East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 30, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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DAILY liAHl ..in i .its v, .:mLRTON. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 80,. 1909.
Stupendous Sale of Ladies9
and Misses
It has always been our rule to never carry over from one sea
on to another a single garment, and If price has anything to do with
It we will not do It this season.
Wo have on liond Just 138 Suits antl 07 coats that MUST be sold.
The suits come In strictly tip-to-dnto styles, colors wine, gun metal,
en nllnul, old rose, gray, raisin, rwila, green, catuwbu, navy and
brown, ..it.-; iJ
Sizes 14 to 20 in Misses'.
' Sizes 32 to 46 In Women's.
The prices this week will be by far lower than you would expect
to pay.
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Son Is Horn,
Among the recent births recorded
In this city Is that of a son to Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Hale of 609 Thomp
son street.
One Murrluge License.
A mnrrlngn license was Issued today
to Orvllle D. Townsend and Miss Roale
I'urr. The groom-to-be Is u resident
of Washington county.
Dunce at Helix.
On the evening of December 3 a
dance will bo given In the new hall
In the Odd Fellows building at Helix.
A public Christmas tree will also be
given there on Christmas eve.
Dentist for Jleriiilston.
! Fred Westerfleld of Portland, has
filed his dental certificate with Coun
I ty Itecorder F. W. Hendley and will
open an office In the town of Hermis
j ton. This makes the first dentist for
; the thriving reclamation project town.
' Land Cases Tomorrow.
1 Private advices received here today
from Portland state that the land cas-
es in which the Umatilla county men
are Involved will not be called until
1 2 o'clock tomorrow. At that time the
; various defendants will be called upon
I to plead.
It affords yon better attention, more complete lines and better selections
The Christmas Gifts Most
I'rogram at llio Orplirum Tonight. J
Music by the Orpheum orchestra, A. j
II. Johnson, leader.
1. March, "King of the Round
Tattle," J. ningloben.
2. Overture, "O, Fair Dove! . O,
Fond Dove!" R. Schlepegrcll.
3. Picture, "The Iron Mask."
4. Picture, "The Burning Home."
5. Picture, "Foolahead Sportsman
f..r Love."
6. Act. The Kenmores, "The Swede
and the Doll."
7. Picture, "Out. of the Frying Pan
Into the Fire."
8. Picture, "Massinells Loves the
Xw Pictures Today at the Pastime.
"Dora," dramatized from the fa
mous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
and a wonderful subject for a mov
ing picture..
"A Man With Three Wives." com
edy. This film Is a leader among far
cial pictures.
"The Trappers." A picture with
plenty of thr.lls, good acting and good
pictorial effects.
"His Masterpiece." A beautiful
story. The picture concludes with a
reproduction of the famous painting.
Will (limine Tracks.
E L. Williams, assistant O. R. &
N. engineer, Is In the city today with
a party of surveyors making the pre
liminary arrangements for the
changes In the yard tracks made no
cess.iry by the building of the new
depot, round house and the rearrange- j
ment of the yards.
New Set of Shakespeare.
The public library has recently
purchased a complete set of Shake
speare In the Rolfe edition, consist-
in? or 40 volumes. mis is tne most i
desirable edition for ordinary use as
the print Is good, the notes very full j
and clear and the volumes a " con-
venient size.
25 to I Shot Wins.
. "Oakland. Cal., Nov. 30. Binocular,
ijuotrd at 25 to 1, scored a clever vic
tory In the Antioch handicap at Em
eryville. Rev. Hindoo was second.
Favorites d d nt fare well in some of
the other events. Track slow.
HIkIi School Pn"d Organizes.
The high school band held a meet
ing recently and elected officers for
the year. Dudie Devlne was elected
president and Chester Gordon secre
tary. Prof. Frank Carruth will have
eharge of the direot'on and promises
soon to have the boys In i-h.ipc for
public appearances.
t National
Pendleton, Oregon
Report of Condition, November 16, 1909, to the
Comptroller of the Currency.
Loans and Discounts
United States Bond at par
Other Bonds and Warrants
Bank Building
Cash and Exchange
Capital Stock
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Due to Banks . -Deposits
$ 250,000.00
Will lie Tried Here.
Theodore Karhart, the lone ex
convict who shot up that town last
spring, is to be tried in this city, next
Jajiuary, having been granted a
change of venue by Morrow county
court. The transcript of all proceed
ings so far. was received this after
noon by County Clerk Frank Saling.
j Humphrey Wins Shoot.
In the prize shoot that closed last
I Saturday niplit at the Indoor Rifle
H.inge, 725 Main street. A. V. Hum
phrey and flus Ellstrom tied with a
si'ore of 2S out of a possible 30 points.
Ir. the shoot-off which was held last
nlht. Humphrey won with a score
nf 26 against a score of 23 made by
Ell-it rom.
Prince Lecture Tonlsht.
At the court house this evening
Fred W. Prince .of the Harrlman pub
licity department, will give his Illus
trated lecture "Picturesque Califor
nia." The lecture will be illustrated
with moving pictures, directed by Nor
man F. Jueris and the entertainment
should be both pleasing and Instruc
tive. No admission will be charged.
I, G. M. Rice, Cashier of the above named bank,
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief,
G. M. RICE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 8th
day of November, 1909.
Notary Public for Oregon.
Pilot ltcxk Children Generous.
County School Superintendent Wel
les has been notified by the principal
of the Pilot Rock schools, that the
sum of $35 has been contributed by
that school for the benefit of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society of Portland. A
basket social was arranged to secure
this money.
Klrkley w to Portland.
Mrs. Roy Klrkley and little son
Phil will ieave Friday for Portland
to Join Mr. Klrkley and the family
may remain there permanently. Mr.
Klrkley has been, traveling represen
tative In this section for Hazeltlne &
company and In the future he will
likely have a position In the house
with that company.
Koeppens Annex
The Gift Room
Is now open
New goods arriving, daily. Watch this
space for Revelations
"T'le p., store That Serves You IKt,"
Next Door to Drug Store
No Developments In Murder Case.
There are no developments today
in the Umatilla murder mystery and
the perpetrator of the brutal crime Is
evidently as far from capture as ever.
It was learned at the office of the
sheriff today that Andy Rabeal, the
murdered man, was not known In
Nanipa. Idaho, and that ho had not
secured any bank drafts there.
Desirable Rooks Donated.
Miss Datterson, public librarian, Is
rejoicing in a recent donation which
was made to the library by Mrs. Q.
II. Clark. The donation consists of
three volumes by Harold Pell Wright
and ns the author Is a personal friend
of the Clark family, the books are au
tograph. They are three that have
lin called for frequently and are as
follows: "That Printer of Udells,"
"The Cnlllng of Dan Matthews," and
"The Shepherd of the Hills."
They are the ones who look foward to the coming of
"Old Santy" How keen the disappointment if overlook
ed at Christmas time, and how great the enjoyment when
their stocking is found to contain a present.
is a "children's paradise." Here is to be found toys,
games, dolls and pretty "Little Folks' gifts that will glad
den the hearts of both giver and receiver. Don't
postpone your visit to this new department.
jj Dept. Store
Pastime pictures please all.
Fresh oysters at Hohbach's bakery
Phone Cash Market for best meats.
Furnished room for rent. 312 S.
Main street.
Automobiles for rent at the Pn
lleton Auto company.
Lenses duplicated in a few minutes
Hanscom's Jewelry store.
Meat Cheap for Cash At Ray
tiurn's New Market, 310 West Webb
The best cooks In town say they
buy their meat and lard from the Cash
Meat Market.
Hairdressing, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors in connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
For rent Seven room house on
north side. Inquire of John Vaughan,
phone Main 139.
For Sale Two 5 foot glass show
cases and one 4 foot show case. Saw
telle's Jewelry store.
Broken lenses replaced In a few
minutes at Hanscom's jewr' store.
We grind any lense.
A few desirable rooms, single or en
uite. Furnace heat, bath. Centrally
located. 612 Willow street
We can grind you a new lens In a
few minutes. Bring your broken lense
tu us. Hanscom's Jewelry store.
The Golden Rule hotel, under new
management: special attention to
family and country trade. Lange
Wanted Every woman In Pendle
ton to use Pendleton Cash Market's
hams, bacon and lard. They're the
best. Phone Main 101.
Get Into the shooting game. Rifle
shooting is fine, clean sport. There is
an indoor range at 725 Main street.
Good prizes are to be won for best
" A Eklund has Just installed new,
modern machinery and Is now In a
better position than ever to do first
class shoe repairing. All kinds of
shoes always in stock and at the right
I rices.
Wanted, room (at from $20 to $30
per month) or room and board (at
$50 or $60 per month) with a refined
private family by business gentleman.
State who composes family. Address,
Pox 28. Tost Office.
ecial Rate to
The Dalles
December 2 and 3 '09
One and One-Third Fare on
the Certificate Plan
Will be made from all points on the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation company In Oregon to the Dalles and return. Tickets on
sale November 29th and SOth. December 1, 2 and 3. Final re
turn limit December 6th.
Important Addresses
will be made by Representatives of the U. S. Department of Agri
culture, Department of Good Roads, Prof. Philip S. Rose, Madi
son, Wis.; B. E. Clark, editor American Thresherman. Hon.
Lionel R. Webster, Portland, Oregon, and others, on subjects of
$200 in Gold
will be given ns prizes for the best wheat raised In Oregon.
Silver Cup
for outfit threshing $100.00 prize bushel of grain.
Woodmen F.lectcd Officers. .
At a meeting of Pendleton camp,
W. O. W., held last evening officers
for the coming term were elected as
follows: Ben F. Hill, consul com
mander: J. H. Morris, advisory lieu
tenant; Thomas Fltz Gerald, banker;
J. P. Walker, clerk; J. P. Earl, es
cort; C. E. Bowlsby, watchman; Dr.
I. U. Temple, sentry: A. A. Manning,
manager. All of the officers with
the exception of banker and clerk
serve' for six months. .The clerk and
banker are elected annually. Last
night Pendleton camp also elected
seven new members
Have You That
Same Old
thit you have every AutumnT
Now Is the time to cure It be
fore winter sets in, and Tall
man's F. & S. cold capsula will
speedily cure you. .
Once tried nothing else can
take its place.
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of Eastern
Ore gom.
For further information call on any O. R. & N. akent or write to
Wm. McMurray,
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
j Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERXAC II. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children