East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    , 1..,Tn-fJlllll.to.,.iU.X
Is Here
Better cure that cold befor
It it too iate.
cold is; -ul will knock the
worst cc'.i in two days. Manu
factured And sold only by
Tailman & Co.
Lpad'.r.i; Druggijta of Eastern
Tlie iJKly's Clirltmas Shopping.
"I want a box of cigars for a fair,
llm gentleman, please." Punch.
A l'4-les Key.
..nie people hui.l the key to the
situation an.l then are too lazy to turn
it. -s u. --s M.igajine.
"I-ayliisr up TreMir
Every time a woman sews a button
n her husbands ci ithes ;-he feels that
."he hasadded another pearl to her
'f l-t:al rrown.
silok Leather Oinirs.
If 'va:ht-r in chair seals sticks to
t: clothing. .ponge with a mixture of
ether and alenhol. dampening the
ci'-'th slightly an l following it by wip.
ing off with a clean fiannl dampened
v'.'.h j.ur.- chloroform. The varnish
ti.iiliy d'jne, or it would not stick.
thirds full and set the griddle where
the crumpets will color on the under
side In about tight minutes. Turn
when brown on the other side, slip off
the rings and serve on a warm plate.
They may also be torn open, spread
with butter and slightly toasted be
fore serving.
! r
What Could
You Give
your son or daughter for a
Christmas present that would be
more appreciated In later years
than a course in the Pendleton
Business College? Our methods
are modern and thorough.
Special rites now being offered.
Pendleton Business
Telepho-i Main 148, for particulars.
t'ookins Over ll-li.
T u.-e cold halibut or other fish,
move the bones and flake it find ar-
rr.rsgf it in layer", with brea 1 Tumbs
' i. 1 Manirig in a buttered br.ktf.'
(i..!.. f" i r the top with hut?"!'-;
numbs, turn in hot milk to moist- i
sufficiently, sprir.kie united cheese
r and bake.
lUvt I'.rotli With Ilarlov.
This soup may be recumimnded
where soup is intended as the pr:nci
;al course and may be rendered very
t.( .in i-hing and satisfying when small
jcuie of b-ef. carrots, turnips, leeks,
if iery and barley are added and cook-j.-d
in the b'-ef broth until tender. The:
: r. un l. slim pieces are th' b-st to use
', f'.r a rich beef broth.
; Krt-ak one egg into cup and fill
j v ith swe.-t milk; m.x with It half cup
et. half cup butter or lard, one cup
(.sugar, enough flour to make a soft
I ib. ugh: flavor with nutmeg. Iet It
rise till very light then mold into small
biscuits with a few currents Let rise
second time until double the bulk,
then bake, and when nearly done
glaze with a little molasses and milk.
Hftter than doughnuts.
Southern Cake.
Here is a South Carolina recipe for
this cake, deservedly a favorite in all
Southern dining rooms long before ilr.
Owen Wister heaped drawing-room
honors upon it:
Two-third. of a cupful of butter,
five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, four
cupfuls of flour, one-half cupful of
rich milk, two level tea.poonfu:s of
cream of tartar and one level tea
spoonful of soda. Cream half the su
gar with the butter, beat the remain
ing sugar into the yelks of the eggs
and sift the cream of tartar and the
soda twice through the flour; beat the
eggs and sugar together with the but
ter and sugar, add the milk slowly
and finally beat in the flour and stiff-
jly-beaten whites of the eggs. Flavor
half this mixture with rose, and into
the other half beat one teaspoonful of
powdered cinnamon, one teaspoonful
of powdered cloves and one grated
nutmeg, and flavor with vanilla, lem
on or almond: bake in four layer
cake pan.") two white layers; and two
spiced layers.
For the filling: Cut fine one cupful
of seeded raisins, shred thin half a
citron melon, grate one small cocoa
nut an.l blanch three-fourths of a
pound of almonds; make nn ordinary
boi!d icing, and Into it bnt all these
ingredients save the almonds. Hul
the mixture thickly between the lay
ers, and finish the top ;Tayer whkn
should be a white one tv ith sprinkle,)
powdered sugar and the almonds
stuck in porcupinewlse. The measur
ing cups are ordinary coffee cups and
are filled Just level. This is a suc
cessful recipe and one easily followed.
$ 1 5.00 DOLL FREE $15.00
Tickets With Every 50c Purchase
China of all the very latest designs. These prices hold good until Jan. lit.
Buy useful Christmas presents here. Think what a beautiful prosent this doll would be
for your little girl '.
i pe. Cut Star Water Set $2.00
Hanson Haviland, 50 pc. Set
Hanson Haviland, 100 pc. Set
Derby White and Gold 50 pe. Set
Derby White and Gold 100 pc. Set
Larcest Assortment Bohemian Art Glass in the city.
Store Open
Christmas WOO
Store Open
Cut out thi. ticket and bring to Store and make 50c purchase and get two tickets on doll.
On Kiing.
steal a kiss is natural. To buy
one i stupid. Two girls kissing is a
waste of time. To kiss one's siwter Is
proper. To kiss one's wife is nn ob
ligation. To kiss an ugly woman Is
gallantry. To kis an old. faded wo
man is devotion. To kiss a young,
blushing girl quite a iliffi-rent thing.
To kiss one's rich aunt is hypocrisy.
Kissing three girls on the same day is
extravagance. To kiss one's nmther-iti-law
is a holy sacrifice. New York
A Policeman's Testimony.
J. N. Paterson, night policeman of
Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter
I had a bad cold on my lungs and
tried at least half a dozen advertised
cough medicines and had treatment
from two physicians without getting
any benefit. A friend recommended
Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds
of a bottle cured me. I consider it
the greatest cough and lung medicine
in the world." Koeppen Bros.
iii: r.i:i:
That Christmas
can best be cooked with OUR coal.
Tour home also can best be heated
with our coal.
"Beet" because our coal never dls
appoints is of uniform quality and
fre from slate, etc.
Th maximum number of heat unlti
U to bt obtained with OUR coal.
Phone Main 178.
Savory t'lili ken.
'link three and on. naif table
temiifuis butter with one teaspoonful
ir.elv choline,! union, till yellow, stlr-
Irir.g cor.Ftantly to prevct,. burning:
laibl one tablespooiiful or corn starch
t ... .. .,r,.:i Hlnrwln.l. ATI
gradually while stirring constantly one
.-Mid one-half cupfuls chicken stock;
bring to the boiling point; u.A add one
and on. --half tablespoon fuls lemon
juice, ihree-fourths of a tablcspu.wiful
Mtlt. one eighth teaspoonful pnpriga,
one-li;i!f cup celery cut into small bits,
and one and one-half cupfuls chopped
chicken. (larnish 'with toast points
ITd parsley. Serve very hot.
Milne Transfer
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furnture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty.
Nut Cris-p.
Sift slowly one-half cup of hominy
yrits into one pint of boiling water;
remove to the back of the range and
simmer for an hour; then all one cup
of finely chopped English walnuts;
turn into pound baking powder cans
and set away to cool. When firm turn
out, cut into half-inch slices; dredge
slightly with flour and fry until crisp
and brown. Place overlapping on hot
The Quelle
) am. ! Foon tatne. Prop.
Item 28 cent meals In the .N'orth-
Ftrft-Has Cook and Berrlae.
Shell-flst) In Heuen.
Tji Fonntalne Block. Mala to.
Tonk-s that make litem lay.
Alfalfa Meal.
I lone. Shell and Grit,
innect Destroyer.
Conkejr New Una
127-129 E. A)U
Boil vinegar in the fish skillet or
pan to destroy the fish odor.
Comforts and quilts snotild be dried
in a good, stiff breeze, so that they
may be light and fluffy as when new.
A spoonful of oxgall to a gallon of
water will set the colors of almost any
goods soaked In It previous to wash
ing. If your rugs curl up at the edges
tbev can be made to lie flat by damp
ening the curled edge and pressing
with a hot Iron.
The imoroved uie pan has a blade
fashioned to the center, which re
volves around the bottom of the dish
beneath the pie crust when the end
protruding from the side of the dish
is moved.
New York, I ice. IT. .Mrs. Caroline
W. Martin and Mrs. Mary Pnead.
mother and aunt respectively of Mis.
'cey Snead, the young woman found
lead in a bath tub at Kast Orange,
X. J., today announce that they will
not oppose extradition to Xew Jer
sey. Both say they have nothing to
Authorities detailed to unravel the
tangled skrin of mystery surrounding
the death of the unfortuate woman
declare that Mrs. Ocey Snead was
"hypnotized to death." The police
allege that the mother and aunt and
Mrs. Virginia Wardlaw, another aunt,
used mesmerism to suggest self de
struction to the cirl whose life it Is
said had been Insured In their favor.
WashiiiKf.n. Dec. 17. The sensa
tional attack upon Secretary of the
Interior Ballinger made 'upon the
floor of the house yesterday by Rep
resentative Hitchcock of Nebraska,
makes It practically certain that the
house organlzaton cannot stave off
an investigation of the general land
office until after Christmas. The
general sentiment in the house today
is that there should be a full inves
tigation of the charges brought
against the secretary by L. R. da
vis, former chief of the field division
of the land office in connection with
the Alaskan coal felds. A resolution
demanding such an Investigation is
now in the hands of the committee
having been referred to that body by
Speaker Cannon.
Secertary Ballinger has been spend
ing much time in the White House
recently. When asked today if Presi
dent Taft is preparing' his forthcom
ng message on conservation, Ballin
ger said: "Ve haven't reached that
yet." When asked about the attack
made on him by Representative
Hitchcock, Ballinger said: "The
charges are all fabrications from be
ginning to end. Resides, he Is a democrat."
After exposure, and when you feel
a cold coming on. take Foley's Honey
and Tar, the great throat and lung
remedy. It stops the cough, relieves
the congestion, and expels the cold
from your system. Is mildly laxative.
Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros.
Why have your shoe soles nailed
on when we sew them on at 65c a
pair. No swell dressed man or wo
man wants their shoes full of nails.
Foley's Hcney and Tar Is the best
and safest cough remedy for chil
dren. At the first symptoms of a
cold, give as directed, and ward off
danger of croup, bronchitis, sore
throat, cold In the head and stuffy
breathing. It brings comfort and
ease to the little ones. Contains no
opiates or other harmful drugs. Keep
always on hand ond refuse substi
tutes. Koeppen Bros.
Visitor Well, son, what will you
be when you grow up?
Tommy (aged nine) A soldier.
t Visitor But you will be in danger
of getting killed.
Tommy Who'll kill me?
Visitor Why, the enemy.
Tommy Then I'll be the enemy.
Take I.AXATIVIC BKOMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. K.
W. UKOYE't signature Is on each box. 25c.
Highest Grade
Moderate Prices
Something for old or young
Ladies or Gentlemen
We offer the best only at all times
The Pendleton Drug Co.
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
I Ut it til Dim.
For sale at the East Oreconian office Large bundles of news
papers, oontaimnir over 100 bite papers, can he hd for 2Kc a bundle.
Imllun Jlasli.
Chop sufficient cold roasted turkey,
duck or chicken to make a pint. Cut
a good alzed onion Into very thin
gllcen. Pare, core and chop fine one
apple. Put two tablespoon of buttter
in a saucepan, add the apple and on
ion; toast until brown, then add not
more than one-eighth of a teaspoon of
powdered mace, a half teaspoonful of
salt, a teaspoon of curry powder, a
tablespoonful of flour, a teaspoon of
sugar; mix and add half a pint of
stock or water; now add the meat; stir
constantly until smoking hot, then
stand over hot water; covering closely
for twenty minutes. Add two table
spoons of lemon Juice and serve In a
border of boiled, well-seasoned rice.
Scald one pint of milk; dissolve In
I, one scant teaspoonful of salt and
two tablespoonfuls of butter, and pour
into a bowl. When lukewarm add one.
half yeast cake dissolved In two
tablespoonfuls of warm water and suf
ficient sifted flour to make a thin
drop batter. Beat hard for five min
utes, set the bowl In a pan of hot
water, cover with a cloth and set
axlde In a warm Dlace to rise. When
very light fill a well-greased hot grid
dle with greased rings (the regular
crumpet ring about twice the size of
a muffin ring). Pour rings two-
NO pains have been spared at this Christmas season
to have our stock grander and more exclusive
han it has ever been, and this can only be observed
through personal inspection, which we cordially invite
Diamonds Watches Gold Jewelry
Sterling Silver Cut Glass Opera Glasses
Clocks Umbrellas and Silverware
Await your choosing. They cc me from the world's foremost factories and are here at the lowest
prices as a result of our favorable buying facilities. Select them now. Avoid the rush later on.
All articles purchased at this store will be engraved free of charge
A I SP.HAFFFR Official O. R. (Si, N. Time Inspector
. Lf. OKjkliriSLS' SLly 726 Main St. Phone Red 30 I I