East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A complete stock of Ladies, Misses
and Children's
Tailored Suits
Now on Display
From the smallest, age 3 to the largest Ladies size 46.
The best assorted, prettiest styles and the most reasonable
in price we have ever shown.
Let us show you,
A large shipment of Dress Skirts,
Coats, Rubberized Rain Coats, Sateen
and Heatherbloom Petticoats just in.
F. . Livengood & Co.
Drawing for the Seattle ticket tonight at 8 o'clock.
Bring in your tickets.
Mrs. Mary J. McConnell, mother of K-v. B, F. Harper, the newly ap-
Mrs. J. It, VftUfhan "f thlH city, died pointed school missionary of the
at the home of her mm-ln-law and j Pendleton presbytery, came down 'his
daughter at 1 o'CWOlc this afternoon. morning from Milton to attend a pre-
D.Hth was due to a general break liminury meeting here this morning,
down eemlngly caused by her advano- in company with Rev, J. M. Cornel-
ige, rjp this time no definite 100, the reservation missionary, Mr.
arraiiK'-ments have been made for the Harper left on the noon train for
funeral us the local relatives have not Portland, where tomorrow at 10 a. in.
v. , been able t.. communicate with ail they win attend a joint meeting of (he
the deotaaed'i children. However the synod's Home Mission committee,
funeral will I"- held in Pendleton. These two men are members of tho
Mrs. McConnell was born at Kayett- Synod's committee from the Presby-
ville, Arkansas. April ISSlt. Her tery of Pendleton. Other members
maiden name was Mnry J. Saunders from other parts of the slate will bo
and shewas married to J J. McCon- there to plan and arrange a report to
nell May 4, 185". at Huntsvllle. Ar- be made to the general synod which
kan8ag- meets In Ncwborg In October. This
In 1876 the family moved to Wal- report will look toward synodlcal self-
lowa county and came to Pendleton in control and selp-support to all their
is-.::. Mr. McConnell died in l'.iOG and home mission work In Oregon,
since thgt time Mrs. McConnell lived
with her daughter, Mrs. Vaughun.
Aside from Mrs. J, T,. Vaughan the
other children are Mrs. C. K. Fugua
or Spokane, Mrs. 11. W. Wcliver of
CataldO, Idaho, Jameg McConnell of
this elty and Robert T. McConnell or
this city. The lost named Is an em
ploye of the Bycrs mill.
Pastime pictures please all.
i Oak wood Oregon Lumber Yard.
Rock Spring coal, Henry Koplttke.
For chimney sweep, phone Red
Dissolution Notice.
Holdman. Ore.. Aug. W, liiO'J.
Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore existing be- 3812.
tween c. M. DepeW, B, H. DepeW and First-class oak wood at the Oregon
Jas. Newklrk. under the firm name Lumber Yard.
of Depew NeWklrk, and conduct- For sale cheap Good second hand
Ing a farming business on the Thos. organ. Sharon & Eddlngs.
Kerr ranch, at Holdman. Oregon, has gM Henry Koplttke for Rock
this day been dissolve,! by mutual Sprng coal. phone Ma,n ng.
onsent. C. M. Depew and K. H. De- , . ...
! For sale Feed and chop mill,
l.i.U i:iv,. iiuuiiin,.. 'in. I ii'r... t. tun wt .u m f
all debt, of said pa,,,, ,,),,,,, and will Practically new. Inquire this office.
continue to conduct said business at
raid place.
Dated this 20th day of August, 1909.
No matter how long you have suf-
If you want good dry wood, ring
up Henry Koplttke, phone Main 178.
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
For rent Furnished house at 212
East Hluff street. Inquire at 206
Bluff street.
We are receiving some choice oak
fered, Foley. Kidney Remedy will! d Buy ow whlle tne prIce
help you. Mrs. 9. L. Bowen, of
Wayne, W. Va , writes: "I was a suf
ferer from kidney disease, so that at
times I could not get out of bed, and
when I did I could not stand straight.
I took Foley's Kidney Remedy. One
dollar bottle and part of the second
cured me entirely." It will cure you.
Koeppen Bros.
For rent Suite of unfurnished
housekeeping rooms In East Orego
nlan building, electric lights, steam
heat, bath on same floor. Enquire at
this office.
Automobile stage to Lehman
springs. Inquire Pendleton Auto Co.
low. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Good store or office room for rent
In East Oregonlan building on Main
street Enquire at this office.
Automobile for sale cheap. Almost
as good as new. 18 h. p. Edgar C.
Jay, agent for White steamers.
Will sell or lease hotel doing good
business. Terms reasonable. Good
reasons for selling. Address Mrs. F.
Myers, Helix, Oregon.
Wanted Competent woman or
girl to do dining room and chamber
maid work In small hotel at Pilot
Rock. Top wages to the right per
son. Apply City Hotel, Pilot Rock,
Water Bertnless
Our Fountain.
By a convenient, easy, simple method without boiling or the aid of
chemicals Is the Pendleton people's luck at last Our
or GERM PROOF FILTERS are absolutely guaranteed to remove
every trace of TYPHOID GERM from the city water Insuring
health without the least trouble and at small expense.
In our
The Drug Store That Serves
You Best.
to All.
8. K. Chllders of Edgene, has been
In the city since yesterday.
L. A. Esteb. and family of Echo,
were In the city this morning.
Tom Hill returned this morning
from, a visit to the ranch at Helix.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans came In
from Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon.
William Ferguson came down this
morning from hlB wheat ranch, near
W. F. Brown of HermlstOn, trans
acted business In Pendleton last eve
ning. W. C, Thompson and wife of Can
yon city, are Pendleton visitors this
Judge James A. Fee went to Walla
Walla last evening on a brief business
Henry Taylor and wife are the
guests of friends In Portland this
William Hardy of Seattle, returned
last evening from a business visit to
Pilot Rock.
J. (J. Finney and wife have return
ed from a week's visit at the Seattle
Henry Hill was in the city yester
day on a trip from his ranch on
Slarkey prairie.
George Coyne, the well-known
traveling man, came in this morning
from Seattle.
Ed Baker has gone to Denver,
Where be expects to remain until the
first of the year.
Miss Margaret Johnson, arrived this
morning from Milton and Is the guest
of Miss Ellen Blue.
J. K M Naught came up from Her
miston last evening for the transac
tion of business.
The Misses A. G. and L. M.
Humphrey of Eugene, are registered
at the Hotel Bowman.
Mrs. Joseph Dupuis was an In-coming
passenger on this morning's
Northern Pacific train.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kennedy re
turned this morning from a visit to
the exposition in Seattle.
I H. C. Craig of the Northwestern
i Elevator company, left last evening
on a buslnes trip to Helix,
j Mrs. Ed Thompson and daughter
have returned fropi a visit of a rew
days at the Seattle exposition.
Mrs. Lea Moorhouse has returned
from a visit of two months with
friends In Seattle and Tacoma.
Mrs. Elvin Craig returned yester
day afternoon for a visit of a few
days with friends in Pilot Rock.
Jesse Hales and family came down
from their home at Adams, this morn
ing, and are spending the day here.
Miss Ellantlne Moussu left this
morning for Portland, where she will
be the guest of relatives for several
E. P. Croarkin, the Echo real estate
agent, left this morning for home,
alter a business visit to the county
L, S. Leclalre and wife left yester
day for Portland where they will
spend a few days as the guests or
R. Alexander, proprietor of the
Alexander department store, has re
turned from an extended visit to Port
land and Seattle.
Mrs. A. Hunter and daughter, Miss
Audrey Hunter, returned last evening
from a visit of several days with rel
atives near Pilot Rock.
W. D. Fletch and daughter, Mrs.
Clyde Finch, returned this .morning
from a visit of a few days with rel
atives In Walla Walla.
Editor J. P. McManus of the Pilot
Hock Record, returned home this
morning after an over-night business
visit to the county seat.
John BentlCy and W. F. Matlock
were among those going to Heppner,
Sunday to attend the funeral of the
late Judge T. W. Ayers.
Mrs. Ralph Folsom and two children
have returned from an extended visit
at the home of Mrs. Folsom's parents,
near Salem In Polk county.
John Greulich, buyer for the meat
firm of Swartz & Greulich, left this
morning for Pilot Rock, to secure
some stock for the local market.
Miss Jeanette Manasse, niece of
Leon Cohen, frmerly a resident of
Athena, and now of California, is vis
iting at the home of her uncle.
Mrs. Augusta Moule and daughter
leave this evening for Wenaha spring
to attend the wedding of Miss Fanchon
Borle to Russel Way land of Alaska.
Will Moore, local representative of
the Pacific coast elevator company,
returned this morning from a visit
to the company's warehouse east ofj
Word has been received here of the
recent marriage in Portland of W. S.
Cameron, son of Mrs. Eleanor Cam
eron and a former resident of Pen
dleton. Mrs. Thomas Fits Gerald and son,
Milton Fltz Gerald, returned last
evening from Lehman springs, where
they have been for the past eight
Rodney Dupuis came In this morn
ing from McCormmach station,
where he has been for several days
In the employ of the Kerr-Glfford
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning ami
child returned yesterday afternoon
from Pilot Rock, where they had
been to attend the funeral of their
Miss Neva Hodder. formerly a res
ident of this city, but living In Harney
county, arrived this morning from
Seattle and will be the guest of friends
here for a few days.
Jerome Friedman of the grocery de
partment of the Alexander depart
ment store, returned on the morning
Northern Pacific train from an ex-
Located in Pendleton's Most Desirable Residence District
Modern house with rock foundation, good cellar and large porch
on two sides, Five bed rooms, parlor, library, dining room and
kitchen, besides three closets, two toilets, pantry and dumb
Gas and electric lights throughout.
Two lots with lawn, fine shade and fruit trees. Combination barn
and fuel house that can be used as auto garage.
Must be sold at once.
For price and further particulars, inquire at
tended visit to Portland, San Fran
cisco and Seattle.
J. P. Potter, instructor In the sci
ence department of the local high
school last year, left last evening for
Ellensburg, Washington, where he
has accepted a similar position In the
itate normal school.
Grant Abbott, whose brother, Hen
ry Abbott, died recently In Alberta,
arrived yesterday afternoon from
Pilot Rock on his way to Canada to
take charge of the remains and con
vey them to Michigan for interment.
J. G. Finney went to Pilot Rock
this morning on business for the
Modern Woodmen, having a check
for $2000 to be delivered to Mrs. Ad
am Noble, the amount of the Insur
ance carried by her late husband in
that order.
Attorney Oliver P. Morton and Ed
ward S. Taylor of the reclamation
service, returned to Hermlston this
m iming after a brief business visit to
Pendleton. Mr. Morton returned
Saturday from Portland, where he
had been on business In connection
with his department.
, E. P. Rounds, foreman of the O. R.
& N. local roundhouse, expects to leave
In a few days for Hot Springs. Arkan
sas, where Mrs. Rounds has been Tor
some time for the benefit of her
health. According to information re
el ttfed, Mrs. Rounds is no better and
her condition is regarded as serious.
Mr. Darr and daughter of Bates
county. Missouri, who have been vis
iting for a few days at the Kome of
H. C. Craig, after a visit to the Se
attle fair, left yesterday evening for
their home. While in the northwest
they looked over the country with a
view to locating and expect to return
a few months later.
The North Powder News comments
as follows on the recent adventures
of Clyde Finch of this city: " A Pen
dleton postal clerk Is having a great
run of luck. He drew a valuable prize
in the Flathead land drawing, then
somebody left a baby on his doorstep,
and finally he went fishing, snarled
his line and untangling it( woke up a
nest of hornets. Truly fickle fortune
has her favorites."
Albany, Ore. Because George
Prine, his neighbor, had paid unwel
come attentions to the daughter of
W. G. M. Smith, a farmer residing
three miles south of Crabtree, Smith
shot Prlne at 9:30 o'clock this fore
noon. The bullet plowed a furrow in
Prlne's skull, but he Is not believed
to be seriously hurt.
Deputy Sheriff Green went out to
Investigate the shooting, but decided
not to arrest Smith until the filing
of a complaint. This may be done
tomorrow, but it is possible that the
cafre may await the action of the
grand jury without any preliminary
Prlne, who is a bachelor, has work
ed for many years on the farm of
Mrs. Frank Smith, mother of W. G.
M. Smith. A little more than a year
ago trouble arose between Smith, who
Is 16 years old, and Prine. who is 44
years old, over attentions Prine is
said to have paid Smith's daughter.
Pastlfe Theatre's Program.
"The Leopard Queen."
"His Wife's Visitor," a blograph
comedy. The way to reform a bad
"Mrs. Jones' Lover." biograph.
"Wonders of Nature," a picture
most perfect from a photographic
point of view.
Spokane. Frank Gotch. the world's
champion wrestler is planning to come
to Spokane In a short time. Whether
he will have a match here, or appear
as a visitor, is not yet known. He Is
now making arrangements to come
west as a private citizen, and he has
not announced his Intentions as to
hard work.
Gotch has written the Seattle fair
management that he hopes to leave
for the Sound in a short time. He
Intimates that he may get a match,
but nothing further than that he is
planning to spend a few days In Spo
kane If he can arrange to do so.
Are Blinded by Love.
New York. The "blindness ,of love"
will be a sad truth for the young
Brooklyn couple who attempted to
leave this life through a suicide pact.
The bullet which was fired into Flor
ence Wood's head will cause her to
lose her sight in at least one eye and
the other bullet has a similar fate
In store for her sweetheart. Frank
While Williamson declared that he
shot the girl before shooting himself,
the police believe that Miss Wood
fired the shot at herself and then Wil
liamson took the weapon from her
and In endeavoring to fulfill the
agreement between them shot himself.
One bright spot j looms up out of
the tragedy, and that Is that both
will recover, and as each declares an
undying love it is likely they will
marry "and Hve happily ever after."
Mrs. Barclay to Return.
Topeka. Kan., Aug. 20. Edward
McKeever, local attorney for Mrs.
Stella Rarclay. tonight announced that
an arrangement had been made
whereby the woman and F. N. Gentry,
defendants in the "Incubator baby"
kidnaping case, would voluntarily re
turn to Topeka.
Predicts an Eclipse of Mar.
Geneva, N. Y Aug. 31. An eclipse
of Mars by the moon visible through
out the I'nited States, will occur Sep
tember K, according to a bulletin Is
sued by Prof. Brooke at Smith's Ob-Mivator-
today. The phenomenon
will last about an hour, beginning In
the longitude of Washington at 8:42
p. m. and ending at 9:30. The eclipse
will be visible to the naked eye.
Choice agricultural land, under the Carey Act,
Will be open to entry and settlement, in the
Tuesday, September 14, 1909.
You Must Register Between September 9th and 14th
If you do not take land after your number Is
drawn It costs you nothing.
Title Acquired With Thirty Days' Residence
Water Ready for Delivery, May, 1910.
Homeseekers' rates on all railroads and special rates from all
northwestern points.
For lllustrateJ booklet and all desired information,
call on or address,
C. B. Hurtt,
Coloa'.iation Department
Boise, Idaho
our own r A ID
of the Third Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society at Pendleton. Or.
SEPTEMBER 27, 28, 29, 30, OCTOBER. 1, 2.
Exhibits of the Products of Morrow and Umatilla Counties
All Kinds of fun and amusements offered to all the People for "GET
Stock Show, Horse Show, Cattle Show, Sheep Show, Swine Show, Fruit
Show, Grain Show, Vegitable Show, Machinery Show, Etc.
Get a Premium List. Prepare Your Exhibit. Enter Now. Address
Pendleton, Oregon