East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 23, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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"Tl'KSDAV, NOVEMBER 23, 1009.
Thanksgiving Week Sate
Trimmed Millinery
"Extra Fancy," "Choice." and "Or
chard Run" Sliall Pcslgnnto Throe
Grades Confusion Will Be Avoid
ed nnd Interests of Industry Ad
vniieetl. YOUR NEW SUIT
1 ' I....U.II ij CT" ry,'fi'"lfcjwj't 1'L'igTilW''l' 1
THE mm tiltf OF lllfe
DR. KONG'S . '
Will not lx complete without one of the "VOGUES'' fine
tailored hat.. Every price has been reduced -for this week
only. Come while the selections are best, and the lines com
Brine; in the little ones for their Iloliday Ileadwear.
t2 Main Stdeet.
Idleman Ililleary, Props.
Washington. D. C. In two weeks
congress will assemble for the "Ions j
session," which probably will run j
well into the summer. The house Is
already organized by the election of
a speaker and officers at the extra
session, and the appointment of com
mittees, so that there will be no ex
cuse for not getting down to business
at once.
The appropriations committee will
meet immediately after Chairman
Tawney and his colleagues return
from Panamar and begin work on one
of the appropriation bills, probably
the legislative, executive and judicial.
Every important committee of the
house has a calendar full of bills, in
troduced in the extra session, and a
flood of new measures, cooked up by
ambitious members during the recess,
is expected at the outset.
Trouble in House Expected.
Friction between Speaker Cannon
and the insurgents is expected to de
velop immediately. It is not contem
plated that the house will entertain
an effort to oust the speaker. but
It is well within the range of the
insurgents to lead him a merry
dance in many ways, by proposed
amendments to the rules.
Everybody expects trouble and lots
of it. Speaker Cannon is as mad as
a hatter, judging from his recent
speeches in the west, and Is coming
to Washington with his fighting
clothes-on and brass knuckles in his
plover It Is, sal he Intends to make
it lively for Herbert Parsons for the
charges preferred by that gentle
man in connection with an alleged
deal between the house leaders and
Tammany democrats In the reorgan
ization of the house last summer.
Mr. Parsons Is standing pat. and no
later than yesterday made the state
ment that he never made charges
which could not be substantiated.
Insurgents Rampant.
The insurgents are rampant and
determined on trouble. The outbreak
of insurrection in the senate has
heart-eased the house insurrection. It
is known that there are many house
republicans who have been restless
for some time, and it is expected that
numbers of these will grab their
trusty machet-s and take to the
bush, under the stimulus of in
creased prosperity for making trou
ble. Senator Cummins is in town sound
ing the rallying cry fnr the senate
insurgents Senator I-a Follette will
come out of the west soon, anl t
followed bv the bold Bristow of Kan
sas, ready for the fray. On all ides.
therefore, the out'o'd: bristles with
tribulations for the regular? and
"hepp plenty" good front pap head
lines for the newspapers with the
corps of Washington correspondents
joyously repeating the belligerent
admonition to MaeDuff.
In the way of serious effort there
is work enough out out for congress
to keep it busy until fall, if congress
take? over the contract and doesn't
"yump the yob" along about the time
the campaign for renomination und
re-election draws nigh.
Work Waiting- fnnsnw.
Here are some of the things con
gress will find ready to hand to work
Granting increased powers to the
interstate commerce commission,
with authority to regulate the issue
of railroad securities: to Initiate com
plaints of discrimination In rateB;
to compel connecting carriers to form
through routes and apportion rates
among carriers; to determine the
proper classication of freight.
An amendment to the Sherman anti-trust
act exempting labor unions
from penalties for combination.
Authorization to railroads to pool
under strict supervision of the inter
state commerce commission.
Subventions for the upbuilding of
the merchant marine and extensions
of the ocean mail service.
Requiring railroads to adopt addi
tional safety devices.
Postal savings banks.
Legislation Regulating the boycott
and the issuance of injunctions
against labor organizations.
Internal waterway improvements,
according to the president's policy
of "the best for the grestest num
ber and down with pork bar'l ap
propriations." A number of contested election
cases will be acted upon, probably
along the usual line of finding very
little evidence in favor of opposition
contestants, but grave frauds on the
franchise to the detriment of repub
licans. An' investigation of the sugar trust
scandal will be proposed, and may
or mav not be undertaken.
Foregoing are some of the major
measures which will clamor for at
tention, but not all of them are ex
pected to receive It.
At Spokane Apple Show anil Yakima
Raises Howl.
Spokane. Wash. Trouble has be
gun over the action of the apple show
judges In awarding the sweepstakes
prize to Tronson & Guthrie, of Eagle
Point. Ore. North Yakima. Wash.,
fruitgrowers allege discrimination,
saying W. W. Sawyer, of Yakima,
should have taken the sweepstakes
with his carload display of Grimes
"olden. The Yakima men allege the
prisre-wlnnlng exhibit was infected
with "Baldwin rot." because of its un
ripe condition, while Sawyer's fruit
was perfect. They attribute the al
leged discrimination to the fact that
an Oregon man was on the board of
judges while there was none from
Washington. The Yakima exhibitors
declare that they will never again
send fruit to the Spokane show.
The general public seems satisfied
with the prize award, as Oregon's
prize-winning fruit was the center nt
admiration throughout the week.
Spokane, Wash. Western apples
will be packed in three grades in the
future, these being named "Extra
Fancy," "Choice" and "OrchnrI
Run." The rurpose is to protect the
buyers and consumers, help the grow
ers and promote the industij.
This was decided at a meeting of
L'OO growers' representing every com
mercial district in the northwest in
the Washington state armory In Spo
kane on November 17. E. T. Balch.
representing the Wenatchee distri-t,
os chairman of the commute? on
nifj, the other members "oeinr II.
Sp'ont, Hood River district; C. E.
Whistler, southern Orcg m district;
J. T... Pumas, president of the Wash
ington State Horticultural associa
tion. Walla Walla district, and H.
M. Gilbert. Yakima valley district.
The following resolution was adopt
ed: V.'hereas, It V:- clearly a p oarer t
Ilia: the boxei apple grow-s of Ile
Pacific northwest should work to
gether to mutual advantage for our
rapidly increasing Industry; and
Whereas, There Is great confui.'in
In the naming of the grades l' the
different districts, mystifying the
buyers, shippers and consumers,
greatly to the disadvantage of the in
dustry; therefore be It
Resolved, That we, the undersign
ed committee representing the ex
hibitors, apple growers and applo
shippers of the Pacific nort'.iwcst
recommend to our vcilous diftrlcts.
First That our rpples be packed
in three grades.
Second That said grades be nam
ed "Extra Fancy," Choice" and "Or
chard Run."
Third That where the words "Ex
tra Fancy" are stamped on the box,
it shall signify that the apples when
packed were sound, uniformly grad
ed, as to size in each box, smooth,
practically free from bruises, worms,
worm stings or disease, and have
reasonably proper shape for the va-
r ety. fully matured. All red varle
ties In this grade shall be at least 50
per cent red. except Spltzenburg,
! Winesap. Jonathan and Arkansas
j Black, which shall be at least 70 per
cent red. Yellow Newtowns, White
Winter Pearmains, Grimes' Golden,
Bellflower, Ortleys, Winter Bananas
and Red Cheek Pippins will be al
lowed In this grade.
Fourth The "Choice',' grade shall
consist of apples sound, uniformly
as to size in each box, free from any
breaks in the skin or black bruises,
also free from worms or any disease
which materially Injures the quality
of the apple.
Fifth Where for any reason the
grower or packer does not desire to
use the "Extra Fancy" or "Choice"
grades, we recommend the varieties
be' Dacked In one grade, termed "Or
chard Run." The apples in this grade
shall be practically free from worms
or any disease which materially in
jures the quality of the apple, and
shall not be smaller than five-tier or
less than two Inches in diameter.
It was also decided to publish the
rules in pamphlet form for dlstribu
tion to growers, packers and buyers.
"Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs end so completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's Mew Discovery, and
after using one bottlo I went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn.
TS1?).' Ji'-a
AND $1.00
Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
several years for diarrhoea. I con
sider it the best remedy I have ever
tried for that trouble. I bought a
bottle of it a few days ago from our
.rusijist. Mr. R. R. Erooks. I shall
ever be glad to speak a word In Its
praise when I have the opportunity."
Rev. J. D. Knapp, pastor M. E.
church. Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by all
good dealers
Franklin Pierce, who as many
school children probably know, was
the fourteenth president of the Unit
ed States, was born in Hlllsboro, N.
H., 105 years ago today. He was
educated In the schools of his na
tive state and at Bowdoln college,
where his classmates Included Long
fellow, Hawthorne and Prentiss.
Soon after his graduation in 1824.
he began to interest himself in pol
itics, and at the ago of twenty-nine
had so far established himself In the
esteem of the voters as to be sent
to congress. After four years In the
lower house he was promoted to the
United States senate, being the
youngest member of a body that
contained such men as Webster, Ciay.
Calhoun. Buchannan. Benton and
Silas Wright. Even In this distin
guished assemblage, young Pierce
distinguished himself.
In 184 2 he resigned from the sen
ate and retired to private life, re
fusing several fat and juicy plums
tendered him. In 1846 he was enlist
ed for the Mexican war. was appoint
ed brigadier genera! In the regular
army, and led his brigade at the
battles of Contreras and Churubusco.
Hi3 record served again to bring
him to public attention, and wnen
the democratic national convention
met in 1852 he was selected as a
compromise candidate on me iri-
ninth ballot. His principal oppo
r,ne General Scott. He was
elected by the . verwhelmlng major
ity of 254 to 42.
His administration was not re
markable, the principal Incidents be
ing the repeal of the Missouri com
promise; a reciprocity treaty for
trade with the British colonies in
merlca; the establishment of a
treaty with Japan, and the settle
ment of the Mexican boundary am
Failing of a renomlnatlon at the
expiration of his term, he sought so
lace in travel abroad. nfiunmm
after three years, he lived In retire
ment at Concord, where he died, Oc
tober 8, 1869.
most hearty meal. Tallman & Co.
sell and guarantee Ml-o-na. The
price is 50 cents a large box. Lead
ing druggists everywhere sell Ml-o-na.
Test sample free from Booth's
Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y.
Full Ticket Is Arranged New School
Building Formally Opened.
New York. Nov. 22. The data by
which Dr. Cook hopes to prove him
self the original discoverer of the
north pole will be taken aboard the
liner "United States" on ThanksgiV'
ing day for Denmark, where It will
be passed upon by the faculty or tne
University of Copenhagen. The doc
uments will be locked In 'the Bhlp's
stronb box. Walter Lonsdale, Cook's
secretary, will' be in charge of the
data, which consists of fifty thou
sand words.
Denies Ho Has Resumed.
Chicago, Nov. 21 "I have not re
signed the presidency of the Rock Is
land railroad, ami have no present
purpose of doing so," said IJ. L. Win
cheli, up on his return from New York
today. He refuses,! to discuss affairs
of the company.
Good store or office room for rent
In East Cfregonian building on Main
street. Inquire at this office.
Young Girls Are Victims.
of headache, as well as older-women,
but all get quick relief and prompt
cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills,
the world's best remedy for sick and
nervous headaches. They make pure
blood, and strong nerves and build
up your health Try them. 25c at
Tallman & Co.
Catarrhal Deafnessi
Avoided and Cured
Prove this to yourself by writing us to-j
day for a free sample, postpaid, of thid
permanent, safe and speedy cure arc-t
matic, soothing, healing. Or ask your
favorite Druggist for
St. Petersburg, Nov. 22. A finan
cial scandal has rTiilted from the
operations of the syndicate of Rlgo
capitalists and as a result seven di
rectors of the Great Northern Glass
Manufacturing company. Including
two German mllllnalrcs, are under ar
rest, and warrants have been issued
for seven others. It is alleged by gov
ernment officials, that fraudulent
practices have resulted in the loss of
millions to investors throughout Rus
sia, '
Liberal Free Sample
Especially valuable in aural affections of children--mild,
pure, and sanitary. Specially recommended by
physicians for children with cold in the head, which so
often brings on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains tio harm
ful drugs. Sold only In sanitary, convenient tubes and
.,A,.A hv nver : DUO drueeists In tfic and noc tubes,
If yours hasn't Kondon's a 25c or 60c tube will be sent you
postpaid on rejeipt of price, or absolutely free sample by .
Kondon Mia. ComDsny. Minneapolis, Minn.
Sick Heartache.
This distressing disease results
from a disordered condition of the
stomach, and can be cured by taking
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Get a free sample at all good
Iroug stores anel try It.
Itoblxrs Kill Victim.
San Rafael. CnV.t . Nov. 22. Rob
ert Black, an engineer, was murder
ed at Hoses last night by highwaymen
who rifled his pockets and escaped
Two bullets. which endered his mouth
killed him instantly.
A friend in need Is a friend Indeed.
vVhn In need of repairing of any
kind and pressing, phone R. 2902.
Work called for and delivered.
Topeka. Kan.. Nov. 23. Kansas
school teachers and students are up
in arms against the proposal of Pro
fessor E. A. Ross of the University
of Wisconsin, made In a recent ad
dress at the University of Kansas,
for continuous schools. The sub
ject has aroused a great deal of com
ment in Kansas, most of it adverse.
Professor Ross declared that school
vacations are a relic of pioneer days
and that children should attend
school twelve months In the year.
The fact that In the early days chil
dren were needed to help with the
crops is cited by I'rofessor Ross as
the reason for the original vacation.
Now that this necessity has passed,
he advocates a continuous school
term, with lighter work during' the
New York, Nov. 23. Standard Oil
stock fell heavily ny
trading, slumping forty points -
low Saturday's closing price, as me
result of the St. Louis decision or
dering the dissolution of the trust
The opening was down to 650, but u
rallied two points.
Tallman & Co. Have a Remedy Tlint
They Guarantee to I'rompuy ,
llevc All Stomach Distress.
People go on suffering from lrttlo
tomach troubles for several" years
and imagine they have a serious dis
ease. .' , ,
rrvi nver ent or over eat and force
on the stomach a lot of extra work.
But they never think that the
stomach needs extra help to do extra
If these people would take a Ml-o- j
na tablet with or after meals it woum
be a great big help to the stomach
In Its strain of overwork.
No matter what you eat or drink
Mi-o-na tablets will sweeten your
stomach and stop gas belching in 5
minutes. ' The heaviness disappears
and the stomach is greatly aided In
Its work of digestion.
And Ml-o-na not only promptly re
lieves all distress but if taken regu
larly will absolutely euro Indigestion
by building up the flabby overworked
walls of the stomach and making
them strong enough to digest the
(Special Correspondence.)
Freewater, Nov. 22 Pursuant to
the call of the mayor, the citizens sat
In the council chamber on Saturday
night at 7 p. m. J. H. Hall was
elected chairman and D. C. Sander
son, secretary. J. H. Hall was nomi
nated for mayor and was declared the
nominee by acclamation; recorder,
George P. Sanderson, also by accla
mation. Councillors for two years,
the following were nominated: How
ard Mansfield. Ed Bottqrff, H. R.
Vansylke, C. E. Lawlor, W. Vancll.
On a ballot being taken the follow
ing were elected as the nominees of
the caucus: II. R. Vanslyke. Ed.
Bottorff, H. Mansfield. Councillors
for one year, the following were nom
inated C. E. Lawlor, W. Vancll,
Hugh Murray, I. Taylor, and on a
ballot being taken the following were
elected as the nominees of the cau
cus: C. E. Ijiwler, Hugh Murray. On
motion it was carried that the ticket
be known and designated as the cit
izens' ticket.
B. M. Gains of Sunnyside has sold
4 1-2 acres of orchard land to W. A.
Burton. Consideration, $1575.
Mrs. Will Farri8h of Anatonc, who
has been here for some time visiting
with her son, T. Farrlsh, returned to
her home this week.
Alta Rogers, who'haB conducted a
barber shop In this city for some
years, but who had to retire from the
business last spring on account of 111
health, Is so far recovered, after
spending the summer on his father's
ranch that he has returned to town
and bought out the City barber Bhop
and started up In business for him
self again.
The beautiful new school building
of Freewater Is a fine brick struc
ture with two stories and a basement
for gymnasium purposes. It has four
large rooms and la designed In such
a style that more rooms can bo added
as necessity requires. Last week the
building was very Informally opened."
and both teachers and pupils are de
lighted with their new quarters.. The
principal, Professor Cady, comeB to
us highly recommended from the
Willamette valley, and has for his
assistants Miss Mlntncr and Miss
Alice Compton.
Hudson Bay "Grange held one of
Its famous all day meetings on Sat
urday and as usual the members
turned out well and a good dinner
was served by the ladies. The meet
ing in the afternoon was an enjoy
able one and a lot of work was gone
through with.
Mr. and Mrs. 'H. A. Herr and their
guest. Joseph Frazler, have gone to
visit with friends and relatives at
Miss Kathorlne Herr of Sunnyside.
left this week for Nebraska to spend
the winter with friends.
S. J. Campbell, fruit Inspector for
Umatilla county, was sent as a dele
gate to the Apple fair at Spokane, by
the Freewater commercial . club last
week. Mr. Campbell also has a num
ber of extra fine apples on exhibit.
She Caa Eat rie Now.
A lady recently visited a friend In
Keene, N. H., whose husband was very
delicate, and yet she noticed that he
could cat all the pie he wanted. She
began to wonder how it was that he
could do it, when she had to give up this
delicacy because of disagreeable after
effects. She writes as follows:
"I found it was because the plea were
made with Cottolene; and as 1 am a
great lover of pie, I began using Cot
tolene, and have never had a bit of
Jnrd In the house since that .time. I
now enjoy my pie, as It does not give
heart-burn as formerly."
Cottolcne makes crisp, flaky, "di
gestible" pie-crust, that tastes good, and
docs good lard docs you harm.
m . r x.lt iaa lasm isHnn w.m sn x . -ji sPi.
A Snlcndid Overall
K 14 for every use.
11 vA Cut generous
nip putKtli,
relied seams.
SaflfrinriM C.liflCtU
Next Door to Eilers Piano House
We are ready to wire your home or
given.you estimates on, wiring or any
thing in Lhe Electric Line. Call and
see our Stock for your Xmas Presents
3 L
Electric Supplies