EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MOXDAV, DECEMBER IS, l9. PAGE THREE. IS CROWDED OUT OWNEIl PLTS RLAMK VPON FORESTRY POLICY Curtailing or Allotments I Disas trous for Ranch Starling With 40,000 llcnil, J. G. Edwards r Hay Crook Ranch, Has Hail Number Reduced to 12.2.V). ' - Jl ' - I II I 'teg' All Ladies Suits to go ai Jus! One-Han Price Coffee Just Coffee, but perfect Coffee. Your grocer will grind it better if ground at home not too fine. WILLIAMfON HAFFNMCD ENGRAVEIW-rRINTtRS Mpuiw DENVER COIQ Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the city. Hidee, pelts, wool, sac.ks and second-hand goods bought and sold. Stark &. Lens, Props. Phone Main 407. 810-312 W. Webb 6C Buy Your Meat OF THE EMFlrtE MEAT CO. phono Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. ifrrah fish daily, steakj. chops, rousts, sausage, hamx, bacon and lard. - t i t -TO-NIGHT MAKES WORK EASIER . Pendleton People Are Pleased t How It Is Done. It' pretty hard to attend to duties With a constantly aching back: With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills make work aster. They cure backache. They cure every kidney 111. T. M. Lacy, Elgin, Ore., says: "I have known the value of Doan's Kid ney Pills for at least six years. At that time I first began their use, I was suffering severely from pains through my back and kidneys and was practically laid up. I was V 1 . to get around but could not do ii re work. Stooping or lifting or any sudden move caused terrible pains to radiate through my body. Doan's Kidney Pills regulated the passages of the kidney secretions and benefited me In every way." For sale, by all dealers. Price BO cents. rostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name 'Jean's and take no other. The famous Hay Creek sheep ranch, located In eastern Oregon and one of the largest and best-known sheep ranches in the United States, hn been forced out of business on account of the forestry bureau's pol icy of conBervIng tho forest reserves, anys the Portland Orcgoniiin. J. D. Edwards, owner of tho famous ranch of 27,000 acres, said yesterday that he had been forced to the wall by the government's policy and he had de cided to cut up the big ranch and sell It. . Several years ago Mr. Edwards ennio to Oregon from Wyoming, where he had a range with 100,000 sheep, the largest In the country. He selected Hay creek as Ideal for a sheep country. Bold his Wyoming Interests and atarted the big establishment In eastern Oregon. In 1906 he had 40, 000 head of sheep, which he winter ed on his 27,000-acrc ranch and which he kept on the range In the govern ment forest reserve In the -summer months. RaJigo Allowance Cut. That year the forestry bureau, in its policy of conservation, cut Ed wards' allowance of range to a terri tory sufficient for only 24,000 sheep. Mr. Edwards sold a large number of sheep and continued. In 1908 came another order for a 40 per cent cut, but this wax fought hard by Mr. Ed wards, who had It modified to 25 per cent in his range allotment and now that he can give range to only 12,250 head of sheep he has decided to retire from the business, asserting that unless the sheep business Is carried on a gigantic scale, It cannot be a success. "It is the government's policy right through which has forced me out of the game," said Mr. Edwards, at the Portland Hotel. "I cannot continue in business with this small bunch of rl.cep on the big ranch and now all I can do is to sell out." Policy Is (YilirtMHl. Mr. Edwards believes that the for estry bureau policy Is bad, not only for him but for the state and coun try at large. It could have no other effect, he said yesterday. than to drive great Industries, such as he had built up in eastern Oregon, out of ex istence. He had created a ranch which had become famous the coun try over, was a model In every detail and one of the great producers of the state. There was no great expense to which ho would not go to build up his line of sheep, he said, and he Import ed rams costing, thousands of dollars and by systematic breeding produced :. sheep which had wool from Its now to its hoofs, the only sheep of Its kind in existence. Recently, in anticipation of the death of his business in eastern Ore gon. Mr. Edwards has been Inventing heavily in Portland real estate and in the last few months has made three purchases, aggregating $14!i,0fin. One of these purchases he made last week when he bought a quarter block on the corner of Grand avenue and Hel mont street for $35,000. XAYY TO ORDER INQI'IKY. Ncbrnvkn's Collision Willi Georgia ()ni of Mishap Scries. Washington. Unless Rear-Ad ml ral Schroeder, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, appoints a court of in quiry inU the collision Thursday of the battleships Georgia and Nebras ka, off the Virginia capes, the navy deportment will do so as soon as the full reports of the accident arrive In Washington. Tfnr weeks the Nobraskn has been i known as the unhapplest ship In tho navy. Her latest trouble was linked with the name of Lieutenant U. S. Macey, formerly ordnance officer of that vessel, who, when tho Nebraska made a wretched score In tarket practice wrote a letter to tho navy department explaining that the low score was due to a practlrnl state of mutiny aboard the ship. Uenr-Admlral Schroeder ordered a court martial of Lieutenant v Macey. who. whs acquitted. He was trans ferred to the other hoodo of the navy, the. Texas, but was finally rescued from that ship and sent to Minneapo lis ns recruiting officer. Dont Neglect Your Eyes When competent aid Is In reach. Choose your eye specialist as you would your doctor for skill, ability and practice, P. A. Cllw, tlio eyo siioclallst, has had over 80 years practice fitting glasses. He devotes his entire time 'to correcting defective vision. Factory oh premises. Remember we grind our o'n lenses for each case, using the latest methods for testing the ye. Office In the JOHN SCHMIDT HOLDING, Main Ht. For Sale. . 480 acres wheat land north of Pendleon, 1 l-l miles from railroad. Write for terms or see D. Kemler, 210 W. Bluff street, Pendleton Ore. Phone Red 1306. Don't Ho Hopeless about yourself when you're cripple with rheumatism or stiff .tolnts-s-of course you've tried lots of things tind they failed. - Try Ballard's Know Lin iment It will drive away nil aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. UNIVERSITY CHOOSES MEN TO DERATE IT A 1 1 Eugene. Tho debate tryout held In Vlllard hnll Friday night to select n team to debate Utah, resulted in C E. Spencer, '13, of Cottage Grove, and Tercy Collier, '11, of Eugene, being m Amas uioves ' Perrlns Gloves for little girls, M misses' and women. All styles and xtfCjf AjkS( colors. ' "4,f: !? Prices, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75 fA and $2.00. My ft , L kt Wool Gloves, 26c, 86a, aad 5c -YA- "Wool Mittens. 2c, 86a ant 0c. W$f I WOIELENBERG t$l ' y J DEPARTMENT STORE. Pfe -Vi r furs I U 1 til MrhtAWmM Wflik -if "M L'JMJtUk Vhl Dependable Furs, abso- MM i A 1 lutely every one new and Wf V ft 1 ' f''JA m tvl thoroughly trustworthy. You fla fl! &K7frCrxSffl c&n make n mistake in com- . VWffl$WKW ,ng her for your Fr Glft8' mWWPMwMMiP JA for eTery Fur 8hown here i $V&$SZW from $10.00 up to $45.00. itmmmmMiMlM Fur serfs .t WM P t0 m mrnmmmmmmL m $-Muffsat$3.50upto M mmmmm mimMW t v m m I iViSli't' Will! ' S7-Si "0JiL,tA1i:'KU Jr- iijMliW DEPARTSIEXT STORE. I I 1 u AMU 4 A - Umbrellas The very -best there Is In all kinds of handles. En graving free. Don't forget you are getting the Newest and Best her. WOHLEXBERG DEPARTMENT STORE. Better goods for Less Money. Xmas Shoes and Slipp'rs Again we say a NEW STOCK of the very best there Is. Ladies' Felt Slippers in all colors at $1.25 and $1.60. Women's and Children' Shoes of every kind here. Can be exchanged and fitted. WOHLEXBERG DEPARTMENT STORE. Better Goods for Less Money. n Buy HolidayHHand'chiels Here Better Goods for Less Money. ' Far and away the best assortment of new Xmas Handker chiefs ranging In price from 2c up to $3.50. EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES. 100 Dozen of regular 10 and 12 l-2c Embroidery and Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs on sale at 6o each. . ; 60 Doz-n Children's Holiday Handkerchiefs in fancy box, special value, 8 In box at 20o box. Ladles' Initial Handkerchiefs, In a box, extra value at $1.00 box. , si juiaj; WOnXENBERG DEPARTMENT STORE. Better Goods for Less Money. is 0 Toys and Dolls New stock complete, with newer, lower prices. We sell toys and dolls like evermg else, at aVf Smaller IPricel The practice of extortion at Holiday time In the way of advancing prices will not be found at this store. We can guarantee, not only the Newest and Latest Holiday Goods but absolutely the Lowest Prices and best assort ments. :r J 3T - . . . - ' W J2a. z Wohlenberg mm im mm Department Store i Better Goods for Less Money. A-484 J. chosen to represent the university in the coining contest with- the Mor mons. About fifteen men tried out for the team. The interstate teams will be picked in February out of tho squad of about thirty who are work ing for places. In the oratorical tryout held yes terday Harold Hounds and Ben Wil liams, were chosen to represent Ore gon. The oratorical contest will be held in Salem this year. O. A. C. NOTES. The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold is Just as soon as it starts then there will bo no danger of pneumonia or consump f'on. Just a few doses of Ballard's llorehound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough. If It has been manning on for some time the treat ment will he longer, but the c:ire In sure. A C. Kocppen & Bros Diamonds as gifts will not depre ciate in value. A nicer present could not bo conceived. Pehaefor the jewel er, has a fino line. PILES SUR.Kn IN (1 TO 14 DAYS AZO OINTMK.ST Is Kimrnnteetl to cure Biiv ciiso nf Itching. Hllnd. Uleeillng or l'totrud lni riltw In U to 14 days or money refund ed. r.0e. Tho Oregon Agricultural College ex hibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Paelfic exposition won the gold medal offer ed for the best educational exhibit. Gran i prizes were also awarded to cm h of the seven departmental ex hibits. The Oregon Agricultural College w inn r short courses which commence on January 4, and continue for a pe riud of six weeks, will be the most complete ever offered. Practical work In every line of asriculture, dairying, horticulture, domestic sei eme and art. loa.l building and busi lu ss methods W.I1 be taught. An ex ceeiiiiiKiy strong staff of Instructors w ii h.ive clnirae of the. work. The equipment for demonstration and ex perimental work is the most com plete ever nseil Ht the college. There are twelve literary societies with n average membership of thir ty at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Six handled and seventy men are drilling in the cadet regiments at the ('leg. m Agricultural College, The Oregon Agricultural College nowvhas two regiments and two regl nieiiial I), mils. Norwegian Cabinet to Resign. Christiana, Dec. 10. At the meet ing of the cabinet tomorrow, it is ex pected that Prime Minister Knud sen will formally announce, the resig nation of himself and colleagues, to become effective when the storthing com etics next month. Returns from the recent elections to the storthing show that 63 of the right and liberal parties, which iden tified themselves with each other in the elections, 47 of the. left (the pres ent government party ), 11 socialists, and two Independents have been e lected. The previous storthing was composed of 59 of the government (left party). 54 ef the right an,l lib eral parties, and 10 socialists. Looking One's Rest. It's a woman's delight t.i look her In st but pimples, skin cruptions.-sorts .-.n.l bo'.'.s rob life of Joy. Listen! I'ucklen's Arnica Salve cures them; fnak.s the skin soft and velvety. It glorif es the face. Cures pimples, sore (yes. col.l sores, cracked lips, chap ped hands. Try it. Infallible for plies. 2:.e. at Tallman & Co. SC I '1 TlAGISiTS TRY ODD DEVICE TO WIN VOTES New York. Dec. 10. "Wax Works" designed to illustrate the beauties and utility of suffrage for women form one of the-nttraetions at the Suffrage Pair, opened this afternoon at the Ho tel Martha Washington. Forbes Rob ertson, the actor, who is a devoted adherent of tho cause of votes for women, opened the exhibition. Young men and women personate the old fa vorites in Mrs. Jarlcy's collection of wax works, hut when wound up per form in strange and unexpected ways designed to influence the beholder to become a suffragist. The booths at the fair represent '.lie countries and states where wo men vote, and there Is a booth where the art of marking a ballot is taught fur a consideration. There is al so a house built entirely of newspa per clipp.ng;' bearing on woman suffrage. Furnished room for rent. M2 South Main street. Girls. V.'V.y have your shoe soles r.alled o;i when we so.v them on at 65c a (pair No s'A?ll dnssed man or wo Inquire man v tr.is t In ? .- slices full of nails. I A. EKLUXD. OREGON THEATRE, ONE NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th ., 11. E. PIERCE CO., OEFEH THE STIRRING AMERICAN PLY, 4 4 IN NOT IN A LIFETIME HAS SUCH A TYPICAL WESTERN COMEDY BEEN CREATED." Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 29. SEATS ON SALE AT PENDLETON ItRI G CO. PRICES $1.00 75o 50c and 25c.