v .we pom. uaii.y iCAsr itHKiJovi n. pfnim iotov oi::;o ti'KSOAY, xovemiikk so, 1009. ujuiit PAUIOa. AN K'OKl-KNUKNT NKWSI'AI'EU. rsMlibc-d Itl y, ftftkl? &..J Semi Vk!;, ; I'rnjleton. Oreitoo. by tb iFY OKEtiuNUN IIBI.1SU1NS CO. riSCKIPTIOX RATES. DaHj, on year, bj mll .." I.Yoo Il!y. li nonthi. by mill 2.60 Pallf. tbrvc months, by mill 1.2.1 Pal.j, oot mootb. bj mnl 5o Dallf, one year, by carrtct 7.50 Dally, tit months, by carrier t 75 Paliy, three munths. by carrier .... l.tlS Dally, one taunt h. by carrier . 5 Weekly, one y-r. by mall 1.50 Weekly, all montba. by mall 75 We kly. four irmntiia, by mall .50 ftinl WetklT. ooo year, by mall .... 1.5" Dil VHi, t!x montba. tjr diII .. .75 mi-Weekly, four montba, by mall .. .50 The I'tl'y Eait Oreponlao la kept on aa'.e at the Oregon Sewa Co.. It? 6th street, Port aad. orcein. Chirac Ilurraa, 909 Security Ralldlag. Wahlnctnn. p. C. Bureau. 501 Four-U.-ntb atret, N. W. Uember I'nlted Press Association. ta'ephone Main 1 Entered at the poatoffk-e at Pendleton, rYrgoD. aa seconds lass mall mane. AGE AND YOIT1I. Youth takes its joys from hope- ful dreams Of future prizes to be won, Of voyages on unknown streams In realms beyond the rising sun. But Age. reflective Age, delights E'en in the twilight's dy;ng rays In turning to the joyous sights Of unforgotten Yesterdays. I know not which more joy im- parts, which hath the sweeter taste, the page That tells of Hope in youthful hearts, Or tender memories of age. John Kendrick Bangs. MURPHY IS NEEDED. At this time it is absolutely essen- ) tial to the welfare of Pendleton that ! this city select as mayor a man who ! is surrounded by and influenced by men of the proeressive type. Fur- 1 thermore the man who is chosen as j mayor should be a "known quantity." In other words the people sho.uld I 1 know exactly where he stands with ! I reference to such civic Improvements',, hub nf f.astern Qrege.n. With 1 1 as tne oeuermer.t ci i.-.c v. i..:. ijs tem and how he stands with refer ence to the entrance into this xity of new electrical companies and traction companies. This is a critical time In the history of this little city and peo- j pie cannot afford to act in the dark. It would be rank folly to do so. How .Mayor Murphy stands uPn these things is well known. Not only M A , . . . . . . f w -.lTl Irom ieiiljj ritiii UL uue jivui (Jriwaai Interest he is a "progressive." He Is an active local business man and he Has cons;aeraoie property interests, i He wants to see Pendleton grow and prosper and is willing to do his part te make it grow and prosper. He Is aligned with no interests that will In terfere with his duty to the public. This has been shown on more than one occasion. It was shown over a year ago when he and the council gTanted a franchise to the 'Washington-Oregon traction company. Had he taken advice from certain quarters that franchise would have been re fused and Pendleton would now not have the enviable prospect of having a traction system established with this city as the base and chief beneficiary from that system. As to Mayor Murphy's opponent in the race this paper desires to say but little except that it does not dike tht Influence by which he is surrounded. His principal backers are men who re present corporations that have Inter ests In conflict with the present in terests of this city. That line-up Is well known. In the event of Dr. Swinburne's election that Influence might be used with serious Tesults to Pendleton. Be that as it may this city cannot afford to take chances. There is no need of taking chances. Re-elect Mayor Murphy and make sure that you have the mayor's chair filled by one who stands for the pro gress of Pendleton. BALLING ER'S REPORT. The position of secretary of the in terior is one of tremendous Import ance and responsibility. This Is es pecially true just at this time and w!tB respects to the west. Accord ingly the report of Secretary Ballinger, part of which was published In this paper yesterday makes a document of decided interest. Especially Is that a fact since It is claimed the president li back of at least some of the sug gestions made by the secretary. The suggestion for a bond Issue to raise money with which to complete existing Irrigation projects seems proper. However Oregon would be -very well satisfied could It but have its regular apportionment from the reclamation fund. We would then have stveral millions available for fur ther work and that might be aufflol cnt to answer present needs. In this section at present people are not so much Interested in changes In the reclamation act or in bond Issues aa thev are in getting the government to extend the Umatilla project by the ex penditure of money already due this slate. One of the most important parts of Secretary Ballinger's report is that wherein he recommends governmental control of water powers. Here tht hand of President Talt seems clearly visible. It is recommended that the general government retain the land adjoining power sites; that easement." be granted corporations desiring to develop power; that 30 years be tht maximum time for which such privi leges may be granted: that the con struction work must be carried on within a specified time and that the cc rporation or individual doing the work must pay a moderate charge to the government or upon the gross earnings during the first 10 years of- op-ration, "adjusted at each subse quent 10 year period and equitably determined by appraisement." That tfte government should have s me such hold as this upon the water powers all economists will agree. The government was slothful in not taking such action many years ago. The natural resources of the country should be utilized for the benefit of all the people. They should mit be monopolized by a few. It will be interesting to watch what congress will do towards enacting proper legislation upon this subject During the coming .session President Tuft will have a splendid opportunity to use his influence with " the law makers. MOKE ABOUT POWER. The East Oregonian has previously primed out the great importance o electrical power in the upbuilding of a city. It is an indispensable element. Without adequate power Pendleton cr.nnot well become much more than it. is at present a big country town. With plenty of electrical power this may be made into a manufacturing center for we already have the othei essentials. With a sufficient amount of power Pendleton may al-o be provided with trattiun facilities that will insure the 1 1 ai hi. .sUpre. macv r mis place as ine corn- 'traction lines into the irrigated "Strs- 't ens to the west; to Grant county on i the south and to the rich section northeast of Pendleton the business of 'a sireat region will be insured for Ppn,,1;t(ln and tht. future growth of cjty maJe certain. j f penJleton an secure the power ltht. washinston-Oregon company pro- to dtveop upon tne Walla Wal. j river this city will then be very fnvorablv situated with respects to power. With that power and with the w.er tn.lt may w developed upon ;he jQhn Vay river and upon tne Vma. ti'.la this city will be given something like 15,000 or 20.000 horse power. That is said to be more electrical power than is now used in the city of Portland. Naturally the power most desired at this time is that which is to be de veloped upon the Walla Walla river. That power Is especially desirable be cause If we do not get It It will go elsewhere. It will be taken into the state of Washington and utilized. On the other hand the power of the Uma tilla and of the John Day will "keep," temporarily at least. Those streams are naturally tributary to Pendleton and can be developed when needed. Bishop Paddock seems a fit man for the position which he holds for eastern Oregon is a good field for men of force and courage. Even those who may not share his views upon ecclesi astical subjects will yet admire his high purposes and applaud the vigor o;' his ways. "All the world stands r.fide to let that man pass who knows whither he is going." The election to be held next- Mon day i one in which every patriotic citizen should participate. An Issue of the greatest importance is Involved and It will be settled correctly unless through Indifference too many people remain at home and do not vote. Many have not registered for the election. Those people must be sworn In for their votes will be needed. Mayor Murphy stands for Pendleton ar.d for the advancement of this city; his opponent is backed by interests that would block the progress of this city. Which one' do you want for mayor? There are two mayorality tickets in the field, the Progressive and the Pessimistic. Mayor Murphy Is the candidate of the former element. Pendleton has a host of former gridiron stars and a game In which they could participate would be worth seeing. If Jupiter P. will continue his good work It may not be necessary to irri- gate the lands west of the Umatilla. GREETING. "Say not good night, but in some brighter clime Bid me good morning. You who so loved to watch the chang ing sky To follow the soft curves where beauty led, . You scarcely dared to claim the grace to die, You went your way not all un comforted. For through the dark the winged vision came. Smiting the fine, tense harpstrings of your soul, One weary night upon a singing flame You passed beyond eac-h petty care's control. - j You did the things you did not like j to do, , i Made day by day the thankless sacrifice, j And so, dear heart, I love to think I of you j Deep bosomed in your restful para- j dise. Watching clear spaces of the hours drift by ! To vibrant measures of some new j delight I And vet we pitied you that you must i die ! And leave- your urgent day, your broken night. j Ada Foster Murray. i ftcc th" Pri'tcrt, "Yes. it's a pity." remarked the man with the absent hair, who seem ed to be thinking aloud. "What's the pity?" queried the party with the rubber habit. "That a man can't hear his wid telling her second husband what a noble, kind and generous sojl he was," explained the noisy thinker. Chicago News. "John," she said, looking straight into his eyes, "have you the whisky habit?" "Jane." he answered in hurt tones, "of course not. What makes you ask thai?" "Well, I have always noticed, dear, that when you say you are drinking In my beauty and hold my hand you never take more than three fingers." Two of a Kind. Mrs. Boggs I hate to have a man always complaining about eome little thing. Now, my husband is contin ually harping on the lace curtains. Mr. Woggs Yes, and my husband has been kicking on our front door every morning at 3 o'clock for the past twenty years Puck. "T NEVER FAILS TO UE- W g STORE GRAY HAIR TO " ITS NATURAL COLOR Yi W AND BEAUTY. I i No matter how old and ,0 . faded your hair looks, or how long you have beea gray, it W W will work wonders for you, keep you looking young, make M W it joft and silky, promote a X4 luxuriant growth of healthy L hair, stop its falling out and . T POSITIVELY REMOVE J. J DANDRUFF. y Will not soil skin or linen. W Will not injure your hair. IS W S NOT A DYE. & y BEFISS ALL SUBSTITirrES. W $land5Cc.Bjaics,itDrag;I(i. ' t Bay' Harflna Soap cu-m Ec- Jj 4 nna, rcl, r uuh and rhapprd hands 4 and all tkin duc.iw-v Keep ultiit fins wS and ft, 2Sc. druinrmt. Snd 2c. lor R Im b. oka, "The Care 4 the Skin," JJ w "-ine yareoi me aair. umwu tr f-- mm PENDLETON PRCO COMPANY. Civet Reli It U in -et h-a!s bsi'1 pi'H.'c's (' "' jv,av a Coil in 71 mm A&' cpgp 4 . ... .-:-ri.- "ii.ni.ii !, Is quickly ibscr:i;J. k ".v5vrCfl CAM. 1 cf l Onca. :jVv "WAr JifJZ & i ' , , iK-ucl quickly, lit- MttiTlfpiS'a stores the tv-ii-tM-f iittlS w fili TuU'.vi a.a. i:. 1- i; ."3 ct i . n .i .- IfUJi or by mail. In li; ti i fori j, ',. Wwrcn Ktieet, New l'o:i are Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Hence Finer, More Wholesome Food SAINTS. Who were the saints? A startling, an audacious, once almost a punish able, ejuestion; but when asked of the laity to day, It is likely to be answer eel with a half-pitying smile or a frank admission of Ignorance. Yet. happily, the words "saintliness" an 1 "saintly" can never be dispensed with in our common daily language. And who were the saints? They were men and women of flesh nnel blond, who, without celestial au ra and crown, once trod this dusty earth, like ourselves. They were real people, living real lives, with real re sult If we allow ourselves to be led bae-k by the hanel of history, sacred or secular, whichever we prefer, to examine the work accomplished ov these men and women now ca'ied saints we shall be surprised. In our age. so worshipful of the material and the visible, we shall respectfully rec ognize their usefulness and their joy ous activity in every sphere of life. Even in earthly affairs, they created and bequeathed to us the best that we have and know. It was not the Church that made are cured to Becav.s? it remove? tl'o cruise. We It did II: it Sl!CLVcti. liut if if ijirv'l'l V your money. !", h a jenuine offer and should be nt-ci-pted. 7KT. PENDLETON DRUG CO., Pendleton. gassy- .- y. - y-- -.-. rzrjGSY.TZF - THE COLUMBIA BAR FOR STAHL FAMOUS NEAR. BEER. Pints and Qyarts CITY NEAR BEER ON DRAUGHT 1 All kind of Soft Drinks and Cigars Hot Lunch in Connection HERMAN PETERS, Proprietor jllii argam On For the next 30 days we will sell our coa! at the foiling prices Montana Nut .... $5.00 Per Ton Delivered Channel ----- 6.50 Per Ton Delivered Domestic - - - - - 7.50 Per Ton Delivered Rock Springs - - - - 8.50 Per Ton Delivered ' Sacking and Carrying Extra Put in Your Winters Supply While it is Cheap. Crab Creak Lumber Co. Phone Main 92, 700 W. Alta St The healthful properties of Grapes conveyed to food by the saints, but the saints, In a very real sense, who made the Chure'h. During the first centuries, after Christ ftul H's apostles had vanished ' from earth, it was Individual men and wo men, living in deserts, in cells an f caves that guarded the new revela tion. It was they who kept the spir itual lamp burning, upheld the no standards of life and blazed the way tor modern civilization.. Christianity has always been the religion of the Individual, and 11.8 power from the very beginning lay in its appeal to personality. It was individuals who first warmed hearts into Christian fervor. And so the church, like all corporate bodies, was gradually formed by these separate particles coming together. From "The Saints" by Kleonora Kinnlcutt in the December (Chhristmas) Sciib ner. Once AVas Enough. Magistrate (discharging prisoner) ! Now, then, I would advise you to keep away from bad company. I Prisoner (feelingly) Thank you. sir. You won't see me here again. . Llppencott'a. stay- cured by have not known a case wherein nnt in vnnr rfisiv wi will rofurn : . A HAPPY HOLIDAY DIXXKU. Here's a fine g n' mutton for you! Roast It Just rlRht nnd nerve It with new Krcen peas nnd who's going to cavil at that for a hearty wholcHomn dinner? Heat cuts of all meats In sea son at reasonable prices the whola ymr round. A speclnlly nice lino of Holiday meat and trimmings at the Central Meat Market Hi K. Alta Rl 'Phont Main II KltKSSi:!) CHICKEN'S evehy hay. Coal Sale 1 Gregg Shorthand Shortcut, simplest, best. Ttiko (irt'utt Shorthand a nil Modern Imliii'llvo Bookkeeping at thu Pcndlefon Business College Klrst class Instruction. Thor ough Commercial Course ob tained In six months. Reduced rates. . K. O. DRAPER, Prlu. Make Your Rela tives and Friends Ha!Dpy! Give them a Holiday present of real use and value one that will bo remembered and ap preciated. We recommend a pretty piece of gold or silver jewelry; a watch or clock; a beautiful tol led set In silver, or something In cut glass. Many other elegant presents to choose from. All guaranteed to bo of best quality. Articles purchased here will be engraved free of charge. A. L. Schacfer So crease.. o L. HUNZ1KER. Pendleton's landing Jeweler. We Do Plumbing Only Tii.vrs Ol lt IlUSIXKSS." But Its your business to get the best work nnd material for your money. Fast and competent workmen and all work guaranteed. Phone us and have your plumbing done right. Beddow & Miller Pendleton's Fvclwslvo piuiiibors. ("ourt nml (iiinlen SlrrclH. Phono ISIntk 355 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOHETOUR ORDERS YOU GET THEM RIGHT Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. The QuelJ e fJii. I. a Fotininlnc, Prop. Ilewi 25 ivnt meats In the North, wen. I IrM-elH-n Conk and Hrrvlae. HhHI-flNli , Nwrnoii. I 1.0 riiuiiinliitt liliMk, Main BL ii Chickens Ton lea that inako I hem lay. I Alfalfa Meal, llonn, Hliell and Orll, ' Insert l)ralrrr. Conhr Nw Mna COLESWOR.THY I27-12"; t. Alto