TEN PAGES. DAILY' CAST OREGON I AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, IMt. PAGE SEVEN. HAFFNDRCD ENQRAVERMTONTMM rAu.ikc Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the city. Hides, pelts, wool, sacks and second-hand goods bought and sold. Stark & Lang, Props. Phone Main 407. 810-312 W. Webb St. I Buy Your Meat OF T1UC EMPIRE MEAT CO. Plione Alain IS. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. Fresh fish daily, steaks, chops, roasts, sausage, hams, bacon X and lard. i A NV.;.'. Don! Neglect Ycr Eyes When competent aid Is In reach. Choose your eye specialist as you would your doctor for skill, ability and practice. - F. A. CllM", (lie eye specialist, hat had over 30 yenrs practice fitting Classes. He devotes his entire time to correcting defective vision. Factory on premises. Remember we grind our on leniws for each case, using the latent method for testing the eye. Office In the JOHN SCHMIDT BUILDING, Main St. Pastime Theatre Cass Matlock, Prop, i Latest Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs A Comfortable Theatre Entertaining and Instructive Shows afternoon and evenings Adults 10c. Children un der 10 years 5c. Next door to French Restaurant IN POUND. The following described animal have been taken up by the Marshal of tha Cltv of Pendleton, to-wit: One bav mare, ten or 12 years old wpieht 1100 Dounds no brand visible One sorrel maro lame fore leg 1 r IK vears old no brands visible. One two-year-old gelding, dark Iron rav. hranded S on right shoulder. If said animals arc not claimed by the owners of thoso entitled to the oossesslon of them, costs and expenses airalnst them pnld and they taken nv within ten davs from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of th 23rd day of December, 1905, the said animals will be sold to the highest tdder. at public auction, for cash h r-itv Pound, on the corner of Cos bie and Webb Streets, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale o be applied to the payment of such n.t and exnenses of mailing saie rntd this 11th day of December, 109. THOS. GUUDANB, City Marshal T.'Vir Sale. im wheat land north of idioon 1 1-2 miles from railroad Write for terms or see v. n-ommr. 210 W. Bluff street, Pendleton Ore. Phone R4 II- ... Si . : ; : NEWSY NOTES OF ECHO WKI-Ij known couple maury ix washington A Ijongwcll W. L. & IHtcli. Starts New Residence I. Co. Repair Tlielr (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Dec. 15. Cards were receiv ed today announcing the marriage of K. Clayton Fish to Miss Lulu May Flestcr of Washington, D. C, on Wed nesday, December 8, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Flh will be ut home after January 1, 1910 at their farm'four miles above Echo. E. J. Murphy, manager of the Henrietta Milling and Grain company of Echo, is up from Portland. He Is looking after the alfalfa meal mill and the general Interests of the company hero. Work on the foundation of A. Long, well's new residence was begun to day. Mr. Longwell Intends to build a comfortable little $1200 bungalow on his lots west of Echo Just across the Umatilla river. Mr. Longwell Is managrr of the Tum-a-lum Lumber company's business at this place, hav ing cine here two years ago direct from S:'W York. Echo has Improved and Hi.: business conditions are so favorable to an observer on the Inside that Mr. Longwell felt Justified In making- this Ills home. Sheriff T. D. Taylor was a visitor lure yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. rtoss left to night for Los Vegas, Xew Mexico, where they will spend the holidays with their daughter. They will return home soon after the first of the year. Mrs. Hugh D. Smith left for Pen dleton this evening on a short visit. Water Superintendent Horcland had fence of men making a few repairs i the city reservoir on the hill. The Western Land & Irrigation mpany are making extensive repairs ' their ditch. They have twenty ur-horse frcsno teams scattered ong the ditch from here to Butter eek. ch aring out and strengthening he ditch banks for next season's lr- ,'.itlnn. Walter Hinklc- is the cngl- r In charge or me worK. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rrown returned his morning from a business trip to rtland. A MODERN MELODRAMA. Wealthy American Girl Works in l!istaiiriiiit to 'IV-t lever's I'aitli. Paris. The American colony is 'ystlfied by a romance of which an merlian girl is the heroine. It is hlspered that the young woman Is member of a certain wealthy fam- . . . i i a v. - . Iter moiner uisupproveu ui im ve fur a titled Frenchman and for ide her marriage. A few days ago a young woman. retty and well dressed, but very lelancholy, sought employment as a aitress In the Restaurant Wiber, i-ar the Opera Comlque. She spoke renrh excellently, but with an un ilstakeably foreign accept, and said cry frankly sne was an American. he said, too. that she was homeless. Ithout friends or money, and that he would be Industrious and perform er duties satisfactorily. Th, girl was engaged and she howed great aptitude and earnest- ess. The table she Berved became opular because of her good looks nd politeness. After she had ben at work a week n automobile drove up to the res- nurant, and frlm the car an elderly . . . i i , i. ,i woman entered tne piace m wucu n round. As soon as she saw the wait- ess nhe cried out In English: "At last I've found you. How could ou do this?" The girl began to weep, then faint ed. The woman sought tne propne- r and told him the waitress would eave his employ immcuinicij. hj girl revived am still weeping, arovo nway with the elderly woman in the nuto. The trirl's friends say her mother l.roke off the match with the French- n because she suspected tnat tne . . . 1 T loved money ratner man nersen. n was to disprove this that the young woman tried to make her own living, Maim a note now to get Ely's Cream Balm If you are troubled with nnsnl catarrh, hay fever or cold in the head. It is purifying and sootn- ; to the sensitive membrane mat l.nes the air passages. It Is maae to vercome the disease, not to fool the natlent bv a short, deceptive relief. There Is no cocaine nor mercury In ii nn not be talked Into taking a substitute for Ely's Cream Balm. All tmesis sell it. Price 60c. Mauea by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, York. New HOItO IIKN AM) TIl.AMl- IIOOSTKH TAKE IAJU KI1IK Snokane. Wash. Ed Choato, con ilnetor of the Moscow irain, luunu two hens and a rooster riding the rods when his string of cars pulled Into i,if;i Wednesday night. mo car ihev were riding under contained ...h.'.m uiid had been picked up at Riverside. At the time the trainmen noticed the chickens at worn eating grain at a record-breaking pace, but .v.. .ii.ri, i thev Had driven mem an uway. The three tramps that stayed with the car were promptly stuffed Into a hair the second time they wore found n,i i n ken back to Riverside on the i-w.vt irnln. The owner has been warned that the next tlmo his chick ens travel they will be confiscated to pay transportation charges. It AKI1U CITY AFTER BIO INDIAN SHOOT Baker City. Baker City Is in land the annual Indian In line shoot which Is one of the big sporting events of tho coast. W. R. Tarker, the crack shot of this part of the state, Is in touch with many of the professional hooters of the country and believes that Baker can secure the shoot If ftii, mm Mm fn .Mark Smith, its Hob Itlnke in "The Traveling Salesman," at the Oregon, Sunday, Ie wmlx-r 19. the city will bid for it. No arrange ments have yet been made for holding the event, although Boise and Walla Walla are both bidding for It. The question of holding the shoot In Baker City has been submitted to the citizens' league and if they think It a good thing for the city, active steps will be taken to raise funds for preliminary expenses. It Is thought Baker will enter the list with the strong backing of Mr. Parker and the other local sportsmen It is believed the shoot will be held here. UGHONS KNIFE ClItE FOU KLEPTOMANIA St. Paul. Minn. A surgical oper ion for the cure of a case of klepto- ania has proved by Its results that iss Jeannette Mitchell, daughter of illiam K. Mitchell. 4935 Washlng- n Park court, is not or a criminal ature, according to testimony given by her father, says a dispatch from Chicago to the Pioneer Press. A detective for a State street de- artmcnt store had charged Miss Mit chell with presenting stolen goods to the value of $14,771 for refund of money. The case was continued after Miss Mitchell's arrest and preliminary hearing November E. Miss Mitchell did not appear in court when the case was called again. ler father was her only representa tive. He admitted that his daughter hile In an unbalanced condition of mind, had obtained valuable goods at the store, and that a year ago she had procured goods by having them charg ed to the account of other persons. That the case was one of kleptoma- la the father urged when the girl ns brought into court a month ago. On the advice of Miss Mitchell's uncle Dr. A. G. Oschner of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, she under- ent an operation three weeks ago. Dr. Ochsner believes that the op eration has resulted In curing nis niece of her propensity. The girl's father, with the assent of the de- pa artmcnt store's representative, asked udge Fake to place her in the care f Dr. Ochsner, that she might take further treatment. Mr. Mitchell re fused to discuss the nature of the op eration. WOMAN CLAIMS SnE CAN RESTORE LIFE Boston. In the presence of promi nent Boston physicians, Dr. Louise O Roblnovltch of New York and Paris electrocuted a Belgian hare, and af ter the animal had been dead for some moments restored it to life by means of electricity. 'I am sure," she said, "that I could take anv of those people wno are electrocuted at Auburn In New York state, or In any other prison, and re suscltate him as I have this animal. She resuscitated the dead hare by removing the cathode from its neaa and affixing it over the respiratory organs and heart, and the anode over the loins. Prior to electrocuting the Belgian ham and restoring It to life, she pro duced anaesthesia in a wnite raDDii by means of electricity, such perfect anaesthesia, she claims, as cannot be produced by ether or chloroform with the added advantage that there are no after effects. When the cur rent was shut off the animal became wide awake at once. Don't Bo Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried lots of things and thev failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin Iment It will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Try the East Oregonlan claw Job printing. for first l,A GltANDE IRRIGATIONISTS GROWING ENTHUSIASTIC In spite of the unfavorable weath er yesterday the meeting to dlBcuss ' the irrigation question as put forth J by the Meadowbrook project was very well attended, says the Sunday La Grajide Star. A very large number ot the land owners of the valley braved the storm to participate In the meet ing. The main object of the gather ing was to have a full and free dis cussion of the matter from all sides and phases of the case. Those who had objections were allowed full ex pression as to their objections and a large number of the land owners who live in the district east of La Grande were heard on the subject. Judge T. . Crawford set forth the Irrigation company's side of the aase. It was stated that the form of contract was hought to be as nearly equkable as cculd be devised, although the com pany was willing to accept revisions that might more fairly meet the con- itions. The general results of the meeting 111 be of benefit as a better mutual nderstandlng will grrow out of the iscusslons held. During the progress of the meet ing a telegram was read from Wm. Barnett, of Wasco, to the effect that the contract proposed by the Irriga tion company is Just and equitable nd that Mr. Barnett wished to make contract for the supplying of wa- er mr irrigating lioo acres east or La Grande. Program at Orpheom Tonight. Music by Orpheum, orchestra, A. H. Johnson, leader. 1. March Indian Summer, Nell Moret. 2. Selection A Waltz Dream, Os car Strauss. 3. Picture The Two Sergeants. (Drama.) 4. Picture Mysterious Lodge, (Comedy.) 5. Picture Motor Skates. (Com- dy.)) 6. Picture Mexican's Crime. (Dra ma.) 7. Song Shine on, Harvest Moon. BELAYA'S FORCES IN PRECARIOUS POSITION Washington, Dec. 18- Zelaya's forces are cornered at Rama by rev olutionists and in a precarious posi tion, according to today's dispatches here. Commander Shtpley of the cruiser Des Moines, reported to the navy department today from Blueflelds that the revolutionists have received a shipment of additional au tomatic guns and ammunition and that they are now ready for the ex pected decisive battle near Rama. Rich Strike In Mine. Nevada City, ,.'allf., Dec. 16. A sensational gold strike was made in the Eldorado mine in the Allegheny district early today when specimens assaying $100,000 per ton were ta ken from a pocket In the main ore chute. Autolst Geta 80 Days. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 16. Mon tague Roberts, automobillst, was sen tenced to Jail for 30 days today and fined $150. The trial grew out of an attack In Southlngton, September 17, in which E. L. Kiefer of New Britain was Injured. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation.' Pleasant to take KNOWN FOR I WHAT IT A BANK'S CAPITAL Is to protect its depositors from possible loss, therefore the larger It Is, tlie greater protection tlio depositors have. Tills hank lias a Capital of ...$250,000.00 Surplus ainl not pr ofita 175,000.00 .Sharclioldiis liability 250,000.00 A total of Tills means that this bank must lone over 2-3 of a million dol lars, before Its depositors could lose a cent. This protection Is for YOU. Th. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon SECURITY Gift Portraits The time between now and CHRISTMAS is li nited. If you will fa vor us with a sitting Immediately we will be rble to complete your order In time. Don't delay. We'll do our part if you do yours. WE DELIVER WHEN PROMISED REGARDLESS OF WEATHER. THE WHEELER STUDIO 2. Pendleton Athletic Club Smoker Friday Dec. OREGON THEATRE Ed. Cuff vs. Cliff Overturf HEAVY-WEIGHT CONTEST 1 5 Roim Al Richardson vs. La Grandes Heavy weight Champion Secure your tickets early and get a good seat OREGON THEATRE Sunday December 19th HEN HY 15. 1IAKUIS, Announces The Travelln Suites A Comedy by JAMES FORBES Author of "THE CIIOKVS LAIV Sale Opens Saturday. 10 a. in. Pendleton Drug Co. prices: S1.50, S1.00, 75o "This Comedy will make the whole land laugh. DEI Laxative Fruit Syrup A. C. KOEPPEN Jt BROS. IT'S STRENGTH MEANS ?G75,000.00 17, 1909 Helmick mm and 504. ' Sat. Eve. Post Phil. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clean sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is cuarnteed