PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREC.ONKAN, PENDLETON, OMUQN. SATURDAY, DECKM11EK 18, 190. TUELVJJ l'AGES. Sf-sJ. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAl'Ktt. Pakllsbed llly, Weekly UJ Semi Weekly, t Pendleton. Oregon, by the OUKUOMAN ITHLISH1NQ CO. subscription hates. Pmlly, one yeitr. br mull 15.00 Bally, ill lauuiim. by mal' 2.60 P!1y. throe Quotas, by mU 1.28 tly. (.n uouib. by mall so Rally, err yrir. by farrier 7.80 tlly, eii munitn. by carrier a.75 l11?. Hir DitiDili. by carrier .... ai.y, one mimtb. by carrier 65 las to "mnke a bigger fuss." --,-... vuc jrai, I'T mail l.ou Weekly, t' raonttin. by mall 75 Weekly, four months, by Noiall M ml Week 'y. on year, by mall .... 1.50 ml'TCei-ki?. t'.z months, by mail .. .75 icI-Vcrly, four montha, by mall . .50 cd primarily for traffic and business not for public meetings of any sort.' In claiming they were denied the right of free speech tho I.- W. W. workers made a false plea. They had the privilege of using halls and they had a hall for speaking purposes. They had the right to use vacant lots :nr meetings or to hold meetings In streets outside the fire limits. They wanted to use the buinesss streets so be Dally Kat Oirgor.lan la kept on tale at tbe Oregon News Co., 147 Gth street. rartipp Orvon. Chicago llureaa, S09 Security Building. W'asbi-.ion, D. C. llureau. 501 Konr Ueatu meet, N. W. Member Catted prcaa Association. faiepboe Halo 1 Ester,-.! at the pnatofflce at Pendletoa, regoD aecondclaaa mall matte 44444444444444 IIEHB AMI NOW AND I.OXG AGO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Why is it that the "long ago" Beats "here and now," I'd like to know? Why Is it poet pen their lays So much around the bygone days ? Why is it they will sing fore'er Of "-ood old days so free from care." And Have unsung the best. I trow. The golden days of here and now ? The and Furthermore those fellows de nounced the American flag nnd prais ed the red banner of anarchy. This sort of thing does not set well with right minded and patriotic men. The star spangled banner of this republic hrts been borne on many battlefields where our fathers and forefathers fought for freedom and the rishts of man. Put ten years aaro the stars and stripes carried deliverance to the op pressed people of Cuba. And we may fight again some day and we do not like to have the colors reviled. The I. W. W's. are to be pitied for their ignorance and for their misery, if they are in misery. Rut th y m.tst do the best they can as others do. There may be things that are wrong in America. God knows there are. But the wrongs will be righted in due time by the people of this land. They cannot be righted by men who preach anarchy and insult the flag. ll. WATSON'S MISTAKE. days uf here should be The best of all for you and me; We an't bring back the good 4 old days 4 By singing songs and writing 4 lays; 4 So M us make the very best Of not, and let the. bygone rest, 4 'Ti here and now we have to 4 face. Mr. William Watson, the English poet, is a very fair rhyms.ter but men in general will not approve at all of "The Woman With the Serpent's Tongue," which he wrote in caustic criticism of Mrs. Asquith, wife of the rritish premier and her .laughter, Miss Violet Asquith. It is not In the code of the Anglo Sr.xon tribe that men shall fight with those of the fair and gentler sex. So Mr. William Watron has been "getting his'n" from many quarters and he de serves it too. One of those who has When you were just a girl or 'taken up the poetic cudgel in defense of the Asquith ladies grills Watson and contrasts him with Kipling who "With his iron English pen has written the strong code of men." Of course Mrs. Asquith may be all that Watson claims for her and more. She may have a tongue so sharp that it would make an ordinary serpent's fangs seem like a bale of cotton bat i tins- But that is her misfortune. 1 Mr. Watson should not have mention. boy, And now the world seems lull and brown The good old flays were full of Joy pp iuse we're old and settled down. But ! can have days just as weot If we will stir ur hearts and feet; 'Tis possible to have. I trow. The good old days riirht here and now: Selected. !e,l the subject. At least not pub- tliclv and in such vitriolic terms. -. WE SHOULD FIGHT BACK. In answer to the libelous and un- I just statements made about this city during the Walla Walla saloon fight Mayor Murphy and the councilmen ; have done right. The campaign that 13 on in Walla Walla is not Pendle ton's fight it is true. Yet this city has been dragged into the fight in a very undesirable way for Pendle ton. The officials and the people of this city would be lacking in their duty to Pendleton did they not make every reasonable effort to disprove the lies that have been circulated regarding our town. Ever since Umatilla county voted Itself into the dry column the saloon men have slandered Pendleton per sistently and unjustly. All over the northwest and even in California they have sought to show that "prohibi tion killed Pendleton." Misleading pictures and misleading stories have been published time and again. Most of these slanders Pendleton has en dured with patience and In silence. But when they come to the very door of the city and publish these things In Walla Walla the dlvekeepers went too far. Pendleton has turned upon Its slanderers. Pendleton Is now talMng back. We should keep it up. Ev ry time one of these cheap shys ters, hired by the dive keepers anj breweries, shows his head he should be branded for what he Is a slander er. We should show the world that while Pendleton may not have as many dives and dive keepers as it once did and may not have Its ola. time horde of tinhorns, macques and pros titutes It is still a live and bustling little city. It la uch a city right now and It Is going to be much better than at present. THE I. W. W'S. The I. W. W. agitators have lost out In 6pokane according to advices from that city. They are now ready to tfve up tne 'Sht and the authori ties beUeve they will have little fur ther trouble with them. Incidentally it may be remarked -that the I. W. W. men have not ren dered good service to the cause of labor or to the cause of socialism. Those fellows tried to do something they ha4 no right to do. They want--ed to hold public meeting; In the busl tieaa streets of Spokane. But Spo kane ba an ordinance forbidding uch meetings within the fire limits of tb lty. It is a very proper ordi nance, Inmn the streets are lntand- Tlie famous Rudyard was thinking of an entirely different matter at the time but he expressed a very good sentiment when he made old Hafiz sa y : "If she hath spoken a word, re member thy lips are sealed. And the brand of the dog is on him by whom is the secret revealed. If there be trouble to lleward and a lie of the blackest can clear, Lie, while thy lips can move or a man is alive to hear." Here's betting it will be some days before another verse maker starts out to revile a woman. It doesn't look well. THE CASE OF TRACY. A young man Is now behind the bars of the county jail charged with the brutal murder of Andy Rabeal near Umatilla a few weeks ago. Just what the full facta are with respects to tho prisoner's connection with the crime the officers have not yet dis closed. Even if it knew these facts this paper would not care to com ment upon his guilt or innocence for that would be improper. The court and the jury will try his case. But If the facts that are disclosed later show that Tracy, or Arnold, whichever his real name may be, is the guilty one his arrest should be a powerful warning to others with murderous minds. ' The young man wandered far yet returned to the sec tion where the crime of which he is accused was committed. According to cr!mologlsts there is some psychic power that seems to draw murderers back to the scenes of their crimes. The knowledge of this often aids in the capture of murderers. However In the case or rhe young man now in Jail Sheriff T. D. Taylor and his deputies were the Important feature. Sheriff Taylor knows how to throw out a net that usually brings results and the capture of young Arnold was due to the instruc tions sent forth from the sheriff's office. Leopold Is dead. It Is a shame to say It but If all the stories that have been told of Leopold are true some extra firemen are now at work. Every day that passes brings us closer to the Christmas rush and whirl. The sensible thing to do Is to get busy before the last day. Stand up for Pendleton j don't let the world get false Impressions of this town. MODEIIX FEUDAL LORD. An Interesting South American character, type of a civilization that has largely disappeared, d;ed at Li ma. Peru, on Monday In the person of Gen. Miguel He lived on an estate of 2400 square miles, which had been in his family since 1674, or within forty years of the date of the conquest of Peru by Pizarro. There are 20,000 head of cattle on this es tate and a population of about 4000 persons, over whom Iglesias ruled as absolute lord. He made add enforced their laws, provided for their educa tion and moral welfare nnd never had a rebellion. Drunkenness on any day but Easter Sundav was minlshnhin k. a fine of $5. A wife-beater was nun- Ished by a $2 The fines collect ed largely supported tho school it was the life of tho feudal nf tho Middle Ages brought down Into the twentieth century. Gen. Iglesias took a nrOlnillpnt nli't in the government of tho country, particularly at the time of the war with Chile. He was secretary of the treasury and of war when hnonnt; began. He conducted the ilnror, t iima and In so determined a manner as to win high commendation. After the surrender ho made his escape and immediately began efforts to secure peace at any price. It was through him mainly that a treaty finally was concluded with the victorious Chil eans. He wa3 elected provisional president of the country, but his rule was disputed by Gen. Andres Caceres, who headed the party which wished to continue the war. A civil conflict between Iglesias and Caceres result ed, In which Iglesias was . defeated. He retired for a time to Europe, but later returned to his estate, which he rarely left thereafter even to at tend the sessions of congress, of which he was a member. He was 87 years old when ht- died. Buffalo Express. Cmmf i,r S-viUt-rsw:, of DeWilt, Mo., itis j.ivc.l a I.a:g end Useful Life. . WORTH IXVESTIGATLXG. A Canadian correspondent trans mits a delightful story, the respon sibility for which, he says, rests with the Rev. Dr. Fyles, the well-known naturalist of Levis. In the province of Quebec. A tourist, he says, came to Quebec to view the winter scenery. He put up at the St. Louis hotel, and in the afternoon walked out to tho Plains. He admired the pure, un broken expanse of snow and the fine view over the St. Lawrence and to ward St. Jean Chrysostom. Next morning he arose early and took the sam course again to gain an appe tite for breakfast. When lo, he saw some strange tracks in the snow. They were very large, and there was some thing like the imprint of a spur be hind each of them. While he stood greatly puzzled an old Scotchman drove along on a. traineau. Our friend stopped him. nnd the following col loquy occurred: "Can you tell me. sir. what made these tracks?" "Tlj.5 snaw-shus." "What huge tracks! They came from the woods" (pointing toward Wolfs field). "O aye, that's awa." "They came in the night?" "Like as not." "An.l they go toward the town. Aren't the people afraid?" "N'a-, na ' They're used to them." And he drove on. Out came the stranger's notebook, and he wrote: "The Great Snort shius, a stranRo creature with huge feet, comes from the woods in the night, and passes into the town; and the people are not terrified. I must Inquire further." Exchange. Grandinft Sanderson is a wonderful woman. She is in as good health to df.y as ever in hor life, although sha is over one hundred years old. In a letter to tho Peruna Drug Hfj, Co., she gives the highest credit to Fo runa for her excellent health and ex treme old age. P.cad what she says. Surely the evidence presented by such cases as these ought not only to dispel prejudice against Peruna, but inspire confidence in it "I will send you a picture that wan taken a few weeks before my hun dredth birthday. "I am a true friend of the Penma Company. I havo derived great bou efit from Peruna many times. I can say I regard Peruna a very great med icine. I found out the merit of it a good many years ago. "A little more than two years ago I contracted a veiy severe cold, which resulted in la grippe. Owing to the severity of the disease, and my ex treme age, my case was considered to very critical. I employed na doc tor, but Peruna was the remedy I used, and to-day my health is as good f s it ever was in my life. "However, I still continue to t-':? jperuna, a spoonful every night before ivjur.g. Peruna is an ideal toiuo for oU penplo. It is a compound of herbal remedies that has been known to the vi . '-.-. j-.-c$3ion for ruaeyyeers. Peruna operates ?. a tonic by cleans ing and iuvigoraiing the mucous mem branes. This exniains why Peruna has become so extensively knon as a catarrh remedy. Catarrh is simply a coiwiMon of depraved mucous mem biane Peruna changes this daprav- iry into tealtasil vigor. A great many eld people use Peruna, and would not be deprived of it for an cw:it-.erauoE. Ptple who object to liquid mtJi dues can now secure Peruna tablet. Ask your druggist for a free Po rnnn Miniumo for into. Useless. "I can tell you how to do every thing.' 'advertised the fortune teller. "Aha!" exclaimed the Beeker. "Can you tell me how I can boss my wife?" "I can." said the weird sister, "but it will do you but little good. She won't allow you to try." "Don't talk to me I'm simply crushed!" "Love, grief or a 6 o'clock car?" Congress had to listen to every word of the message, but that Isn't the hundredth part of what is com ing to it. Men's Neckwear In greatest assort ments at the Peoples Warehouse and th,; department store price Is a con sideration for the economically Inclined. FOR SALE 1800 acres all fenced, good 8 room house with basement, 4 big barns well built, 3 orchards, and other improve ments. This land lies along the foot hills of the Blue mountains in the Chinook belt where grows the fine iiunchgrass, and flows the crystal springs. Owner cut 150 tons of al falfa this year. This is an Ideal stock ranch, 10 miles off a II. R., and can be bought for 112.60 per acre, and ten thousand dollars worth of cattle and horses thrown In, besides 3 good wagons and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranch. I find the bargains, that is why I sell the goods. B. T. WADE, Pendleton, Oregon, T 3 'h'.V-pr V Flatulence and vour stomach anrl intctinea ranc vrtn n4 less discomfort, it is an unfailing sien that your en tire system needs a thorough housecleaning. 5" CI.'rJei.1iHUiifail.'rJ cures flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturb anceinactive liver. Take an NR tablet to-night and you 11 feel better in the morning. Better than Pills for Liver Ills 50 MIME MJK HAL$ ItY A. t). hUEPFKN A UKU8. w THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon Invites deposits and accounts of those starting in business as well as those already established. Customers, whether in nc tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested bank should be able always to afford its patrons whether their balances are large or small. Safe deposit boxes, of con venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 CHlRgSTAS GIFTS The unusual, the uncommon, tho unique, the exclusive, HODILAY GIFTS ure at "THE GUT ltOOM," KOEpPEN'S NEW ANNEX, next door to Koeppens Prug Store. In this list of a few suggestions for the Clirlst mus (lift, you'll find many very appropriate articles, priced so the purse is lighted little. KEAL HOSE HAT PINS We are offering theso mctallzcd flowers (a lost urt of tho ancient Egypt ians) at about half the usual price from SSo to "Sc. HAMMiAGS. The largest nnd most exclusive stock of cluilco Handbags; some were made especially to our order frames, llnlnsa, leather and trimmings, were selected by us from $ a large line of samples, sent tis by a firm that make all their HnndbaKS. We have no hesitnncy In saying that no more exclusive line of these goods has ever been of- fered In Pendleton. We have all kinds of leather nnd will order you any stylo or kind dl- roct from the factory, if we do not have In stock just what you want. All our Ienther Hand bags are guaranteed to wear well (of course lines like shoes, or any article of leather will show wear, unless the proper care Is given them and we tell you how to care for them.) FOUNTAIN- PENS We have all the leading makes Waterman's, Pnrkor's Conklln's Belf Filler, nnd many others. We have thom from $1.00 up to $18.00, plain .and gold and sliver mounted. We nlso have the genu ine Ked Dwarf Ink pen cil (tho new fountain pen that look like a pencil) at $2.50. We guarantee all our fountain pens and sell them on trial. You do not have to keep them until you nre satisfied and have Just the 'pen you want. Buy him a fountain pen. any price you like and then nsk for a guaranteed trlnl certificate. Give him the pen nnd tho certifi cate and we vlll see that he gets the pen he wants. Ho will remember yj 365 days In ench yjar for years and years. KISSIAX HKASS. Wo are showing an elo- gant assortment of the genuine hand "hammered. Just ns they leave the hands of the Russian workmen In Siberia. We will have these fin- ished for you In any style you like, should you nut wnnt thom In the crude state; compare our brass- ware with the ordinary fr kind and see the wonder- fill difference. TOILET SETS Our Toilet Sets are prettier this year than ever. itright. Oxidized, French Cray, r.uttler Fin ished or Satin Also Men's Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets. Ci gar Sets. An Immense assortment of toilet articles in F.bony, Pearl, Hone, Ivory, and a number of different Hinds uf wood. TOYI.AM) We nre in a position to satisfy every demand In the, toy line. If something out of the ordinary toy is wanted. If you wnnt something that will really pleatic the little ones, be sure ami Inspect our toy de partment, but come early as they are going fast nnd you will he disappointed If you wait too long. AN IVfiEKSOLL WATCH Every boy should have a watch. Not an expen sive one, but a good time keeper that will stand hard knocks nnd not post much. The Ingersoll is the watch. Put one In his stocking for Christmas. From $1.00 to $5.00 each. One of these watches In a man's hunting coat wouldn't come amiss. 4 OI H I'EEItl-ESS CIT GLASS You can't think of any thing more desirable, more tasteful, more suit able, more glvenble or more likeable than our Peerless cut glass. 'Tis true some of the articles run up Into some money, but see what you are buy ing. Cut Glass such as we sell is Cut Glass In deed. It sparkles like dia monds. It lasts forever and is a never ending source of delight to Its owner. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LADY 4 PLEASEHS 4 What womnn In Ten- 4 dleton would not approel- 4 nte n few pieces of Hnvl- 4 land China or some 4 hnnd-palnted china? 4 All our china Is dainty 4 In outline, dainty In con- 4 ceptlon, dainty in decor- 4 atlon. Our entire line of 4 china is "dainty," Our 4 patterns nre exclusive and 4 found In no other store, 4 and still better, if you 4 nre not pleased with whnt 4 we have we enn furnish 4 you china after your own 4 Ideas we will mnke Just 4 what you wnnt. Wo havo 4 two eastern art studios to 4 draw from and we can 4 furnish anything you 4 want. 4 See samples uf ui.oei- gram china made by ri- lists will) reputation all the articles in t) e two stiidl'M are al jer- Ice. 4 4 Sl'Itl 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444 4- 4 4444 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 USE M HOW M AN 1,1 El s A Chafing Dish with nl cohol gas stove, a coffee Percolator, a Teapot or Teakettle, an artistic Tray these or any one of the dozens of other useful household necessities, bearing the M. P.. trade mark would ho enjoyed by the whole family any day in tho yenr. They nre highly and heavily nickeled a few are cop per nnd earthen and with ordinary enre will last practically a lifetime. See them In our Sundry Section. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444444 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ItAZOKs Razors are Just the cor rect and most useful pros Kent for any man. even if he doo not shave him self. There is always a a time when he can use one u hen traveling and when too busy to go to the barber, or when he forgets m g,, uiitll too late. We have razors from $1.00 to $:t.ou without cas es, and razors in leather enses from $1.78 to $5. We have safety razors from $1.00 up to $5.00. Get him any kind of a ra zor you like, cnll for a razor certificate, and he oan'gt the razor ho wants. Remember no price ap pears on the certificate. 44444444444444 44444444444 4 4 4 44444444444444 4 CHRISTMAS CANDIES 4 nnstmns giving is not 4 complete unless It con- 4 tains a box of delicious 4 candies. Koeppens carry 4 all the leading and ex- 4 elusive kinds Huylors 4 New York Candles, Whlt- 4 mans Philadelphia Can- 4 dies, Lowneys Boston Can- 4 dies, Taylors Sorority 4 Chocolates, the best of 4 everything and some of 4 these will only be found 4 at Koeppens. 4 We have had a regular 4 35c package put up for us 4 for the Holiday Trade 4 which we are offering at 4 the special price of 25o 4 the box. 44444444444444 KOEPPEN'S "The Drug Store That Serves You Best" And Their New Annex, The Gift Room