DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 10. PAGE SEVEN. CATTLE BUYERS NOT SO ACTIVE coughs KING OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER OftBINAHY -STUFF DOES NOT MOVE FAST Eiurrr pages. a Want Ms I'iMfrliilii' Weather Affects Market. Bat No Weakness Is Noticeable Better Quality of Sheep Will Ilo Wanted Hogs Are Searit. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock pile, Dee. 6. Uncoituln weather and a yery uncertain railroad situation have stilled th0 tone In the livestock market to a considerable extent. No weakness Is reflected In any line of livestock at the local yards but buyers are not nearly so eager to buy as they were last week or 10 days ago. Cattle show this condition princi pally. Of those killers have quite liberal stocks and therefore are not Inclined to hurry transactions. The situation would undoubtedly be bet ter were a better class of stuff to come forward but of today's arrivals of cattle most of them run from poor to only fair. No toppers were receiv ed at all. Would Seek Itetterr Quality Sheep. Present Indications are that dur ing the present week or so there will be quite an eager demand for fat sheep and lambs. So spoke a well known authority today and ho added that this will tend to elevate prices in that line. These better sheep are wanted for the holiday trade anl therefore will he able to command a higher price than during normal transactions. While there was a fair run of sheep in the yards today, none of thorn were for the open ng market, most of the arrivals consisting of feeders destined for the eastern part of the sate. No Hogs Offering Today. There were no hogs offering in the yards today although there was quite a liberal run over Sunday. Practi cally nil of these merely pissed through the yards en route to ihi northern packers. N. Hogs are firm with no change in prices offering. Today's run of livestock compares with the same date in recent years ns follows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 190V 40 323 3'it 190S 75 2S0 125 1907 100 200 190 80 173 1900 80 173 A year ago today there was a firm tone in all lines of livestock but ca' tle showed the only price change. These were 25c ndvanced. Itegnrdlns Hepresentnlve Prices. S.ime of the old timers in the virds are again refusing to give reports of their sales of livestock because they sny t is none of the btn'n's of rh'.p pers. Generally speaking this view Is not held by commission mere-hunts and these sales will be print'1'! when ever available. A list of those mer chants who give tho reports will like wise be given nt various ' nws. . Much Interest Is being .entered in the coming election of tli Portland Livestock exchange. T!ie:e will be much competition for th office of president and therefor belt. material will be brought nut than formerly Complaint Is being made by some that the organization has practically ac complished nothing under its ;nesent head and therefore a change is de sirable in order to boost the livestock Industry here. J. K. Reynolds had a mixed load of cattle and sheep offering from Con don today. H K. Milks the Nampa shipper, had three loads of cattle and one of hogs in the yards over Sunday. E. Evans of Condon, shipped in five loads of cattle and calves from Gil liam's county seat. Olnrdhart Bros, of Welser. wore represented in the opening market to day by three loads ot cattle. L. Fulton was another shipper from Welser. He had a load of sheep In this morning. R. Williams of Idaho Falls, came through with three loars of hogs. T. J Ilinehart sent In two loads of sheep from Sllverton. The following Is the general range of livestock values in tho yards: Cattle Best steers, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.65 4.75; medium steers, 34.60; best cows. $3.75; fancy heifers, J3.7Bfii3.85: medium cows, $3.50! bulls, $2fi2.75; Htags, $2.503. Hogs Rest east of the mountains, ' AT YOUR GROCER'S Portland Flouring Mills Co., Dayton. Waafc I -S3fe8oiymplc3 j $W Flour yd 8 j J?y in an aid to rui'ner jfl W'W tluni a test of jour Irk ability." M tottf Mother. JS ffyou should try a &il,wut jUun HI suck of Olympic 3 jl ioim1 things to eat. PlTVnTX IV If. "better y thanever."; L iillliTfirit ,m FOR THROAT m II 0f II Silly WESlf PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my casa incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me 60 completely that I am all sound and wall MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ! Trial Bottle-Free $8.25; fancy, $8.10; Blockers, $5 50 ; pigs, $6i7. Sheep Rest wethers, $4.G04.75; ordinary, $4.50; spring lambs, $5 60 6; straight ewes, $44?)4.25; mixed lots, $4 26CP4.50, (.'a Ives Hest, $5 ft 5.25; ordinary, $3!f 4.S0. A Pol locum n's Testimony. J. N. Paterson, night policeman of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from- two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured mc. I consider It the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Koeppen Bros. .IOIIN 1). TAKES IT MOTOK CYCLING Tarrytown. N. T. John D. Rocke feller, jr.. has taken to motor cycling, residents of this town were much surprised recently when they saw him on a shinny new machine riding off towards the Rockefeller estate at Po cant!co Hills. Mr. Rockefeller's con version to the motor cycle caused considerable comment, as It Is known ho Is opposed to automobiles and seldom rides in one. He Is an en thusiastic horseman, however. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey I and Tar, the great throat and lun? remedy. It stops the cough, relievos the congestion, and expels the cold from your system. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substitutes. Koeppen Rros. Artillery Officer Retires. Washington, Dec. 7. Lieut-Col. Albert C. Rlunt of the Coast Artillery, was placed on the tretired Hat today on his application after a service of thirty-two years. He has been on duty at Key West Many officers of the Const Artillery are ndvanced In rank as a result of tho retirement of Lieut-Col. Rlunt and Col. Henry L. HarrH who quit the army last week. Mrs S. .Joyce, Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney troube of several years stand ing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend It " Kleppcn Bros. Play Bridge for Charity. New York, Dec. 7. One of the largest bridge tournaments ever held In New York, and also the first big society event of the season, will serve to swell the fund for the prevention and cure of tuberculosis. Prepara tions were completed this morning for the gathering of the "bridge fiends." the entire second floor of the Plaza hotel having been set apart for their use. There will be no expense and the entire receipts will be used In fighting the "white plague." 4 SMinjr for 15 Yr-nrs by Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors and $200 worth of medicine in vain, G. F. Ayseue of Inglesldo. N. C, at last used Dr. King's New Life Pills and writes they wholly cured him. They ctlre constipation, bil iousness, sick headache, stomach, liv er, kidney and bowel troubles 25c at Tallman & Co. Prlllls Well at Cunningham. Cunning. Wash., Dec. 4. W. F. ; If ford has just finished a well on the farm adjoining town belonging to K. W. Parker. This is the shallowest well In this part of the county, 150 feet. Tho drill went through a thin layer of coal. The snow, Is eight Inches deep and this, with rain of the last month, makes wheat growers hopeful. Mrs. A. J. Hallo Is preparing a Christmas entertainment for the chll- M Id-West Poultry Show. Chicago, Dec. 7. Poultry, pigeon and pet stock breeders all over the United States and Canada have enter ed exhibits at the first annual exhi bition of the Great Mid-West Poul try association, opened In the Colise um today. The management expects the exhibition to surpass In Interest tho Crystal Palace Show In London and the Madison Square Garden Show In New York. TO CURE COLD IN ONH DAT. Tnke I.AXATIVH IlllOMO Quinine Tablets. hruKKlsts refund money If It falls to cure. W. W. UUO.VE'8 signature Is on each box. 25c. DR. KMC j FOR" COUGHS ARID COLDS BaavBBaaaaanHHnaBBnHiaanaanauBM SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TALI. MAX & CO. TIE WHEAT MARKET CHICAGO WHEAT MAKES GOOD GAIN Market Closet to to 1 5-8c Higher Coarso Grain Generally Dollish. Chicago, Dec. 6. Wheat opened unchanged to a fraction higher than Saturday and closed to 1 6-8c advanc ed over the previous closing. Stormy weather had considerable effect upon wheat buying here today. Futures were helped by the better de mand prevailing for cash stuff and this caused many shorts to run to cover. While- there is considerable bear Ishness In tho Argentina situation, foreign markets advanced a fraction. American visible supply shows the following changes: Wheat Increased 1.C69.000 bush els. Corn Increased 917,000 bushels. Oats Decreased 6000 bushels. Corn market was generally firm and higher although liquidation in 'the December put that option lower, closing being 3-8c higher than Sat urday. Oats market received considerable benefit from the decreased visible and the closing was l-4c to 5-8c high er. Slightly higher price for hogs in the yards brought out considerable benefit from the decreased visible and the clos.ng was l-4c to 3-8c high er Slightly higher price for hoge in the yards brought out considerable buying of pork products. January closed 30c higher. Lard was like wise affected and closed $5 to 12 l-2c higher while ribs were 12 l-2c higher than Saturday. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best and safest cough remedy for chil dren. At tho first symptoms of a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, sore throat, cold in the head and stuffy breathing. It brings comfort and case to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Keep always on hand and refuse substi tutes Koeppen Bros. ISoiiefit for Reed Sisters. Philadelphia, Dec. 7. Touched by the tragic plight of the sisters of tho late Roland Reed, the eminent Am erican comedian, sympathizers In the theatrical circles of this city and New York, will give a big performance at the Chestnut Street Opera house this afternoon. A short time ago It became known that the Reed sisters were living In object poverty, and that they were ac tually spending their nights in a hovel In the Tenderloin district of this city. As soon as any endeavor was made to help them they would "move on" wishing to avoid notoriety. Hexnmctlilcnrtetrnnilne. Tho above Is the name of a Ger man, chemical, which is one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetet rnmlne is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptics for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon us you notice any Irregularities and nvniil a serious malady. Koeppen Bros. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonian build ing. Steam hent; electric lights; hot I n.l cold water; bath. Inquire at Eu. Oregonian. Mary Johnson. an accomplished Swedish servant girl, is looking for a position. She wants a home where Folger's Golden Gate-. Coffee s used. HERE'S A PROPOSITION IXIH A GOOD HOME OX EASY PAYMENTS. $1360 cash or $560 cash and 85 monthly payments of $13.21 each or $350 cash and 100 monthly payments of $14.80 each, oi $350 cash and 12 monthly payments of $13.11 each. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Tel. Main 83. ' Ann '$ LUNGS Foley's Orlno Laxative Is beat for women and children. Its mild action and pleasant taste make it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Koeppen Bros. Good store or office room for rent In East Oregonian building oi, Main street. Inquire at this office. CERTAINLY KIDNEY TROUBLE NO OREGONIAN READER NEED RE MISERABLE Backache, Kidney Disorder and Mis ery in Bladder Vanishes A Few Doses of Pa,uc's Diuretic Will Make Your Kidneys Act Fine and Cure AH I'rlnary Disorders. Hundreds of folks here are need lessly miserable and worried because of out of order kidneys, backache or bladder trouble. If you will take several doses of Rape's Diuretic all misery from a lame back. rheumatism. painful stitches, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, nervous headache, irritability, dizzi ness, wornout. sick feel nk and other symptoms of overworked or derang ed kidneys will vanish. Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent urinafion (especially at night and all bladder misery ends. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system, and distrib utes its healing, cleansing and vital izing Influence directly upon the or gans and glands affected, and com pletes the cure before you realize it. The moment you suspect any kid ney or urinary disorder, or feel rheu matism coming, begin taking this harmless medicine, with the knowl edge that there is no other remedy, at any price, made any where else in the world, which will effect so thor ough and prompt a cure as a fifty cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmacist, bank er or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape of Cincinnati, is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Only curative results can come from taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days' treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and you feel fine. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere In the world. IV POUND. The following described animals have been taken up by the Marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One young roan calf, no ear-mark or brand visible; one young red roan calf, no ear-mark or brand visible; one red knot-head calf with star on fore head, ory small and no brand visible. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and expenses agnlnnst them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. 'of the 15th day of December, 1909, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, on the corner of Cos ble nnd Webb Streets, In said City or Pendleton, tho proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs nnd expenses of making sale. Dated this 3rd dav of December, 1909. THOS. OURDANE. City Marshal. 120 EL Court WANTED. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a raai order business at home. No can vassing. Be your own boss. Send fo free booklet. Tells how. Heacock 2708, Lockport. N. T. WANTED Men and Boys to lear plumbing. Plumbers In demand everywhere, earn $6.00 to $8.C0 pe 3ay, short hours. By my methodi I make you a practical plumber li a few months. Edward McCaffen Plumbing School, 20 Riverside At. Spokane, Wash. WHERB DO TOU STOP when in Portland? Why, at the Plaza, 211 1-2 Third street, of course. Where che rooms are 'clean and cheap the and landlady cheerful and ac commodating'. Try It, It Is like home. AN intelligent person may earn $101 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Simd for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 3798 Lock port, N. T. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot nd cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonian office. Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro herapeutlcs. Judd bulldl g, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Main 664. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, vlack 3421; residence 'phene, red DR. M S. KERN, DENTAL fcUR geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ng. Phone, red 3301. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF fice in Judd building. Phone Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office Tall an's drug store. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. RALEY RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, OF- f:ce in DespalB building. CARTER St SMTTITI3, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American Nation al Bank bulldlnk. 1 Classified Directory JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY ATi"pp",He postorrice. Funeral pari r. law. Office over Taylor Hardware iJwo r""eral cars. Calls responded to Company. ,day or night. "Phone main 76. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Sc. Idt block. PETERSON A WILSON. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS & STS1WER. ATTORNEYS at law. Offices in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Association block. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SECOXD-nAND DEALERS. V STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 East Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title t all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Payj taxes and makes Investments for non residents. References, any ban'. In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER. Vlve-Pres. C. H. M RSH. Se. LIVERY AND FEED STARLIT. 7ITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 26-26 P.-I. Bldg., Seattle, Wash ington. MAPS CITY OF PENDLETON AT Kast Oregonian of floe. Price J 5c. for sale at East Oregonian office. Wanted Continued. HAIR WORK DONE AH kinds Of hair work done at Madam Ken nedy's Hair Parlors, 607 E. Court street, the only natural human hair ever sold In Pendleton; also a nlca line of goods to sell, rolls, chains, pamps, switches, puffs, made from your own combings. Everything strictly guaranteed. Shampooing, halrdressing a specialty. H. ghost prices paid for coirbings. Phoa Red 3752. WANTED Position as cook for fam ily or housework. P. O. Box 43S. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture, from nlna room rooming house, also piano. 201 W. Webb. Phone Red 3121. Extra good offer if taken at one. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at Read the "Want" ads today. East Oregonian office. Price 26a. LOST LOST ONE BROWN GELDING, t years old, branded TZ on left shoul der; weight about 1300 pound. $10.00 reward for Information lead ing to recovery. Joe Craig, Pen dleton. Ore., Box 475. Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line perlmontL MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RH pair work on all Kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machlna castings. Junction of Court and Alt streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A. F. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUll work It's clean, reliable cad con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water an3 'urllng Iron Heaters. Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan. 122 W. Court street. YEE SAM. LEE CO.. NOODLE RE3 taurant, Mrs. Goey, Prop. Chicken noodle soup, chop suey, etc. Webb St,, between Main and Garden. Phona Red 3391. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY; lamny wasmng; work done by hand; mending free; goods calleri for nii i ellvered. 40g East Court street. BILLS COLLECTED and advertise ments written by a competent man ! wIth years of experience. Prices I very reasonable. Room 31, Pen I land lodging house, phone Black I 1391. ACCnONEEK. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK I Auctioneer. Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmeis' Bank of Weston. Farm ;8ales a specialty. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BAKER & FOLSOM. FUNERAL Di rectors and license mh,im. FRATERNAL ORDERS. -vJy rt-ivuLETON LODGE No. ES A. F. and A. 1!., meets the firt and third Mondays of eaei month. All visiting brethren are in vited. B. P. o. ET ' S NO. Ill .r4T7) moet every Thursday even VnSJ.V lr'K I" Eajrie's-Woodmen 2 hall. Q. w. Phelps, E. R ; Thos. Fltz Gerald, Secy. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. 1C of P., meets every Moiida' evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cordially .li.iiru iu mien.. li. H. Tarbet. C. c R. w K-it,- u- R. S. " ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY COXTR icti- a a x-r. Builder. Estimates furniiih .n kinds Of Uiasonrv remnt a-nlb- walls, etc. Phone black 3786. or Or.--por.ian office. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No nce is nereoy given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock holders of the East Oregonian Pub lishing company on Wednesday, December 1, 1909, at 4 o'clock . m., at the office of said company In Pendleton, Oregon, for the pur pose of electing officers for the aa sulng year. C. S. Jackson, president; L. D. Drake, secretary. Every Yoma& is imerpsiod ana ahauiu kuo io v n win iue worn 1 en u 1 i'MI Marvel r,ln it. If hft cannot mint the M A KY IB. iv.ni i.a A'hAT :t can it st.imn " . (11 tM'...l it l.l -.. vUdio. MARVEL CO.. 44 6. 2 it St.. Km Tor MEN ANDW0MEK. I'm Big (J for annaf ttrml dm-htritM.tuflfcniiMUgct, trrtUtioD or ul ration cf mucoii nirrabrftii. Pftiuku, mi not utttu nt or poKonous. Aold by 1rtitfS.il., or wnt in tlatt. vrr?rr, l 00 i t--oti n ? Cirx -ui v,a AVj- W UUTUIM4 V RJ iov i. tutelar. e7v" VMsCHtmif lCo.