East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 10, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our 24th Wednesday Sale
and for this sale we are offering some
items that we have never put on sale be
fore. New job lots bought for these
one day sales.
Items Below Speak for Themselves
36 in Muslin, 10c seller ... 6 3-4c
Unbleached Turkish Towels, regular 15c seller
this sale you can buy . . 3 for 30c
Crash Toweling, 10c seller and Linen for this
sale 7c
Dark colored Outing Flannel stripes and checks
all new and a 12 l-2c seller for this sale 9 I -2c
Summer Lawns, a large variety, 20c values 10c.
ISc values 7c. 12 l-2c values 6c. for this one
day only.
Buy your Sheeting Wednesday before the raise.
Sheeting will go from 3c to 5c higher in a day or
two so we are prepared for the raise and to give you
a chance to buy. We will give you sheetings at cut
price, something you very seldom hear of.
21c, REGULAR PRICE l' I -2c
35 1-2C, REGULAR PRICE 10c
32 12c, REGULAR PRICE 38c
135 pairs Men's Spring and Summer Pants, reg
ular $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00
grades for this one day only . . $2.35
$ 1 1 .95 buys any Summer Suit we have in our store
-not one excepted values up to $30. This is a
great buy for you. $ 1 1 .95 for a $25 or $30 suit.
Any Straw or Panama Hat in our stock will go for
this one day at exactly ONE-HALF PRICE. Now's
your time to buy a new hat and throw that old
one away.
Wednesday Shoe Specials One Day Only
Women's Shoes $3 to $5 values special price $1.98
Children's Shoes, all sizes, $1.50 to $2 values,
special price 95t
Men's Work Shoes $2.50 values, special price $1.80
The Peoples Warehouse
Where It Pays to Trade
Save Your Coupons
will Ih- tlio Tenth Animal Reunion
of tlte Army cr i Philippines
Will u in Session Until Pridaj
Prominent Men Expected to im
Present at the Sessions,
Pittsburg, Pa. Aug. 10. Battle
scarred veterans who chased the Tag
alogs over the hills and through the
Jungles of far-away Thingumbob
swooped down on Pittsburg today am:
before long before the .smoke had
cleared away sent this tnessage to the
old folks at home:
"We have met the Plttsburgcrs and
they are our'n."
Occasion for the nforesald sweeping
Is the tenth annual national reunion
o the Army of the Philippines, Which
began this afternoon with the regis
tration of the Mvoopers at the Hotel
BChenley, followed by a business meet
ing and a session of the credentials
commits and other red tape, and
which will wind up the day's program
with a public meeting at Carnegie
Music Hall this evening.
Tomorrow's program includes two
business meetings and a reception and
smoker in the evening, with a visit to
Forbes Field to witness the Pirates
walloy the Reaneaters sandwiched In
between. Thursday the grizzled and
other veterans will do a "Seeing Pits
burg" stunt In motor cars and take
a boat ride up the Motiongahela. Fri
day they will evacuate the city. Pres.
Ident Taft and Admiral Dewey hav
been invited to adress the benevolent
assimilators. and both have promise!
to come If possible.
Immediately after his return from
the Philippine, Brigadier General
living Hale, V. S. N., who was bri
gade commander of the Ti nth Penn
sylvania Volunteers during a portion
of their service In 189S-99, conceives
the Idea of a socliety, to be made up of
men who saw service In the Philip
pines. He called a meeting at Denver.
August 13, 1900, the anniversary of
the taking of Manilla. One thousand
men responded to the call, and the
National Society, Army of the Philip
pines, was born. Everywhere, whi n
there were volunteer regiments that
had been sent to Uncle Sam's Island
P ssessions in the Pacific, local camp
of this society were formed, and all
affiliated with the Xational Society.
The commanders of the National
society have been as follows: 1900,
Denver, General Francis v. Greene!
1907, Salt Lake City, General Hale;
1903, Council Dluffs, la.. General
Hale, re-elected; 1903. St. Paut.
Minn.. General Charles King; 1904,
Sr. Louis, Brevet Brigadier General
Wilder S. Metcalf; 1905, Chicago. Col
onel Alfred S. Frost; 1906. Dcs Moines
la.. General Arthur McArthur; 1907,
Kansas City, Captain H. A. Crow, of
Ccnnellsvllle. Po.; 1908, Galesbutg.
111., Major P. J. H. Farrelt.
Ivory Soap is cheap;
a cake of it costs only a
few cents.
But please, please,
don't buy Ivory Soap
because the price is
Buy it because it is
made of good materials;
because it contains no
"free" alkali, and be
cause it will not injure
the finest fabric or the
most delicate skin.
Ivory Soap
995Too Per Cent. Pure.
Pink Dig "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co."
Will Exhibit nt Pendleton.
This Is the first time that the pub
lic have had an npportuilty of seeing
the "New Version" of "Undo Tom's
Cabin,'' the greatest dramatization of
this popular play ever written. Mrs.
Stowe's historical piny ha? ever been
a favorite with the women and chil
dren, and they always go to see It
whenever an opoortunlty presents it
self. Hurk's Hog "Uncle Tom's Cabin
Co." has the distinction of being the
largest organization of Its kind on the
road, they carry' ft special train of
their own palace cars to transport
their people, horses, ponies, donkeys,
dogs, chariots and other parapherna
lia necessary- to present the only
grand spectacular production of this
most successful drama ever written.
The characters of I'ncle Tom. Kllza.
Little Hva and Marks are all ably
presented by a competent cast, and
the large contingent of singers ami
dancers, blood hounds, etc., give a
realistic and scnsatlonnl naturalism
to the performance. The scenic and
mechanical effects are good, and the
picturesque transformation scene
forms a fitting finish to the whole.
So enrry the news and tell your neigh- I
bors. The only big show coming w ill
exhibit at Pendleton, two shows, An-
gust 13.
Eyes carefully ex
amined and glass
es ground to fit each case.
The optical specialist with over 30
years practice fitting glasses has open
ed permanent offices in tho John
Schmidt building, Pendleton, Ore.
(By John E. Lathrop.)
Washington. The fight over the
lumber schedule having ended, a
member of the "lumber lobby" who
has been here since the tariff discus
sion began has admitted that it was
largely a "tempest In a teapot," so
far as the duty on rough lumber was
concerned. The real essence of the
stiff fight put up by the lumber In
terests on this schedule was Inspired
by fear that the demand for free
lumber would be bo strong that both
rough and dressed grades would be
placed on the free list.
"We are satisfied with the out
OOBJM of the lumber schedule In the
bill as It emerged from the confer
ence committee," he said. "We are
not hurt at all, and will continue to
command the market as we have in
the past."
The real concern of the lumber
men was over the duties on dressed
grades, as little Canadian rough lum
ber Is shipped any distance from the
Canadian border, owing to the poor
economy of paying freight on the
shavings which are cut off when the
lumber Is dressed.
Lumbermen Wrote the Rates.
It Is known that the lumbermen's
committee personally fixed the rates
on dressed lumber. This was done
at a meeting at the Willard hotel, the
members of which were told by Mr.
Aldrkh to figure out what they ab
solutely needed to give them com
mand of the market and Insure that
they would not be Injured by Canadian
competition. This meeting finally
worked out the schedule of dressed
rates and handed it in, and it was
adopted without change, not only by
the senate, but also by the conference
The Dressed Lumber Schedule,
So that the wide difference be
tween the rates on lumber dressed on
one and that dressed on four sides
really Is archaic, old fashioned and
based on planing methods obsolete
years ago. These rates are:
Planed on one side, $1.75 per thou
sand, or 50 cents morfi than duty
on rough.
Planed two sides, or planed one
side and tongucd and grooved, $2 per
thousand, or 75 cents more than duty
'n r.ugh.
Planed four sides, 12.75, or $1.50
S 1 . 1 2 Va more than duty on rough.
Planned four sides, $2 75, or $1.50
more than du'.y on rough.
Practically no rough lumber en
ters eastern markets. In the yards
here rough lumber brings the same
as planed. A lumber dealer explain
ed this by saying:
Hand Planing All Gone Xow.
"Of what use is rough lumber In
these days to the builder? No car
penter finishes his lumber any more.
The day of the man-pushed plane has
gone far into the past. Then, again,
to ship rough lumber means freight
on the shavings. That doesn't pay.
So the trade that supplies this coun
try peels off those waste shavings,
saves the freight on them, and the
builder gets his lumber ready for the
joiner, and uses a plane very seldom.
It is a day of millwork. The carpen
ter of the old time belongs to a muse
um nowadays."
It is the general view here that the
tlmbermen of this country will not ba
affected by the changes In the lum
ber duties.
Washington's Plague Spots.
Lie in the low, marshy bottoms of
the Potomac, the breeding ground of
malaria germs. These germs cause
Chills, fever and ague, biliousness,
jaundice, lassitude, weakness and
general debility and bring suffering
or death to thousands yearly. But
electric Bitters never fall to destroy
them and cure malaria troubles.
"They are the best all-around tonic
and euro for malaria I ever used,"
writes R. M. James, of Louellen, 8.
C. They cure stomach, liver, kidney
and blood troubles and will prevent
typhoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed
by Tollman & Co.
We want to dispose of several cars
in 4 ft. lengths. Ask us for price in
any quantity.
As soon as Salem paves 17 more
blocks now "provided for," It will have
paved 20 this year.
Intense Collcy Pains Relieved,
"For years I have suffered from In
tense colicky pains which would come
on at times and from which I could
find no relief." says I. S. Mason, of
Beaver Dam, Ky. "Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dlrrhoea Remedy
was recommended to me by a friend.
After taking a few doses of the rem
edy I was entirely relieved. That was
four years ago and there has been no
return of the symptoms since that
time." This remedy Is for sale by all
Good Dealers.
Diarrhoea Remedy Never Known
to FaiL
"I hnve used Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Dlrrhoea Remedy since j
It was first introduced to the public in
1872. and have never found one In
stance where a cure was not speedily
effected by Its use. I have been a
commercial traveler for eighteen
years, and never stnrt out on a trip
without this, my faithful friend," says
B. S. Nichols, of Oakland. Ind. Ter.
For sale by all Good Dealers.
100,000 acres of desirable
dry farm lands open to
homestead filings. A
number of choice relin
quishments for sale.
Town Lots
in American Falls are a
safe and profitable invest
ment. American Falls is
growing and wants you to
grow with it.
Kasanke & Co.
Real Estate
Land Locators
American Falls - Idaho
Chicago, Aug. 10. Casual Inspec
tion of the registers of leading hos
telrles of the Wrlndy City reveals the
presence today of no less than a
score of Pittsburg men, presumably
Probably It is nothing more than
a coincidence that the Smoky City
plutocrats should come to Chicago on
the same day that the National Asso
ciation of Chorus Girls convened at
the Saratoga hotel. Such, however,
Is the fact.
The session of the corpyhees will
occupy four days. Lobsters, automo
biles, diamonds, costumes and lin
gerie are among the subjects to be
considered, "How to tell whether a
stagedoor Johnny Is a millionaire or
a ribbon clerk," Is the subject of a
learned paper by an authority.
It Is alleged that the hotel where
the delegates are meeting has appeal
ed to headquarters for a force of po
licemen to prevent rioting among tho
would-be male guests who are
swarming into the lobby, demnndlng
Virginia lawyers.
Hot Springs, Va., Aug. 10. Legal
lights of the Old Dominion nre here
in force today, In attendance at the
annual meeting of the Virginia Bar
association James M. Beck, former
assistant attorney general of the
United States, will be the principal
Farmers In Session.
Charlottesville, Va , Aug. 10. Prac
tical Instruction In the science of ag
riculture will be given the Virginia
farmers in attendant today at the
session of the State Farmers' Institute.
Viitmcg State Firemen.
New London, Conn., Aug 10. Spec
tacular exhibitions by the fire fight
ers of the Nutmeg state will feature
the annual convention of the Con
necticut Firemen's association, open
ed In this city today.
Will sell or lease hotel doing good
business. Terms reasonable. Good
reasons for selling. Address Mrs. F.
Myers, Helix, Oregon.
Reform in Saloons.
Bedding, Cnl.. Aug. 10. After to
day the more than 100 saloons in
Shasta county must pay n license
double the former rate, keep closed
from midnight to 5 a m., prohibit
gambling and close side entrances.
Under the new law. only native Amer
icans mny conduct saloons, and the
proprietor must give his personal su
pervision to his place. Any liquor
dealer violating these rules or selling
to minors or Indians will be forever
debarred from the business In Shasta
What Is Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquln, On
tario, has been troubled for years
with Indigestion and recommends
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets as "the best medicine I ever
used." If troubled with Indigestion
or constipation give them a trial. They
are certain to prove beneficial. They
are easy to talte and pleasant In ef
fect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free
at All Good Dealers' drug store.
Tcmieraiicc) (Vmvrntlon.
St. John, N. B., Aug. 10. With n
brief business session this morning,
tho World's convention of the Tem
ple of honor was formally opened
and was followed by an excursion.
Temperance advocates from many
sections of Canada and the United
Stntes are In attendance.
Take Notice.
All persons are recommended to
take Foley's Kidney Remedy for
backache, rheumatism and kidney
and bladder trouble. It will quickly
correct urinary Irregularities, which,
If neglected, may develop Into a se
rious Illness. It will restore health
and strength. Do not neglect signs
of kidney disease or diabetes. Koep
pen Bros.
; Starting July I, '09
Leaves regular Mondays. Wed
nesdays and Fridays, arrives at
I, eh man 6:30 p. m.. Also hack
line dally.
Round Trip $5.50
One Way . . $3,00
Tickets on sale at French Res
taurant, Pendleton.
M. K. Thompson
Pilot Rock.
He soon loses all faith In the poor
who tries to feed them with fine
Never Fails to Restore
Gray Hair to its Natural
Color and Beauty.
No matter how lonp it has been gray
or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth
of healthy hair. Stops its falling out,
and positively removes Dnrt
druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re
fuse all substitutes. 2i times as much
in $1.00 as SOc. size. Is Not a Dye.
$1 and SOc. bottles, at dragglsts
Send 2c tor tree book "The Care of the Hair."
I'hilo Hay Spec Co., Newark, N J,
Hay's Harflna Soap cures Pimpl,
red, roujrh and chapped handn. and all ftkln dU-
ml l.i. If Miita clrln (In. an ,l 1 Am I .
- - . ...... uiuyirimH,
Send 2c (or (re nook "Tlx Car oftna bklu."
Tenth and Morrison J Portland, Oregon
The high-standard commercial school of
the Northwest. Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position
certain. Claas and individual instruction.
Bookkeeping from written forms and of
fice practice. Shorthand that excels in all
respects. Special penmanship depart
ment. Call, phone or write for catalogue.
Portland, Oregon.
DR. J. W. HILL, Yale, '78, Principal
and Proprietor.
J. A. HILL, Yalo B, '02, Vice
A select school for boys and young
gentlemen. Successful preparation for
college or business. Dlplomns ac
cepted by many leading Universities.
Small classes. Individual coaching.
Strict Discipline. Military training.
For Illustrated catalogue address Vice
The East Oregonlnn la Eastern Or.
gon's roprencntatlvei paper. ft leads
ana tna people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal nairnnm ft
the advertising medium of Uio section