he charged, showed no shall ow. i iie explorer explained this by stat ing that the picture was taken small Dr l.ira.shcr does not believe that ,.jt h,-r Cook or Peary will be able to ,,r,,ve Mey reached the pole. i nKUWS PEPPER IN WOMAN'S -:viis AND SNATCHES PI RSE . svattle Deo. 20. Mrs. Daniel Fuhr- w f of a well known tailor of (his (,(y wns seVf.rciy and perhaps seriously injured today by a man wno gave his name as R. D. Hardy, who after throwing pepper Into her eyes, snatched the w oman's .handbag w hich contained J50T and fled. Hardy ran Into I.. B. Keane, a .mail carrier. Winn the latter tried to stop him he (lVc two shois at the postman irom r,.Volver. Neither shot took ef fect. Keane grappled with the rob ber and hell l, m until a man in the vicinity rushed up and overpowered him. Hardy was takeiT to the city Jail. Rl.l'l 111. If ANS WILL IGNORE HlTCllCOCli Washington. Dee. here today flat the" i rngre"-.- .. iii t'- crel.-.ry l:clliiifi r by Uilehi oe of Nebraska it is believed republicans :n at:a k against Ki'MCsrinative late last week II (lie ;1,mu ol' the nouse. The publicans d' lno, i a i i faeliol; l.olt of 11 I'. VltON! declare his speech is merely r- rampan;n material, and not. gic Wcroocrals the sat ; oni;t t . siona i invesii;;a ; ' , i 1,'s ,m usa tion. S V WGMAX WILL Nor I I I Ni Ilv)-.L FI NER 1. ltrus-el Vauglvm I . .'...',11 i'.iri, r c-Mos thai P riel io in ral of vie. to v!,. , Dee. 20.- Baroness b 't- livu'-se's tills afternoon court. Fien h chateau, near 'hi- m e apparently indi- . In. Iti ! 'i h-i ti , 1 , til ,1.1 hei- n ntion of attending the fu-I tile l.ue King Leopold to' ( vv.is uiaiiie l n Italy. ! Pi-.iiDK'l F.! THAT WALLA WALLA GOES WET AGAIN Walla Waiia, Dee. 20. Early pre dictions this noon based on the heavy niorn'n;; vote indicates the town will remain wet by about S00. Both sides are claiming victory, but it Is believed that the wets have won. There is In tense excitement on the streets and three hours after the polls opened at ! o'clock half of the 4 2:1 reclstercd voles were east. T IN MEETS I OPPOSITION Senate Confirms Appointment of Tennessee Judge taFeck ham's Place. SEVERAL NOMINATION'S FOR AMBASSADORS FILED Bacon for France Ktrens for Austria Hungary,. Wilson for Mexico Oth er Nominations Made John C. A.rdrcy of Portland Nominated for ttecelver of Public Moneys Con gress Will Xot Settle Down Until .jftcr Holidays. Washington, Dec. 20. The senate today confirmed the appointment of Hoi-ace S. Lurton of Tennessee as as sociate Justice of the United States supreme court. Lurton was recom mended by President Taft to succeed the late Justice Peckham. The nominations of Robert Bacon of New York as ambassador to France, Richard Kerens of Missouri, ambassador to Austria-Hungary, Hungary, Henry Lane Wilson of Washington as ambassador to Mex ico were sent to the senate for con firmation today. Other nominations sent to the sen ate today , were as follows: Receiver of bubl e moneys. Oliver R. Wrobin sonf of Los Angeles, and John C. Ar drey of Portland, Oregon. Registrar of land office, Frank Burns of Los Angeles. The appointment of the following postmasters was recom mended. At Arlington, Ore., Arthur Wheelhouse; at Sumpter, Ore., Harvey S Ruck. With probably less than a quorum ofeither house in th city, all legis latffn In congress In the next two days will be by common consent. - The house will undertake nothing more th:'n the. passage of some m'nor bills :nd the completion of Its work -on the district of Columbia appropriation bill, which already has been under consideration for two or three days. It has been hoped that the army supply bill might be taken up and dis posed' of before the adjournment but t!;;t program has ben abandoned in the face of the departure of so many numbers. : FIVE PERISH IN RIG ' LONDON STORE FIRE London. Dec. 20. Five persons are dead, and 50 in the hospitals suffer ing from injuries and many are missing- a the result of a fire that de stroyed the great Arding-Hobbs store in Chnuman suburbs at noon today. Three hundred persons were "n the store wlnn the fire started. A scone of confusion bordering upon-a panic ensued when fcores of shoppers and clerks rushed for the lift and stairs. Several clerks and patrons leaped from the third and fourth story windows to the pavement. Oth ers jumped from the interior balcony to the main floor, which was already 1'urn'ng fiercely. Within an hour af ter the fire was discovered, the great dome collapsed, covering adjoining stores with a mass of burning debris. TWENTY-SEVEN PERISH WHEN BRIDGE COLLAPSES ft". Petersburg, Dec. 20. Twenty seven persons were drowned by the cidiupo of a wooden br'dn across the l'rp'.t river at the village of Mosyr in Minsk prov'nee. according to today's reports. A crowd of v.-orkingmen and women were cross ing the bridge en route to beg'n a .'ay's toil when the structure went to pieces. The victims fell into the river which was f lle.l w"lb great blocks of '. inak ng n-sctie impossible. I v. EALTRY LADIES ASSUME CONTROL OF STRIKE New York, Dee. 20. Mrs. Oliver it. 1. Belmont and Mw Anna Morgan, daughter of J. P'.crpont Morgan, to day assumed active control of the slr ke of shin waist makers, and it is announced that they are preparing : li re lawyers t defend any strikers v, ho n ay be arrested, an.l make a test case upon tho first opportunity. U this is done it wl'.l be tho f rst in stance on record that the fight of the police to arrest strike pickets has been tested. i ! Nt t ! !.'!: K '!; E SAYS BUDGET WILL BE PASSED London, Dee. 20. Chancellor David Lloyd t;eof:e. ruthor of the British budget today gave out the following 1'liristmas message to" the I'nlted States. "The budget is gaining in popularity at an 01101-111011 rate. The outlook for victory in January's elec tions s -more sanguine daily an! there is no possibility of the budget being defeated. Purns Is to have a Masonic temple and a big new store building. THREE LITTLE TOTS DIE IN FLAMES Chicago, Dec. 20. Mary, aged 6, Charles aged 4. Jand James aged 2, children of John Paromia, were burned to death at trjeir home early today while the little girl was attempting to get breakfast for her parents. Paromia and his wife arose early this morning and went to a shed in the rear of the home to butcher a cow, and fifteen minutes later the woman saw smoke pouring from the kitch en, and rushed to the house. Stretched lifeless on the floor, their little bod'es seared, and shriveled lay the two younger children. Mary lay at their side. As the mother entered the room she raised herself and gasped: "I was getting breakfast for you, mama." In a few minutes she was dead. SAYS STATX GAVE LEOPOLD ROYAL WELCOME North Attleboro, Mass., Dec. 20. "Who In Hell is Leopold," was the title of a sermon delivered by Rev. Hazen Conklin of the First Univer salis! church of this city that is caus ing an unusual commotion today. From the pulpit Dr. Conklin pictured the late king as a worthy being for "satan's successor In the Infernal re gions." He said: "Personally I doubt the existence of a hell but granting one exists Leopold must have receiv ed a royal welcome. While on earth he out sataned Satan. For his rec ord even Satan must feel the deepest ' . envy. NARROWLY ESCAPE CLAWS OF COUGAR HORSE'S SPEED SAVES COLD SPRINGS RESIDENT Huge Cat Sprang at Man While Rid ing Along Horse Sustained Severe Scratches First Time Cougar Has Rcii Seen There. August Zeuske, the well-known re tired 'farmer who returned this morn ng from a visit to the Cold Springs section of the county, is authority for the statement that a cougar attacked a man near Cold Springs Saturday evening and that the man escaped only by the speed of his horse. He gives the name of the near victim as Walter Mosler and says that he was a very badly frightened man. even after he had left the cougar far In the rear and had arrived safely at the settlement.. The man si said to have escaped unlnqjurcd, but the horse is suffer ing fiom several" bad scratches wh'ch he received when the big cat made a leap at his rider. As Is well known, this section of the county is several miles from the mountains or any timber with the ex ception of an occasional dwarfed Jun per. The settlers are therefore at a loss to account for his presence. Wild cats have been seen frequently about the bluffs in that vicinity, but this is tho first time a cougar's pres ence has even been reported. It is believed that the exceptionally cold winter and heavy snow- has driven the animal down from the mountains. j Harold Warner arrived from Eu i gene where he is in attendance at the j university of Oregon. He w ill spend .Christinas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Warner. iLLEGED DAD " CHECK ARTISTS - iDBnr onrn m e p tv i ilLllLliULU i III1J UN I Two men and a woman were rtr nsted In Pendleton Saturday after noon by Deputy Slier ft" Pert Wilson en advice of Sheriff Levi Chrism. in of The Dalles. They narrowly escaped spending a night in the Cniatil'a county Jail by the mother of tlv wo rn in. who 1 ves ill Jcscph coming t the resell., and puiting up through the bank in that city, th,,- $200 ne c ssary t insure the appear nice of the tr'.o 11 the 1 ourt at The Dalles. Ti.os arrested were J. F. Lee, Ag ues i.est',. i.e.- and N. E. Crowe. Th. first named are man and wife, hav ing been married .11 Joseph but a few weeks ago. Crowe is associated with Lee In soiic'ting insurance. According to a message from The Dalles, the trio are charged w th ob ta'n'ng money under false pretends Lee was arrested at Shaniko Thursday at the instance of the sheriff of Cn on county for the same offense. He wis accompanied to The Dalles by the woman and a man professing to be N. E. Crowe, of Portland, general agent for O-egen of the Continental Life In LE TRAIN T CANYON Thirty Eight 0. R & N. Cars Crash Down Mountain S'dfi to Destruction. SPECTACULAR. WRECK OCCURS NEAR MEACHAM Engine Left Train at Kamela to Take on Coal When Train Got Underway and Dashed Down Steep Grade at Maddening Spcl Thirty Eight Cars Piled op In lis vine No One Killed as Far a Ascer tained. An entire O. R. & X. freight train is piled In a canyon four miles this side of Meacham as the result of one of the most spectacular and peculiar wrecks in the history of the O. R. A X. railroad. Without an engine the train of 3$ heavily loaded cars left the Kamela station on the very sumit of the Blue mountains and started on a wild dash down the mountain while the engine was taking on coal at the bunkers. The telegraph wires are -all down and the few details of the extraordinary disaster has been ob tained by telephone. As near as can be ascertained how ever there was no one on the train ; and no one was killed or injured. ! though the ?irst report which reach- ed this city was to the effect that ' there were forty Greeks on the train and that all were killed. It is now i believed that this report was false. The train which' was .wrecked was an extra westbound freight It pulled into Kamela about 10 o'clock and the engine was Immediately cut off and run back to one side to the I hunkers to take on coal. Hardly had the work of loading the coal com- menced before the train started off dow n the mountain. The grade at that point and all the way in this direc tion is steep so that the further the train went the faster It ran until the runaway cars had attained a speed , which was greater than that of the fastest express train. They passed through Kamela with a rumble and roar which was heard for miles and which struck terror to the 'hearts of all who heard it. The engineless runaway train man aged to keep the rails alright until the first of the sharp curves this side of Meacham was reached when th head car is said to have Jumped the track and started off down the moun tain side, followed by the other 37. All are now piled in- hopeless confusion j while the tracks are torn up and wires are down. Working trains are being hurried from The Dalles and from the east end of the line but it will probably be several hours before the debris is cleared away. All of last night's i trains w ith the exception of No. 9 and all of today's trains are the oth- 1 er side of the wreck and will not ; reach this city for many hours. KILLS HIMSELF FROM BlTTEll DISAPPOINTMENT Taeoma. Dec. 20. Because he found himself financially unable to purchase a wedding present for hrs daughter, who was married a week ngo. is the reason assigned today by friends for the suicide of E. A. Ol son, a former Taooma tailor, who hung himself at Eatonville. surance company. After making good an alleged worthless check, Lee was released from custody by consent of the t'n'on county officials. Before leaving Shaniko Deputy Sheriff Howell ndorsed a cheek sign ed by Lee. drawn en a Joseph, (ire., bank for $:0. The officer says ho was indued to Indorse tho ch.-.-k by Crowe who he says, is a brother lodge mem ber. A short time before word was received trm Joseph that 1 '.;-.. check was worthless Lee and his conr;.iui"i-,s eiftded the ofl'ie. im and left the city, but Were soon appr. hen led An al leged worthless chock for $j0. sign ed by the woman, is in the piises'.n of Sheriff Chrhman. The impress on seems to prevail ,n The Dalles th it botb the woman and Crowe r.ro Innocent of any wrong . do'ng but the hand of susp'cion is be g'nning to p.-lnt strongly toward Lee The couple wer? hold at the court house Saturday evening unit ' o'clock before arrangements were finally made by telephone whereby the trio Were given their temporal y Htierty.