hhmii BIGHT PAGES. DAILY KANT ORKOONIAN, PBNDLSTOK, ORBQON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1909. PAcn mm OPENING U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND IN THE FAMOUS SNAKE KIVEH VALLEY, IDAHO. EIGHTY THOUSAND ACRES Choice agricultural land, under the Carey Act, Will bo open to entry and HCttlement, In the BIO LOST RIVER TRACT, DRAWING AT ARCO, IDAHO Tuesday, September 14, 1909. You Must Register Between September 9th and 14th If you do not take land after your number Is drawn It costs you nothing. Title Acquired With Thirty Days' Residence Water Ready for Deliver', May, 1910. Homcseekers' rates on all railroads and special rates from northwestern points. For Illustrate 1 booklet and all desired Information, call on or address. all C. B. Hurtt, Manager Colonization Departuirn Boise, Idaho PERSONAL MENTION W. J. Morrison is over (Jrande for a brief visit. from La LOCALS sued by the Internal revenue depart ment which became effective today. It Is alleged that the prohibitive practice in the production of home made wines has been In existence sev eral years. A growing Industry haB been the result, and there have been many frauds Officers of the inter- ' nal revenue service have found that ' distilled spirits have been put on the market without the payment of in- Jolly. Pastime pictures please all. Jolly. Oak wood Oregon Lumber Yard. - Rock Spring coal, Henry Koplttke. ' tenia! revenue tax. In the future wine For chimney sweep, phone Red rnasl wl" hive to be used on dls 3gj2, tlllery premises. First-class oak wood at the Oregon Lumber Yard. PROGRAM OF OELEBRATION8 For sale cheap Good second hand' organ. Sharon Ac ladings. See Henry Koplttke for Rock Springs coal. Phone Main 178. For sale Feed and chop mill, practically new. Inquire this office. If you want good dry wood, ring up Henry Koplttke, phone Main 178. Automobile stage to 1 '. n.m aprings. Inquire Pendleton Auto Co. ore moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. Seatlle, Sept. I, A large delega tion of Wenateheo boosters will leave 'Thursday for Seattle to take part In the Wc tiatrhee duy celebration at the ' A'asku-Yukon-Pacifir exposition, Fri day The Wonatchee chamber of commerce has chartered a special tnmn for the party. Two carloads of WYnati lire fruits have arrived at the exposition for distribution among the visitors at the Chelan county booth In the agricultural building on this 1 day. The Washington State Fourth Class 'stmnstcrs' association will hold its For rent Furnished house at 212 Fast Uluff street. Inquire at 206 muff street. day at the fair, Saturday. Postmast- We are receiving some choice oak ttl from .ill of the small towns of the wood. Huy now while the price Is Mate will be present at tha exercises, low. Oregon Lumber Yard. which will be held In the auditorium Oood store or office room for rent "" "" ttPOaltloa Krounds In Fast Oregonlan building on Main street Enquire at this office. Automobile for sale cheap. Almost ns good as new. 18 h. p. Edgar C. Joy, agent for White steamers. Wanted 2 young ladles. Easy The central feature of the week's I entertainment at the fair will be Ja pan day. Saturday. Fifteen thousam 'Japanese from all parts of the Pacific ! coast will take part. I The feature of Dairy day, Saturday ... 1 1 1 I. . i. . ...I., i . .. . . i . i 'HI IJ,' III,- '1111 ' II' "MMI.Ill" money ror next 4 days. CM 10 a. ,)f . pa,oin milking machines. The in. inrsnny ciarenco a. partiow, 1 committee has 703 Garden St. Will sell or lease hotel doing good business. Terms reasonable, Oood reasons for selling. Address Mrs. F. Myers, Helix, Oregon. For rent Suite of unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Orego nlan building, electric lights, steam heat, bath on same floor. Enquire at this office. For rent 10 room house, nicely furnished: all modern. For particu lars Inquire of Mrs. Kelsay. 224 South Thompson street, mornings, or Mark Moorhouse, 112 E. Court street. wameu competent woman or girl to do dining room and chamber maid work In small hotel at Pilot Rock. Top wages to the right per son. Apply City Hotel, Pilot Rock, Oregon. Imported ten of the finest milch cows which could be se cured In the state for this test. They will be kept on the grounds for sev eral days and then the experiments will be conducted. On this day cheese milk and sandwiches will be given awny at the dairy building on the exposition grounds to all visitors. INGRY WASPS END HALL CAME Th I'. S. Government In Its "Pure Food 1.41 w" does not "Indorse" or "guorantee" any preparation, as some manufacturers In their adver tisements would make it appear. In the case of medicines the law pro vides that certain drugs shall be men tioned on the labels, If they are In gredients of the preparations. Ely's Cream Balm, the well-known family remedy for cold In the head, hay fe ver and nasal catarrh, doesn't contain a single Injurious drug, so the "mak ers have simply to print the fact that It complies fully with all the require ments of the law. Ran on Wlne-Mnsh. Washington, Sept. 1. Rectifiers are prohibited from making wlne-mash and using It In the manufacture of compound liquors, under an order Is- QlrOXVllle, Tenn. Aroused by ham Blaring of pop bottles about their nest In the grandstand of the park, where the Knoxvllle and Chattanooga teams of the South Atlantic league were playing yesterday, scores of wasps flew into the grand stand dur ing the seventh Inning and divided interest with exciting play. The wasps took the excitement as an attack on them and answered It qtllckly, clearing a section of the overcrowded grandstand. The game ended with the angry wasps In pos session of the field. Close Old (Impel. New York, Sept. 1. Another down town Episcopal chapel ended Its ca reer today with the expiration of the terms of the two clergymen engaged In the work. It Is located at Avenue C and Fourth street and was conduct- d by the Sisterhood of St. John the Raptlst. It Is planned to transform the chapel Into a home for friendless women. Some men would rather be wrong than right If there Is more money In It. Drink GormloM Water MAKING Water Germless Served M Our Fountain. By a convenient, easy, simple method without boiling or tha aid of chemicals Is the Pendleton people's luok at last Our WATER STONE or GERM PROOF FILTERS are absolutely guaranteed to remove every trace of TYPHOID GERM from the city water Insuring health without the least trouble and at small expense. Displayed In our Window. KOEPPEN'S . The Drug Store That Sarvea You Beat. Free Demonstration to All. C. H. Sellers, the real estate man will leave today for Eugene. H. J. Sullivan and wife of Welser, Idaho, are Pendleton visitors. N. Joerger, the well-known farm er, Is In today from his ranch, C. F. Walker, the Seattle cattle buy er. Is In the city again for a few days C. L. Handy of Echo, cume up from that part of the county last evening G. E. Carnes, the Pilot Rock mer chant, Is a county seat business visi tor. Mrs. Charles Shepherd returned this morning from a visit to Wenaha springs. Henry I'oper Is up from Echo for the transaction of business at the county seat. Mrs. Max Haer returned last even ing from an extended visit to Portland and the coast. Attorney George W. Coutts return ed la't evening from a brief business visit to Athena. M. II. Gilbert came In from Pilot Rock, last evening for the transaction of business at the county seat. Miss Roberta Ribbey has returned from Portland where she hud been to spend a vacation of a few days. E. A. McKenna, traveling freight agent for the Northern Poclfic came In from Walla Walla this morning. Mrs. Norbourne Berkeley and son have returned from the sound where they sojourned during the hot weath er. John Nlssen, president of the Nlssen Implement company, has returned from an extended visit to eastern cities. Wesley, Georglana anil Marie Flet cher returned from Heppner, where they had been for n visit with rel atives. James Johns has moved his family down from the summer home at Mea chnm, where they have been spending the warm season. R. E. Tarbet and family have mov ed back to town from their ranch, near Mearham, where they have been spending the summer. Attorney C. T. Godwin of Milton, passed through Pendleton this morn ing on his return from a business visit to Baker City. Arthur G. Means came down from Lehman springs yesterday afternoon and left today with a train load of cat- tie for the Seattle market. MisVi Claire Haley has returned from Meiieham where she has been for sev eral weeks, the guest of Mlsj Mary Johns, at their summer home. Mrs. G. W. Phelps and children re turned this morning from their moun tain ranch, near Meacham. where they have been spending the summer. Frank G. Mitchell, of the Pendleton diug company, Is now In the city af ter an absence of six month or longer. He will be here for several weeks. The cab of M. B. Keyes has Just emerged from the paint shop looking like a new carriage. The owner Is proudly displaying It to his friends. Mrs. Carrie Deerlng. who has been a guest at the home or her rather, J M. Bentley, since Sunday, leaves this evening for her home In Pasco. Miss Bessie McBrlde, formerly tenogrnpher In the office of the County clerk, but now residing In Portland, Is the guest of Mrs. Willard Bond. Tom Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. George Fell, returned last evening from Hep pner, where they had been to attend the funeral of the late Judge T. W. Ayers. S. P. Wright of Montana, who Is president of the Hermlston Orchard company, passed through Pendleton today on his way from Seattle to Her mlston. Mrs. J. N. Burgess and children re turned last evening from Portland and other points in western Oregon where they have been spending the slimmer months. Mrs. J. M. Bentley and daughter, Miss Maud Bentley, leave this evening on a visit of a week or ten days with friends and relatives in Lu Cross and Spokane. Deaconess Nosier of Seattle, leaves for home this evening, after a visit of a few days In this city, during which time she was the guest of Mrs. W. L. Thompson. Lee and Lysle Beeney, wo well- known cottlemen from the Susanville country, are In the city, having brought In a bunch of cattle to deliver to Nate Raines. Ross Newport of the Newport Land & Construction company, passed hrough Pendleton today on his way i his home In Hermlston from a bus- ness visit to Seattle. Dorsey B. Smith, a representative the Open River transportation com pany arrived In Pendleton last even- ng on his way to Holdman where he was to address a meeting of the farm ers. . E. Eberhart of the Columbia Bridge Hull. ling company of Walla Walla, Is In the city today on busi ness In connection with the numerous irldges his company hns been erecting it the county. He took up a car load of farming Im plements and horaea. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamley and son, John Melvln Hamley, returned this morning from points In Washington. Mr. Hamley has been away on business In connection with the Hamley-Mc-Fatrldge harness store while his wife and son have been visiting at the fair and with relatives In Belllngham. Scientist Believe Cook. Washington, Sept. 2. Scientists In terviewed here today are practically Unanimous In declaring belief of Cook's feat and his word will be ac cepted without doubt, He "fill be accredited with the greatest discovery of modern times. A prominent sci entist said, "If a single white man makes the Journey his word must be taken to a certain extent. A true sci entist would not lie, and Cook's repu tation as a scientist s established. An other said, "Fake observations are im possible. There are ways of check ing observations In any part of the world. Cook's records will be all the proof necessary. At the Orpbenm, The Orpheum bill this week Includes the famous Dodson tribe of singing and dancing artists and tho work of Miss Dodson Is very good and de serves a good patronage. The follow ing moving pictures are all new. "Gathering Grapes." "Paralytic." "Mr. Absentmlnded." "Dog Smugglers." "Indian Mall Carrier " "Arrest of the Orderly." Song "No Wedding Bells for Me." The Second Annual PORTLAND FAIR OREGON'S BIGGEST SHOW! SEPTEMBER 20-25, 1909 6 Horse Races Daily National Live Stock Exhibits Balloon Racing Chariot Racing Fascinating Midway Attractions FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and mag nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this coast. This will interest the whole family. Admission 5 0 Cents Reduced Rates on All Roads H OF MILTON Milton, Sept. 2. (Special) Tho head trimmer in Mrs. Storm's milli nery establishment, Miss Katherlne Duffy returned yesterday from her summer vacation, which she spent with friends In Denver and Chicago. She will resuni" her duties in the store within a few days. All the friends of Miss Duffy are glad to welcome her back to this city. Albert James, recently employed In a barber shop ut Weston, has accept ed a position with Grover Comstock of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Joe West and Miss Edna Fulton of this city have return ed after spending the summer at Se attle and Long Beach. They all re port an excellent time, but are glad to be once more at home. Miss Flossa Hartlett, stenographer i-i the offices of Godwin and N'eal of! Freewater, returned yesterday from her summer vacation, which uhe spent with friends in Dayton. Sam Niel of Nyssa, Oregon, Joined his wife here a few days ago. Mrs. Niel has been spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I,. Berry and the young people expect to locate here. City Marshal P. X. Stephens has re cently Installed several new garbage cans along both sides of Main street In this city. This will help much toward the Improvement of the ap pearance of the street in the future, as all the old paper nnd other debris found on the streets will be gathered up and hauled away nnd the streets kept free from all rubbish. In a very short time Mr. Stephens expects to order some more of these cans and It Is only a matter of a short time before they will be distributed all over the city. Notice to the Public. Notice Is hereby given that after this date no ice will be delivered on Sundays. Parties wanting Ice on Sunday will hereafter be obliged to J order a sufficient supply on Satur- j x nay to carry inem over. PENDLETON ICE & COLD STOR AGE CO. George Grey broke his leg yester day kicking because he couldn't get Folger's Golden Gate Coffee. Jolly. Buy Your Meat OF THE EMPIRE MEAT CO. Phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. Fresh fish dally, steaks, chops, roasts, sausage, hams, bacon and lard. KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH The First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Resources over . $400,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Oldest and Largest Bank in Eastern Oregon. Security Good Service Three room suite furnished house keeping rooms for rent, 1208 E. Webb. Mrs. J. T. Hosklns. of Echo, left for her home this morning after a vis It with relatives here while on her way back from the mountains where he has been spending the summer. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. M. E. Baker, and Mrs. Elton Spike. Bert Huffman left last evening for Lcwiston from which place he will go to his Alberta ranch to make ar- angements for moving his family here to reside. He will erect a house UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. len nnd Women Innnlnioui About It Many women weep and wall and refusi to be comforted because their once ma;:- aincent tresses have become thin cnC faded. Many men Incline to profanltv because the flies bite through the thin thatch on their cranlums. It will be good news to the miserable of both sexes, t lenrn that Newbro'g Herplclde has been placed upon the market. This Is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic that act? by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying crfuse of all hair de struction. Herplclde is a new prepara tion, made after a new formula on nn entirely new principle. Anyone who has tried It will testify as to Its worth. Try It yourself and be convinced. Sold by lending druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. De troit. Mich. One dollar bottlas guaranteed. A. O. Koeppen Bioa. For REAL ESTATE See N. BERKELEY Despain Block BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE Located in Pendleton's Most Desirable Residence District Modern house with rock foundation, good cellar and large porch on two sides, Five bed rooms, parlor, library, dining room and kitchen, besides three closets, two toilets, pantry and dumb waiter. Gas and electric lights throughout. Two lots 'with lawn, fine shade and fruit trees. Combination barn and fuel house that can be used as auto garage. Must be sold at once. For price and further particulars, inquire at EAST OREGONIAN OFFICE, Phone Main 1. and barn and fill the lotter with hay. aaalaBBBBBBBBBBaBB