TWEIiVE PAGES. DAILY EAST onKCOMAX, FEXDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, Il0. KANSAS BABY CROP coughs CENG OF CURE FOR GOLDS IS I PAGK TEN. ii Aim m.ow struck AT SfXHtt'En STATE Cpnns Report Shows Yield of Infants Not In lnMiriitn to Grain Crops Stork N Fly in k Over State Rabies Shipped to Texas. Topcka. Knns. The baby crop In Kansas is falling off. Despite the fact that in corn, wheat anj oats Kansas this year astounded the world with a message that out of those three crops alone it made $15,000,000 more than any year before in its history, the sad admission must be made that the stork came to Kansas more than 2, P00 loss times in the last fiscal year than in the same months of 1907 and 1P0S. The whole baby crop for the Sun flower state for the last fiscal year, concerning which all statistics are now cclle.-tod. numbers 23.S50. The fiscal year f 107-1 90S returned a total of I5.9;"t babies born in Kansas. At that time the antagonists of race suicide were worried; now they are scared. The births for the 1906-1907 fircal year totaled 25,990. State Gains 50.692 Persons. Eut the real tragedy begins in an swer to this question, asked by a man who thought he might explain the cause of the falling off in "little things." He asked: "But maybe, sir, (adjusting his spectacles'), there has been something peculiar about the population, increase or decrease, and we can account for it in that way?" That is Just where the backbone of any excuse for the baby shortage was broken. In 1907 Kansas gained 3S. 000 people over 1906. In 190S the state gained but 6,539 people over 1907 a tremendous slump, due to a falling off of activity in the gas and oil re gions. But this year the light shines forth with the Joyful news that Kan sas gained 50.692 people over 190S. Just match those two figures, and then offer an excuse for 2.000 less ba bies in Kansas this year than last. If you dare! i;eKirt of Census Burcan. Dr. S. J. Crombine. secretary of the State Board of Health, Just finished sending these figures of the baby crop along with a lot of others, to the United States Census Bureau, when he was asked if he could make any ap ologies on behalf of the state, "None sir." he replied. "There are two reasons, to be plain and frank. One is that in a good many homes babies are becoming unpopular. They won't have them and they don't have them. The other reason is that a great many women are engaged in com mercial life, and do not marry. Those two things tell the whole thing in a nutshell." liable Sent to Texas. In one of the doctor's bulletins was an article written by some Texan scor ing Texas people because a carload of babies were shipped into the Lone Star state for adoption. It was the Texan's idea that "Home Production of Ba bies" should be the Issue of the hour in that state. "He is right." said Dr. Crumbine. "and the idea is right anywhere. Ba bies are brought into Kansas ann adoptd a good many of them. I have no doubt. There is no reason why Kansas should not have a first-class home production. There is nothing to hinder a good baby crop in Kansas. Notb'r? wrong with this state. A family without a baby has missed the one bfst bet of life." THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT OR AMD . ICING'S LUNGS I FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friend3 expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TALLMAN A CO. pers with their advertisements; in Bond street the palmists and astrol ogers are doing a rushing trade, and one enterprising woman has hit upon the profitable idea of combining clairvoyance with cookery and has opened a cafe where her waiting cus tomers curb their impatience with tea at 6 pence a cup. There is also such an Increased trade in crystals that a number of Bond street shops are bringing out their old stock and relegating jig saw and banjoroo to the top shelves. Su perstition is rampant. Charms and mascots are popping up everywhere in the Jewelers', in the fancy shops and even in the windows of the chem ists. Germs of good luck, horrible microbe looking creations in silver and gold are being sold for the watch chain and necklace, together with miniature "billikins," "smllagogs" and "chase glooms." while a Hebrew charm called a "komeir," made from silver 6 penses perforated, with a He brew symbol, are commanding a ready sale. HIGH PRICED MANAGER. Man Who Will Take Charge of New Gotham Hotel Commands Bis Salary. New York. Fifty thousand dollars a year for managing a cafe! That is the salary to be given Henri Pruger, for many years the manager of the Hotel Savoy in London, for his ser vices at the new food house to b opened next week in Broadway, be tween Fortieth and Fiftieth. The management announces that this new p'.ace will be by far the swellest in New York, an 1 it is expected to he come favorite among the "y.vagger set." This humi-r hut will introduce a brand new wrinkle for diners, by means of which they w 1 lbe put In direct communication with th.- chef. It Involves an endless chain of con vyors .r ilumii waiters, planned to so connert "liner, waiter and chef that the first may gn what he wants in the shortest possible time. Henri Pruger thinks the lb-vice will 1- e,.-iially welcomed in America. There will be displayed over each table a number that corresponds to the particular cheek to which the waiter is attending. As the diner sig nifies his readiness for each iuurue. the waiter will touch a button ;it the table, which will signal the kitchen below. The next course will be put on the conveyor at once, the waiter will start toward the dumb waiter shaft, and they should arrive touethei. For men in evening dress two rooms will be set aside for supper and one for dinner. These will be the main and balcony rooms. For men not in evening dress two other rooms will In provided. The most formal rooms are expected lo be popular with women who have fine gowns to display. The waiters, It was announced yes terday are to be Americans having command of at least two foreign lan guages. They will be provided with baths, dressing rooms, clothes press ing nnd manicure facilities, and will undergo inspection before going on duty. MYSTICISM HAVING A REVIVAL IV LONDON point. The match will take place in Spokane or Chicago early in January if Press accepts the new conditions. His original challenge was a Mara thon contest at a speed of not less than 50 words a minute, to continue until one of the typists gives up. One of Miss Smith's feats was to make the entire transcript of the delibera tions of the seventeenth National Ir rigation congress in Spokane August 9 to 14, delivering the copy 10 hours after the final session. EASTERN OI5EGOX CAPITAL INVESTED IX PORTLAND AUSTRIA HAS A NEW COIN. SOLDIER DIES AT AGE OF 101 YEARS Capetown. The death has just oc curred at Queenstown, Cape Colony, of a centurian named Desirez Cornel ius Mesdom. He was a Belgian, hav ing been born at Beiel, In the prov ince of Zperin, on August 2, 1S05. As a boy of 10 he was a drummer In Napoleon's army at the battle of Waterloo, his father, Josephus Mes dom. being also present as a soldier in the ranks. Desirez fought for the cause of France in the Crimea, during the course of which his nine brothers were killed and he was wounded 10 times. After wanderings in various parts of the world he arrived with the Ger man legion in South -in 1857. Finding his way to Queenstown he became a member of the Dutch Re formed church, of which shortly af terwards he became caretaker, a post he held for nearly 40 years before he retired, still in full possession of his faculties, "to make place for a young er man. WOMAN ACCEPTS CHALLENGE TO TYPEWRITING CONTEST Spokane, Wash. Lottie L. Smith of Spokane, has accepted the challenge nf H. B. Press of Seattle. grapho phone transcriber in the Alaska coal inquiry here, to a contest of typewrit ing for speed and accuracy. She j w-ouM I-mit the competition to 12? pages of copy from direct dictation1 ! at an average speed of 75 words a j minute, accuracy to be the main Thomas Callahan, an eastern Ore gon capitalist, has purchased the Ja cob Bourne home property, located near Milwaukie. The property com prises 12 acres, highly Improved, with a modern residence and a finely selected orchard, in full bearing. The consideration involved In the transac tion was $13,000. Mr. Bourne netted a profit of-$4000 in the deal, having purchased the tract just one year ago for $!t000. R. L. Turner and S. S. Rees have purchased a 51 acre tract of fruit 1-ind on the Willamette river near New Era. paying about jtiOOO for the property. C. L. Itodgers. a practical fruit grower from Hood River, has purchased 42 aciys adjoining the above property, for $125 an acre. He will develop the place by planting It in the. best varieties of apples grown in this state. Portland Journal. Gold Piece Willi Emperor's Portrait May Be Little Used. Vienna. A new gold coin, worth about $20, is to be put In circulation in Austria-Hungary. It Is stamped with the half-length portrait of the emperor, while the reverse bears the Imperial eagle. The edge of the coin Is not milled. Whether tho new coin Is likely to make its way into general use is an open question. The Vienese abso lutely refuse to adopt the gold coins already in use. If a gold piece Is presented In payment the recipient al ways regards it with distrust. The coins In circulation show no sign of wear. If obliged to accept the coins the ordinary Viennese repairs to the nearest shop it which it Is known, and willingly changes the glittering coins for the very dirtiest and most ragged notes that can still be consid ered legal tender. Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney troube of several years stand ing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend It " Kleppen Bros. Hcxamcthlcnctctramlne. The above Is the name of a Ger man chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hcxamethylenetet ramine Is recognized by medical text books and authorises as a uric acid solvent and antlseptlce for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady. Koeppen Bros. Honor Inventor of Itcapcr. Trbana. 111., Dec 16. Formal exer- jcises marking the enrollment of the l first name in the farmers' hall of fame jtook place today at the Illinois Col ilege of Agriculture, when the students ar.d faculty gathered to honor the memory of Cyrus Hall McCormlck. In ventor of the reaper. Many distin guished educators, state officials and nf Hroiltiirnl evnertu were oresent at ;the exercises In Memorial Hall. Miss ;Murlal McCormick, granddaughter of the invciftor, took an important part in the ceremony. The selection of Mr. McCornilck's name an me first to be honored was made by a commis sion appointed for the purpose. GIRL IS SOLD FOR 81.16. Parents of Hindu Child Being Pros ecuted for Action. Lucknow. The parents of a Hindu child In Madras are being prosecut ed for selling their child for $1.16. The mother of the child stated that she sold the child because it was born at an inauspicious hour and it was certain to bring ill luck. In support of this it Is stated by the child's father that he had been continuously 111 since the child's birth pnd hi. therefor., contented to the Rale. "I have here an opera." announc ed the robust composer, "which will be the greatest production of the century. It is called 'Paradise.' " " 'Paradise!' " roared the Impres ario. "Man, do you realize what it would cost for scenery?" "Yes," answered the composer. calmly, "but do you realize what would be saved on costumes? Fri sh oystt at llohtiach's bakery Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best for women and children. Jts mild action and pleasant taste make it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills', tablets, etc, Cui"s constipation. j Koeppen Bros. London Portents suggest that the winter craze of London society will be a revival of mysticism. Spirit ualistic mediums are filling the pa- The Useful and Lasting mas Gifts Is what every person appreciates. Now Is the Time of Year We all turn our thoughts toward huying some gift for our relatives and friends, and we al ways want to get the host for the money spent. We have a large assortment of useful gifts, INCLUDING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COMMUNITY SLIVER which is guaranteed for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS for family usf, and at prices suitable for any person's, pocket. When Christinas shopping come to our store we can help you decide. Ihe Taylor Hardware COMPANY LAST GALL You cannot make a present to those near and dear to you on Christmas that will be more appreciated by them than a good portrait of your self. Why Worry? One. dozen pictures will take care of ono dozen friends and relatives. That much 'off your mind. This notlco will remain In the case only as long as wo are able to complete your or der In time. It may be taken out tomorrow. Come in today. WE DELIVER WHEN PROMISED REGARDLESS OF WEATHER. The Wheeler Studio J-TT-T-.,.. California fJid-Uinter Excursion Walla Walla TO Los Angeles and return on Jan. 17th, 1910 THIS KATE INCLUDES RAILROAD TICKET FOR THE ROUND TRIP. AND BERTH IN SLEEPING CAR FOR TI1E GOING TRIP. SIDE TRIPS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ITINERARY, AND ALL MEALS FROM THE HOUR OF DEPARTURE MONDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 17. UN TIL ARRIVAL IN LOS ANGELES. 5:30 P. M., SUNDAY. JANUARY 23. ARE ALSO INCLUDED; .ALSO TRIP TO RIVERSIDE AND RFDLAXHS, OVER THE INSIDE TRACK. MON DAY. JANUARY 2 ITII. TWO TICK ETS ENTITLES HOLDERS TO A FULL SECTION. RETURN LIMIT, APRIL 17. 1910. STOPOVERS ALLOWED RETURNING. Hcrlh reservations and ft-II itinerary of the trip can lw bad of your local nK':H, or R. Burns District Freight nnd I'as.-cnm r Aitent, W'alln Walla, Wnsli. A deposit of $20.00 Mill be rcipilrcd on each ticket at time res ervation Is mailf. Do You Know? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CJ 1 have no rent to pay or high priced rpen, For this reason I can save you from 50 to 1 00 dollars on a Piano and from 1 0 to 20. dollars on each Sewing Machine, Something new in Player Pianos. Come and hear this wonderful instrument. JESSE FAILING MaTs,. Orheiim Theatre j J. P. MEDERNAC II, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION I I . PICTURES SFor Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IV TODAY'S PAPER. X HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1360 caah or $660 cash and 85 monthly payment of $13 ai each or $360 cash and 100 monthly payments of $14.80 each, or $360 cairti and 120 monthly payment! of $13.21 each. MARK MOORHOUSE & CO. Tel. Main 88. 120 EL Court