DAILY EA8T ORBiONIAN. PKNOLFTTON. ORSXJON. TlfCKSDAY, DECEMBER , 1049. PAGE BKVKX. SHEEP AND LAMBS ? Vifit tit nftri f 3 A ff I it it 0 . EIGHT PAGES. WESTERN CANADA Its WHEAT FIELDS . IRRIGATED LANDS GRAZING LANDS M If you are Interested, drop a X post card for a freo booklet innmtn with Infnrmntlnn ledums "... about this wonderful country. You can see it if you go east via the Soo-Spo-kane Route of the Tickets for sale by O. R. & & N. agents. Details, berths, lit erature. J. M. JACKSON, T. P. A. J. 8. CAKTF.Il, Gtn. Agt. 14 Wall Street, Spokane. Important to Every one Using a Sewing Machine If your home burns and FREE sew ing machine Is either destroyed of In jured, that If In cyclone of flood, ma chine Is rendered unfit for use, that should you through accidents In mov ing or otherwise, break any part or the whole machine, that If she breaks a needel accidentally or otherwise; I: he breaks a belt or If one wears out; If she breaks any attachment we will replace these parts to her absolutely without cost. In other words, In FKEE for five ytars she alwnys has a Bewlng ma chine that Is rlht and In perfect Con dition, Irrespective of the use or abu-e given It, or the accidents that befall It. Can you do as well other places? No! I am the local asent for the "FKEE" SEWING MACHINE. Call and see It work. JESSE FAILING Main street, near bridge. Oregon Agricultural College Winter Courses January 4 1 It to February IHth, 1910. Practical work, lectures and demon strations will bo given In such vital subjects as General Fariuing, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Pouljxy-keeplng, the Business siide ol Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black smithing, Mechanlcnl Drawing, Cook ing, Sewing, Dressmaking, Home Man agement, etc. All regular courses begin January 4th and end February lltn. Farmer's We.ek February 14th to 18th. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all Interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured for special topics. The Instructional force of the College number 100. Excellent equipment. A special feature Is the Farmers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For further Information address Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvallls. Oregon. Buy Your Meat OF THE EMPIRE MEAT CO.' phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. Fresh fish dally, steaks, chops. roasts, sausage, hams, bacon J and lard. ....S.:jiSM4ffH- , ItJkmimp, Mri.-.... k. : i$tti:$j i!,.;.;- Dont Neglect Your Eyes When competent aid Is In reach. Choose your eye specialist as you would your doctor for skill, ability and practice. F. A. CIlso, the oyo BHclallst, has had over SO years practice fitting Classes. He devotes his entire time to correcting defective vision. Factory ob premises. Remember we grind r own lenses for each case, using tho latest methods for testing the if- Office In the JOHN SCHMIDT BUILDING, Main St PREMIUM OF 25c PAH) FOR GOOD QUALITY Situation Dally Growing Rotter Good Dcmuntl for Cows Groat Many Gouts UmmI on Puget Sound Hogi Finn at $H.I0. Union Stockyards, Storkdalo, Dec. 1. Further advance Is shown in the sheep market as a result of the Im proving demand at Stockdale. Run of sheep , and lumbs was Improvel during the day, but the call Is grow ing even faster. For real good quality a premium of about 25c Is being paid over form erly listed valuea. .Spring lambs that are of best quality can be moved in the yards as high as according to ino.st prominent sellers, although this price has not as yet been secured in the open transactions of the Union stockyards. General run of lamb offerings In the ards will range around $5.50, and ihis has been the highest price obtain able In the yards. Sheep and lamb situation Is daily growing better and few of the lata arrivals have been of trppy quality. Hun for the day was 503 head, com pared with none a week ago, 23 a year ngo, 629 two years ago, 320 head this date In 1906. and 251 head for the same date In 1905. Demand Tor Cows Is Host. Of the entire cattle market, much the best demand at this time Is shown for cows. Sales recently in that line have been ns high as 13.75. and ad ditional transactions could be made at that figure without the least forc ing, provided the quality was being offered. However, no transactions were reported during the 24 hours above 3.u0. This Is due entirely to the lack of suitable animals ior me la st trade. Total run of . cattle In the yards to ,lnv wns small, and therefore the showing of steers was not satisfactory. Only one lot was sold nncl tnni a very poor one and did not bring above While the market for steers stands in a very good position, it has not as yet shown the great strength noted In the call for cows, althougn n mange In these conditions may be daily ex pected. Vslmr Goats on the Sound. Puget sound cities are using a greater nunil" r of goats at the time. A carload which came to the local market sold to northern buyers dur ing the past 2 4 hours at 2 l-2c a pound. The shipment consisted of 126 head. Goat meat Is used In some sections whenever there Is a scarcity of sheep or else the price of the latter has reached very high figures, (lout meat Is necessarily a cheap meat and prl cfs paid are seldom in line with those on other animals. Hogs EMftbll-liitl at $8.10. I .oca I market for hogs Is firmly es tablished at $S.10 at Stockdale for the best stuff. Wlille. according to tne eastern market, a slightly higher price would be Justified, still very little of the local stuff lately received has been or quality to demand an unusual fig ure, i ltun of hogs for the day was quite fair and there was .no change in the genera) standing of the market. A year ago today there, was firm ness In all lines of llvestoLrf but val ues were unchanged. Those Who Supply the Market. X.. Newland brought in a car of hogs from Bertha. P. H. Farmer sent In a mixed load or sheco and hogs from McMinnvllle. George Ziggler had a load of swine offering from Gervnls on today's mar. ket. Taylor & Cummins of Halsey sent In n mixed bunch of stuff. One load consisted of hogs and sheep, another ,,f heep nnd still another of goats. t r intton of Halsey brought for ward a mixed load of sheep nnd hogs for today s market. A. R. Ford of McMinnvllle, brought i'i two loads of sheep from Carlton. A. J. Wntterman sent in a cor of calves from Echo. T H. Grav shipped three loads of cattle from Shanlko to Stockdale. The following in the general range of livestock values In the yards: Cattle Rest steers, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.55 W 4.65; medium steers, $4.26ii'-4.5": "est cows, $3.75; medium $3.50; bulls, $2.00 if Z. 75; stags, $2.5OW3.0O. lings Host east of the mountains. jx.in; stockers, $5.rnii 6.00 ; pigs, $6 ff 7.00. shorn Host wethers. J4.50W4.7S; ordinary, $4.50; spring lambs, $5.60i) fi.n0; straight ewes, $4.00ff 4.25; mlx eii lots, $4.2Sfif4.&0. Calves Post, $5.00fli5.25; ordinary. $3.50 r.. 4.50. Slim Uewnrd. $100. Tim nnitor of this paper will be pleased to lenrn tlint thorn Is St lenst one dreaded dispiise unit science lilts been nlile to rare In nil Its stiiges. nnd t lint Is Cntnrrli. Hull's Cntnrrli Cure Is the only positive euro now known tn the medlciil fraternity. Cntnrrli lielng a ronstitntloiinl (tlsense. require n constitutions! treatment. Hnll's Cnturrh Cure taken Internnlly, ac ting directly upon the blow! nnd mucous siimu-r or tne sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the ilisense.'nnd giviim the patient strength by building up the const It win and assist ing nntiiro In doing Its' work. The pro prietors have so much faith In Its rurattve powers tlint tney error imio iiuniiren mil iars for any case that It fnllB to cure. Send for list, of testimonials. Address : V. .1 CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold bv Druggists, 7.V. Tnke Hall's Family Tills for constipa tion. Beyond Forjrlvoncss. Patience I hear they ran away and got married. Patrice Yep. Patience I suppose her father will never forgive them. Patrice Well, he forgave 'em for running away, but he never will for give 'em for coming back homo! THE WHEAT MARKET CASH PKKMIL'M IS 1JEI.NG KEACnf-'D Minneapolis Millers Are Not Buying: Sn IX'i'b- CTilcugo Closes With Loss. Chicago, Dec. 1 Wheat market opened unchanged to l-4c lower and closed l-4c to 3-4c a bushel lower than yesterday. ' Ri-nt mcnt among millers Is chang ing over to the bear Bide and It is noted that they have practically ceas ed buying In the middle wcat. Min neapolis millers,, say that the price is too high and that with the larger of ferings the price of cash should con tinue down. Stocks of wheat at that point Increased 225,000 bushels in four days. While Liverpool market did not show much change It had consider able effect upon conditions here. Liv erpool opened unchanged to l-8d ad vanced and closed l-8d lower to 1-8(1 higher than yesterday. After the opening here the market drifted Into a period of cxtromo dull ness, which continued until within a few minutes of the close, when fur ther slight changes were shown. Corn market followed the trend In wheat and the closing was generally Kidney Remedy. Ilexam'ethylenetet-l-4c lower than yesterday. Oats j ramne is recognized by medical text market fluctuated but a fraction or j books and authorities as a uric acid two all day, closing at practical' the i solvent and antiseptlce for the urine. anie figures as last night Provisions yae Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon lost heavily; January pork dropping j as you notlee any irregularities and to 2137 bid, as compared with 2180 avoj,j a serious malady. Koeppen yesterday, and May was down to 2055, I Bros. or 25 points lower than Vfslerday. Cash sales: Wheat No. 2 red. 119(tl21 ,No. 3 red. 112(3 117; No. 2 hart winter, 107 3-4 109; No. 3 hard winter. 102 r,ific- n 1 norther spring. 103 1-2 W109 1-2: NO. i norinern si . : 1 OK 1-2 108: No. 3 spring. I0?'3'10; Corn-No. 3. 56 l-2c: No. 3 white. 56 l-4c: No. 3 yellow, 5,68c; Np. yellow. DGTifi5 l-2c " A PolUi'inan's Testimony. J N. Paterson. n ght policeman o Nashua. Iowa, writes: "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried nt least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting A friend recommended anv benefit. ii. ....- .,,,. Tom n.l two thirds nf a bottle cured me. I consider it contest couch and lung medicine In the world." Koeppen Bros. WMtSlllP EN HOt'TE TO MCAKAGl'A DISABLED, " j Illinois Central's New Rates. South Rend. Wash., Dec. 1. The) Chicago, Dec. 2. The Illinois Cen gun boat Princeton enroute from the j tral Railroad today made effective I'ucet sound nnvv vards to Mcaraguan waters to assist in protecting! Amerl- (ntrrnsts l lvine at anchor in the lower bay, the result of being dis- ; Pittsburg and Buffalo on the basis abled off the coast Monday night. In of 15 l-2c. 100 pounds from Hen Just what manner the warship is dis- drk'k, Ind., and Thomas, 111., to New abled has not been learned. j York. This will make the specific Foley's Honev and Tar Is the best st cough remedy for chil- j and safest dren. At the first symptoms or a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, sore throat, cold In the head and stuffy breathing. It brings comfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Keep always on hand and refuse substi tutes Koeppen Bros. "Little Tim" Sticks. New York. Dec. 2. Steadfastly re fusing to resign as chairman of the finance committee of the board of al dermen, a position which Tammany prizes greatly, "Little Tim" Sullivan returned to New York today from Hot Springs to attend the meeting of the s. nking fund commission, in order that several Important matters might be cleared from the calendar. Tam many leaders were very much con cerned lest they lost control of the finance committee with the east side leaders out, and as they will have only a margin of three In the new board the Tammany politicians are not running any unnecessary risks. Ileal Estates and Insurance. J. M. Bentley and Douglas Liffing svcll have formed a co-partnership, with offices at 815 Main street. They will conduct a reliable and up-to-date Insurance, Real Estate and Rental agency. Call and see them. Phone Main 404. liny imI Pnstnrp for Sale. On Tine creek, Harney county, Timothy hay and fine, green pasture. Good shelter and open water. Eleva i i.n, 3fino feet. Hayes & Van Deweer, Vhii.. Oregon to crijR cot.n in oxr pay. Tnke I.AXATIVR HKOMO Quinine Tablets. liruKL'Ists refund money If It rails to cure. Iv W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 2!c HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOU A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1350 cash or $550 cash and 85 monthly payments of $13.21 each or $350 cash and 100 monthly payments of $14.80 each, or $350 cash and 120 monthly payments of $13.21 each. MARK MOORHOUSE & CO. Tel. Main- 8S. for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pofikels. Felled teams. Continuous fly. MURPHY, GRANT SCO. ff Manufacturers SiifrarJvt Ca!fM IAFOIXETE OPENS CAMPAIGN ASSISTED BY CLAPP Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 2. The pro gressives of Wisconsin have determin ed upon a positive course for ft deter mined figbt in the senatorial cam pa gn which begins here in earnest today under the leadership of Senator LaFollotte, assisted by United States Senator Moses E. Clapp, of Minne sota. Senator Clapp Is known in one- of the fighting progressives of the sen ate and Is one of the best rough and tumble debaters In either house. He Is the man who gave one of the finest tributes ever paid to Senator LaFol lette when he called attention to his record in the senate in his speech be fore that body on March 3. "The speech, of Senator Clapp wi'.l be particularly timely," said Francis E. McOovern, "because it will, serve as an antidote to the recent speech of Mr. Aldrlch. The subject of the ad dress of Senator Clapp will be "The Progressive Movement In Congress," and delegations have come from many places in Wisconsin to hear It." Senator A. W. Sanborn of Ashland will preside. 1 Iexanietllencetrani I ne. The above is the . name of a Ger man chemical, which is one of the i mnnv valuable ingredients of Foley's JEITKIES TO HOX IX NEW YORK TONIGHT New York, Dec. 2. Jim Jeffries will appear here tonight at a special , . . ,h .v,.. A.hio. eluh in Ia tnree roun.l bout with Sam Bcrger ex(ra roumlg wUh Jack j McCormlck of Chicago, who once j knocked out Kid McCoy. The con- : tests are simply exhibition tests, and j ... . ,nraao,i m interest by a I ' .... TT...,. wrestling matcn ueiween Gotch the world's champion, nnd Dr. Roller. Mrs: S. Joyce, Claremont, N. H. writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles OI roieys iviuney iieiu- edv. It cured me of a severe case of , Kianey irouoe oi ee.. ,,-. ing. It certa niy Is a granu, goo'i medicine, and I heartily recommend It " Kleppen Bros. . new grain schedules, reducing by 1 1-- I cent rates from Illinois Central points 1 to territory east of and Including j proportion up to Chicago rrom tnese points 4 l-2c. Instead of 6 cents, and the rate from Chicago to New York 15 cents. C Foley's Orino Laxative Is best for women and children. Its mild action and pleasant taste make It preferable to violent purgatives, such as rills, tablets; etc. Cures constipati in. Koeppen Bros. Fresh fish and dressed chickens at the Cash Meat Market. TERRIBLE INDIGESTION. Talliiinn, & Co. Have a Remedy That They Guarantee to Promptly Re lieve All Stonincli Distress. People go on suffering from little stomach troubles for several years and Imagine they have a serious dis ease. They over eat or over eat and force on the stomach a lot of extra work. But they never think that the stomach needs extra help to do extra work. If these reople would take a Mi-o-na tablet with or after meals it would be a great big help to the stomach In its strain of overwork. No matter what you eat or drink Mi-o-na tablets will sweeten your stomach and stop gas belching in 6 minutes. The heaviness disappears nnd the stomach is greatly aided in its work of digestion. And Mi-o-na not only promptly re lieves all distress but if taken regu larly will absolutely cure indigestion by building up tho flabby overworked wills of the stomach and making them strong enough to digest the most hearty meal. Tallman & Co. sell and guarantee Ml-o-na. The price is 50 cents a large box. Lead ing druggists everywhere sell Mi-o-na. Test sample free from Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo. N. Y. 120 E. Conrt Want Ads. E WANTEJi. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mat order business at home. No can vanning. Be your own boss. ' Send fo free booklet. Tells how. Heacock 2708, Lockport, N. T. WANTED Men and Boys to lears plumbing. . Plumbers In demanc everywhere, earn $6.00 to $8. CO pe Jay, short hours. By my methodi I make you a practical plumber It a few months. Edward McCafferj Plumbing School, 20 Riverside At. Spokane, Wash. WHERE DO YOU STOP when In Portland? Why, at the Plaza, 21 1 1-2 Third street, of course. Wher (he rooms are clean and cheap the and landlady cheerful and ac commodating. Try It, it is llk home. AN intelligent person may earn $10 monthly corresponding for newtpa pers. No canvassing. Send for par tlculars. Press Syndicate, 3708 Lock port, N. Y. FREE 10c package Conkey's Lay ing Tonic. Also 60c Poultry Book. Bring ad to C. F. Colesworthy. By mall 7 cents. Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nle and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro herapeutlcs. Judd bulldl g. corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Vain 564. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rc'oms. Office 'phone, Mack 3421; residence 'plune, red DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15 Judd bulld ng. Phone, red S301. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF flee in Judd building. Phone Main 73; VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STATE i Stock Inspector and member State I Veterinary Board. Office Tall an's UlUg v, . . . - " . ...... . " ATTORNEYS. RALEY RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank building. FEB & SLATER. LAWYERS, OF flce in Despaln building. CARTER & SMTTIIE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank bulldink. JAMES B. PERKY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Sc. Idt block. PETERSON St WILSON, ATTOR nrvi nt law: rooms S and 4 Snith- CrawforJ building. rHELPS 4 STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices in Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Association block. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 8, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 East Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKE? reliable abstracts of title t all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pay- taxes and makes Investments for non residents. References, any banU In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vive-Pres. C. H. M RSH. Ses. LIVERY AND FEED STARLFf". 7ITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney A Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation nower or electric plants gas produe rs. 25-26 P.-I. Bldg., Seattle, Wash ngton. ' MAPS CITY OF PENDLETON AT at Oregonlaa offfee. Price 1 5c. for sale at East Oregonlnn office. Classified Directory Wan ted Con tin u el . HAIR WORK DONE All kinds of hair work done at Madam Ken nedy's Hair Parlors, 607 E. Court street, the only natural human hair ever sold in Pendleton; also a nlc line of goods to sell, rolls, chains, pamps, switches, pi;'."s, made from your own combings. Everythinr strictly guaranteed. Shampooing;, halrdressing a specialty. H.ghest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 3752. WANTED Position as cook for fam ily or housework. P. O. Box 41!. r OR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture, from nln room rooming house, also piano. 201 W. Webb. Phone Red S32I. Extra good offer if taken at once. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at Read the "WTant" ads today. East Oregonlan office. Price 25c LOST LOSTONE BROWN GELDING, t years old, branded TZ on left shoul der; weight about 1300 pounds. $10.00 reward for Information leas ing to recovery. Joe Craig, Pen dleton, Ore., Box 475. Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line per month. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RB palr work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alt streets. Marion Jack, Prop.; A. F. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YODH work It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. $5.25. Electric Hot Water and 'urling Iron Heaters. Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock ot Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughao, 122 W. Court street YEE SAM, LEE CO.. NOODLE RE3 taurant, Mrs. Odey. Prop. Chicken noodle soup, chop suey. etc. Webb St.. hetwec-fi Main and Garden. Phone Red 3391. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY; lamny wasntng; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for anl . ellvered. 408 East Court street. BILLS COLLECTED and advertlae ' ments written by a competent man j with years of experience. Prices very reasonable. Room 31, Pen land lodging house, phone Black 1391. AUCTIONEER. v-OL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK j Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of .Weston. Farm ! sales a specialty. j FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BAKER & FOLSOM. FUNERAL DI rectors and licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral pari r. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. tt, W A- F- and A- M., meets the firf ami third Mondays of eae month. All visiting brethren are in vited. E. P. O. ET S NO. 288 meets every Thursday even ing in Eagle's-Woodmes hall. G. W. Phelrjs. R H Thos. Fits Gerald, Secy. aL-sr.1l DAMON LODGE NO. 4. 'in::i - " - . j auuu . .eV' X pvprlnff In I fi i c, v. . . V. J, C. UBil, VUltlng brothers cordially invited to niton r n Tarbet, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of rv. 9 - ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY CONTRACTCR avt Builder. Estimates f nrnUho,! nn .n kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oro gonlan office. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock, holders ot the East Oregonlan Pub lishing company on Wednesday, December 1, 1909, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the office of said company in Pendleton, Oregon, for the pur pose of electing officers for the en suing year. C. S. Jackson, president; L. D. Drake, secretary. Every Woman W interested and houid know , aoout the woD'ieriul Marvel wr"n ?pr uuuur.u 4?k your drnintlrt for it. If he cannot snnrll the MAltYlil- inviil ns u nci, i.i ppuu PlMOU ..T t tr.itrd book ili-l. It glrro full particulars nnil ,1'rectloas InT 'laM vladiiu. MhRVEL LO- 4- 6. Jd St.. Horn Vert MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Big forDn(arl IrritAiwDt or ul riion of nuooai umbro Pl n sinif tin utptn- EEVMSCHEMrCAlCO. vQ or mimdoui. cirnn.on sou hj Drarciiu or ot la platL wrpir, br ira, prt.,i i, f .f ft I 00. 4, bottle f, 5. C!!Tttl4f m CO Tlw' ? r m tiruiar. " '1 rr.r.to (Ml tM.