East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Only a few More Days
In Which to Make
Your Xmas Purchases
And by all means don't forget the
fact that we are closing out our Mens
and Boys department completely.
The doors on this side of the house
close the night of December 24th
You Can Now Buy
for "Him"
a Suit, Overcoat, Shoes, Hat,
Shirts, Fancy Suspenders, Under
wear, Fancy Hosiery and Hand
kerchiefs at far less than
Wholesale Cost
$8.43 will buy "? ""' ' boys' Suit In the house that sold iil
wnjH up to $18. SO.
$11.35 will '"'' men's anil hoy' "ulln that ure worth ami al
aj) wild tip to t!6.o0.
$13.45 will buy the bcM suit we ever bold for $30.00.
Everything else in the store now selling at the same great reduction.
For the Ladies and Children
We are offering except lonully good values In Suits, Coats, Silk
Petticoats, Silk and Net Waists, Silk Scarfs and Shawls, Shoes of
all kinds Gold Handled I'lultrelhis, Hand lings, Beautiful Japanese
Drawn Work, l'lllow Tops, HIldxniM, Fur Sets for Ladles', Misses'
und Children, Fancy Hosiery, 'Gloves, Etc.
Nothing will lie nppreclatel more than a pair of Sil-Kld Shoes,
S3. 50 1 SI. 00. Kl " I'atcnt, ltutlon or Lace.
F. E. Livengood & Co.
I.ii'lics Jl'iino Journal Patterns for Jan. now readj.
Frank E. King la In the city today.
Carl Engdahl left this morning- for
R. R. Lewis returned this morning
to his ranch near Hermlston.
Fred dangler of Pilot Rock, Is a;
Pendleton business visitor today.'
Mayor Ross Newport and wife of
Hermlston, are Pendleton business
visitors today.
Earl Dudley of Weston, spent last
night In Pendleton and left this mor
ning for Pilot Rock.
Mrs. Ed Rohs and daughter of
Wallula, are In the city today to do
some Christmas shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McNaught re
turned to Hermlston today after hav
ing spent a few days In this city.
Mrs. O. F. Thomson and son, Aa
B. Thomson, left this morning for
their home In the west end of the
Lowell Rogers, one of the proml
enetn wheat growers of the Adams
country, came down from that place
this morning.
Dr. W. II. Lytle, state veterinarian
and state sheep ' inspector Is quaran
tined at his home with a mild form
of small-pox.
Mrs. W. C. Earl Prultt left this
morning for Heppner, where Mr.
Prultt has been for several days, tak
ing testimony In a land contest hear
ing. C. .1. Cherry, the well-known rep
resentative of the Bankers Reserve
Life Insurance company, left this
morning for the west end of the
county. ,
County School Superintendent
Welles returned last evening from
M Hon and Freewater where ho had
been for a few days, visiting the
schools in those towns.
Mrs. Anna '.. Crayne, matron of
Knontz Hall, returned this morning
from Weston where she had been to
ehnperone the girls basketball team
of the Pendleton Academy.
Christmas Is the best old day on the calendar.
Three hundred and sixty-four other days In the year come and
go, few of us paying hut a small amount of attention to them.
New Years would pass by unnoticed were It not for the fact that
our friends keep telling us of the good resolutions they are mak
ing and Inviting us to a front seat on the water wagon.
Decoration day gives the older generation a chance to do honor
at the graves of our soldier and sailor dead to the younger gen
eration It means a bully good chance to lay off work and root for
our favorite team and help swell the gate receipts.
July the fourth brings with it outbursts of patriotism and a
great deal of noise, rattle and bng and leaves behind a trail of
disfigured, Injured and dead. The small boy glories In It wise
parents dread It the surgeons welcome It.
Then shortly our president Issues his Thanksgiving proclama
tion and It is given millions of dollars worth of free advertising In
the newspapers of the nation.
But when Christmas is in the air the English speaking world
.its up and takes notice. Each .one of us becomes enthusiastic.
From toddling tot to second childhood, in all walks of life, in all
classes of society, high and low, rich and poor, prosperous and des
titute, the wen and the sick, the strong and the afflicted arise and
with one mighty shout, proclaim: "Rejoice for Christmas Is here."
And why?
Simply because the first Christmas was real and human and
genuine. There was treason for It.
The reason was apparent to all who cared to know. And the
world knew.
Thousands of Christmas' have followed the first. Yet through
all the years the samo spirit of 'Teace on earth and good will to
men" has been preserved. The form of celebration has been
changed but little In the main It is Identical.
Spokane, Wash. When Judge Ed
ward Whitson in the United States
Vlrciut court for the district of east
ern Washington denied the applica
tion for citizenship by Maurice O
Fitzmaurice, a crimp was put Into- a
plan by the liquor interests-in Spo
kane to launch a daily newspaper to
espouse their cause. The petitioner
was subjected to a gruelling examina
tion by J. B. Llndslcy, assistant Uni
ted States district attorney, who
brought out that since coming to Am
erica from Ireland, "five years ago,
Fltzmaurice has posed as an Episco
pal rector, rancher, lodging house
keeper, lecturer, lawyer and author
in smith Dakota, as Dublisher of
! small newspapers in Washington and
Idaho and, according to nis own siaie
ment. as a promoter and an active po
litical power In Spokane. It was al
so entered a matter of record that
he had been accused and arrested on
the charge of committing unspeak
able crimes. Fitzmaurice told a
number of "hard luck" stories about
being robbed while In South Dakota,
but these were disproved by witnesses.
Christmas Is not the desire of a few It Is tbo privilege of the
many. There Is nothing of sham or mockery in it.
It's genuine through and through.
It's as broad as the earth and stretches from pole to pole.
It's the best and best known day In the year.
It's Christmas.
A Merry Christmas to all and to
all a Happy New Year
"Them's Our Sentiments"-
The drug store that serves you best.
Visit the Gift room in our new Annex
Elmer Hall and Ray Finley have
been honored with places on the all
Oregon high school football team, says
the Baker City Herald. The selec
tions were made by a prominent foot
ball man of the Willamette valley,
who Is competent to choose the men
and who has watched the playing of
all teams very closely. Baker Is
proud of her players who have gain
ed such signal honors but there is al
so a feeling that other men should
bo numbered among the big eleven.
Baker was also given two men on the
second team, Jones for fullback and
White for quarter.
Tho lineup 'tor the all-Oregon team
Halves Hall of Baker City and
Chllders of La Grande.
Ends Walters of Cove and Krebs
of Salem.
Tackles Devjne of Pendleton and
Leader of Washington high of Port
land. Devi no Is also chosen captain.
Guards Sims of Eugene and Qulnn
of Columbia of Portland.
Center Finley of Baker City.
Quarter Carnell of Washington
High of Portland.
Fullback Jenkins of Eugene.
The strength of the eastern Oregon
players Is shown by five men being
selected for some of the best places on
the team. Baker Is also glad to see
he captaincy come to an eastern Ore
gon man. The lineup of the first team
will appear In the Oregonlan shortly
and It is probable that the second
tram lineup will also be given.
New York. Prominent society wo
men in response to the calls of Miss
Anne Morgan, daughter of J. Pler-
nnnl Mnrcnn. hnve riven SI. 300 In
cash to aid the striking shirtwaist
irlrls here. Somo of the largest suo-
scrlptlons were made by Mrs. J. Bor
den Harrlman, Mrs. William K. Van-
derbllt, Mrs. Clarence Mackay, Mrs.
O. P. Belmont, Mrs. Harriet Stanton
Blatch, line. Nordlca, and Julia Mar
low, all of whom attended a meet
ing In aid of the strikers, called by
Miss Morgan at the Colony club.
Silk Hosiery In black, fancy colors
and fancy embroidered along with
Tho Peoples Warehouse extensive as
sortment of Staple Hosiery -make a
line from which you please any taste
and any purse.
Let Your Presents Be
Nothing is more appreciated than a present for the home
one that will be used, enjoyed and remem
bered the year 'round.
OUR. PRICES ARE MOST MODERATE and our goods are guaranteed
ami frj ittmav?
1 ''ff"i- ii nui-iiiiwuiiiai i 1 1
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Wwi-f iihTl"-!? f "v' ' ' -; - " '
LA. & P
Just a Few
Table Silverware, good assortment.
Chafing Dishes from all prices.
Carving Sets from S3 to 810.
Get the old man a safetv razor,
81.00 to $12.00.
Set Keen Kutter Knives and
Forks, $6.00.
The boy -would like a set of Keen
Kutter tools, S7.50 to S20.
All goods absolutely guaranteed.
The Independent Hardware Stor'
Chu rches
who at this time will declare the pul-
p;t vacant; Christ an Endeavor, 6:3:
' evening service, 7:30. Special music.
Now Jordan Valley, Malheur coun
ty, has a newspaper, the Express.
Pastime pictures pleaso all.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main S.
Snyder, chimney sweep. Tel. R 381i.
Autoinohles for vent t the Pen
lleton Auto company.
For Sale Few tons of Timothy hay.
Oiegon Lumber Yard.
Lenses duplicated in a few minutes
Hanscom's Jewelry store.
New Market Meat cheap for cash.
Phone Rayburn, Main 420.
Oak wood, the heat giver, good as
coal. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Good clean coal at the Oregon
Lumber Tards. Phone Main 8. '
Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for
$2.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store.
Alfalta hay for sale In the stack.
Phone J. D. Ingram. Farmer line
Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham,
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Broken lenses replaced in a few
minutes at Hanscom's Jewe' stare.
We grind any lense.
A few desirable rooms, single or en
mite. Furnace heat, bath. Centrall
located. 612 Willow street
Good store or office room for rent
In East 'Oregonlan building on Main
street. Inquire at this office.
We can grind you a new lens in a
few minutes. Bring your broken lense
to us. Hanscom's jewelry store.
Found Child's dark fur muff. Was
left at American National bank about
two weeks ago. Call at this office.
Phone Main 8 fcr good dry wood
and coal that will burn clean.
Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent in the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric llgMs; hot
and cold water; bath. Inquire at
Ea.t Oregonlan.
Hand bags, the much wanted kinds
desirable and useful, make good
Christmas gifts and are In great va
riety and most economically priced at
the Peoples Warehouse.
Wanted, room (at from $2(1 to $30
per month) or room and board (at
$60 or $60 per month) with a refined
private family by business gentleman.
State who composes family. Address,
Box 28. Post Office.
Special sale for this month only
of all sewing machines for cash. I
can sell you a first class machine for
$18. warranted for 20 years. Agent
for the celebrated Free maohlne and
all other leading makes. Jesse Fall
ing. Kid Gloves of the celebrated T. P.
W. Special, of the Dent's, of the Fisk,
Clark & Flagg, in white, black and
colors in sizes from 5 4-4 to 8, at
prices from 9Sc to $4 per pair and
silk gloves In the same good assort
ment make a suitable Christmas
present. Oh, yes we almost forgot to
tell you that you must go to the Peo
ples Warehouse to get these at the
Peoples Warehouse economical prices
Christian Church.
A cordial Invition Is extended to all
to attend the services of the Chris
tian church held in the M. E. church,
south, building. Bible school, 9:45 a.
m.; communion. 11 a. m. Sermon by
the fiiwwus temperance lecturer and
niiiial leformer. Captain Dutton.
Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. Spe
cial invitation is extended to all the
young people not attending church
elsewhere to come and join with us
in worsh'p and work for God. A. M.
Mt Mrum, minister.
BaptNt Church.
Baptist church, E. Alta and John
son streets, R. E. Storey, pastor, 302
E. Alta street. Morning worship at
11 o'clock, sermon, "The Image of
Christ." Evening service at 7:30;
Young peoples meeting at 6:30; Bible
school at 9:45, classes for all. Tem
perance meeting at 3, Capta'n Dut
ton speaks. All are invited to these
Christian Science.
Services on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Subject. "Is the Universe,
Including Man. Evolved by Atomic
Force?" Services on Wednesday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at
410 o'clock on Sunday morning. Read
ing room open daily from 2 to 4 In the
afternoon. Everybody cord ally in
vited. Corner Webb and Johnson
Church of the Redeemer.
Tomorrow being the fourth Sun
day in Advent, the holy communion
will be administered at tho 11 o'clock
service and divine service at 7:30 p.
m. Offertory solo in the morning by
Dr. Hill All are , cordially Invited.
Charles Qu'nney, rector.
Methodist Church.
The morning theme of Rev. N.
Evans at the Methodist Episcopal
church will be, "We Have seen His
Star." In the evening the choir as
sisted by Dr. Elmer Hill and Miss Ed
na Gates will render their annual
Christmas concert. Sunday school, 10
a. m.; preaching. 11 a. m.; Epworth
League, 6:30 p. m. The Methodist
Sunday school will g've a beautiful
Christmas program Christmas eve,
closing with an old fashioned tree
and Santa Claus.
Presbyterian Church.
Services In the Presbyterian church
as follows: Bible school. 10 o'clock;
preaching services, 11 o'clock, con
ducted by the Rev. W. H. Bleakney,
Washington. On account of
the failure of the owners of consid
erable areas of patented lands in the
first and second units of the Umatil
la project, Oregon, to make watsr
right applications under the terms of
existing public notices, and in order
that prompt action may be taken to
secure the return to the reclamation
fund of the cost of the works, the
socertary of the interior has Issued
the following Instructions to the rec
lamation service:
On January 15, 1910, all patented
land within the first and second un'ta
of the Umatilla project for which wa
ter right application has not been
made in the local .land office. In ac
cordance with public notices then in
force, shall be excluded from the pro
ject and appropriate steps shall be
promptly taken to add to the project
other lands equivalent !n irrigation
area.. Appropriate notices, at that
time, will also be given by the de
partment to the water users' associa
tion regarding the exclusion of such
lands so that water right subscrip
tions therefor may be cancelled.
Table Linen by the yard or Linen
Table Cloths with all around bocder
and from two to three yards long by
two yards in width and Napkins to
match either the linen or cloths maks
most dtslrable Christmas presents,
and the Peoples Warehouse assort
ment embraces nearly everything that
is worth having.
Sheppard vs. Glssington.
New York, Dec. 18. It Is expected
that the closest kind of watching will
be necessary to pick the winner at
the tape when Sheppard and Qissing
ton foot it around the Twenty-second
regiment armory track tonight in a
special 600-yard run. It promises t
be a race to a finish, and will prob
ably attract a large crowd of no
tables to the Catholic Bowery Mission
Gerd Ellers, of Ellers Piano House,
Portland, who is an expert piano
tuner and repair man, will be In town
for a few days looking after the In
terests of his house. Anyone wish
ing expert work will please leave or
ders at Eilers Piano House, 813 Main
Gerd Ellers, of Ellers Piano House,
Portland, who is an expert piano
tuner and repair man, will be In town
for a few days looking after the In
terests of his house. Anyone wishing
expert work will plenso leave orders
at Ellers Piano House, 813 Main
A Silk Petticoat or Silk Klmona,
such as are shown in the Ready to
Wear department of The Peoples
Wavehouse makes a gift much appreciated.
free to you-my sister rr,r.r:sr
lima woman.
1 know woman's sufferings
1 havt found the cure.
I will mail, free of any cliarg-e. ray honM treat
ment wi' 1 full instructions to any gutferar from
woraan'n Omenta. I want to tell ail woman about
tiu curt you, my reader, for yourself, your daughesr,
your moUier, or your sister. I want to tell you bow
to cure youraelwa at home without tha blp of a
doctor.. Wen cannot understand womcn'a fiuffprirsra.
What we women know from experience, we know
better than any doctor. 1 know that my heme treat
ment is safe and aure cure for LcucorrtKea or
Whitish dichars-ea, llceratlon. Displacement or
Fallinc of tha Womb, I'nifuie, Scanty or tlrful
Period, Uterine or Ovarian Tumor or lirowth;
also pain In the head, back and bowels, hnu-nir
down lectins:, iwnouinnn, creeping hellia: en
tile iplne, melancholy, detlre to cry. hot tlashe.
weariness, klJhey and bladder troubles where
caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you a complete ten day' treat
ment entirely tree to proire to you that you can cure
yourself at home, easily, quickly ard surely. Ba
nwnilr. that It will cost you nuthin to utva the
treatment complete trial : and hT you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cenis a
week, or lea than two eenta a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just aeoa
me your name end address, tell me how you sutTar if you wish, ami I will send ynu tho trmtmont
for your rasa, entirely free. In plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you iree of coat, my
book-"W'OMAN'S OWN MEDICAL AUVISBR" with explanatory illustrations showuw why
women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at homo. Every woman should have it, and
learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor aayr "You must aaec an operation." yuu can
decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themeelvea with my borne remedy. It cures afl,
aid or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple home treatment whk'h spradSy
ai-d effectually cures Leurorrhora. Green Sirknem and Painful or Irresular Meaatruauoa in Ygun
Ladies. Plumpness and health always results from its use.
Wherever yon live, I can refor you to laiikis of your own locality who know and wnl gladly tel
any sufTarwr that this Home Treatment really cures al women's diseases, ami sekw women well,
atmntr. plump and mbuat. Just send me your address, and the free tea day treatasent Is yours,
also th9 book. Writa today, ai you may cot toe thia offer again, Addreae
MRS. M. SUMMERS. Box H. Notre Dame, Ind., U. S. A,
! 1 1 Vtt - - : -