East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Thanksgiving Week Sale
it v f, . i
41t MR
Trimmed Millinery
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
Famous Picture Will be on Exhibition
Ono Wet-It Hcglnning Dec. 6, lit
Episcopal Church For Itcncfit of
In rtsh.
either cold or warm weather.
Will not be complete without one of the "VOGUES" fine
tailored hats. Every price has been reduced for this week
only. Come while the selections are best and the lines com
Bring in the little ones for their Holiday Headwear.
822 Main Stdeet.
Idleman & Ililleary, Props.
Scent Lockets.
Very long chains which are worn
by many women require some bauble
or locket to complete their line, which
generally reaches below the waist
A thoughtful jeweler, always on the
alert, has harked back to the early
Victorian woman who was addictea
io swooning, and there Is a modern
adaption of the vinargette used at
that time.
This is in the form of a locket with
a small center of open-work gold, sil
ver or enamel, and a rim of Jewels is
used to give brilliancy to this noT
elty. Concentrated perfume , Is concealed
in the center of the locket, behind the
grille, and with each swaying of the
chain a delightful, faint perfume em
anates from the unsuspected holder of
Shadow Lace.
This Is new, and because of its un
obstructlve pattern can be used In
great quantities without fear of over
decoration. The pattern is woven in such a way
that an uncertain shadowy effect Is
produced. It is especially lovely In
black and cream. The black shadow
lace is used over black net and a white
satin undersllp. The cream Is effective
over pale tints In evening gowns.
with the "nap" running up on one
stripe and down on the adjoining
one. The light does the rest.
The return of moleskin to its fa
vor of two years ago should be wel
comed by women who recognize Its
soft, supple quality. And no one can
resist the silvery lights and shadows
of this inexpensive fur.
The Latest Foundations.
For sheath foundations of evening
gowns the very newest Idea is to
use brocades f gorgeous hue and de
sign or heavy watered silks.
The princess underdresses of these
supple silks can be fitted perfectly to
the figure, and the lovely colors, with
their scrolls and flowers carried out In
glistening silver or gold, form artistic
backgrounds upon which chiffon, tulle,
or crepe de chine can be draped.
These exquisite sheaths are gener
ally made with narrow trains, square
or round, and the draperies are ar
ranged In seml-pannler fashion.
A Golden Feather.
It can be made of an old quill from
which the battered feathers have
been stripped.
Gold lace is sewed as a scant ruffle
on each side, the end being slightly
Tou have no Idea how effective this
Is on a fur turban. From this idea a
departure into the realms ef silver,
bronze or Jeweled lace can be made,
and at little cost.
This quill, with a band of braid or
lace to match, will furnish sufficient
trimming for a fur toque.
Removing Stains.
Medicine stains can be removed by
soaking In alcohol.
Alcohol applied with a woolen rag
will remove stains made from hot
Meat-juice stains simply need to be
washed in cold water, followed with
Mucilage is removed by soaking' In
amonla water and then washing in
cold water and soap.
Chloroform Is one of the best
known cleansers for delicate fabrics.
It does not leave "rings."
Scorch marks may be removed by
hanging in sunlight. Thin Is most ef
fective for only light scorches.
Milk or cream can be removed eas
ily by washing first in cold water, fol
lowed by a thorough soaping.
Medicine oil may be removed by
washing In cold water and soap, or
by rubbing the stain with turpentine.
Paint stains are removed by the use
of benzine or terpentine. For delicate
colors chloroform In naptha is best.
Kerosene may be removed by the
use of fuller's earth. Cover the stain
with a thick layer of hot fuller's earth
and let It remain twenty-four hours;
then brush off.
. Scarf and Muff.
A novel combination of scarf and
muff is made of bands of chiffon,
quillings of satin and strips of fur.
It wraps the body In shawl fashion,
and just at the waist line the width
is gathered in under" two long buck
From this point two long ends fall
almost to the hem of a skirt. Buckles
hold in the lower edges of each side,
and heavy fringe hangs from these.
Thus far this is a beautiful shoul
der scarf. But when the weather Is
cold and the hands of the owner need
the comfortable warmth of a muff, it
is there for the hooking. The lower
ends are doubled up and hooped un
der the upper buckles. A fringe muff
is the result. The combination Is
clever and pleasing.
The Episcopal Church has arranged
to secure the famous painting "In the
Shadow of the Cross" for exhibition
purposes and lovers of art will have
an opportunity to see It for one week,
commencing Dee. 6. The picture will
be on display at the Episcopal church.
This remarkable painting. Bays Kate
Atkinson Boehme, in The Radiant
Centre, is on exhibition here In Wash
ington. While the artist was at work
upon it he went into his studio ono
evening in the dark and., to his sur
prise, found his painting Illuminated
with a soft radiance. The light was
playing about the figure, while buck
of it there was the shadow of tne
cross. The artist had not painted In
tills shadow, and in daylight it was not
visible. He left the picture unfinish
ed. It has been examined bv experts.
and no satisfactory explanation has
yet been given of the strange light
and the shadow of the cross. I went
to see the painting, and after the elec
tric lights were turned out I sat for a
long time. I think it must have been
twenty minutes, looking Into inky
blackness before the light on the
painting became visible. Others who
had come in earlier could see it dis
tinctly, but I could not. 1 had about
given up seeing It at all when sud
denly the light appeared, and the
longer I looked the brighter It seemed
to grow. I do not know whether this
painting is what it is represented to
be or whether there is some clever
trickery about the' pigments used, but
it is an excellent illustration of the
way in which the spiritual light comes
when you look within for it. All is
darkness for a time, and then the light
shines forth, "thank Heaven, there Is
in it no shadow of the cross. Go and
see the painting if It comes your way.
The effect Is really wonderful.
Many requests from Catarrh suf
ferers who use atomizers have caused
us to put up Liquid Cream Balm, a
new and convenient form of Ely's
Cream Balm, a new and convenient
form of Ely's Cream Balm, the only
remedy for catarrh which can always
be depended on. In power to allay
inflammation, to cleanse the clogged
inflammation, to cleanse the clogged
a'.r-passages, to promote free, natural
breathing, the two forms of Cream
Balm are alike. Liquid Cream Balm
is sold by all druggists for 75 cents,
including spraying tube. Mailed by
Ely Bros, 56 Warren street, New
-Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
before you build your home.
1 will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore
Definite steps are being taken to
bring a chautauqua to La Grande
next summer, says the Observer. The
Rev. Ford Ellis Is corresponding with
President G. F. Billings of the South
ern Oregon assembly regarding the
possibilities of La Grande getting on
the circuit on which, Boise, Idaho,
has already secured a place.
At the present time all seems fa
vorable. The Rev. Mr. Ellis has ta
ken the matter up with the Commer
cial club officers and President John
Collier has promised to introduce the
subject at the next meeting of the
club. Mr. Collier has been working
quietly for a chautauqua assembly
for a number of years and will do all
that he can to make the thing a go.
In a letter from Mr. Billings of
Ashland to Hon. F. A. Shaw of Bolso
the history of the Ashland assembly
Is set forth In detail. A copy of the
letter is in the possession of Mr. Col
lier and is filed with detailed infor
mation. With the Riverside Park
grounds for holding the meeting and
the excellent central location of this
city, one of the best chautauquaB in
the state should be the outgrowth of
the present movement.
The Rage for Roads.
A trimming on daytime dresses and
evening robes, beads are used with
great success. Indeed, as they occur
In all colors, there is every reason
to suppose that their popularity will
not wane with the seasons.
When applied as a plaque ornament
they are worked out In Indian patterns
white, red and turquols blue being
comMnod with dull tan.
Handsnme clasps of colored beads
are used to hold the fulness of a cor
sage and darpprles of skirts are se
cured linger headed ornaments.
Bugle heads are extremely beauti
ful, and lend their straight lines for
edging, tunics, sleeves and sashes.
These are often embroidered In
straight designs on chiffon and tulle.
Manila, Xov. 24. W. Cameron
Ftrbes was inaugurated governor gen
eral of the Philippines today In suc
cession to Gen. James F. Smith. The
inauguration was accompanied by civ
il' and mlltary display and wa3 more
elaborate than previous Inductions In
to office. The official home of the
governor general was thronged with
thousands of citizens of all classes.
while army and navy officers, consu
lar officials and others, many of them
in full uniform, added brilliancy to an
impressive scene.
Chicago. Mrs. Ella Flagg Young.
superintendent of schools, has in mind
plans for a radical change in the
course of study in Chicago high
schools. Fewer studies and more
time on each one is her aim.
Recently she announced her Inten
tion of applying the idea to the
schools under her supervision.
'We 'are too extensive and not In
tensive enough," said Mrs. Young.
Our programmes of study are too
A Scalded Roy's Shrieks
horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria
Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that
when all thought he would die Buck
len's Arnica Salve wholly cured hin.
Infallible for burns, scalds, cuts,
corns, wounds, bruises, cures, fever
sores, bolls, skin eruptions, chil
blains, chapped hands. Soon routs
Piles. 25 cents at Tallman Co.
Contrary to popular belief, feather
pillows are Improved by a sunbath
now and then. They need the sun as
well as air, and should be placed In
the sun regularly every few months.
An Infants' hair brush may be used
to clean dainty lamp shades of silk
or satin. Meal, or fuller's earth, is
sometimes used to clean lace shades,
and with the use of the small brush,
all particles of dust may be easily re
moved, without Injury to the finest
Lampblack Is removed by wetting
with kerosene and washing with some
good soap and warm water.
Clean combs with a good stiff nail
brush, dry. They soon warp and break
If washed in water.
Challls Return. .
Challis are back again In lovely
designs, which offer dainty colored
relief from the ever present plain
white shirtwaist.
Tiny rosebuds of all colors on plain
grounds are now worn by children
and grown-ups, while black ehallts
with neat figures show that Frencn
weavers have not forgotten demands
peclally adapted for tailored models
of waists, and suggest many changes
In the workaday garb.
It Is with pleasure that we see the
return of these soft dainty materials
for our dresses or blouses.
A Moleskin Coat.
The quality of moleskin gives cling
ing lines to a long coat, and the color
cannot be improved; Its dull gray
tones blend with every shade of cos
tume. Moleskin Is now combined In a
manner that produces a striped ef
fect. The bands of fur are placed
The Fasting Cure.
The fashionable remedy for most
ailments Is semlstarvation. It has
taken medical science a long time to
get back to the first principles. When
animals feel badly they refuse to eat.
As soon as the system is cleared of Its
accumulation of extraneous matter na
ture cures the disturbance. When a
human feels out of sorts the first thing
is to take something. Colds In the
head are almost always caused by
overeating and cold lead to a great
many other troubles. The only really
healthy Individuals are those who eat
sparingly. Really, our greatest ene
mies are those who urge us to eat.
Eating Is necessary up to a certain
point, but almost every one eats too
much. Agricultural Epltomist.
A Hnlr' IJreadth Escape.
Do you know that every time you
have a cough or cold and let It run
on, thinking It will Just cure itself
you ;ire Inviting pneumonia, consump
tion or some other pulmonary trou
ble? Don't risk t. Put your lungs
back in perfect health and stop that
cough with Ballard' Horehound
Syrup. Price 25c, CO and $1.00 pet
bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Try the East Oregonlan for first
class Job printing.
Tampa. Fla.. Nov. 24. Racing un
der the auspices of the Tampa Jock
ey club will begin tomorrow at the
new track recently completed at West
Tampa. Indications point to a sue
cessful meeting, and the officials of
the track are pleased at the pros
pects. The stables are filled with
fast horses from many parts of the
United States and Canada and addi
tional shipments will arrive early next
week from Latonia.
The meeting will extend over a pe
riod of 100 days. An average of $2,
000 in stakes and purses will be
hung up dally. The event of the
opening day will be this inaugural
handicap, a slx-furlong event for, all
ogs, for a purse of $1000 and added
To Wed at Fort Adams.
Newport, R. I., Nov. 24. Fort Ad
ams is to be the scene of a brilliant
military wedding tonight, when Miss
Caroline Gibson, daughter of Major
Robert J. Gibson, U. S. A., and Mrs.
Gibson, is married to Lieut. Avery J.
Cooper, of the Coast Artillery Corps
Lieut. Cooper will take his bride to
Fort Pickens, Fla., where he is now
Iluscbnll Magnates In Session.
Chicago, Nov. 24. Representatives
of the Three-Eye league and the Cen
trnl association met in this city today
for an Important conference. Before
the meeting is adjourned it Is expect
ed that the two organizations will
agree upon a plan for redisricting
their territory so as to avoid a con
fllct In their circuits the coining sea
Tak LAXATIVE IIKOMO Onlnlns Tablets
DrugKlsts ref nnd money If It falls to cure. B.
W. UIto.VK'8 signature la on each box. 25c.
A friend In need Is a friend Indeed.
When In need of repairing of any
kind and pressing, phone R. 2902
Work called for and delivered.
Real Estate and Insnrance.
J. M. Bentley and Douglas Lifflng-
well have formed a co-partnership.
with offices at 815 Main street, They
will conduct a reliable and up-to-date
Insurance, Real Estate and Rental
agency, can and see tnem. rnone
Main 404.
Read the East Oreeontan.
Five Minutes After Taking a Little
Diapepsln Your Stomach Will Feel
line Again Eat Your Favorite
Foods Without Fear of Distress.
If your meals don't fit comfortably
or you feel bloated after eating and
you believe it Is the food which fills
you; if what little you eat lies like
a lump of lead on your stomach; If
there Is difficulty In breathing after
eating, eructations of sour, undigest
ed food and acid, heartburn, brash
or a belching of gas, you can mako
up your mind that you need some
thing to stop food fermentatio.i and
cure Indigestion.
To make every bite of rood ycu
eat aid in the nourishment and
strength of your body, you must rid
your stomach of poisons, excessive
acid and stomach gas which sours
your entire meal Interferes with di
gestion and causes so many sufferers
of dyspepsia, sick headache, bilious
ness, constipation, griping, etc. Your
case is no different you are a stom
ach sufferer, though you may call
It by some other name; your real and
only trouble Is that which you eat
does not digest, but quickly ferments
and sours, producing almost any un
healthy condition.
A case of Pape's Diapepsln will
cost fifty cents at any pharmacy
here, and will convince any stomach
sufferer five minutes after taking a
single dose that fermentation and sour
stomach is causing the misery of In
digestion. No matter If you call your trouble
catarrh of the stomach, nervousness
or gastritis, or by any other name
always remember that a certain cure
Is waiting at any drug store the mo
ment you decide to begin Its use,
Pape's Diapepsln will regulate any
out of order stomach within five min
utes, and digest promptly, without
any fuss or discomfort all of any kind
of food yon eat.
The Singing Subrotte.
Fancy Dancer and Singer.
In the Deacon of New York.
All New Pictures and Songs
We aim to PLEASE the PEOPLE.
Prices 10c and 15c
Usual Matinees.
LADIES, You Can Do Your
No Smoke
No Dirt
No Ashes
No Carrying Wood and Coal.
and use a
Saves Time, Temper, Trouble and Money.
Always Ready for Use.
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Matlock Building.
Next Door to Eilers Piano House
We are ready to wire your home or
giveyou estimates on wiring or any
thing in the Electric Line. Call and
see our Stock for your Xmas Presents
I Electric Supplies