-J PAGK EIGHT. At the sign of the Lower Prices L INDIANS CELEBRATE WITH HOLIDAY SPIRIT To TIictii Commissioner Valentine Is Santa Clans Children and Old Polks Given Christmas Dinner and HeartH Are Made Glad With Pres ents. Washington. Several thousand Indian children throughout this country ere awaiting the coming of Christmas Pay with just as much ea gerness and anticipation as the aver age American youngster. . for there is really a Su'ita Claus that brings joy to their hearts. Tbo Indian children belleva In Vjr'la Krin gt, bUt tli'-i' uu not know that he lives at the North Pole. They think he lives in Washington that he s. in fhort. Commissioner of Indian Af fairs Valentine. And backed up by a paternal government that wants the children of Poor Lo to have all the advantages of civilization At all the Indian reservations, Christmas day is observed faithfully. There s always a big holiday dinner to which the grown-ups are invited as well as the chldren. The invita tions are supplemented with a cake of soap. In this topsy turvy land it is the parents who eat with their fin ger and the children who are well behaved so that the youngsters eat f'rst and their seniors wait for second table. Some of them, preferring to eat at home, bring sacks into which they dump turkey, cranberry, rice and dessert. If there is coffee, they pour thai in too, on top of the other food. When the weather is good the chil dren who. during the winter reside at the school are allowed to go home for a vacation after the dinner. If they are kept in school, close watch is maintained, for of all things these children love their ponies. of all places their hills, and of all games, "hookey." In this their parents aid them by hitching a pony near the school yard. Suddenly a. pupil Is miss ing. He has galloped off and a week's hunt will be needed to locate the truant. The Indians are mon.l of present giving. At the TongU'- river reserva tion In Montana, at on- time, a sis ter of Sitting Bull was the guest of honor. Desirous of showing their appreciation the Indians, after many fine speeches, brought In her pres ent. It was a dog. That evening, she entertained them at dinner, and they all M d they greatly relished the dog tew. In Phoenix, Arizona, there Is a school of 700 children. Here it Is very different from the Montana school. Lining up on Chirstmas morning they march solemnly Into a v V V v V V V V Everybody will be stirring, in spite of the fact that the poet has said no one moves, not even a juoiwc. The folks will be stirring around, filling up stockings and socks, and you know the holiday season is never complete unless one gives and receives something really worth while. Volumes of love lyrics and pictures of pretty maidens are all right at times, but for the men LET US SUGGEST Gloves, Suspenders, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Garters, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Collar Bags, Tajamas, Night Hoi., Umbrellas, Suit cases, Grips, Hosiery, Shirts, Underwear, Smoking Jackets, Pendleton Indian Robes, Dress Waistcoats, Fancy Waistcoats, Overcoats, Omvenottt,, Sweater Coats, Suits, Trousers in short, everything men wear including shoes. THE HOME OF COLLEGE BRAND SMART CLOTHES, GORDON HATS AND HANAN SHOKS. "The swellest thing on earth is the Pleasure of Pleasing" We want to please you, and can. If you will call at our store we will take great delight in big room with walls covered with palms, pepper tree branches and the cru"ifixon thorn, a prototype of the plant n Palestine. In the center stands a mesqu'te or perhaps a palo verde tree whose natural beauty of green leaves and red berries Is en hanced with ribbons, pop-corn, candy canes and presents. At dinner the children are divided into tables of t-n eht little ones and two big ones, to restrain the youngsters to as few squeals of ecstacy as is possible even for little Indians at Chr'stmas dinner. After the dinner come foot races with prifs and ring games for the wee ones. Then the big event of the dr-y, the rabbit hunt. All the boys spread out over the desert In a circle. Stealthily they close In until one spfcis a rabbit. Then it Is pell-mell, dash pna scamper, for the rabbit must be caught In the hands. If Bre'r Bun ny i.; run down, he forms the piece de resistnnce of the evening supper. ( II A LLEXG ES HEX XETT. Edward I'liHrlo Dares Him to Duel and Editor Refer Mini to Police. Paris. James Gordon Bennett of the New York Herald was challenged to fight a duel last week with swords, automatic revolvers or anything else he wanted. Mr. Bennett since the choice of weapons was left to him chose a policeman. The challenger was Edward Furgie, well known as a life insurance agent. Furgie Is nn American who has lived thirty years in Paris and thought he was entitled to adopt French methods. In seeking redress after a quarrel with Mr. Rennett he sent seconds to the editor, who refused to receive them. Mr. Furgie then sent a letter asking that his seconds be received He re called Mr. Rennett's former exploits in the field of honor, when after a drawing room quarrel with Fred May they crossed the frontier and exchang ed shots like real duelists. Mr. Ren nett's answer was to send a commls ralre de police to Furgle's residence. No. Rue de Holder, with threats to have him expelled from France as nn undesirable American Is he did nut withdraw his challenge. Upon Fur- gie's refusal Mr. Rennett v.,ote him a letter which is now the tilk of the boulevards. The letter consisted of two lines ! stating- tht he bad transmitted the 'challenge to his lawyer. Maltre de I -a Hue. Kxpert authorities In dueling laws say that no such case ever oc curred. The y do not believe Mr. Fur gie can be compelled lo exchange shots with an inoffnsivc lawyer with whom he has no quarrel. Maltre de La Rue seems to be equally uncertain what to do with a sneend-band challenge, and so Car lie 1ms not named his seconds of c hose n bis weapons. )'-r eighty students have taken part in the preliminary debating and oratorical contests at the Oregon Ag ricultural college and man;' more will enter before the work Is completed. Read th Bast OregonlM. HAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, Ypu no doubt realize it will soon be "The Night Before Christmas, and all through the house" showing you an TON STORE Where You TO .MAKE WORK PLAY BY "II UMAX MUSIC Philadelphia. Isadora Duncan's brother Raymond, who taught his sister the classic dances that have won her fame and riches, reached this city recently from London, after an absence Of nine years Hiat were spent almost entirely In Greece. Duncan, who hails from San Fran cisco, with his family, is on a tour of the world which Tias China as the goal. He Is here as the promulgator of a new-thought theory, which has as Its basis a new and harmonic law of universal potency, which he claims to have discovered while makin? a study of ancient Greek music. In a surprising interview he stated that he will demonstrate' that all human life may be so regulated under this law as to make it almost perfect. Tn Jts practical application the new the ory consists In regular manual and pther tasks in conformance with a rhythmic system. All the tenets in the new Duncan theory center In the system of what he calls "human music" that s, a system of rhythm to be universally adopted, and which he prophesies will render work of any sort agree able, ennobling and pleasurable phy sical exerr i-o, instead of a discom fort. $K itcuarcl, $100. The rend, -is if (Ids paper will be pleased tn learn tlint there Is at tenst one dreaded disease inut science bos been able to cure In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hail's t atarrb Cure la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requites a constitutional treatment. Hall's ('atarrb Cine taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the sys tem, thereby destroying ttie foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building up the constitution aad ajwlst lu nature In doing its' work. The pro prietors hare so uitn h faith In Its curative powers that tbey offer One Hundred Dol lars for any ease thai It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonial!. Address : F. J CHENEY at CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 7Sc. Take Hall's Family I'llls for constipa tion. JEFF HANDICAPPED HY FIGHT CONTRACT New York. Sporting writers here declare that James J. Jeffries will be badly handicapped by the clause in the contract between him and Jack Johnson, in which It is agreed that neither of the men shall enter the ring for a real match before they meet on the. Fourth of next July. It is the opinion of those men that the big , Onlifornlan needs some prelimi nary fights to limber him up and get him in condition for the champion ship battle. When Rubbers Heroine Necessary And your shoes pinch, shake ' Into your shoes Allen's l-'otit Kuse, the antiseptic pow der for the feet. It rurea pillion!, swollen, smartim:. sweating feet, and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Xnnr the tiling for patent leather shoes, dancing pnrtles and for CreakhiK In New shoes. Many peo ple cannot wear heavy stockings comfort ably without shaking Allen's Koot-Kase Into the shoes. Hold everywhere, 2"c. Hample FltKK. Address, Allen H. Olmsted, L Iloy, X. V. Pon'l ncerpt any tubttltutr. OREGON, S.VTTRD AY, DECEMBER unusually attractive Trade to Save WALLA WALLA BUYS MOKE BURYING SPACE Walla Walla, Wash. Because her cemetery Is full and there is no place to bury the dead the city council of Walla Walla has decided to purchase 3f acres of ground adjoining the pres ent burying ground. The land will be purchased from Mrs. H. M. Seme at $800 an acre. Dressed spring chickens and chick ens for roasting at the Central Meat Market Saturday. Phone Main 33. It is neither difficult COME AND Pitures POSTAL ALBUMS, BRASS WARE, PICTURE ALBUMS, PICTVHE FRAMES. ETC. Fancy China CUT GLASS, SILVER WARE, GLASS WARE, DISHES, ETC. Phone Main 513 I . .. iW.A I, A fi 1 I unnsiinas birr fZv'Ii5'' :"Y t'V 18, 1909. v. 'AV'' V yf iS ... . yyNV stock, ! Byers' I1:, "inro annns, hand. Flour i Pendleton Roller Mills r or extravagant to buy "Gifts from Nelson's' LOOK OVER OUR STOCK Mirrors HOUXD RING HANDLES, OVAL WITH EXTRA LONG HANDLES, SHAVING MIRRORS, Leather Goods MUSIC ROLLS, PURSES, HILL BOOKS, CIGAR CASES, Toilet Sets HAIR BRUSHES, ' COMB & BRUSH SETS, MANICURE SETS, SIIAVIXG SETS, SEWING SETS, ETC. Books and Christmas stationery are always acceptable Gifts i gNELSON'SJSw The Handy Store TWELVE PAGES. The Bis Green Sign Sale Prices V V V V V V V V Is made from the choicest wheat that ,V""i' .?reaJ ls assmwi when Btbl r-LOUP is used. Bran, Steam Rolled Barley always on Pendleton, Oregon DOLLS, WAGON'S, COASTERS, MECHANICAL TOYS, BLOCKS, I I 7.I.ES. ETC. 7 1 9 Main St. Toys - I