East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Newsv Notes
of Pendleton
The Old Way
Coffee in Bulk
A blend of dirt, dust and
ill -kept Coffee scooped
into a Paper package.
The New Way
White House
A choice blend of the best
Coffees in the world.
Sold whole or ground
in air-tight tins.
Never in bulk.
Standard Grocery Co.
214-216 East Court Sr.
Leading Grocers.
Stndcnts Departing for Tbeir Homes
Rally Will Be Held This Eve
ning to Arouse Spirit for Tomor
row's Contest.
Thanksgiving will be observed at
the Pendleton Academy with a vaca
tion for the remainder of the week.
The class work was brought to a
close this afternoon though some of
the stduents were excused last eve
ning because the train service was
such that if they did not start home
last evening or this morning, they
would not arrive in time for Thanks
giving dinner.
In preparation for tomorrow's
gridiron struggle between the acad
emy and high school teams on the
Have You That
Same Old
thil -you have every Autumn T
Now Is the time to cure it be.
fore winter sets in, and Tall
man's F. & S. cold capsuli will
speedily cure you.
Once tried nothing else can
take its place.
Tailxnan & Co.
Leading Druggists of Eastern
Alta street grounds, a rousing rally
will be held on the academy campus
this evening. A great bonfire will
be built and around this the students
will gather for the purpose of Instill
ing enough enthusiasm into the mem
bers of the team to enable them to
win the victory. Speeches, college
songs and yells will enliven the occa
sion. Three of the students. Miss Myrtle
Rhodes, Miss Lottie Boreland and
Miss Lucia French, have gone to Echo
to spend Thanksgiving. Miss
Rhodes will "be tfte guest of Miss Bor
land, while Miss French will be the
guest o fa cousin.
Mrs. Anna Z. Crayne, Instructor in
domestic science and matron of
Koontz Tall, leaves this evening for
Walla Walla to spend the vacation
with friends and she will be Joined
Saturday evening by Miss Harriet
Toung, Instructor In the department
of music, who is going over to hear
Fritz Krelsler, the great violinist.
With one dollar per bushel being
offered for bluestem wheat and 95
cents being offered for club, the local
grain market is the best that it has
been sinvce the opening of the present
harvest, season. That it will go still
higher before the next harvest season
la 'Cnfi'lf ntly believed by those far
mers who are still holding.
The only difficulty 8t tho present
time is the fact that there Is tto blue
stem wheat left In the country arid
none whatever being offered for sale.
The quantity of club remaining In the
hands of the farmers Is also limited
and those who have It, for the most
part, say they will have one dollar for
It or hold until spring.
One of the largest sales made re
cently was that of W. W. Harrah, who
sold 7000 bushels at 90 cents. This
is the price now Being offered by the
local buyrrs, while It is understood
that the Walters mill offered 92
cents for one lot of club wheat and
95 for another. Since the local mills
have shown a disposition to go so
much stronger than the grain buyers,
it Is probable ,the" greater part of the
wheat remaining in the hands of the
growers will rCTnaln at home.
Gems, Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass and
Hand-painted China
This store is at Its best better than ever before because of more
extensive preparation than In any former years. Ready to serve a
greater number of patrons, ready with the most elaborate and beauti
ful collection of things suitable for presentation that can be Im
agined. Come In and select your gifts now and we will be pleased to lay
them aside until Xmas time. Don't fall to see our beautiful new
line of HAWKES cut glass, PICKARDS hand painted china, Initial
HAVERLAXD, Silverware, watches brooches, cuff links, neck laces,
stick pins, umbrel.as, fobs, charms and a great many other suitable
Successor to Wlnslow Bros.
Pendleton's Leading Jewelry Store.
All articles purchased hero will be engraved free of charge.
Mammoth Book Sale. $1.50 and
$ 1 .25 Books for 50c
Phone Main 6 IS.
The Handy Store.
17 Main St.
Christ Ian Science Service.
At the Christian Science church, at
the corner of Webb and Johnson
streets, Thanksgiving services will be
held tomorrow at H o'clock. The
subject will be "Thanksgiving."
Social, Not n Pnnco.
Instead of giving a dance Friday
night as was announced yesterduy,
the Lady Maccabees of Helix will hold
a dime social. Dancing will not be
Indulged In. Word to this effect was
received by this paper from the rec
ord keeper of the Helix lodge.
Special Lund Agent Here.
it. A. Benedict, special land agent
for the government, is in the city to
ray, having come in yesterday after
noon from an official visit to the Pi
lot Rock country. He says he Is here
merely on routine business anil that
his visit has nothing to do with the
approaching trial of the Umatilla
county men cm the land fraud charge,
Artisans Held Social.
Last evening the local Artisans and
their wives and friends held a very
pleasant social in their meeting hall
in the Ladow building. The evening
was passed in listening to a musical
and literary program and In social
games. Refreshments were also served.
Pictures of California.
At the rooms of the Commercial as
sociation, November 30, E. W. Price
of the publicity department of tho
Harriman system, will give an illus
trated lecture upon southern Califor
nia. Mr. Price had charge of the
California moving pictures at the
Alaska-Yukon exposition.
Two Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses were issued to
day to Alvln C. Reeves of Hermiston
and Miss Esther Anne Bonnar of Wal
la Walla, and to Chauncey E. Wilson
and Edith Harms, both of this county.
Assessor C. P. Strain has returned
from a brief visit to southern Idaho.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor has as his
guests today, his father and brother
David and W. R. Taylor of Athena.
Attended Pilot Rock Wedding.
Frank Michaels came In from Pas
co this afternoon and left soon after
for Pilot Rock by automobile to at
tend the wedding of his son, Charles
Michael to Miss Ethel Shafer. Henry
Taylor and family, James and Her
bert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Al
exander, also went out in aiitos to at
tend the wedding which was to occur
at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sharer,
three miles east of Pilot Rock.
Prohett Sells Koine. i
G. H. Probett, local manager of
the Crabb creek lumber yards has
sold his new bungalow on West Court
street to John Vaughan, chief of the
Pendleton fire department. Mr. and
Mrs. Probett will leave next month
for Walla Walla, where Mr. Probett
will have a similar position with the
same company.' In the meantime,
Oscar Mahler, brother of Mrs. Pro
bett. will be temporarily in charge
of the local yards.
Will Winter in California.
After visiting for a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Peter
son, Donald M-cDonald and wife of
Walla Walla, Anson Woods, wife and
daughter of Weston, Mabel McDon
ald, of Walla Walla, and Dean Dudley
of Athena, left last evening by way of
Salt Lake city for Long Beach, Cali
fornia, where they will spend the win
ter. Victor McDonald and wife of
Walla Walla, will leave this evening
over the same route for the same
(Continued from page one.
throughout the contest, he will not be
able to line up with his mates to
morrow. The line-up of the two teams will be
as follows:
High School S'truve, c; Snyder,
I. g.; Milne, r. g.; Graham, It.; Hln
derman, r. t.; C. Sturdivant, 1. e.;
Bowman, r. e.; Carrol, q.; Kimball, 1.
h ; Thompson, r. h ; Bean, f.
Academy. Caldwell, 1. e.; Crow,
1. t.; Harrah, I. f.; McDonald, c;
It. Oliver, r. g.; W. Oliver, r. t.; Cook
and Windsor, r. Clark and Morris,
q.; Lieuallen, 1. h.; Weatherston, f,;
Taylor, r. h. b.
Kansas City, Mo What is the
strllnge impulse mat leads Walter
Schoonover, 1 1 years old, one of tho
kindest and most devoted boys to his
parents In his waking hours, to de
sire to murder them when darkness
For months his parents who live In
Kansas City, Kan., have attempted
to determine the cause of the strange
oilment that displays itself only by
night, but which makes of him a veri
table fiend. Fading, they have ap
pealed to Judge Van Prather to help
them solve the case.
Several times of late the boy's
father and Ktopmother have been
awakened to find the youth stooping
over them with a hammer drawn,
prepared to dash out their brains. It
Is with the greatest difficulty that
they restrain him from injuring them.
When awakened, he returns to bed
The boy stoutly maintains that he
loves everybody and does not know
why he has such homicidal impulses.
The court ordered him sent to a sanitarium.
The only way to keep some men
straight is to give them a big load to
At the Sign of the Big Red'
A few prices that have proven popular and w ill be of interest to you read them closely,
A stock of "wanted" merchandise for the coming winter and at a saving that will buy mahy
holiday presents.
Meddin-i Blankets and Comfortables all
cut in price.
$ kOO Short Duck Coats $2.50
7.S0 Duck Overcoats $4.95
Overcoats up to $12 in price, Triangle
price $(8.66
Overcoats up to $16 in price, Triangle
price $8.88
Overcoats up to $20 in price, Triangle
price $9.09
Overcoats up to $20 in price, Triangle
price $16.77
Overcoats up to $31 in price,- Triangle
prico $22.22
Overcoats up to $40 in price, Triangle
price : $27.77
Sweaters at, Cut Prices.
$1."0 work shirts now $1.15
$1.00 work shirts now 65
.r0c Ladies Shoes now 40
Children's black kid shoes, sizes (5 to 11, $1
and $1.25 values, Triangle Sale price 69
Mioses' and Children's $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50 shoes, Triangle Sale price 85
Women's Hanan Shoos, up to $0.00, Triangle
Sale price $4.00
Btgular $:j.50 Shoes, Triangle Sale price.
Regular $4.00 Shoes, Triangle Sale price.-...
$2.50 and $.'5.00 shoes, Triangle Sale price
Misses' Tan Oxfords, $1.25 and $1.50 grade,
Triangle Sale price 73
Misses' White Canvas Shoes, $1.00 and $1.25
grades, Triangle Sale price 63
Our hat stock is complete in every style
and size and at present prices interesting.
Suits up to $15, Triangle Sale price $4.44
Suits up to $20, Triangle Sale price $8.88
Suits up to $30, Triangle Sale price $17.77
Suits up to $40, Triangle Sale price $27.77
Wo are selling CAPS at Triangle Prices.
Work Mittens and Gloves. We have a
very complete line of these and are making
reductions to please our customers.
$2.00 Mittens now ....'..$1.65
$1.75 Mittens now $1.35
$1.50 Mittens now $1.15
$1.00 Mittens now 65
$2.00 Gloves now $1.65
$1.75 Gloves now $1.35
$1.50 Gloves now $1.15
$1.00 Gloves now 65
The value of the almighty dollar expands two-fold, at the
TdBi 8T0
Why not buy your present for "him" HERE and NOW ?
Give Program Tomorrow Evening
School Clerk Electoxl.
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Oregon, November 23.
The public school, assisted by the
Athena Commercial club will give an
entertainment at the onera house
Wednesday evening. A special Thanks
giving program has been prepared
and the patrons, friends and public
in general Is cordially Invited- The
program consist of two parts: the
literary part consisting of speeches,
songs, recitations and a one mlnuto
stump speech contest participated In
by ten men and ten ladies. A valu
able prize will bo given to the one
making the best speech. The second
part of the program will be a box
supper under the auspices of the
Commercial club. All boxes will be
numbered and sold at auction, after
which will take place a social hour of
games and music. ,
Mr. It. V. Bilycu, a dentist from
Portland, was In Athena Saturday
making arrangements to move here
the last of this month. He has had
new office apparatus shipped from the
East which will be put In the office
he har :-rured In the Post building.
He hope to be ready for work by the
15th of December.
A special election was held In the
school building yesterday for the pur
pose of electing a school clerk to fill
the unexpired term of Mr. B. B.
Richards, who was recently elected a
member of the school board. Mr.
Chas. Betts was unanimously elected
to the office.
Col. P. B. Boyd, editor of the Athe
na Press has been In Portland for the
past week on business. He Is expect
ed to return today.
Mr. Steward, of the firm of Steward
& Brown Is expected to arrive the last
of this week. He will come from Spo
kane through the country In his auto
mobile. His wife, mother and son
arrived last Saturday and will be with
Mr. Brown until they can , secure a
house. Their car load of furniture is
expected to arrive today.
Attorney H. I. Watts has been In
Pendleton for the past week In the
Interest of the Ryan murder case.
Mr. Anson Wood and wife, Mr. Mc
Donald and wlfo of Walla Walla and
Dean Dudley of Athena, left today
for California, where they will spend
several months. They are seeking a
milder climate for the winter and will
visit friends while In the South.
James Henderson has recently pur
chased the cottage owned by Ed Tay
lor located east of the Baptist church.
Inspector Nell recently discussed
with Mr. C. A. Barrett the probability
of establishing a rural route leading
out from Athena. Mr. Nell has not
given out any announcement hut It Is
hoped by the people here that tne
route will be established.
Pints and Quarts
"A11 kind of Soft Drinks and Cigars
, Hot Lunch in Connection
mailing- ki j . !!.. a .n v j i i
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