DAILY BAOT OIUCGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 100!) EIGHT PAGES. CUT IN RATES LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S PRIVATE TEXT BOOK PAGE MX. ITT AILMENTS PECULIAR TO WOMEN Trti trout" hKHAMMioiriiiiCa LTNN MAUACrfUStTTJ Write NOW For FREE 80-PAQE BOOK Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women Why You Should Send Now This book is a treatise on all those diseases peculiar to women. They are fully explained in plain and simple language, that anyone can understand, and instructions for a complete course of home treatment. In a word, with Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book at hand to refer to in case of need, you need have no cause for anxiety about your ailments. I The Danger of Delay i Any woman who possesses this book has at hand such informa tion as may save her a serious illness, and if she is already ill, it will give her an intelligent understanding of her case and suggest a cure. This book is a text-book not a mere advertising pamphlet. Until you have read it, you cannot make sure of the exact nature of your trouble. A great many women suffer from some complaint, which may not seem very serious to them, because they do not know what it is or to what it may lead. Perhaps you are one of these women. Do not remain in doubt another day send for this book and find out for yourself. This book is written in the kindly sympathetic spirit that guided Mrs. Pinkham in all her actions towards her suffering sisterhood, and you will feel when you are reading it as though you were having a confidential chat with some motherly and trustworthy woman friend. Remember, your letter will be treated as strictly private ana confidential and the book will be posted to you in a perfectly plain envelope, without any printing on the outside. -Fill Up This Coupon- cut out this Coupon at once while you think of it Don't wait till by and by or you may forget it It may be the means of saving you from years of suffering perhaps from death itself. Fill In your name and address and send it along to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine' Co., Lynn, Mass. It will bring you Mrs. Pinkham's 80-PAGE PRIVATE TEXT-BOOK in a plain envelope by return of post abtoltotlyfru. Xamt City Strut.. Statt HOW CM YOU SPARE THE TIME" JAPANESE CAXXOT UNDERSTAND ENTERTAINMENT ACCORDED Do Not See How Professional and Business Men Can Afford to Give So Much Time to Entertaining Par ty In Orient Time and Labor Are Cheap, In America of Higtiest Valne. Spokane, Sept. 15. "One of the many surprises in this wonderful in land empire of the west which mem bers of our party and myself are un able to understand, is how your bus iness and professional men, energetic and enterprising as they must be to keep in the van of progress, could af ford to give so much valuable time to our entertainment and comfort." Baron Eiichl Shibusawa, head of the honorary commercial commission ers of Japan said this In the course of an interview before leaving Spo kane on the journey eastward. He added: "There are many things which the oriental mind falls to grasp, but the foremost of these Is what I have men. tioned. In the orient the cheapest things are time and labor, while in America they are the highest. I ap preciate the fact that minutes mean dollars to the Americans and why your professional men, mechanics and laborers are paid what to us would be princely incomes, but I cannot un derstand how hundreds of your bus iest men could lay everything aside for three days, as you have during our stay in Spokane, solely for the purpose of making our visit one of pleasure and profit. We shall long remember the warm friendship, hos pltality and kindly courtesy of the people of Spokane and the inland empire." Deafness Cannot Be Oared. by local appliances, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutions! remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deafness la the resnlt, and unless tne inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con ditlon, bearing will be destroyed forever : nine cases ont of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condl tlon of the mucous surfaces. We will glre One Hundred Dollars for case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. send for circulars free. F. J CHENEY a CO., Toledo, O. send ror circulars free. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpa tlon. In Pound. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the city of Pendleton, to-wlt: One black gelding about 20 years old, branded with J lying down on left shoulder, VS on left hip. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and expens es against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 16th day of September, 1909, the said animal will be sold to the high est bidder, at public auction, for cash at the city pound on the corner of Webb and Cosble streets In said city of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 4th day of September, 1909. THOS. GURDANE, City Marshal. ACTION OF WASHINGTON COM MISSION WILL SAVE MONET In Forcing Northern Pacific to Rc. Duoe Rate 12 1-2 IVr Cent They Save Slilpners Big Amount Re duction Ordered llecnuso Company's IYoflts Are Excessive. Read the "Want" ads today. When You Feel Played Out There comes a time when your grip on things weakens. Your nerves are unstrung, the vital forces low, the stomach is weak and the blood impoverished. You feel old age creeping over you. Be careful of yourself. Take BEECHAM'S PILLS at once; there is need to renew the life forces. Weak nerves, wearied brains, sick stomach, feeble blood, torpid liver, sluggish bowels all feel the quickening effects of Beecham's Pills. Their use makes all the difference. The tonic action of these pills upon the vital organs is imme diate, thorough and lasting. They are Nature's own remedy For Run-down Conditions Sold Every where in Boxes, 10c and 25c Spokane, Wash., Sept. 15. Ship pers in Spokane and throughout the Inland empire, where enormous ton nage In grains, fruits, timber and minerals Is offered to railroads, be lieve that the action of the state rail road commission of Washington in ordering the Northern Pacific Rail way company forthwith to reduce Its freight rates on grain to 87 1-2 per cent of the tariff published on June 30, 1909, will have a salutary effect all over the northwest. Though the cut of 12 1-2 per cent applies only on the Northern Pacific main line In the state, it will save the shippers from one to one and a half cents a bushel or between $50,000 and J500, 000 a year. The reduction, based on the find ing that the company's profits are more than $1,000,000 a year exclu sively on state business over a 7 per cent annual revenue on the Invest ment, Is taken to mean that inquiry may be made Into other tonnage, the carrier charges on which are declar ed to be unreasonable, excessive and exorbitant. The significant portion of the commission's finding Is best told In its own words, In part as fol lows: "We have found the value of the Northern Pacific Railway company's property in the state used for the public to be $111,374,950, divided $45,703,730 for state use and $66, 871,219 for interstate use. "We have found as facts that the net earnings of the company from state business were $4,978,273 for 1906, $5,174,047 for 1906, $5,600,373 for 1907, and $6,223,943 for 1908. "The earnings of the Washington & Columbia river branch are not in eluded In the earnings for 1905-6-7, so the value of the property used would be correspondingly reduced The value of Its property used for state business during 1905-6-7 would not exceed $42,500,000. "The estimated net earnings of the company from state business for 1908 exceeds $8,450,000, thus showing a net return from state business for the five years under consideration of 11.7 per cent, 12.17 per cent, 13.17 per cent. 13.62 per cent,, and 17.51 per cent, respectively. That this return with the percentage Increasing year ly, is excessive is clearly evident, ' The finding shows that grain amounted to 16.97 per cent of the to tal state tonnage carried by the com pany over its lines In Washington and to 45.07 per cent of the total ten miles, and furnished 33.99 per cent of the total state revenue received by the company In 1908. Sixteen million bushels of grain was carried by the company. Tne cose or movement, ex clusive of taxes. Interest of dividends was approximately $.9668 a ton, while the average receipt per ton was ap proximately $3.02, the moving cost being approximately 32. 01 per cent of the gross earnings, the operating expenses of the road on all Its busi ness being 64.11 per cent of the gross receipts. Carload merchandise constituted 11.54 per cent of the state tonnage and 14.84 per cent of the ton miles, while It contributed 19.16 per cent of the total state earnings, and the cost of moving was only 25.89 per cent of the gross earnings. Less than car load merchandise constituted 3.83 per cent of the tonnage, 3 5 per cent of the ton miles, and contributed 16.26 per cent of the total state earnings the cost of moving being 51.93 per cent of the gross earnings therefrom Mirht on Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N. T., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor, tortured bv Asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and nulckly cured his neighbor. La ter It cured his son's wife of a severe luns- trouble. Millions believe its the greatest Throat, and Lung cure on Earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hem orrhages and Sore Lungs are surely ured by It. Best for Hay Fever, Grip nd Whooping Cough. Sim; and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. Start The Season Right We have just received one of the finest lines of SCHOOL SERGE DRESS GOODS ever shown in Pendleton, in all colors, blues, browns, reds, greens and fancy colors, at $1.25 Yard We earnestly ask you to visit our Dress Goods Dept. and let us show you the season's Ut6et fabrics while our stock is new. Fancy Flowered Hair Ribbons 25c for School is one of our specials for this week. ALSO A FULL LINE OF De Bevoise Brassiere Shown in Our Nemo and R. & G. Corset Dept. at 50c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 We also wish to call special attention to our. NUNSING UNDERWEAR DEPT. All wool and silk, price from f3.00 and up Bleached Cotton at 65f to ? 2.50 IN UNION SUITS New Shipment of Corsets Received this Forenoon, Which Makes Our Corset De partment the Largest in Pendleton, ALEXANDER'S DEPT STORE AGENCY SOROSIS AND EDWIN C. BURT SHOE FOR WOMEN. Reduced Prices on Pianos and Sewing Machines All of standard make. I am now offering my high grade pi anos and sewing machines at a discount of 10 per cent and over. Ton know what you are getting. I guarantee them. Don't let others fool you into paying big prices for cheap makes. JESSE FAILING Main street, near bridge. (LARK'S CRUISE OF THE "CLEVELAND" Mill Work It has been our experience that mill work bought from manufacturers in other towns has always proved unsatisfactory in some respect. Wo are willing to sell the stock we buy right hero in Pendleton, and which is made with home labor, and of quality that we know cannot be duplicated anywhere in the Northwest, isATaas the same R 1 8,000 tons, brand new, superbly lined. OUND WORL D To Abolish Dlve. New York, Sept. 15. With the aim of wiping out the few remaining dives and disreputable drinking places In the city, the application for a renew al of license filed by the 15,000 sa- oonkcepers of New York will be sub- ccted to a most rigid examination. The period f"r filing applications and bonds ' xpir'-s today, and between now and October 1, when present certlfl- ates expire, the records of all the II- luor dealers will be thoroughly ex- mined. Itftti tat mi urn m rvnor MM Caatirt ml dllRBItn dm IN I Ml blWIOe- u.nmc. With elevator, grill room, puwlln, ceek awlcamlnc pool. FROM NEW YORK, OCTOBER 16, 1909 aearlr lour month,, zoning oely SS50 AND UP. Including all aeceaaery expeaiea i princely trawl lag la balmy cllmatei. Batertalaraeati, lactarea, SPECIAL FEATURES: Madeira, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Burma, Java, Borneo, Phtl- Innlnea. Jn.n. An ufHiauM chnCO to VlaH unusually sWrsetlvs ptso . CLARK'S 12th Annual CRUISE ajaaj Feb. 5 to April 19 mm 10 THE ORIENT By S.S. Grosser Kurfuerst the Hoi lane) (with aide trip to Khartoum coatlaf only t tOO. 00 til op. Inc lu'llnr. Ibore eicuraloaa. HPV.OIAI. FEATUBKS I Madeira. Cadi.. Sc. 1 1 If. Alfleri, Malta, Coailaatlaople. Atbeaa, Rone, tba Riviera, etc. Ticket, food to Hop o.er la Bervpe, to Include Patiien Play, etc. FBAoTK O. ULAKnt. Ttaaee mag., new ion. Viimlcrhlll i Compete. White Plains, N. Y. Sept. 15. Al fred Clwynne Vnndcrbllt and his fa mous coach and f iur Is one of the stflhir attractions at the Westchester Horse Show, which Is attracting the "horsey set" of society to this town today. The prlcellst provides for 59 classes. Cut Throat Prices :?s some of our competitors are offering. In deciding where to place your orders, remem ber that you will see the goods every day and that you will forget all about what they cost you, long ccfore you do the quality. Wo sell building material of all kinds, as well as Rock Springs and other Coals, Slabwood and Cas cade Fir Wood. OREGON LUMBER YARD Phone Main 8 512 Eabt Altn Street, Opposite Court House. For sale at the East Oregonian office Large bundles of news papers, containing over 100 trie papers, can be had for 25c a bundle. fliambcrliiins Meet. Boston. Sept. 15 The Parker House Is today filled with members of the Chamberlain clan, here from all sections for the twelfth annual meeting .,f the Chamberlain Associa tion of America. FOLEYS M JIEMR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR in the mm ' M MfV and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaoi a BltOTKEBfl. KOEPPE7N