EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OHEGON, S.VITUDAY, DECEM UKR II, 1909. PAGE THREE. Womms Power Over Man lllL Woman't moat glorious endowment it the power lo awaken and hold the pure and honest love o( a worthy man When ihe loaet it and still lovet on, no one in the wide world can know the heart agony he endures. The woman who Buffers from weak ness and derangement oi her special womanly or ganism loot loses the power to sway the heart of a man. Her general health suffers end she loses her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive apecifio for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise you to accept substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. PUrv'M Pleauaat PelletM refill alt and atreagthea Stomach, Llvtr and Bowila. Churches (Continued from Page Two.) restrictions under which they have been placed. C. K. Cranston of the First Nation al bank, who has been ill for several days, is still confined to his bed but will probably be out in a few days. Mr. Dan P. Smythe, who has been caring for his extensive sheep inter ests in southern Washington, return ed to Pendleton Thursday. t Mrs. Leon Cohen was hostess at a dinner Tuesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Burke who are making a short stay In Pendleton before go ing on to Portland, where they will remain during the fall. They have been In Hartford, Conn., during the fall. The only dance of the present week was that given by the members of the local camp of the Woodmen In their hall, last Monday evening. Good mu sic, a splendid floor and a good crowd made the dance an enjoyable event for all those who participated. . Mr and Mrs. Harvey Pitts of Al bany.' New York, are the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Charles U Eon ney. They will remain for two weeks after which th.-y will proceed to Pas adena, where they will remain during tho winter. Mrs Will Peters of Portland left for her home this morning after a brief visit at tho home of hor brother-in-law. J. P. Hanlon. She had been called to Raker City by tho Illness of a brother and slopped off here for a brief visit whllo on her way home. ... ii.i..im Kirhnlson.- who has been 'employed In the local office of the Balfour-Guthrie c"mian several months, left Wednesday for Spokane, to. accept a position in the offices of the Great Northern Rail road company. Mrs Vlda Johnston and Miss Hazel Weller entertained a number of their friends in thcJr apartments at Mr F O'Gara'B residence on the corner of Johnson and Water streets, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Clifford L. Morgan left Fri day afternoon for Bremerton, Wash ington, where she will visit for a few davs at the homo of her brother. Mr. Karl Boosher. She will return in a few days. Mrs. Elvln Lampkin has returned from Heppner where she was called by the serious illness of her sister. Miss Telia Kuebler. The latter had boon very ill for several days'." hut Is now recovering. Nesmlih Ankeny of Walla Walla, who has been employed In the First National bank, will be Joined by his wife In a short time and thy will make their home In Pendleton.' Miss Bertha Alexander, who has been absent for the past two months in California, is at present visiting in ftoseburg. She wil Ireturn to Pen dleton in about a week. Mrs. Frank. Richardson who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. A. Vaughnn, for the past week, return ed to her home in Portland, last Thursday. The hoys of Company L are arrang ing to kIvc a dune... in the armory hall next Wednesday evening. Johnson's orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. Mr. W. J. Clarke of the Clarke Hardware company, will entertain Ills fellow members of the Wenaha club nt a dinner this evening. Miss Pauline La Fontane Is visit ing in Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basler. Tormer resi dents of this city. - Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morris have gone to California for a two weeks visit, expecting to return to Pendle ton by Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Spolir of To ledo Iowa, are tho guests of their son, Thomas Spohr of the Pendleton Drug company. Mrs. Charles' J. Ferguson has re turned from Walla Walla where she had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Allen. The Jolly Neighbors' club will meet Tuosday afternoon of next week with Mrs. W. C. E. Frultt on West Alta street. Miss Rllla Thompson, w ho has been the gest of Miss Jennie Perry left this morning for her homo at Echo. Miss Edith Slushor will entertain a few friends this evening at the home of her parents in North Pendleton. Mr. Roy T. Bishop Is a business vis itor in Portland, having gone down on tho delayed train last evening. Mrs. Charles C. Berkeley of Seat tle, Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Nancy E. Despaln. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers of Adams, were the guests of Pendleton friends Friday. Miss Cora Dillcy of Portland, is the guests of the Misses Esther and Sidney SommervWe. Miss .Frances Hayes has returned from a two weeks' stay with friends In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt enter tained the bridge club on Tuesday evening. - The ladies of the Parish Aid so ciety will hold their annual sale Wed nesday. Winn Stewart left Monday evening for Spokane. CLUB NOTES. Mrs. N. Berkeley charmingly enter tained the members of the Current Literature club Friday of this week with a program on English Abbeys. The nearness of the holiday season and the Christmas spirit was evident in tho table decorations and the mu sic. Following Is the program: Reading Hymn of the' Nativity (Milton) Mrs. Starkweather Talk Battle, Melrose, Holyrood Abblos Mrs. Colesworlhy Paper Newstead Abbey Mrs. James A. Fee My Impressions of Westminster... ' , Miss I. Boyd Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Landers ren dered several delightful vocal selec tions;. A number of other guests were piesent and an enjoyable hour was spent while refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. James H. Haley presided nt the tea tray and Mrs. J. F. Robin son poured coffee. . Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best for women and children. Its mild action a.nd pleasant taste make It preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Koeppen Bros. Girls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when we sew them on at 6oc a pnir. No swell dressed man or wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. .Ministerial Association, The Pendleton Ministerial associa tion will meet Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the Baptist study. A pa per will be presented by Rev. W. L. Van Nuys, tho retiring pastor of the Presbyterian church. Is r First C hristian Cluuvh. Meets in the South M. E. church on West Webb street, school; 11, communion meeting for members; people's society; 7:30. cordial Invitation to all services Mackenzie Meld rum, pastor 9:45, Bible and business 6:30, young sermon. A A. Baptist Church. East Alta and Johnson streets. Morning and evening services. Elev en o'clock sermon, "God's Delight In Men." At 7:30, "A Fleeing Evangel ist." Young people's union at 6:30; Bible school at 9:to, classes for all. Invitation is extended to these ser vices. Good music and a welcome. R. E. Storey, pastor, 302 E. Alta street. Church of thq JlMlvrmf'i'. The holy communion will' be cele brated at 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; divine service with sermon at 11 a, m and 7:30 p. m. The offer tory solo In the morning will be sung by Mrs. W. A. Slusher and In the eve ning by Dr. Hill. All are cordially In vited. Charles Quinney, rector. Presbyterian Church. PresbyUrlan church, corner Altla and College. Bible study at 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11; young peo ple's society meets at 6:30 p. m. Eve ning worship at 7:30. Tomorrow's services will close the work of Ihe Rev. W. L. Van Nuys in the city. The morning subject will be: "The Joy of God's House," a retrospect of six years. The evening service will be "A Last Word for Jesus Christ." Christian Science. At the Christian science church, corner of Webb and Johnson streets, the subject tomorrow will be "God. the Preserver of Man." Methodist Eplncopal. The sacrament of the Lord's sup per will be observed at the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at the morning service. The pastor's theme in the evening will be "An Invitation to Worthless Men." Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league. 6:30; preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Strangers will find a cordial welcome. The choir of the Methodist Episcopal church, assisted by Miss Edna Gates and Dr. Elmer Hill will give a Christ mas concert in the church Sunday Mvening. December 19. A fine pro gram Is being prepared. A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Paterson, night policeman of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I hid a bad coM on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting nny benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung med.cine In the world." Koeppen Bros. MUM I T OX THE LAKE ALL HOPE IS (iOXK to cr.nr. . cor.n in one pay. Tnke LAXATIVE HltO.MO quinine Tablets. Drugitlsts refund mimey If It fails to cure. B. XV. UltOVE'S signature Is on each box. 2."c. Cleveland. Ohio. Dee. 10. Hope of rescuing Captain Bell and 12 sailors o' the steamer Clarion who aio sup posed to be drifting on the lake In a small steel boat was practically ab andoned today. The- Clarion was bi-rned off Point Plee yesterday, two sailors losing their lives and five be ing: rescued by the steamer Ilanna. D ROBABLY you realize that a present he can wear will be constantly with "him' and remembered and t"H a.' J 1 c J. tl appieciaiea eveiy nour or eveiy aay. ine more use ful the present the more significant that the giver is a sincere and valued friend. Our Prices the Lowest in the City Consider the following suggestions before buying, and remember we will be pleased to show you them whether you buy or not. FANCY NECKWEAR, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SILKOLINE lUNDKERCH'FS, With Ills Initials. WOOL OR COTTON HOSIERY,. 10c to 50c. FANCY ARM BANDS, FANCY GARTERS, Silk or cotton. SILK MCFFLERS, SUSPENDERS, In fancy Xmas boxes, all prices. MEN'S WARM CAPS, SMOKING JACKETS, FANCY VESTS, Special prices. STETSON nATS, Stiff or soft. DRESS SHOES, Black, tan, oxblood. SWEATER COATS, FANCY ROBES, COLLARS AND CUFFS, MEN'S JEWELRY, DRESS GLOVES, WORK GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, Cotton and silk. UNDERWEAR, Cotton, wool and silk and wool. GOLF SHIRTS, SOc to 1.7S. DRESS SHIRTS, Pleated bosom. SUIT OF CLOTHES, WARM OVERCOAT, FANCY SUIT CASES, FANCY HAND BAGS, INDIAN ROBES. All prices. MEN'S BELTS, WARM MITTENS, We've made a big reduction in all Men's Clothing in order to make It almost Impossible to not buy 1 a suit for "him." . j IF IT IS ILVRD TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND, JUST VISIT THE Workingmen's Clothing Co. BEST LINE OF MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS IN THE CITY AND OUR "LOWER EX PENSE MAKES THE PRICES LOWER." iijLs:. Captain Bell and the remainder of the crew tried to reach shore In one of the ship's boats and throughout the nifcht watch was kept along the shore but no trace of the boat was found. It is not believed the boat could long weii t her the storm. The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold is Just as soon ag it starts then there will be no danger of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough. If It has been rnunning on for some time the treat ment will bo longer, but the cure 1 -tire. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. .MOTHER AND FOUR CIIII.DIIEN BURN TO DEATH PROMT J AS '& si t JTEEET WPl EM I o ts A & iff. f Concordia, Mo.. Dee. 10. Hemmed in bv flames that enveloped the win dows and blocked the stairway, Mrs. Frank IlycUe and four children burn ed to death, the fire destroying her home at Wayne, near here, today. Afler exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar. the great throat and lun; remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the congestion, and expels the cold from your system. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Bros. OF THROAT AND I IEEifi $ n WW r7U EJ 4 H -CSi d '1 EJ 13 Located on the corner of Seventh and Stark streets, extending through the block to Park street, Portland, Oregon. Our new Park Street Annex Is Hie only fireproof hotel building in Oregon. Rates $1 a Day and Up. European DISEASES KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL Is lo protect Its depositors from possible loss, therefore the larger It Is, the greater protection the depositors have. Tills bank lias a Capital of $250,000.00 Surplus ami net profits 175,000.00 Shareholders liability 250,000.00 SAvro nzn son's life My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I begun Riving Dr. King's New Discovery, aud I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRS- SAMP rippee, Ava, Mo. 50c AND Sl.00 SOLD AND pUARANTEED BY T.U.I.MAX CO. Bl i J : a t I A total of $675,000.00 This means that this hank must lose over 2-3 of a million dol lars, before its depositors could lose a cent. This protection Is for YOC. Ihe FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon SECURITY Orcheum Theatre J. P. MEPEUXAC II. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children sf.e rnotiitAM i ronvrs papfji. OREGON THEATRE, ONE NIGHT, VEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th II. F.. PIl'KCE & CO., OFFICII TIIF STIKlIIN'ii AMFKICAX PLAY, t ft IN WYOMING" "NOT IN A LIFETIME! HAS SUCH A TYPICAL WESTERN COMEDY BEEN CHEATED." Salt Lake Tribune. Nov. 29. SEATS ON SALE AT FEXP.LKTOX KUVG CO. PRICES $1.00 75c 50c and 25c.