DAILY KA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, ITtlDAV XOVKMHF.K 5, f09. PAGE THREB. Hay'sffait Health GOVERNMENT PLUMS READY FOR PICKING EIGHT PAGES. HE II! iL ADMINISTRATION JOBS ON TAP ACTUALLY, POSITIVELY, IN VARIABLY RESTORES, GRAY HAIR TO THE COLOR AND VIGOR OF YOUTH You can't look young if your hair is gray, faded dull and lifeless. Hay's Hair Health will bring back the natural color, just as it was when you were young. Stops dandruff and falling out. Makes UW nab W&t, '1 td full of life and beauty not a dye--von't color or soil your skin. fl and 50c. BOTTLES. AT DRUGGISTS. Send 2c for tr-e honk "The Care of the Hair." Pbilo y Spec. Co., Newark, N. J., D. h. A. PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY. Numerous Vacanctosj and Empty Bartba Waiting tor Odcnpanti Preldcnl Tuft Mul PMM1 Compel- lenlh Aswk'IjiIc ,lu-.(iv-lilp .iii.l Minisicisiiip i China HoM Import utit Vacancies. MONSIEUR JUSSERAND. DIPLOMA! PiinoBn riiarjiiii. Premier Escape Artist at tbe ;r:ui(i tfext Weak, thi' river rise much further it Oversow the Puyallup Indian ervatlon. will FRENCH AM H.VSSAPOK LEADS THE FIELD Suavcst, Dnslest, Cleverest and Most Popular Foreign Representative at Washington Athlete, Historian, Courtier, Ho Has One Ed In View, Welfare of France. I. (.1! INDE POLICE BAG NEGRO BURGLAR A negro burglar was eauirlit by the officers Inst nlK'U and he Is now In Jail, says the La Orande Star. He was encountered at the home of Tt. P. Hrooks, who occupies the Mrs. Shear er h"Use on North Fir street. Mr. and Mrs. Rrooks had returned from the show at a little after 10 o'clock There are several large. Juicy plums now hanfrlng on the administration's tree, ready for President Taft's pick ing and subsequent distribution to in dividuals who have an appetite for .,' vernmcnt dellcatlcH. The Jobs that are awaiting occu pants are numerous. It Is unusual to find ao many Komi berths vacant around the capital and particularly so In view of the Hoosevelt method of putting In new men In vacant places bi fore the chair of the former Incum bent had grown cold. Hut President Taft's temperament mukes him move slowly. Foremost of the vacancies Is the as sociate Justiceship on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States. Obviously, the president will . exercise great care In selecting a man to suc ceed the late Justice Pcckham. Then there Is the ticklish matter of secur ing the right man for the minister ship to China, vacanted through the dismissal of Charles li. Crane of Chi cago. Also there Is the question of who shall succeed Whltelaw Reid aa ambassador to Great Britain prob- when Mr. Hrooks went into the ably the most Important post abroad, Washington Jean Adrian Antolne Jules Jusscrand Is his name, ambas aador extraordinary ana plenipoten tiary of Prance his station, and the aauvest, cleverest, busiest and most popular foreign representative at the capital, his reputation. When it comes to real dlplomatlng. the dapper little man who la ac credited to the United States from Paris has everything on these shores beat to a frazzle, as one of our most dlatlngulshed statesmen would ex press It. There Isn't an accomplish ment from tennis to public speaking, that Jusserand doesn't perform gracefully and well and always with the purpose of letting the fact sink In that France Is Damon to the Pythias of United States. Stood l With Teddy. In the days when Colonel Roose velt swung the big stick for amuse ment and the tennis racquet for ex ercise, there was no single party In the capital who was more willing U submit to graceful defeat 40 to love than Jean etc. And, necessarily, there wasn't a man at Washington who was a more boon companion not that Jusserand couldn't play ten nis once In a while when he let him self loose. Occasionally he did. Jusserand was also Indlspenslble to President as an historical authority the little Frenchman, by the way, has written several noteworthy books of history. He was In demand as an orator on every occasion from a con vention of foresters to a gridiron din ner; and he was the most popular ladles' man here at the capital. Even now' that Jusserand dosn't care for golf, and finds President Taft a bit rusty on history, people hero who watch things find that the French ambassador Is still the busiest diplomatic person around town. Known to Every Department. Every department, from the state to the Interior, knows him. His dap per figure flits through all offices, and even the messenger boys know him. At present the representative from France Is particularly on the Job at the treasury department. His special object of solicitude Is the new tariff board. Much depends, so far as France Is concerned, on what this committee of three may recommend regarding the maximum and mini mum feature of the Payne-AIdrlch act. France Is said to bo preparing to discriminate against America In the matter of her duties and there are rumors of retaliation on the part or this country. Just "Happens in." Ambassador Jusserand hadn't been back In Washington from the sum mer headquarters of his embassy more than a few days when ho took pains to call at the treasury depart ment and get acquainted with Prof. Emery and Alvln H. Sanders, two of the members of the new board. He already knew former Assistant Secre tary Reynolds, the third member. Up at the treasury they are still talking about that meeting It looked like a, remarkable coincidence that, Just as the board had gotten together one ' day a clerk should usher In Ambas sador Jusserand. He had "Just dropped In to pay his respects" to Mr. Reynolds, but of cotfrae, at the same time he met the other members of the board. They were delighted that the ambassador hnd "happened In" so opportunely, but those who are wise know that the ambassador Franco never Just "happens In' any where. If France hasn't yet learned the fact, some one ought to tell her that Mr. J. A. A. J. Jusserand knows how to play the game. kitchen. He there discovered that there was sonic one In the room and he struck a match. The negro knocked him down. Mr. Rrooks tried to get his gun from his pocket, but It caught In his clothing. The negro escaped through the door .and Brooks fired three Bhots at him. The offi cers, Waldcn and MclJiclen, were at once notified, and In fact were at tracted to that locality by the shoot ing. They phoned for Chief Rayburn who In a few minutes Joined them. As they were going along the railroad yards discussing the situation, Offi cer Walden saw by the reflection of the steam exhaust from an engine the (Otrn of a person sneaking along the side of the track. He commanded a hull und "throw up your hands.'' The suspect was disinclined at first to obey the command, but the officer had a square bead on him and he surrendered. The negro proved to be one who has been employed as a por ter and bootblack in the Hargans barber shop on Depot street. The prisoner was taken to Jail and a search showed that he had a gun In the left pocket of his coat Mr. Rrooks was called to the Jail and he positively identifies the prisoner as i he one in his house. and the biggest gift within the power of the president. It takes more than a big man to fill this place It takes a rich man. Third Assistant Postmaster Gener al Iiwshe some time ago sent In his resignation. Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor McHarg has been trying for some weeks to get his resignation accepted, and now intends to leave, Willy nllly, this week. So far, nobody has even been mentioned to succeed him. James B. Reynold's resignation as Third Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury' to accept presidential appointment to the tariff blard, leaves another post of considerable importance open. There are many who have thejr eyes on this place. It Is a plum of exceed ing fine flavor. DANISH CAPITALIST SF.F.KS BEATJTTFUL DAUGHTER REVOLUTION ART MEASURE FOUGHT IN PARLIAMENT London. The house of com mons will conclude a debate on a bud get the most revolutionary piece of legislation ever Introduced Into par liament, at midnight, and it Is an nounced this evening that it w-lll be passed by a majority of about 250. The measure will be Introduced for mally at tbe house of lords Monday. The lords will thoni adjourn until November 22. when the real fight for Its passage will begin. VESSEL RUNS HEAD ON SEAL ROCKS San Francisco, Nov. 4. The Associ ated Oil company's steamer Cantanla, rammed her head on Seal Rocks at the entrance of Golden Gate today, while feeling her way Into port through the fog and was nearly wrecked before the officers were able to swing her clear. When she ar rived In Son Francisco harbor seven feet of water was In the hold. Watch Eilers Piano House: Salt Lake. Utah. In the course of a country wide search for a young daughter, who Is described as young and beautiful. Hans Bortz, a capital ist of Copenhagen, Denmark. has reached Salt Lake and will Journey on to Los Angeles. The girl. Mr. Rortz says, was dying of tuberculosis four years ago. As a last resort he sent her to America In care of a physician. Dr. Carl Bourne of Copenhagen. The climate of the United States worked wonders. Let ters received by the anxious father told of the continued Improvement of the patient and at last he was told that her recovery was complete, and she was ready to go home. He says that he sent her a considerable sum of money for the expenses of the trip. She did not reach home and her let ters ceased. Tortured by anxiety. Mr. Rortz finally came to America and for 18 months he has gone from city to city In quest of his daughter and Dr. Bourne. He stalsfled himself that the two were In Colorado Springs last June, but he missed them. His latest Information leads him to believ that the girl and her physician are now in Los Angeles. ALEXA NDERS Largest and Leading Furriers and Exclu sive Outfitters To Women and Children Saturday Specials Tailored Suits Regular $30 val. $16.85. Elegantly tailored suits of home spun, cheviot, broadcloth and novelty cloths of splendid quality, Saturday special at, only 816.85 A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF Women's Coats Style, distinction, high quality, incomparably low prices; broadcloth, serges and manish mixtures; coats with every new feature, 54 inches long, values to $27.50 SATURDAY SPEc ALS ONLY 815.75 Saturday Special in Fur Dept. Saturday we offer choice from several assortments of neck pieces and ties and in Jap Mink, Sable, Squirrel Natural Squirrel, Brook Mink, Marmot, Brown and Black Coney, con forming to the latest decrees of fashions, values to $12.."0, Saturday Special 84-25 ALEXANDERS DEDUCTS PRICE OF POSTAGE FROM ALIMOXV London. Summoned at West Ham by his wife for arrears of mainten ance, Henry Green of Neville Road, Upton Park, said: "I have regularly paid her "s 5d a week, deducting a penny for postage." Mr. A. Grovier (the chairman) "It Is rather mean to deduct the penny to say the least of It." The wife "He deducts 2d, a penny for the postage and Id for the postal order. He has always sent me four stamps and a 7s postal order." Defendant "I always send her five stamps and a "s postal order." Mr. Jackson "You have no right to deduct anything. The wife says you have deducted 2d for ten weeks, and you have not paid the costs, amounting to 24s. The defendant, who said that he had very little work, was ordered to pay the 1 5s 8d forthwith, or In de fault seven days' Imprisonment. Don't Blame the Artist. Irate Woman These photographs you made of myself and husband are not at all satisfactory, and I refuse to accept them. Why, my husband looks like a baboon. Photographer Well, that la no fault of mine, madam. Tou should have thought of that before you had him taken. r -iffM oJassW I s ssssssssssW K L " W J la The Source of Cottolene Is Pleasing From the snowy tufts of the cotton plant, the seed is removed, crushed, and the oil extracted. This in turn is refined by our own special process and the oil made odorless and neutral in taste. Being a vegetable product, cottonseed oil is free from anv Dossible taint of animal infection. You cannot be absolutely sure of this when buying hog lard, for tats or animal origin are, of necessity, not as healthful as fats ob tained from vegetable sources. Right there is the difference between lard and Cottolene from the standpoint of health. If every housewife would but stop to think of the differ- u fence in purity, cleanliness and healthfulness of hog lard and Cottolene, lard would never again be used in any home. FLOODS DEMOB M7,F, TACOMA TRAIN TRAFFIC Tacomn, Nov 4. Floods of Hie pnst few days plnyed havoc with trnln schedules of the railroads running In to Tacomn. Washouts have occur red ni Crocker and Fairfax and mm-iit driftwood is in me uarnon river river. Damage is reported to hnve been caused by a rise of the water In the Puvallun river near Meekpr. A log Jam formed at Puyallup. Should Your grocer is hereby authorized to refund your money in case you are COTTOLENE is Guaranteed not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tight top to keep it clean, fresh and wholesome, and prevent it i The Second Annual lAnol iinnln ii i n u ii iiu SHOW Spokane,Washington November 15-20 This Apple Show is a world wide event of the great est importance to the Pacific Northwest and in order to encourage every one to attend the OREGOX RAILROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY will make a special round trip rate of One and One-Third Fare from all points on its lines in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Tickets will be on sale all stations west of The Dalles November 1-1 and l.". and from all stations east of The Ibtlles November 14 to 10 inclusive. Final return limit November 2-2, 1900. $25,000 In Prizes Will Be Given Away Grand Display, interesting Lectures and Interesting Program Every Day During The Show For further information call on any O. R. A; X. agent or on WM. IC MURRAY, (it'tieral Paascnger Agent, Portland, Ore.