f DAILY EAST OKKIiOMAM, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1000. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE BIGHT. The Old Way Coffee in Bulk A blend of dirt, dust and ill-kept Coffee scooped into a Paper package. t The New Way White House Coffee A choice blend Of the best Coffees in the world. Sold whole or ground in air-tight tins. Never in bulk. Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court St. Leading Grocers. Wedding Party Return. Among thosi' coming down last night from Wenaha, where they had Reception Postponed. boon to attend the wedding of Miss Mrs. Charles J. Smith will be at Fanchon uorie and uussen wuyuinu, wire miss I'.Ilie jcun rramn, .ma. home Saturday afternoon from i 'dock until 6 In honor of Mrs. White mid Mrs. Dick Instead of Friday at ternoon, as announced by carus 'A 11 DECLARED ON BILLBOARDS COUNCIL TAKES INITIAL STEP IX ABOLISHMENT Ordinance Is Introduced to Eliminate Public Nuisance Committee Will Report On It at Next Session Joe Sullivan's License Revoked Will Regulate Building of Sidewalks. War has been declared on the bill board nuisance in this city, the first gun of the campaign having been fir ed in council meeting last evening. This consisted of the introduction of an ordinance which, if it becomes a law. will eliminate a few of the un sightly billboards and cause all of them to be moved back from the sidewalks a short distance. The ordi nance was read the first time ana then referred to the ordinance com mittee which will probably report on It at the next regular meeting. The full text of the document is as follows: Tin- Proposed Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any per son, firm or corporation to erect, build, construct or maintain, or to per mit to be erected, constructed or maintained upon any property by him owned or controlled within the city of Pendleton, any billboard, fence, building or other structure for the purpose of painting thereon any sign or advertisement for advertising pur nnnpn or nosting thereon or affixing or attaching thereto or thereon, any bills, signs, placards, cards, posters or oihr advertising matter for advertis ing prposes, at a height greater than the distance of such bill ooara, ience, building or other structure to the nearest street, such distance to be measured from the portion of such viin..,nr.i fence, building or Other otrnrtnre nearest to such street. Ser-tinn 2. Anv person violating the terms of this ordinance shall up on rnnvietlon. be fined not more than dollars or confined in the city lall not more than days, or shall 1 bv both fine and imprls onment. in the discretion of the city recorder, and each day that such billboard, fence, building or other ctr.intnro shall be maintained shall be deemed a separate offense under this ordinance. sniiirnn'A License Revoked. because Joe Sullivan, the former well-known saloon man and property owner of this city, failed to live up to his agreement with the council, his near beer license was revoked last ovenine. It seems that Sullivan had assured the council that If granted a iimk.ii ho would move back to Fen dleton and conduct the place himself. This he has failed to do and the H- nonco wna revoked. An ordinance, was also introduced last evening tending to systematize ond reirulate the building of side walks in the future. The document ..Atnnir rn sneoifv the width 01 the walks in certain districts, but af ter a lengthy discussion the measure was referred to the street committee. It will probably reappear at the next meeting. In an altered form. The contract between the city and h w Harvev. for the improvement of portions of Lewis, Church and Patent street, were approved by the council and has now been signed up. In and About Pendleton owing to her big growthy form, and Mr. Frailer decided to lay her over until this season. Walla Walla Bulletin. iviioai Drons a Out. Wheat dropped another cent today In the local market. The following prices are now being offered: Club, 3; forty-fold, 74 1-:', and biuestem, S. Leon Cohen, Mrs. E. P. Marshall, Rev. Charles Qulnnoy, Royal Saw-tell, John Lambrith. Those coming down tills morning were Mis. C, U Wayland, Miss Margaret Wayland, George Way land, Leon Cohen, Jack Vincent, Mrs. Augusta Moule, Mrs. Uivelle McDon ald, Mrs. Frederick Koss of Kllons- burg, Wtt., and Miss Mayme Lucas of Seattle. Registration Opens Monday. John Halley. Ja., MU last nlgiu appointed registration clerk for the Ity election and will open his regis tration books in the city hall next Monday. OFFICER SAVES WOMAN IN TWO WRECKS Mrs. Welch's Funeral. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Susan Welch will be conducted tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock at the resl dence of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Rob- lnson, on Jackson street. Head of Eastern Star. Mrs. A. Antonette Stiles, worthy grand matron of the order of Eastern Star for Oregon, will be in Pendleton Tuesday, September 14. The purpose of her coming is to pay an official visit to llushee Chapter NO. 19. Juneau, Alasku, Sept. 1. Mrs. E. Lang, 74 years old, mother of cash ier of the Valdcz Mercantile com- nanv's bank, was a passenger on the Ohio, which was wrecked on Steep Point, in Alaska, early Friday morn ing. She also was on the Oregon when that liner went to her doom In north ern waters several years ago. When Mrs Iinc turned to see whom to thank for taking her off the Ohio, she recognized the same officer who sav ed her In the Oregon disaster, Honors for Boy Orator. Seattle. Wash., . Sept. 1 Local democrats ore preparing to give Wil liam J. Bryan a rousing reception when he comes to Seattle In October to visit the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific A banquet at one of the Km Hi ml.- Now Read Mi.. r)ntf..ru,in rh., inihllc llhrarl.m ..... v. v. I exposition. announces u.uay wmi toe new uUu, - rnl,9 recently received are all on the shelves arBe - o ; and are now ready for distribution. " "" There are many of interest to business bile ride through the country con g men, farmers, arcnuecis, stuuems auu - 1i,i,inoA '. . ,, . ments planned for the distinguished people in an uh ui mc ' " , ,,uiv uo that a neurwuiii UAt. (Mm ! Here. monster democratic paraue .. .... - I m . 4Kn vlcitnr .- i m . .!,, I n fl 'H 111 IK ill- ii ri niv vic-ifcwn Monit' 11. UWlIin, Itrnifl imviunn - . of the American national bank, is here That the democrats prpo . .... t... . nt into the political game early and take here Mr. and Mrs for Idaho. SPECIAL FIRES F0A lit Fill O. R. & N. GRANTS ONE AND THIRD RATE FOR FAIR WEEK Will I . . t lll ii 4h V, lilhlll.l If 111 II 1IM II ".VHM11 Mrs. John Vert and sister, Mis Di- Strike is snuw. ana McLean, left today for Victoria, Pittsburs. Pa., Sept. i. im uv B C, and after a visit there Will between the miners and operators ... leave for the east over the Great the Pittsburg district, Involving Northern. Miss McLean is on her way 000 miners, was settled tonlsht at a way to Scotland and will be accom- conference between the operators, the nanied as far as New York by her national executive board of the United . . . . . a ........ , ii.l I'm, - sister. Thev will also be Joined in Mine W oncers oi Awvrava .. New York by Mr. Vert, who will leave dent Thomas L. Lewis, a nonce wm for the east, later. be posted in all the mines In this dis trict telling miners tnat me lece.n. order of the coal companies that black powder must be used In mining coal, is Exhibits Will Be Hauled Round Trip r i... Pumv Much Interest Is 1U( m - Being Manifested In Annual Exhl i,... i..M-Mi Exhibitors Are Se lecting Space. Artist Will Locate Here. r t 1 1 . . .-.- tha Cnlifnrnin rrrtlst i .:..... w- . t no i n vaIhq unit rv in rnrinded for the present. tltllVCU ll.'lll uwo . . 1 1 o 1 . "-'- ..... - .. . .. . ... I ., . ,1,1. MinMai on on trio matte nts nviaan iu no.- v-ij . -i ir i ,v. nr u. kin of the onerators. President Lewis lime ueiiiK. in iut " i k"" - ..i u i j. ..i u.. nk. Liniuj n nommlttee from the min- .xay oette Ltrjuwuiu anu uuiihb u. nu-ia,i....ii sence In Eureka, California, has tak- ers' organization to confer with Chler - I ... . r....... TP T3 fAnrinr nf en up his residence at I0 jacKson Mine inapowi - ... tin k 0i,Dort,, -iv.i-oi nvoF ppnnsvlvanla asking that a thorough l I III, Ilf IU15 CillttAiJY I " r some of Major Lee Moorhouse's fa- investigation of the use of black or mous Indian photos and will do more oi this work while here. What do you ask for In a Watch? Is it time-keeping qualities? We carry all' the atandard makes Including the celebrated Howard watch and can give you accuracy that doesn't vary a minute a month. That's near enough, isn't It? Is It appearance you desire? We have all of that quality that you could ask for. Here are the most artistic productions In the world of watches. Are you looking for big values? Again we repeat there is no use in the world hunting else where for we can give you 17 Jewel movements in 20 to 25 year gold-filled cases, for from $15 to J20. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wm. E. Hanscom Jeweler SUCCESSOR TO WIISLOW BEOS. O. M. Heacock, Optician. Rates of one and one third for the .in.ii trin for all nolnts on the O. u & N. as far west as The Dalles and far east as Baker city and extena to oil hranch lines In between, have been granted for the benefit of ,h Morrnw-Umatllla county district fair to be held in this city the last ir of this month. This was tne announcement received by Secretary Fitz Gerald this morning, ine u . or, the N. P. from as far as vakima will also prevail. He was al so informed that the same rates as i... mor nrevailed will be In effect relative to exhibits for the fair. This mon that the full rate must De paid for all exhibits coming to the fair and that they Will be reiuroeu free of charge, making a one-fare rate for the round trip. That the fair is to be really the big gest ever held under the auspices of the fair association Is evident from ho increased amount ol Interest being manifested by people from a distance and those living in Pendleton ana vi- nir,iv alike. Local exhibitors are ai ,.,iv selecting their space, room nav tr, h,en reserved this morning for hooth of the Nlssen Implement company, it having been declared by th officers of the company that Its exhibit will excell in completeness ..r i-,.. anything of the auu u ... ... kind ever attempted here before. The office of the secretary In the fair pavilion is being papered and re nainted within and as soon as the pa perhangers and painters are through the office will be occupied and open ed up. It will be kept open until af tor th,. fair is a thing of the past. Th., town is being billed today and everywhere may be seen posters call ing attention of all to the fact that the time for the biggest eastern Ore gon district fair is rapidly approach- ng. Gwinn will leave Democratic League of clubs, which Is agitating and influencing club organ izations all over the country. "safety" powder be made by the state. iludac, Gilliland Returns. ... T .. -J 11 ,-11ll..,i.1 r.. LUU11I V JUHfit 1 . ST. luiii.in'i . - I . " ... - turned last night from Denver, where head, who is accused of having ac .... I . . II ...l,;i .V,.' f . . f imliri' TO F.x-Mavor Sobs on Stand. Los Angeles. Testifying as a. wit ness in the trial of Thomas H. Broad- as a delegate from Oregon, ho attend ed the sessions of the Trans-Missis sinDi congress. Following this big meeting he spent several days In vis iting the scenes of his early child hood in and about the "Mile High cented bribes while chief of police for the restricted district, ex-Mayor Ar thur C. Harper, who resigned under fire when a municipal Investigation was set on foot, broke down and sob bed today between answers to nis 'Pi. ........ I!,- cnlnvc hid prORR-CX Am lne TS tny. i lit? juufec p, 1 1 1.1 . j . .ij.....i, ..." i - visit and found many changes and Harper said ne ana n.s wire transformations had been wrought subjected to abuse and threats over during the many years since he mov ed away from Colorado. I , i... tolonhone and he resigned to re I L v - - ' - lleve his wife's fears. Ho aammea, hoover substance of an Interview with a publisher, wherein he agreed to give up his office. Two Drunks'. One "Vac." Stella Williams, the well-known Tnrti.n ivoman u-hnso annearance in ..11.. .Iw.ll.rV. ilT.il-ll Inr la frp- Portland ROT ft HTO ottent. took her nlace before Judge Portland. Sept. 2. It became know n Fitz Gerald this morning, alongside today that Harry Kseymour, stenog of a couple of drunks. She nad Deen rapner oi me uvui...-. ... . i I ,i thn two daughters of J. Wappen arrosieu on a niniwj iouiBc i t. v - roaming the streets at night and avail- ish, a real estate agent from arown.nB ed hedself of the opportunity to leave town without delay. The two drunks were John Jurdles, the well digger. and Little Sam, the Indian. Both paid fines of $5 each. yesterday. The children are ten ana four respectively. They were caught as tho draw bridge opened. Seymour dived and saved them. flmaiWi Son Otiletly Wtds. - . . ,1, ,1. lv Arrested Salem, Sept. z. iur.iiK wa Six lk)s irrcsieo. , rnllfor i .. ...... n,n riiiuiiniv I uonf'i" .11 . ,1 vri inn " ,,.... ... rlX OOVS ftt'll' ill" o i"1" I on nr.-r, hio Ron C lfford today nuieu nia morning ny ttnei or i .out- v.u.- ..- . .... . j 1, ,.1,,.. Rortha Al en. daughter oi lane arm aier tunteti ovli ... ,, .nn-.. - . ... ,, flilliland of the Juvenile court. The the county clerk who lssuea me u- urvatR nun. made on comnlalnt or cense. Will Moore, the boys having been ac cused of entering the local elevator building of the Pacific Coast company and perpetrating more or less serious depredations. Among other things it is alleged that a bicycle was removed from the buildings and some books torn up. The boys will be given a hearing before Judge Gllllland. Warning. Do not be persuaded Into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma and lung trouble, as it stops the cough and heals the lungs. Koeppen Bros. Expert Workmanship We clean, press and dye ladies and gentlemen's garments, giving you work at prices that will really surprise you. Oldest, largest and most reliable dyeing and cleaning works in the city. We guarantee our work. Phone us for a trial. Pendleton Dye Works PHONE MAIN Drug Store Change. Thomas Spohr has resigned his po sition with the Pendleton drug com pany but is still In the city and will remain for several days. He has not fully decided upon his plans for the future, having two or three different plans in view. His place will be filled temporarily by F. G. Mitchell who was formerly one of the proprietors of the store, but who has been making his home at Hillsboro for several months, Mr. Mitchell has been spending con siderable time out in the open and Is greatly improved in health. Pendleton, a Horse Town. Now that Frank Frazier of Pendle ton is going to make quite an exten sive campaign through the northwest race circuit with the great Westrield filly, Leola, that drew the attention of horsemen from all parts of the globe when she worked a mile over the local fair grounds track last Oc tober in 2:07 1-4 pulled up and the last half in 1:02 flat, Interest has been revived in Pendleton as a horse town. Leola Is a nice big bay filly by West field, 2:22, the sire of Ollle M., 2:11, HamJr. 2.11 1-4, and several others that were game race horses along the coast. Leola was not raced last season Itov Wanted. f.oorl position open In East Orego- nian pressroom for boy of 14 years or over. Steady Job and good opppr tunlty to learn a profitable trade. Ap ply at this office at once. Many rents are neglected on the seamy side of life. TALLMAN'S MT. HOOD PEROXIDE GREA8LESS CREAM An excellent skin food and complexion beautlfler. Effectu ally removes all blackheads and blemishes, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. Pre vents chapping and roughness. Will not stain the most delicate colors. For sale by, Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists. WEAR LONGER FEEL BETTER LOOK DRESSIER Wilson Bros. Shirts We are now showing an elegant line. Cuffs attached or detached; coat or closed styles. All sizes and the new popular patterns. Your Shirt Should Be Right We Insure This. ROOSEVELT'S BOSTON STORE Where You Trode to Save Pendleton Academy School of Commerce Leads in quality of instruction. We invite the investigation of those who want the best in a practical business education. Book-keeping Shorthand Typewriting Commercial Arithmetic Spelling English Penmanship Banking Commercial Law All these subjects and many others taught by Richard Mayberry, B. Acc. A Practical Instructor. 3 Tuition $50.00 per year. Shorthand and Type writing $25.00 in addition for those taking other courses. Board $3.50 per week; room $1.25 per week. Write for catalogue. Address Pendleton Academy, Pendleton, Oregon Who Said Chicken? WE ALWAYS HAVE THEM. YOUNG HEN'S, OLD HENS AND SOME THAT ARE NOT HENS AT ALL. PHONE YOUR ORDER NIGHT BEFORE TO MAIN 536 OR B. 2561. East End Grocery THE BOWMAN BAR. For Stahl Famous Near Beer Pints and Quarts City Near Beer on Draught All kinds of Soft Drinks, Cigars, Fruits and Confectionery. MARTIN ANDER-SON, Prop. For sale at the East Oregonian office Larga buadles of news papers, ctaininjr over 100 bi papers, can be had for 25c a bundle.