East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 26, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    wiiwiwillillMIIWIIiMlllMliimi HIMimilll WW
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy.
Camden. N.J. "It is with pleasure
that I add my testimonial to your
already long list hoping that it, may
induce' others to avail themselves of
this vaiuaoie mem-
hain's Vegetable
Compound. 1 suf
fered from terribk
headaches, pain in
my back and right
eiae, was tired and
nervous, and sc
stand. Lydia K
Tinkham's Veceta
ble Compound re
stored me to health
,i m fMl like a new person.
All'. lli.l-'V ...V vv . , t
and it shall always have my praise.
-Mrs. W. P. Valentine, 902 Lincoln
Avenue. Camden, N. J.
Gardiner, Me. "I was a great suf
ferer from a female disease. The doc
tor said I would have to go to the
hospital for an operation, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound com
pletely cured me in three months.
Mrs. S. A. Williams, & F. D. !No. 14.
Box 39, Gardiner Me.
Because your case is a difficult one.
doctors having done you no good,
do not continue to suffer without
Sving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
ompound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner
vous prostration. It costs but a trifle
to trv it. and the result is worth mil
lions' to many suffering women.
DocfMcd ! Sister-In-law of Mayor
Hall and Bitter of Mrs. Professor
Howard Man Killed by Trolii Had
Previously Attempted His Life
(Special Correspondence.)
Freewatcr, July 24. Mayor J. H.
Hall returned on the evening train
from Heppner last night, where he
was called to the death bed of his
sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Hall of
that city. Mr. Hall left Heppner at
8 o'clock yesterday morning and on
his arrival in Freewater he found a
telegram awaiting him that Mrs. Hall
had died at 6 o'clock. She is a sister
of Mrs. Professor Howard of Mil1
ton. The remains will be brought to
Milton for burial.
Killed by Train.
The man who was found smashed
to pieces by an O. R. and N. train
yesterday, was the same man who
went to the ranch of Mr. Witherite
at Hudson Ray on Thursday evening
and attempted to commit suicide by
cutting his throat, but only cut some
of the smaller veins. Mr. Witherite
and his hired man tried to get the
razor from him but he got away from
them and ran in the direction of
Freewater Mr. Witherite came to
town to report the case so that he
could be watched, but the next heard
of him he was killed.
Rev. and Mrs. Rentley from Ne
braska, are visiting with Mrs. G. A.
Freltag at Ferndale and last Sunday
occupied the pulpit of the New Home
Raptist church at Ferndale and de
lighted the audience with their
preaching and singing. Mrs. Rentley
Is a sister of Mrs. Freitag.
C. G. Carroll, the Freewater tailor,
is in La Grande, this week on busi
ness. D. S. Sanderson, editor of the Free
water Times, went to Pendleton this
morning, taking the Loll boy to the
county seat, to be brought before the
juvenile court.
Miss Hallev Campbell of Northfield,
Minn., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Warren.
Hotel Saltair
Entrance to grounds at Saltair Sta
tion. Open for the season. Make
your reservation early. Write for
rates to postofflce, Seavlew, Wash.
A Wheat Hospital.
"This wheat has been through the
bospltal," said a miller. "I cau tell
by the tine polish on the gralus. Wheat
that has been through the hospital for
smut disease comes out bettor than
well wheat."
The wheat grains, In truth, shoue so
that one could almost see one's face In
"You can sec your face In them,
can't you?" said the miller. "And DO
wonder. They've been through drastic
treatment drastic. Smut Is a nasty
disease, a kind of mold, that Change!
the starch and gluten In wheat to
black powder. When you see Hour
full of black specks It Is a sign that
some of the wheat was smutted. The
cure Is first to wash the wheat thor
oughly. Then you dry It. Then you
scour It. Then you dry It again.
Finally you brush It. Wheat hospitals
they are found In most grain ele
vators nowadays have big machines
for washing, drying, scouring and
brushing the grain, and wheat on Its
very last legs comes out of those In
firmaries as spruce and blooming as a
football girl." Ruffalo Express.
An Astrologer's Letter.
An astrologer's letter to President
Van Ruren forecasting the results of
his election In 1840 Is In the library
of congress and perhaps gives a crude
Idea of some of the fallacies of our
grandfathers. The following are somo
extracts: "In this horoscope the as
cendant directed to the semisquare of
Mars would be in operation about the
middle of the fourth year, October,
1785, and might cause sickness,
flux or hurt by wounds," etc.
"I have opened the horoscope for Gen
eral Harrison, which accords with the
chief events of his past life and which
if right he will notBll the office of
president during the next term even
If elected. And the danger I appre
hend to yourself Is not from your pub
lic opponents, but from those on whom
yon repose confidence." Those who
are superstitious may be Inclined to
credit this star gazer with some meas
ure of wisdom, for Harrison, although
elected, died a month after his Inau
guration. New York Post
Seaside - Oregon
"Home cooking a specialty."
16 large, beautiful rooms, over
looking the ocean. A new
modern house, all outside rooms
A home like place for particu
lar people.
Mrs. E. E. Longenberger
P. O. BOX 4S4.
Portland. Magnus Hellstrom, con
tractor and engineer of New York, is
In the city looking over the field with
a possible view of locating here per
manently Refore returning east he
will make an extended tour of the
Pacific northwest.
When Mr. Hellstrom registered at
the Portland last night, it was sup
posed he was related to lime. Anne
Hellstrom-Oscar, prima donna so
prano of the Royal Opera, Stockholm,
who, with Herr Martin Oscar, ap
pears in concert here Friday evening,
but he said such is not the case.
"Rather peculiar coincident," said
Mr. Hellstrom this morning. "When
I reached the hotel last night I nat
urally created the impression that I
was one of the Hellestrom-Oscar par
ty. Hut it only happens that our
names are similar. Nevertheless, I
shall certainly not miss hearing the
famous cantratlce and Herr Oscar,
for they have big reputations abroad."
Speaking of conditions In New
York. Mr. Hellstrom, who has had
charge of the construction of many
large electric railroad systems, said
that during the past year projects in
that line have been very slack, but
. . . . - ,...... In.UnnHnTlfl
tnat inere are uvw ow-mis inmvwwvw
of a revival.
"The Pacific northwest appears to
me to offer a big field for railroads,
and electric lines in particular." Mr.
Hellstrom went on, "and while here
II intend to make a close investigation
of conditions. Oregon appears to be
a land of great promise and splen
did opportunities. The Atlantic coast
U overcrowded, with few fields for
new development."
Home Loving Montenegrins.
Nowhere Is love of country more In
tense than among the Montenegrins,
to whom exile Is the greatest of pun
ishments. When W. J. Stlllman was
there In the seventies nil the free men
were away fighting, and he observed
that when a messenger was wanted
the official took a man out of the pris
on and sent him off, with no fear that
he would not return. One such mes
senger was sent to Cattaro, In Aus
trlan territory, with n large sum of
money for the bank, and he duly came
back. Another asked a Russian at
Cattaro to Intercede with Prince Nlch
olas for his release from prison. "But
vou are not In prison," said the Rus
sian. "Oh," said the man, "I have
only come down for a load of skins
for So-and-so. but I must go Into pris
on again when I get back to Cettlnje.'
nun nrlson cuard watched all the pris
oners when they sunned themselves
mir of doors, and If be was called
away a prisoner would take his rifle
and act as sentry for the time.
Starling July I, '09
Leaves regular Mondays. Wed
nesdays and Fridays, arrives at
Lehman 6:30 p. m . Also hack
line dally.
Portland. Frederick Weyerhaeu
ser, "the lumber king , of America,"
was In the city yesterday enroute to
his home in St. Paul, after having
Abroad is a locality entirely sur
founded by saaslckness. In another
view it is n bourne more or less mys
terious, bounded on its farther side by
your income and on Its hither side by
custom houses where you have to de
clare everything you bring back with
you except a foreign accent and one
change of hosiery.
Abroad Is where
L They put
a. Labels all over your luggage and
h. It all over you.
2. You are nlmost always going
down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and
the good Samaritan Invariably wants
n tin
Abroad is the stage of history, but
that is onlv became history made the
too common mistake of not seeing
America first Puck.
Keeoinq Up the Limit
In J. Comyns Carr's reminiscences
Is n characteristic anecdote of Ruroe
Jones, who had consulted his doctor
about certain symptoms which seemed
"How many cigars do you smoke In
a Qn.fr the doctor Inquired of his pa
.... . n t ..... ,1 ,, . -u . In t V, i. A .V
rJt-ll i ion -m.y.T ici.ii ... .... ... - n nil) I luc
P. exposition and looking over his tint to which Rurne-.Iones had care
lessly replied, un, i emu nuuut m.
Round Trip
One Way . .
Interest! in the pacific northwest
The Weyerhaeuser syndicate holds
Immense tracts of timber In Oregon.
Idaho and Washington and to a'"0
engaged In the operation of large log.
ging camps under different names.
Mr. Weyerhaeuser! visit was vory
brief, but as he Is a man finding time
to do a great deal In surprisingly
brief periods, it is supposed that he
got pretty well acquainted with con
ditions during the few hours he was
The Weyerhaeuser! own a large
tract of land on the east bank of the
"Well." replied his advisor, tor mo
nresent vou had better limit yourself
in three" And In detailing the Incl
dent to me afterward Rurtie-.Toncs add
ed with a chuckle. "You know, my
dear Carr, I never did smoke more
than three."
"If 'excessive smoking alone could
,-nnse heart degeneration," writes a cor
respondent of the London Mail, 'such
CBSes would be common Instead or ex
Willamette n-ar 8L John's. vh re ; tremelv rare. The fact Is that only nn
n laree sawmill will eventually be I nlmost inflrtltiesiinal amount of nleotlm
v.i.iif !,vi,i tv,iu nmii r t it is simriosed in .i.Tirtiiiil'ln amokta. An ordinary
v. as giv ii some consideration since n7A i.gar or nn ounce of smoking to-
.Mr. cyraciiscr dcih-vcm wi.ii irom l.nco eniitn hs enougn or tins irun-m
Tickets on sale at French Res
taurant, Pendleton.
M. K. Thompson
Pilot Rock.
Makes Kidnes ind Bladder Right
now on the lumber industry ll going
to show rapid improvement.
Mr. Weyrhaeuser feels lss pessi
mistic regarding the future of the
lumber business than most men and
Is unable to see the danger of exter
mination of the forests within the
next 20 years or so, even If operations
arc carried on III a vigorous manner.
He says the financial poise of the
nation has been restored and that
the lumber outlook Is encouraging.
Now that The tariff is practically ad
justed on a basis that will meet with
the wishes of lumbermen, he said,
a rapid revival of business will fol
We want to dispose of several cars
in 4 ft. lengths Ask us for prtce in
any quarftlty.
Dotson to kill two men. The only ren
son all smokers are not killed at one
Is that the nicotine Is destroyed In the
combustion of the leaf.
"Why is procrastination said to he
the llilef of lime';" asked the teacher.
" 'Cause It takes a fellow so long to
say It," answered the bright boy at
the foot of the class. Chicago News.
When You BUILD.
Build to STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather,
Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
before you build your home.
I will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore
New York. Among the sporting
events on the calendar for this week
are the following:
Fifth annual tournament of tho
New England Military Rifle associa
tion begins at Ray State Range,
Wakefield, Mass.
Mavln Hart and Mike Schreck are
scheduled to meet again at Terre
Haute, Ind.
Grand Circuit harness racing opens
with' a J36.000 nyet at Detroit.
Great Western Oolf associations
amateur championships begin at Chi
Lawn tennis tournnment season be
gins at Casino, Newport, R. L
Monmouth Horse Show association)
will open Its annual exhibition at Long
Branch, N. J.
Western Rifle association shooting
tournament begins at Rrandon, Man.
Last Day of Niagara Racing asso
ciation's meet nt Fort Erie, Ont.
American Automobile association's
Olldden tours Is due to finish at Kan
sas City.
Canadian Henley, annual regatta
of Canadian Association of Amateur
Oarsmen, begins at St. Catherines,
Two days' automobile racing meet
begins at Rrighton Beach Motor
Charles Dooln, crack catcher of the
Philadelphia National League, will
retire from baseball.
Highland Park club will begin
nineteen-day racing meet at Winds-
ir. Ont.
Kansas City automobile club will
hold racing meet at Elm Ridge Park. I
Power boat race at 244 miles will
be held around Long Island.
Jimmy Britt and John Summers
ire matched to box In London.
Now Is the Time During the Hot
Weather to Install a Gas Range.
Are You Compelled to
work In a hot dirty kitchen, carrying wood and
coal and shaking grates,
start your fire an hour before you will use It,
burning up good fuel,
keep poking the fire and then have only a
measely little blaze, making your coffee luke
warm and your hot cakes white and doughy.
pay a fuel bill big enough to stagger your
spend nearly all your time In the kitchen, get
ting yourself all dirty and too tired to go and
dress to go out and enjoy yourself.
Then you cas get your meals In your best gown
without soiling It. Turn a valve and strike a
match and you have a strong, steady, concentrat
ed heat any time of DAY or NIGHT and at a
second's notice, and
When you're down town drop In our office and let us show you all
about a pas rsngs.
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Matlock Building.
Sees Mother Grow Young.
"It would be hard to overstate the
wonderful change In my mother i
since she began to use Electric Bit-
ters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gllpatrlck
of Danforth, Me. "Although past to
she seems really to be growing young
again. She suffered untold misery
from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last
she could neither eat, drink nor
sleep. Doctors gave her up, and an
remedies failed till Electric Bitters
worked such wonders for her
health." They invigorate all vital
organs, cure liver and kidney trou
bles, Induce sleep, Impart strength
and appetite. Only 50c at Tallman
& Co.
The First National Bank
Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits
Resources over .
Oldest and Largest Bank in Eastern
Security Good Service
Ralam. Ore. Aeeording to the re
port of County School Superintendent
I. J. Simmons, both the attennnnce
nd school population of Wheeler
,iint'v Is on the decrease. The at-
endance last year in Wheeler county
was fifil, this year It was fi-'f. i ne
opulatlon a year ago was 888, this
ear 875.
'1'hirtv.f-l.rht teachers were om-
r.inveii this rear as against 30 Inst
year. More money was expended for
school purposes but the salaries of
the teachers are on the decline. Male
teachers receiving last year an aver
age of $62.50 a month, hut this year j
i...ived but 58. There was a de
cline of from 161 to $50 In the aver
se monthlv salarv Of female teach
ers. About $16,500 was spent for
sehool purposes as ngnlnst a little
more than $13,00 last year.
Tel. No. Main 83 1 12 E. Court
Reservation Homesteads are Becoming Scarce
But you can Buy a Good Home any time through
Successor to
Fire Insurance, Life Insurance,
Burglars Insurance
Real Estate, City and
Farm Loans, Bonds
For Rent Unfurnished room In
East Oregonlan building; large and
cool; electric lights; bath on same
floor. Inquire this office.
Rend the "Want" ads today.
Either Way.
Psmitb-I'd Invite you home to din
ner with me, but wo hnve no cook.
KJones-And I'd Invite you home with
me, but we have one. Cleveland Leader.
Automobile stage to Lehman
springs. Inquire Pendlteon Auto Co.
Real Drugs-Real DrugglU
RAYMOND The last of his rate;
Astral seer and healer, teaches oc
cult science, reveals destiny and
advises on all affairs of life. 101
B. Webb street.
Phone Main 7569.
European Plan.
New concrete building, all outside rooms,
trie light, bells, phones. Hot and cold water.
Cornfield McBride
House Moving and
House Raising .'.
609 Willow St. Pendleton, Ore.
HOTEL PHILIP, Portland, Ore.
New Management,
Steam heat. Elec
Free Baths.