..:r,f'-i'-.JKi.i,,...w,.. DAILY EAST ORE IONIAN, PENDLETON. OKKGO.V ritlPAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1009. PAGE SEVEN. EIGHT PAGES. IS THE HANDY MAN AT YOU'LL BE SURPRISED TO SEE HOW YOUNG YOU LOOK WHEN YOUR II AIR HS RESTOKEO TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. There's no exr.ua for unsightly gray or faded liair. It makes you look old when yoJl'io not ii'l unsightly and embarrassing. Hay't Hair Health will ' ring fcr.ck the natu ral color and beauty! and mako your hair bright, luxuriant nnd full of youlMiil vitality Stopi dandruff and falling out. i'uidy vege. tabid and uarmlcs - liOl 4 il ': fl and S3c BOTTLES. AT DRUGGISTS. Sr-rt 2r for t're lvik "Tr Caro ot the Hair." I'hilo Uay Slice. Co., Newark, N. J., U. b. A. PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY. Muddied Braks result frtiiii an ovcrlcac'cd stomach, :.kijrg"i.-h liver, in active bowels, cr ir-.pure blood. Clear li.lnkinii lo) lows the use ot ; ..rj m irrf i P" Sold Evrywhcr-3. In fcortt:; 1C -.. i.r.d WASHINGTON SECOND ASS'T SEC. OP STATE IS INDISPENSABLE Mont Unique; Character at the Na tion's Capital Has Risen from tlio Hunks ami Will Din lit Present Station 1h Guide 1" Intricacies of Tntcnintlonnl Dlrilninnoy. "You," said Tudee Lindsey to the policeman, " want to save bicycles. 1 want to save boys." From " The Beast and the Jungle," in the DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S It's a bin, human, well- written story. Get it and read it. For eale by NELSON'S. L. G. IRA7.IER, .1. T. REAM. It. E. RAIM. Buy Your Meat OF THE X FMPRfc MEAT CO. X phone Main 18. 1 ! A '.nays fresh and wholesome. Pelive'ed promptly. 4 Fresh fish dally. Fteakj, chops, roasts, sausage, hams, bacon a. Rnn laru. t M I U U- '.ML. eMTy? Then It's high time you were .'phon ing Main 178 for a supply of Rock Spring Coal to tide you over till the Snrlna. In 'phonlngllcnry Koplttko you will obtain the quality coal that will give an even Intense heat with the small a nnsalhle consumption. rrompt delivery and the best qual Ity always when you patronize HENR.Y KOPITTKE Phone Main 178. THE First National Pendleton, Oregon Report of Condition, November 16, 1909, to the Comptroller of the Currency. WILLIAMSON HAFFNDRCD ENORAVER5-FRINTER? Washington. The only man In X'nclo Sam's pay who Is absolutely Indispensable to the government! Alvov Aiiirtiutiia Aitna to Vila nUttem tlve appellation, and he la second as sistant secretary of state. His Is thn omniscient Intellect that guides the Uu'ted States government through the intricacies or- international diploma cy; the universal encyclopedia of knowledge of world politics; the re pository of more state Bocreta than that of any one human being. Resides all this, ho In thn most In tercsting, lovable and yet, at times Irascible, public man now In the government service. Another Bos- well will be needeil adequately to chronicle his career. No man In Washington Is productive of more stories than 'A. A. Adee a new one crops ud everv day and all of them are good. Personally he Is a slight w,sp of a man, with a gray Imperial beard and mustache stained by devo tion to My Lady Nicotine. Ills shoul ders are stooped, and he walks ner vously In short, choppy steps, his feet turnol nut like a drum major's He hits n qti'stz'cal, kindly face, and looks at his Interviewers from underneath scrubby eyebrows, with his head bent forward. lie has the French trick of shrugging his shoulders. The Adee laugh is characteristic ' Xo one ever heard anything like It . It starts with a chuckle. Increases' in volume to a cachlnnatlon, and subsides to a se ries of sly "tee hee's." To Ki.lr iffiu.wi Horn with a congenital throat de fect that denrived him of the nowor of his vocal chords, with only rudi mentary ear drums tljat have forced him to go through life deaf, Adee trl ll ni r I) i, t through sheer forre nf will and owr-.mastoring Intellectual abili ties. He taught himself to speak, al though lacking the hard palate which in the average throat Is the sound ing board, so to speak, of the human voice. Ho was educated as aj archi tect, hut abandoned that profession to enter the diplomatic service as sec retary of the legation at Madrid, Spain, in 1870, having already master ed the language of the Dons. Since that time, Incidentally, he has "pick ed tin" as ho modestlv nuts It. French (iermnn, Italian and a smattering of severn other tongues. He has been In the state depart ment ns an tinder secretary since l?fi; he will hi? thi re until he dies Xo one can tnke his place. He Is nb slutely unique. The Heal Hanily Man. If Secretary of State Knox wants In "write fl letter tn Anihnssador So nnd-So Impressing a bald nnd brutal f:iet. it Is Secretary Adee who takes that fnct, blunts its sharpness with the rmnetillotis nirslflnee demanded by the international etiquette nnd en velopes It In n foliage of choice dip lomatic phraseology. Then Knox signs It. If President Tuft Is giving a recep tion to the members of the diplomatic corps. It Is Alvey A. Adee who can reel off without an Instant's hesita Hon the exact position every foreign representative should occupy In the no. according to his rank and the precedence of his nation. He knows International law. court ceremonials, world politics, the Mon roe doctrine, all the treaties, econom ic conditions in every civilized nation, nnd the history of every Individual who amounts to anything In every quarter of the globe. He's the offi cial "Who's "Who," as well ns "What's What " Many Slilcd Crank. Adee began studying early In life. nnd now, at the age of sixty-seven, still burns the midnight Incandescent. He Is a bicycle crank Incidentally even his vacations are a mixture of business nnd pleasure, a bicycle ride through Europe every summer an amateur photographer of no mean ability, a botanist, a scientist, arch aeologist, and artist In sympathy at least. His room at the department Is the most wonderful mixture of conglom erate odds and ends Imaginable. A microscope rests on one table; phog-' raphlc apparntus on another; . oooks on his desk, the floor, In shelves everywhere. He brews and drinks tea Incessantly, and smokes little block cigars In a discolored meer schaum nnd nniher holder. He keeps two brands of cigars In h's des a box of good i ties for himself, and some ten for fifteen cents for visitors. However, when he offers you one, he'll remnrk naively. "You needn't small c It, if you don't like it." He Is subject to Irascible "brain storms" and has even been known to throw books nt those who particu larly trled'his temper; hut an hour or so later invariably becomes repent ant and makes pence with the offend er bv a present of one of the good ci gars, and a funny story. To a woman stenographer who had presented to him a letter for signa ture with the word "the" written "thee," Adee addressed the written memorandum " 'tho' not thee' too much c's." A department clerk once crossed Adee's path with a corncob pipe In his mouth. Tho second nss stant sec retary stopped him and looked quiz zically at the pipe. "I see you are a baseball fiend," he nhnerved. "Why so, Mr. Adee." demanded the clerk. "Aren't you smoking a Cobb plpo rot Art et Adee. chuckling. -CONDENSED- Resources: Loans and Discounts Overdrafts United States Bond at par Other Bonds and Warrants Bank Building Casn and Exchange Liabilities: Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits Circulation Due to Banks Deposits $1,453,823.46 37,048.61 250,000,00 17.774.05 10,000.00 326,801.29 $2,095,447.41 $ 250,000.00 167,833.41 240,000.00 13,050.43 1,424,563.57 $2,095,447.41- $3 1, GJM. Rice, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, fcG. M. RICE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 8th day of November, 1909. (SEAL) C. K. CRANSTON, Notary Public for Oregon. i ' j 1 ant Ms. W FOR SALE. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion, for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonlan office. FOR SALE Furniture, from nine room rooming house, also, piano. 201 W. Webb. Phone Red 3322. Extra good offer If taken at once. FOR SALLz-Old newspapers wrap ped in bundles of ISO each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price 18c per bundle, two bundles 25o Enquire this of-fW. WASTED. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mall order business at home. No can vassing. He your own boBs. Send to free booklet. Tells how. Heacock. 2708, Lockport, N. T. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAINES, I you want to subscribe to magaxln or newspapers In the United 8tatw or Europe, remit by poBtai not check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's prle of the publication you desire, an.' we will have It sent you. It '11' save you both trouble and risk. V you are a subscriber to the EAS7 OREGONIAN, in remitting you car leduct ten per cent from the pub Usher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAV PUB. CO.. Pendl ton. Ore. WANTED Men and Boys to leara plumbing. Plumbers In demand everywhere, earn $6.00 to $8. CO per 5ay, short hours. By my methods I make you a practical plumber la a few months. Edward McCaffery Plumbing School, 20 Riverside Ats., Spokane, Wash. WHERE DO YOU STOP when In Portland? Why, at the Plaza, 211 1-2 Third street, of course. Wtaers the rooms are clean and cheap, the and landlady cheerful and ac commodating. Try It, It Is like home. ' AN intelligent person may earn 1M monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 2708 Lock port. N. Y. WANTED Position as cook for fam ily or housework. P. O. Box' 433. Read tho Eat Oreemvar Dally East Oregonlan by carrier, only 15 cents per wwa. Classified Directory paper with the facetious comment "Oh you Ou." To a crowd of newspaper men one il.nv when in a nartlcularlv fine hu mor he remarked that he understood that meals at the north pole were very irregular. "Why?" bit a scribe. "Well." answered Adee. grinning In his beard, "they are only Cooked Pearyodlcally," Mr. Adee is never quoted directly. That Is an unwritten rule of the corps of correspondents here. Safe In this promise, the second ass stant secre tary of state often delves Into his store of wisdom and yields up bully "stories." Generally the "high source at the state department," or "responsible official" on whose wora "it Is understood at the statement," those are the phrases most frequent ly seen, by the way. In the newspa pers printing news from the state de partment is Mr. Alvey A. Adee. A department clerk once called up Mr. Adee'3 office to ascertain just how the second assistant secretary of state should be addressed and hfS full name. "His name is A. A. Adee," said the state department employe. "Spell It out in full." "A," said the voice at the state de partment. "Yes." "A." "What?" "A." "Y-ves." "A." "O. hell!" exclaimed the exasper ated Inquirer, as he banged up the re ceiver. ATHENA JEWS NOTES I HIGH SCHOOL GIVES SICCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT Four Lines, in DaUy, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line per month. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOHEO- pathlc physician and surgeon, or flce Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO ni and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray anti Electro- herapeutlcs. JudQ Dunai g, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Vain 554. LOST LOST ONE BROWN GELDING, I years old, branded TZ on left shoul der; weight about 1300 pounds. 310.00 reward for information lead ing to recovery. Joe Craig, Pen dleton, Ore., Box 475. DENTISTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Program nml Basket Social Rounded Out Evening. E. A. MANX. DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to commercial Association rcoms. Office 'phone! 'lack 3421; residence "phne, red j51. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE cair work on all kinds of machines. structural Iron work nnd machln castingB. Junction of Court ar.d Alt streets. Marlon Jack, Prop.; A. F. May, manager. Objects to 8-Club League. Spokane, Wash. "Before I would consent to an eight club, greater Pa cific Coast league, with five Cali fornia clubs and three northwestern, or even four from each section, I would throw tip the game and let someone else take hold of the Spo kane franchise." Thus declare! Pres ident Joe Cohn of the Spokane Base ball club recently. Cohn stated further that tne ma jority of the Xorthwestern league men Teel the same way anil tnat mere h absolutely nothing doing with Judge McCredie's project. "It cosjs more to senu a ciud iu i oa Anceles than to Minneapolis," said Cohn. "Taking it by easy stages c.r u-onks nt the very best would tie consumed In reaching the Angel City i thn oust would be about 11500." Mimnirnr Brown of the Indians ana Prouiitont T.ncas of the Northwest lei'Kiie, arrived this morning and steps .. in io token, as Cohn says, "iovvani a move which will result In one of n,r ihinirs neace with Portland peace without Portland, or war with outlaw ball and an invading ciud in the Heaver City." (Specinl Correspondence.) The most successful entertainment for years was given at the opera house lost' evenlnir bv the high .chool and the Commercial club. There was not I even standing room in the building j for the crowd and from the start there was manifested .the most cor dial spirit. The boxes all beautifully decoratea were numbered nnd plactu on the tohlo after which the school program .took place which was Interesting from beginning to end. All tne par ticipants acquitted themselves well. At the close of the school program Supt. Welles delivered an interesting nrMrcss and the one minute stump speech contest by the ten men and ladles created laughter rrom me start. The boxes were then auctioned off rapidly nnd the floor prepared for lonir tables around which' the crowd gathered to enjoy the elegant boxes they had bought , together with "hot ceffee served by the Commercial club. The crowd dispersed about twelve o'clock singing the praises of the school and the Commercial club. A number of Athena people went to Walla Walla today to witness the big football game between Whitman and Washington State. Attorney S. F. Wilson left today for Spokane and other points In Wash ington. There are Thanksglvlne services at the Christian church. The Thanks giving sermon was preached by Rev. Ryder. DR. M- S. KERN, DENTAL &UR geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ng. Phono, red 8301. YEE SAM, LEE CO., NOODLE RES taurant, Mrs. Goey, Prop. Chicken noodle soup, chop suey, etc. We-bb St.. between Main and Garden. Phon Red 331., VATIGHAX BROS.. DENTISTS. OF flce In JudJ building. Phone Main 73.- VETERINARY SURGEONS. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY ; family wishing; work done by hand: mendintr free; goods called for ani eliverc-J. 408 East Court street. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary- Board. Office Tall an's drug store. Kes. pnone mn qj BILLS COLLECTED and advertise ments written by a competent man with years of experience. Price very reasonable. Room 31, Pen land lodging house, phone Black 3391. ATTORNEYS. j ACCTIOXEEK. RALEY RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American isauuiiai Bank building. . FEE & SLATER. LAWYERS, OF- f!ce In Despalvt Duumng. CARTER & SMTTIIE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank buildlnk., ,v friend In need is a friend Indeed. When in need of repairing of any kind and pressing, phone R. 2902. Work called for and ienverea. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over layior n.i; Company. . COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm Bales a specialty. ' . ... i FCNEUAL DIRECTORS. I . BAKER & FOLSOM7 FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalm. -. MnnncitA nnstoffioe. Funeral narl r. aay or nignt. rnone main to. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at taw. umce m Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settieu, wins, unru, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Sc ldt block. 1 PENDLETON LODGE No. 5S XX A. F. and A. il., meets the flrat ' and third Mondays of eac-i month. Oil visiting brethren are lc vlted. . PETERSON WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 ST.Ith Crawford building. . B. P. O. ET S NO. 28 meets every Thursday even ing In Eagle's-Woodmen . - hall. O. W. PhelDS. E. R Thos. Fltz Gerald, Secy. Ore Runs Rich. rtnkor Cltv. One of the. richest veins of gold ore discovered In Baker county Is now being worked by tho TTiimholt Mlnlns: company at tneir mine In Mormon basin. The ore runs JHOnn to the ton nnd Is being taken from a vein about seven Inches wide nnd of unknown depth. While the company has been working on the rich vein for some little time tney din not make an assay until today nnd were surprised nt the richness of the vein. The mine Is in the same section and is near the famous Rain- how- mine. It Is stated that the mine will soon be paying good -dividends on the stock. PHELPS & STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices In smith-Crawford building. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregonlan Dunci Ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot snd cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonlan office. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. OKlce in Association uiut. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY o. mm Will nractlce In all state on ,4 foitorat courts. Rooms 1. 3, 3, and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. . of P.. meets every MoiiSa ; "si. evening in I. O. O. F. hall. visiting Drotners coraiauy ' invited to ntten .. R. H. Tarbet, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of rv. ft S. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC SECOND-HAND DEALERS. ,v crrnm.FI nRALFR IX SECOND bnnd goods. If there is anytning nAA.t in now And second-hand JVU " furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, can ana gei nia yrice. .-.v. 212 East Court street. D. A. MAY CONTRACTCR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stona walls, etc. Fhone black 3786, or Or.- gnntan office. to cniiF. a coi.n in onr pay. Tnke I.AXATIVK IUN1MO Quinine Tablets Ih'iisclsts refund tnnney If It falls to cure. K V. OKOVF.'S signature Is on each box. 2"c. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN BSTRACT CO.."mAKE3 ..lloVilA ahotraoto nf tttlp tj all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on r.it and farm nroDerty. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a reneral brokerage business. Pay. inT.u. nnd mnkes Investments for non residents. References, any cn-n': in I'endleton. liMira JOHN'S. Pres. W. S. HENNIXGER, Vive-Pres C. H. MARSH. See. HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1350 cash or 3550 cash and 85 monthly payments of 313.21 each or 3360 cash and 100 monthly payments of 314.80 each, or $350 cash and 120 monthly payments of $13.21 each. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Tel. Main S3. 120 E. Conrt LIVERY AND FEED STARLIT. "TTY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON otroot. rarnev & Bradley. Props. I.lverv feed and sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MACHINERY. itMTIcn r:T.IXEERlNO CO.. MR chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 25-26 P.-I. Hldg., Seattle, nasi Ington. MAPS CITY OF PENDLETON AT ast OregTnlar, orno. trice itc FRATERNAL ORDERS. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice Is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock holders of the East Oregonlan Pub lishing company on Wednesday, December 1, 1909, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the office of said company In Pendleton, Oregon, for the pur pose of electing officers for the en suing year. C. S. Jackson, president; L. D. Drake, secretary. Every Woman Marvel "X'U? iVVuvnw fbr 1 tt It hs iinnnt mint ihe MAKYKU accept o -...t-.l H,V uniloil Tt trvr frill particulars nm inrwnn? invuuv- Cuiif HURVEl CO.. 4 E. gid St- Hvm Tft jf. v tm I to feVl TV m tm I la ar. Owuin4 IMt tat aLri6Mr. fcJ.TVEfVMSCHEK'Ht C5. S V CI1fillltl,0.J3 .1 v v. 3 MEN AND WOMEN. I'm BiKtifornnnatiiral difthsUi.M.inflamnufction. Irritations or ul.rUoii of mucoQi nimbr&ntB Painietii, aud not wtria cnt or roiniiuuB. or iut to DlL v On a letter to Mr. Ou. of the Chi DENVER, COlyQ for sale at East Oregonlan office. nese legation. Adee pinned a slip of