PAGE SIX. I-Vn,Y EAST OUEGOXIAX, PEXBLETOX, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMIIKK 7, 1909. EIGHT PAGES. Women as Ws!l as Ren arc made Miserabla ky Kidney and Eiadger Trouble. Kidney trouble preys vxn the mind, discourugesandlessoiisauibition; beauty, F L ive Heat I jp-s. vigor cud chccrtul ncss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncotn- ' moil for a child to K. born afflii-ted with vcak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an ge when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend ttpon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first ftep should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same jrreat remedy. The mild and the immediate etTect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by drugsnsts, in fifty- cent ana one-dolla size hav bv mnil free. nlsn a pamphlet telling all ?SSlP about bwamp-Root, n . s.r.K-'-including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Foot to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, ."'inghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. 11VDSON BAY V. C. T. V. HOLDS MEDAL CONTEST Sleigh Bolls Sounded Hudson Hay Odd Fellows Elect Officers. it and one-dolla.- -cSSSEESsS i bottles. You ma v fUU" 51-3e:: s-e a sample bottle wail free, also a aKKSSSa KB 4 tm are Gnwwi-BnT dlrrct from as NO AGE NTS Our Tre are crown strictly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Write for fre catalog. Lan stork of varieties Hutab for commercial orchards Cbotot Frail, Nat and Crninmtal Tmi, Grape Vine Small Frtit PUnlt vi Shrubbery Yhk Dalles Nurseries . Main 9fBce, Grand AT,PorOtad,Oe. Ik W Even Pure Enough to Eat In Sanitary 25c & 50c Tubes lSOiAw.tooTlEcl i II Wriic or Ask Druggists For tliis Free Sample There is eno','ri KonOon's Catarrhal JcUy in this iixa sample sent lor a peony postal for several days treat mentenough to ffive instant relief from cold in head or nasal catarrh, etc. This wonderful, pure rcrr.etiy (in sani tary tubes; is applied direct to the- raw surfaces. It is so soot'!:n;T and halinir that it (rivs instant relief, ni 'I iu con tinued ue will cureperTnantnt.yaiifonns o( catarih. Over 35.0o0 drujrirtsta so l it in 25c and 50c tubes. Doctors, nurses, druetrists recommend it. The .unfit) proves. Ask your druffcist or write to day for free sample. Kondon Manufacturing Co. (Special Correspondence.) Freewater, Dec. 6. The Hudson Bay W. C. T. U. held a sliver medal contest en Friday evening In the Val ley Presbyterian church. This is the first contest ever hold here and the nine young people who entered the contest did well. Miss Grace Dicker son was the suocessul winner which was awarded by the Rec. Mr. Wash burn. The Judges were Mrs. Charles Record, Mr. Feleh and Rec. Wash burn. Sleighing parties are all the rage around here. Anyone owning a sled or anything on runners Is considered very fortunate. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fhilllppi, Miss Amy Fhilllppi and Miss Lotta Wil son of Hudson Bay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Sanderson. Sunnyslde Methodists are already preparing for their big Christmas tree and entertainment. Mr. Towers of Indiana is around this section with a view to locat:ng. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Case, L. W. Case and Aura A. Case, who have recently arrived from Klickitat county. Wash., have leased the fruit farm owned by Mrs. Pruett north of the school house. The Hudson Bay Odd Fellows elect ed the following officers for the en suing year at their last meeting: Past Grand, C. E. Simmonds; noble grand, R. H. Wellman; vice grand, G. W. Bayles, secretary, C. E. Sim monds; treasurer, W. W. Philippi. The Correct Time to stop a cough or cold Is just as soon as it starts) then there will be no danger of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough. If It has been rnunning on for some time the treat ment will be longer, but the cure is sure. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. EIGHT BELOW ZERO AT ATHEXA SUXDAY NIGHT From the moment you strike a match and touch it to the wick, a powerful live heat radi ates from the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeleaa Device)' which burns for 9 hours with one filling of its brass font, which holds 4 quarts. One of the strong features of the-Perfection Oil Heater is the new Automatic Smokeless Device which makes smoke impossible, even when the heater is handled by a novice. Fennits instant removal for cleaning. There is no danger of turning the wick too high this automatic smokeless device prevents it. This means a perfect, odorless, smokeless heat that carries com fort, cheer and satisfaction. Beautifully finished in Japan or Nickel no cast iron to break legs, base and top stamped out of one piece of steel damper top aluminum metal window frames that heat will not tarnish handle never hot. Made in various styles and finishes. Erery Dealer Everywhere. If Mot At Yonrt, Write for Detcriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) WIlLIAMJON HAFFNBRCD ENGRAVER$-rRINTM5 Icioiw . - MrVTR. COXO : Buy Your Meat OF THE I EMPIRE MEAT CO. 1'iiono Slain 18. Always- fresh and wholesome. !-liverd promptly. 4, X t'r-.-U fish dally, steaks, chops, r"ats, j-ausHKe, hams, bacon J and lard. (Special Correspondence.) Athena. Ore., Dec. 7. The coldest weather of the season came last night when the thermometer reached eight blow zero. It was warmer yesterday when snow fell continuously until it reached a depth of eight or ten inch es. During the night there was a sudden change and it became fair and much colder. It was several de grees lower than It has been this year. Next Tuesday evening there will be another meeting of the Epworth League at the parsonage for a social hour and Mr. and Mrs. Hammond join with the League In extending a cor dial invitation to all the young peo ple. The office furniture of the new dentist has Just arrived from the east and will be put In his office today. Dr. Bilyeu has an office on Main street and Is expected to arrive from Portland within the next day or two. Many people have already asked to be among the first to have work done and he is assured of more work than he can do before 4he holidays. Nixt Friday even'n? at the opera hous'j the Athf-na basket ball team will mert the fast team from Milton. The defeat of last Friday night at Weston has made the boys more de termine. 1 than ever to redeem them selves by winning from Milton. A fast game is expected. ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTES (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Dec. 6. A pleasant surprise party was given Otis Lieual len Friday evening, who was 14 years old. The party was as follows: Ho lando Peringer, Revela Lleuallen, Paul Lieuallen, Ethel Peringer. Dan and Mable Mclntyre, Eilene Bowl ing. Sella Simlngton, Union Stock ton. Augusta Stockton. Miss Harnes and Mrs. O Bentley. They report a peasant evening. A taffy-pulling was held Saturday n.isht at Miss Eilene Bowling's with a number of friends present. Among them w.reMiss Mable Mclntyre, Miss Augusta Stockton and Silvia Seming ton. All report a pleasant evening. A. Coffy, Sam Darr and Jfm Stan field went to Athena Monday night to the I. O. O. F. lodge and a big sup per in that city. Tom Coffey went to Weston Fri day. Joe Done and Frank Henry went to Pendleton Friday night to a big supper given by the Bedmen's lodge. Mr. Ed Walden was the guest of Charley Ford Friday. Miss Lola and Gwendoline Rogers returned to school in Pendleton after spending Sunday in Adams as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers. F. Whitely transacted business In Pendleton Monday. Rev. Stockton filled his appoint ment In Helix Sunday and returned home to Adams Monday. SEATTLE FREIGHT OFFICE OPENS FOR BUSINESS Don't He Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff joints of course you've tried lots of things and they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin iment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. NAB P.I.orsE liOYS FOR CHIME Say Tliey Caused Downfall of Two Young Girls. P.uou-e, Wash.. Dec 4. Otis Dar ling and Harry Stnne. Palouse boys. v re arrested this morning in a house nvned by the hitter's father In th" e.i't part of town, charged with se- lu ini? Ti'anchf- Dildine and Edith Tripl'-t'. in who- company the boys were when the, arrest was made by N'in'it I'orreman Everett Brown. The warrant ws sworn "Ut by A. D.ld ine, tiio Hither of one t the girls, and ;h . hoys wer- t'iken to Colfax this I )" 1 r:. e( u:i ry 'IVj.l- : hoim deputy t'irl :' from : sheriff. a gu't at the . N"Z I'erce 1 1 b;i r r-r 1 ;r I ' '!ou ENTOYMAX HAS A CONVENIENT MEMORY Spokane, Dec. 7. Orviile D. Jones, a Wallace, Idaho, entryman in the Cunningham coal lands Is the most forgetful claima'nt yet examined by the government Inquiry now in pro gress From Jones and F. F. John son. L. R. mavis, the deposed special agent of the land department, glean ed information regarding an alleged eollus on on the part of entrymen to the effect that they were to dispose of their claims to the Guggenheims. Jones yesterday said he had forgot ten many things that he had attested to by sworn affidavits in the gov- Seattle, Dec. 7. The first real ef fort to break the switchmen's strike and relieve the local freight conges tion was Inaugurated yesterday by officials of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, when they posted notices that all possible freight will be reeclved for shipment and re called over one hundred freight han dlers and clerks who were laid off. For the first time since last Tuesday the big doors of the freight houses are open for business. According to officials of the Northern Pacific the strike Is practically over. S100 Reward. $100. The lpmlere of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leant one dreaded illNPiiso mat selence has been able to cure In all Its ataKi's, and that la Catarrh. Hail'i Catarrh Cure is the only noRitiTe cure now known to the medlral frnternlty. Catarrh being a constltntional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Halls catarrn Cure taken internally, aetlnu directly upon the hlood and miirons Rnrfar-pfl of the svs- tetn. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and KiviBg the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist Ing nature In dolnjz its" work. The pro prietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any rase that It falls to cure. Send tor list of testimonials. Address : V. 3 CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Drngulsts, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-tlon. Ail a woman has to do to get on the stage is to kill somebody. NERVOCS DYSPEPSIA. If Yon Hnvc It. Rend Tills Letter Tallmnn & Co. Guarantees Ml onn. "I was taken last August with a se vere stomach trouble. The doctor said It was nervous dyspepsia. He gave me medicine for that. I took his treatment four weeks, didn't feel any better at the end of four weeks than I did when I commenced taking his medicine. I took everything I heard of. The first day of Decem ber, 1908, I got a box of Ml-o-na. I took them that afternoon and the next day and hnTen't had one bit of pain In my stomach since the 2nd of December. I took five boxes. Feel well now, sleep good that Is some thing I haven't done In a number of years." Mrs. M. E. Maxfleld. R. F. D. 2. Avoca, N. T.. June 9. 1909. Mi-o-na in the form of a tablet Is the best prescription for indigestion ernmeiit's possession He admitted, however, he had intent fins of con- . ,-itton veying his claims to a holding com- It relieves after dinner distress, pany and even that a mijonty had bplchlnK of Ks fnuI broathi heara endorsed the Guggenheim proposition. burn etc( , fvc mlnutpg Jones said he had signed the Glavis It , guaranteed by Tallman & Co. iff davit too hastily but that Glavis , to permanently cure indigestion , acute mad.- in. undue efforts or prom-1 or chronic, or any disease of the '' "''"' tn" st.-item.-nt which I stomach or money back. wl'.nes.-i ,j by another govern-1 Ml-o-na la sold by leading drug 1 i,- .it:-ut. T.I lord .louts. ! gists everywhere and In Pendleton by " " J Tallman & Co. 50 cents a large box. Good eli an co'tl at the Oregon Test sample free from Booth's Mi-o-'.!'". r n'Ms. I':i..h. Ma n 1. ' na, Buffalo, N. T. ' V .- " in.. : I, f, t Dsnf tis-glssf Y:'.'r When competent ai i is in reach. Choose your eye specialist as you would your doctor for skill, ability and practice. F. A. Cli, the ')e sccialist. has had over 30 years practice fitting glasses. He dpvotes his entire time to correcting defective vision. Factory on premises. Remember we grind our own lenses for each case, nslng the latest methods' for testing the J. Office In the JOHN SCHMIDT BCTLDING, t Main St. I'iih T't!'- G.f ... 1 i ! iS " i V- ,1 1 : ' ll : 'li ..!.. jf ill :' nil - rilH-le ., :, V. n't V- I r ''O'i- . o -r 1 :,u ii' n : end Jj:.!.-lst h ;:,'r' arid "ick'y. i in in ft- Co. All I'oo ArijidGvwrtli g ijf t.-vf:ry u.-.o. C'jr "OTftrn-'G- h Tvo r i V Jt(Zi&?MUi h VM&zlZ&U-3.;d Continuous The Best Gift Y ou Can Give We aro prepared to deliver your CHRISTMAS PICTURES PROMPTLY REGAKDLESS OK WEATIIEn. We will not disappoint you. Come in and lot us make your alula. The Wheeler Studio liny mill 1'a-inie for Sale, 'm I'.i;.) en el., Il.i'le ..' , eoii.ity, T,imoihy hay nt-d f.n-. grei ;, p.n: uri. Good iii-)t' r at 1 open nati-r. I'Vv.'i l.on, 3600 feet. Hayes & Van !)wcer. Van, Oregon Wofxlnieii Hall. G.ven by I'iridleton Camp No. 41, O. O. W., Monday, December 6. Ka-gles-Woodmen hall: Johnson's orches tra. Gentlemen 60 cents, ladies free. One of those dances where you have a good time. FUEL" nythmg you want in FUEL Reck Springs Coal Good dry Oak, Black Pine, Yel low Pine, Fir, Slab Wood and Split Wood B. L. Burroughs phone Main 5. Office S07 Main Street, Near O. It.' & N. Depot GRAND THEATRE THE "ALWAYS LEADS" THIS WEEK- ARNOLD & BURT, Those Hinging and dancing boy. AUSTIN AUSTIN A CO.,' In "The Swede and the Merry Widow" MARCKLL7 MARION, Impersonator and comedian. All New Pictures and Songs We aim to PLEASE the PEOPLE Prices 10c and i5c. Usual Matinees. s rgnagran-wi' LADIES, You CanDo Your IRONING for 1 CENTfan HOUR No Smoke No Dirt No Ashes No Carrying Wood and Coal. JUST BURN GAS and use a GAS SAD-IRON FOR heating )iiroi-ej USE GAS Saves Time Temper, Trouble and Money. Always Pet dy fcr Use. Northwestern Gas & Electric 'Co. Matlock'&uilding. nwanriti'rtro -ntrr-TrnTTTTarTiMiniiMiii t u Wl mminmwrn Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that prows. Good bit-att is assured when BYEKS' BEST Fl.OUK is used. Bran, Shorts, Steiim Nulled Barley always on hand. ! Pendleton Roller Mills j Pendleton, Oregon g . . THE COLUMBIA BAR FOR STAHL FAMOUS NEAR BEER. Pints andQuarts CITYIINEAR BEEPs.CN DRAUGHT PAH kindof Softer Inks end Cigars HotLuncl)"in Connrction HERMAN PETERS, Proprietor The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium of this section.