East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 17, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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$3.65 IN YARDS
Wgltcwt Price During Prcnt Move
aacnt Paid for Two Lots Dcnitiiul
lor Kliwp una Cnltlo Quito Firm
TAmbH RJingo Around $0.
Fortluna Union Stockyardn, Stock
dalo, Dec. 16. Tho complaint made
rocently In these reports to the effect
that local livestock, buyers did not
glre the shrppora to this market the
benefit of any nominal rise In prices,
but held back until a greater sum was
reached, has been remedied.
During tho pan 24 hours there was
an advance of Ec In the price of hogs.
This sent the local market to the
highest point reached during the
present movement, $8.65. Two sales
were mndo In tho Stoqkdalo yards at
this figure during the 24 hours. One
of the lots consisted of 65 head and
averaged 244 pounds, whllo another
lot of 81 bead averaged 243 pounds.
These were among tho best hogs re
ceived In the local market during the
present season.
Condon Gem Ilia Vrlie,
Condon secured the prize today for
hog shipments by topping all previous
prices at 18.65. This value was ob
tained for the lots sent (n by J. E.
Roynolds, the "regular" from Con
don. Ono load brought In by tho Gil
liam county shipper I.m snld to have
weighed on an iiverago of about 300
pound.-), und a mill higher price would
have been obtained for thlg lot in or
der to make the latter average bet
ter. Today's run of hogn was quite fair,
consisting of 404 bead, but the trade
Is taking bold of everything that
comes and Is willing to pay the price.
lemand for both nheep and cattle
is very firm and former high values
are mill eas.ly maintained. During
the past 24 hours as high as 14.75
was obtained for the better class of
Kteerx, and cows again sold at $3.73.
The market for cattle would Maud
only moderato supplies at this time
without hurting the price because of
the great Influx for the big show.
While one lot of lamb was recent-
This is the
Tasty Desserts iof California
Oranges '
II, rnnrnn t 1.1' ' IIO I .
V 7 l i . ueucious ounkist orange desserts.
I our cook book g.ves scores of oranee delicacies to
Choose from.
"Sunkist" i
e service.
ornnffpo nn i,Jl f
n , iuiai tui
ure iirm and juicy, lull-flavored.
rresh-picked California "Sunkist" Oranges are on
Bale at your denier .-every dealer-today. These oranSes
ore thin-skinned, .seedless and appetizing-the healthiest,
choicest fruit to he obtained.
5nftnr-Trli,S.t" Lem"ns are d choicest lemons of
O.UW Uihforn.a groves. They are juicy and mostly seedless.
q I ? nap,vy ,u,ccs mako Jdicious desserts, ices, etc.
-nmkist hot lemonade is the best remedy for colds.
"Sunkist" Wrappers Valuable
, Insist that your dealer gives vou "Sunkist" ornnOM nnA
'In0n -"kisl wrappers. Occurs and lemons without "Sunlcisr
wrappers are not ".Sunkist" brand. Send us 12 "Sunkist" ornnRe or
lemon wr"PPe nd 6 twocent slumps to cover packing, mailing,
etc., ,nd we w.ll send you, prepaid, a handsome full standard AA plate
Rogers' Orange Spoon Free
F or each additional spoon send same num
ber of stamps and wrappers. In a short
time you can easily get a full set of ibeso
spoons. Mail them to
Fruit Growers' Exchange
31 Clark St., Chicago, III. (3)
ly sold at $6 25 the top of the market
at present will not range above 16
Sheep and lambs are quoted f.rmer,
however, with the run sufficient to
supply the wants of tho trade.
Today's run of livestock compares
with this clay in recent years as fol
lows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep.
1 W 4 04 234 365
l'-'Os 617 464
1K07 200 ... 100
1906 175 125 250
1 5 280 151 1T73
A year ago today there was a firm
tout- in all lines of livestock, with
sheep 2.'ic and cattle 10c to 25c ad
anccd. The following is the general range
of live stock values In tho yards:
Cattle -Uest (steers, weighing 1200
pnuiuK 11.75: medium steers, $4.50;
beet cows, J3.75; fancy heifers, $3.75
3.85; medium cows, 13.50; bulls, $2
2.75; stags, 2.603.
Hogs Best east of the mountains,
$8.608.65; fancy, S8.50; etockers,
J6; pigs, $6 7.
Sheep Best wethers, 955.25; or
dinary, $4.75; srping lambs, $6;
straight ewes, $4.25 4 60; mixed
lots, $4.254.50.
Calves Best, $5.25(35.50; ordi
nary, $3 4.50.
Strange Powers o Help You
, J, - '!.". "i J -J1" -' ihii m snii ii ji
'':.. ;- -J- . . . .. " -
- v Jr . . .
';:::7r: . - .
-,. . . , f "t - ,. ; 3
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, .... v,- , . , ; . 1 ..... . a.1 .. : l .t
' ' y ' ;.: , . - . " . ;' ,. . -
' -V;;--::'.v- ; ytrf?
1L. (
Ik. -t. ' . .t
DeeemlMT Advances 2 3-8c In Clil
cnifo Big IntoTcsu Are Selling
Chicago, Dec. 16. Shorts took ad
vantage of yesterday's weakness In
wheat, occasioned by the better gov
ernment report than expected, and
bought at at the opening of tho mar
ket today, resulting In a closing 1 l-8c
to 2 3-8c a bushel higher than yes
terday's closing.
Liverpool gave this market this
first strength. It opened l-4d to 3-8d
higher and closed unchanged to- l-2d
above yesterday. Liverpool opened
firm on account of the great strength
tnere of Australian, LaPlata and Man
itoba offerings.
There was a gain of a full cent In
the December at the opening, but the
advance was sudden as shorts start
ed for cover. December closed with
the best gain for the day.
All through the wheat market there
was a good strong swell on first
trades, based upon foreign markets.
Early buying was mostly by shorts.
however, and a group of big houses,
j led by ArnVour, Harris, Winthrop, Mc
! Dougall and others, sold rather per
sistently and forced the May back
' lc from the high po..lt.
Cash wheat markets are nctlng bet
! ter and decreased supplies nrc shown
j at both Minneapolis and St. Louis. At
i Minneapolis the output of flour Is
j heavier, than a year ago.
The Cincinnati Price Current says
"Winter wheat mostly covered with
snow and in good condition. Some
corn still In fields in western sections.
Colder weather favorable for curing
I corn. Bad roads restricting moving
I of product. Tacking of 550,000 as
against 7S5 last year.
Rulers and blotters given every school boy or girl visiting oar shoe dep't.
Shes 5i
See Him Now
Sii'imnc'lv fascinating; aiv tlio words that funic tiom the
lis of Zimjiurn. lie seems ? road the secrets of ono very
soul, almost within the twinkle of an eve. so to speak. He
says to those who call to consult him, your name is so and
so, and you want to know a certain thintr, then lie tells you
what it is that you wish to know. He tells just what your
life has been, just what it will he. Iff tells as to Inyo, mar
riage, divorce, law, wills, deeds, buying and sellinc prop
erty, changes, travel. lie. tells whether husband, wife or
sweetheart is true or 'false, when and whom you will marry.
He unites the separated, causes speedy and happy mnrri
tigo ivith the one of your choice. Helps you to win in busi
ness and overcome difficulty, develops personal magnetism
and tho power of control, and brings harmony and happi
ness into one's life. Zaugara will only remain here for n
few days and you should , sto HIM NOW at his rooms at
Ihe BOWMAN HOTEL. Will remain open to tho public
U 'u! WA "If "ioo.t noiidoAijr -juSm IB jpop4o fj Tjt
.duction low fee to all who bring this ad. Cut it out as it
will not appear daily.
London. Next month there will be
unveiled at Dover a statue to the
memory of Cart. Matthew Webb, the
only man to swiin across the English
Channel. Recent years have seen
many attempts to emulate his great
feat, but so far the great sailor
swimmer, V'ho met such a tragic end
at Niagara, is the only man to swim
from England to France.
Webb made his first appearance as
a swimmer on July 3, 1875, when he
swam from Blackwell to Gravesend
19 miles 2 furlongs In 4h. 62m. 44s.
On July 20, 1875, he swam from Do
ver to Itamsgate (18 miles). He
failed to swim the channel on August
12, 1875, but on August 24 and 25
of tho same year he succeeded In
crossing from Dover to Calais In 21
hours 45 minutes. Ho was drowned
In an attempt to swim tho Niagara
Rapids on July 24, 1883.
IXTKODVCEH ins rriie
Chicago. After having been big
arried to Alexander Mur-
ren of 315 East Seventy-first street.
Mrs. Muren. No. 2, according to tno
i.v Mneistrato Rarlow in York-
vlllo court, was introduced to Mrs.
Muren, No. 1. Muren was held in
$1000 bail.
Wife No. 2 was Miss Mary Buyo of
4 26 East Seventy-third street. She
said Bhe was married to Muren April
4, 1904, and that she gave Muren
$2000 to buy furniture.
"Ho had the nerve to take mo
around and Introduce' me to his wife,
as his former housekeeper, a few days
after we were married," she said.
Mrs. Muren, No. 1, was Miss Annie
Szevlsll. She is said to have been
married to Muren November 4, 1900,
In Brooklyn.
Indications are that the short
courses for farmers and teachers
which will commence at the Oregon
Agricultural college January 4, will be
very well -attended.
Diamonds aa gifts will not depre
ciate In value. A nicer present could
not be conceived. Schaefcr the jewel
er, has a flna line.
Read the Boat Oregonlan.
EXHORBITANT PRICES. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS to put on this sale. We give you
values during Holiday season.
If you want to practice economy you can 9ave enough on each pair of shoes or Christmas
slippers to buy some present for a friend. .;
Holiday Gifts
Are Acceptable and Sensible
fyjfHY NOT ENHANCE the joys
Christmas-tide with gifts of
b Sorosis Shoes ? . What article
could be more appropriate or acceptable ?
The Sorosis Certificate Plan is a capital
idea for making presents of Sorosis Shoes
to dear ones at home, or in other cities,
without the difficulty and uncertainty of
selecting for another.
Our showing of Christmas Slippers for Men, Women and Children is the largest and
best we have ever had. Here you will find slippers for Mother, Father, Sister or Brother in
the most pleasing styles, at prices you will be glad to pay for instance:
Men's Slippers in tan or black, "Everett" or Opera cut, best $2.50 values 1.75
Men's Slippers, Romeo, Everett or Opera cut, $2.00 values Sj1.50
Women's Fur Trimmed Slippers in felt, all colors, $1.75, $2.00 values $1.40
Women's Comfys, "Daniel Green" make, $V"0 values - Sj?1.23
Ladies Shoes, new styles just received in gun metal, patent kid. and plain vici, $4.50 values,
special at $3.75
A pencil box with pen holder, lead pencil, slate pencil free with every pair of shoes.
1-4 Off on any Ladies or Children's Shoes
American National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Invites deposits and accounts of those starting in business as
well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac
tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten
tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested
bank should be able always to afford its patrons whether
their balances are large or small. Safe deposit boxes, of con
venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Bring Us Your
Poultry and Eggs
Orders promptly delivered to
any part of town.
Chickens, gees, turkeys,
ducks, eggs farm produce
and second-hand goods
bought and sold.
Highest cash price paid
for hides, pelts and Junk.
L. K. Gurfright &
Successors to Stark A Alien.
Phone Vain 379.
. it