P.GR KIC511T. DAILY EAST ORFOONIAN, PENOLUTON. OKKHON. TirCKSDAY, DIXEMREU 2, 1900. 9 For Cooking and for the Table a New crop almonds, waliints, raisins, figs, citron, lwtion and orange pool. Mincvmeat, strained and comb honey, pineapple, cranberries, or anges, lemons, pears, apples, bananas, applo butter, etc. Squash, sweet potatoes lettuce, chow chow, and pickles and olives of all kinds. Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court St, , Leading Growers. All STARS DECIDE TO KXTTirSlASTS MEET AXD DISCUSS PLAN'S Fred Stelwer Elected Manager With Instructions to Arrange Game With Multnomah, the Dalles, Daker City or Walla Walla Probably Two Games Will Be Played. Pendleton is sure going to have an all-star football team and one or more games are to be played during the holidays. If any team in the northwest can be found that is will ing to meet the local aggregation of scintllators ' on the gridiron. At last night's meeting of those in terested It was not only decided that a team should be organized but that a game or games should be schedul ed with the strongest team available. Attorney Frederick. Stelwer was PERSONAL' MENTION j What SI di It Se i i ? i elected manager with the understand Ing that a game be scheduled with Multnomah if possible. Failing in that. Baker City, the Dalles. Walla Walla or La Grande were to be taken on in the order named. A number of old stars were on hand last night and freely signified their intention of turning out for practice and trying for positions on the team, provided a game with eith er of these towns could be scheduled. An agreement to that effect was drawn up and signed by those pres ent. , It was also agreed that any moneys remaining in the hands of the man ager after all expenses are paid should be turned over to the high school athletic fund. Enthusiasm was present in large quantities at the meeting and It was agreed that practice should begin Just as soon as it could be definitely as certained that a game would be a3 sured. Indeed, the most enthusiastic of the players spent a greater part of the evening in working out a series of plays by which to defeat the mighty Multnomah aggregation. All the successes and mistakes of the leading teams in the northwest, dur ing the past seasons will be taken ad vantage of and with, such strategists as Brown, Lytle and Stelwer it is certain that there will be something doing when the "Pendleton All-Stars" get in action. Alta Spsuldlng of Eugene, is regis tered at the Hotel- Bowman. Harry Wood of Bend, is 'caring for business Interests in this city. T. S.' Sweeten of Arlington, Is car ing for business interests hero today. W. E. Alder and wife of La Grande, are the guests of Pendleton friends.' C. H. Stamper of Holdman, has re turned home after transacting busi ness In town. T. D. Sweeten, the recently appoint ed special officer at Umatilla, is in the city today. Joe Bergevln and family of Athena, returned homo last evening, after a brief vls'.t In this city. Helen Lewis Kennewlck and Mrs. J. F. Griffin of Sumpter, are register ed at the Hotel Pendleton. K. N. Stanfield came up from Echo last evening for the transmis sion of business In this city. Kenneth L. Cooper of 'the Hotel Bowman left last night for Portland where. he will transact business. Wess Bowman of the Taylor Hard ware company has returned from a brief business visit to Portland. Mayor Ross Newport of Hermlston, spent last night In Pendleton, return ing home on the morning train. E. L. Marshall returned to Coe on the Portland local, after spending a couple of days at his home in this city. Judge James A. Fee returned this morning from Portland where he had been for several days on legal bus iness. W. F. Matlock, who has been con fined to the hospital for several weeks with typhoid fever, is reported to be improving slowly. i A. B. Montgomery and wife and Mrs. C. Bott, former residents of He lix, who are now living at King Hill, Idaho, arrived from that place on last night's train. Mrs. Elmer P. Dodd and baby who have been guests at the home of Mrs. Dodd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex ander, returned to their home at Her mlston this morning. ger between the two in which it is ol leged that Mrs. McCreory used abu slve words and epithets. Thj com plaint states: "Said defendant engaged throe mon, ono a doctor named MoEnery and two entire Btrangers to plaintiff, and directed them to seize the plaint ff by force and on the evening of Feb ruary, 9. 1900, they did seize the plaintiff by force and did confine him to a room and by direction of the defendant did charge, him before all servants and persons com ng near with being Insane and dangerous to be at large. ' . ' "Thereafter and for more than sev en months the defendant by meant) ! of false statements kept the plain tiff In custody and deprived the plain tiff of the management and posses sion of a large part of his property, kept the plaintiff In the custody of people who abused him and made Vi ' .-. c n In rnnmo tlin n'lipn nnt ' swept for three months and spread ! over the country vicious and false ! charges concerning the plaintiff and his condition of mind." , McCrcery prays the court to grant him the custody of the four children. At the Orplicum. Program at the Orpheum tonight. Music by the Orpheum orchestra, A. IT. Johnson, leader. 1. March Song Bird, Harry L. Al ford. 2. Overture King Mydas, R. Eilen berg. 3. Picture Rival Sisters. 4. Picture He Preferred to Smoke His Pipe. 5. Picture Rival Mesmerists. 6. Picture A Cheap Removal. 7. Act The three Kenmores as Willie and the Dolls. 8. Picture Tyranny. 9. Picture Small Artists. 10. Act A 20 minute playlet en titled ''One Christmas Eve." Very dramatic. That's the perplexing ques tion. Xmas i.Vonly three weeks from Saturday, and we've sim ply GOT to decide upon some thing pretty soon. But what shall It be': I'll tell you what we will do. Let's go down to HANSCOM'S Jewelry Store. They always have so many things that are suitable, that it won't be hard to make choice. l H. J. Latourelle and C. I McGln nis who have been conducting the State near beer saloon in partnership during the past few months have dis solved partnership, Latourellle buying out McGinnis. The new proprietor takes over all the assets and assumes all the liabilities of the old firm. Officer for I'matilla. Owing to the reputation which the town of Umatilla has been attaining during the past few years as a resort foi thugs, who stop there temporarily i i passing through the country, the O. R. & X. company has decided to station a special officer there. He has also been appointed a deputy sheriff for the county by Sheriff Taylor. The new officer is T. D. Sweeten, formerly marshal for the town of Arlington and before that city marshal and deputy sheriff at Condon. He is said to be a fearless officer and a man of much experience and will probably find plenty to do in his new position. ARTILLERY COMPANIES DO EXCELLENT SHOOTING a ii i j k if ii cv s.j AT I I Washington. Reports of excellent shooting at long range by coast artil lery companies continue to reach the War Department. A remarkable rec ord was made by the 15th company at Fort Rosecrans, Cal., on .October 20. Four shots were fired from a battery of two 10-inch guns at a tar get 30 feet high hy 60 feet long, which was moving at the rate of eight miles nn hour at a distance or about rive miles from the battery firing. All ! four shots were fired at an interval of one minute and 20 seconds and passed through a rectangle nine feet high by 42 feet wide. Only three hits were scored on the target, as one of me shots passed four yards to the left or it. The 62nd company at Fort Rod- man, Mass., on oceoner 20 rirea tour shots from an eight inch battery at a 30 foot by 60 foot material target, which was moving at the rate of five miles an hour at a distance of about four miles from the firing battery. All four shots were hits and the first shot cut the raft of the material tar get in two. in. am ffnc John D. as Driver. Hie mother was telling 8-year-old Jack of John D. Rockefeller's suc cess, and as he listened he said, "Yes, I know him." "No, I guess you don't know him," she replied, "you have only heard of him." "Why, yes. I do," he replied. "I have seen him a good many times when he goes on his oil wagon." The December Delineator. TRY THIS PIECE OX YOCR TONGUE A Revised Version. Teddy was saying his prayers at bedtlm one night not long ago. Kneeling down at his mother's knee, th sleepy little fellow, began, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep." he paused. "If" his mother prompted. "If he hollers let him go; elne, mcnie, mlnie mo." The December Delineator. and a pair of roller skates thrown in Free of Charge with every suit sold Boys Suits ranging in price from $ 1 0 to $15 will besoldatfrom $5 to $7.50 or just half price. All boys ,Overcoats At Triangle Prices Only 75 pairs of skates left Boys Come Early SEE WINDOW The Boston Store So they went They saw the beautiful new line of hammered brass, cnina, silverware, cut glas.-,, toiiet sets, umbrellas, watches, rings, dia monds, brooches, chains, pic ture frames, and a Brtat many other suitable gifts. Were convinced Bought And were happy. Engraving Free. Pendlcton'H Leading Jewelry Store. Have You That Same Old Gold thit you have every Autumn? Now Is the time to cure.it be fore winter sets In, and Tall man's F. & S. cold capsuU will .speedily cure you. Once tried nothing else can take Its place. Tallman & Co. Grenvllle Klelser. Instructor of the Public Speaking club of America, Whose headquarters Is at the West Side Y. M. C. A. in Ne wYork defies anvbodv to repeat accurately from memory the following tongue-twister: Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. All the wood Esau Wood saw Esau Wood would saw. In other words, all the wood Esau saw to saw Esau would saw,! Oh, the wood Wood would saw! And Oh. the wood saw with which Wood would saw wood! But one day Wood's wood saw would saw no wood and thus the wood Wood sawed was not the wood Wood would saw If Wood's wood saw would saw wood. Xow. Wood would saw wood with a wood saw that would saw wood, so Esau sought a saw that would saw. Ono rlav Esau saw a saw saw wood as r,r nther wood saw Wood saw. In I fact, of all the wood saws Wood ever saw saw. Wood never saw a wood saw that would saw wood as the wood saw Wood saw saw wood, and I nev er saw a wood saw that would saw as the wood saw Wood saw would saw until I saw Esau Wood, saw wood with the wood saw Wood .saw saw wood. Now Wood saws wood with the wood saw Wood saw saw wood. Mr. Kleiser was formerly a mem ber of the Yale faculty. When Ho Rat Down. "How was your speech received at the club?" asked one of Chumley's friends. "Why. they congratulated me heartily. In fact, one of the members came to me and told me that when 1 sat down he had said to himself It was the best th'ng I had ever done." Youth's Companion. The Slumbers of the Brook. The poetical young man with soul ful eyes was walking with his matter of fact brother by the hrookslde. "How the stream tosses In Its slum bers," he exclaimed, "Yes," answered his brother, "and you would, too. If your bed was full of stones." Youth's Companion. Leading Druggists of Oregon. Eastern 'a I ' i iHWiiiiiniTr rmrun""""""' COWS EAT STONES TO RELIEVE AGONY Best Wishes. "What do you think," exclaimed the theatrical star, proudly. "They are going to name a new cigar after me" "Well," 'rejoined the c manager, "here's hoping It will draw better than you do." Chicago' News. Noncommittal. Jack Lend me a dollar, will you? Tom Till when? Jack Till you get It back again. Boston Transcript. BOOKS! BOOKS! Mammoth Book Sale. $ 1 .50 and $1.25 Books for 50c JIST THINK. CHEAPER THA RENTING. A CHANCE TO SECURE A LIBRARY AT 50c A IVOOK. REMEMBER THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED SO COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE. NELSON'S pbone Main 6 It. The Handy Store. 917 Main St. Stayton. Ore. Two cows owned by SI. J. fpaniol of. this city are dead from arsenical poison. When post mortems were performed on the bo vlnes. their stomachs were found to contain several pounds of gravel, earth, leaves, b'ts of wood and good sized stones. The largest stone, ta ken from one cow's stomach in the presence of a butcher, a veterinarian and four other dozens, measured four inches across by two Inches thick and welched 3 1-3 pounds. It Is thought I that the cows, in their agony due to the burning of their vitals by the ar senic, ate everything they could get hold of. ,t Building n Reputation. "What did you say when Jinks told you he would go to the wall for prin ciple?" "I tol'd him he wcis a brick." Bal timore American. As went Alabama-perhnps. -so will Oregon, WII'E IMPRISONS ANNOYING IH SIIANI) SEVERAL MONTHS Pan Francisco. The Call printed a bill for divorce which was filed it is said, by Walter MeCreery, million aire sportsman of this city, last Fri day, against his wife, who w.n M ss Emilia Jane McAdam, a membe- of an old and prominent British family. MeCreery . returned recently from England and Attorney D. M. Delmns was sent to London from here f look after that end of the affair. MeCreery recites In the complaint that his wife was cruel to him ar.d that when he remonstrated with her over smoking cigarettes and general untidiness she caused him to be seiz ed bjr three men &nd held in restraint at i;:iton Park, Warwickshire, Eng land, for seven months. He escaped finally to Belgium. This occurred February 9 after many scenes of an- Fresh Eastern Oysters New Crop Rasins, Figs, Huts Also Cranberries and all the Market affords in Fruits and Vegetables, t Dressed Chickens Every Saturday INGRAM'S Phone Fain 37 1 DIAMONDS WITH RETURNING PROSPERITY THE PRICE OF DIAMONDS IS SURE TO ADVANCE. ALREADY AN INCREASE OF 5 TO 8 PER CENT IN THE PRICE OF THE MORE DESIRA BLE GRADES HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED AND THERE IS EVERY INDICATION THAT THE PHE NOMENAL RECORD OF 1898 TO 1908 WILL BE REPEATED. During that time the price of diamonds advanced over 1 00 per cent, and those who purchased diamonds ten- years ago could sell today for almost double what they paid foi them. No bank will pay such dividends, and the next ten years will show a like increase in the value of diamonds over what they cost today. BUY A DIAMOND NOW If you don't want to pay out the full amount at once select a etone and make a small payment, and we will lay it aside for you and credit payments which you may make from time to time when convenient and it won't take long to pay the entira amount. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE JEWELER PENDLETON, ORESON I