EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1900. PAGE FIVE. The Sensation of the Season We have placed on sale 50 Men's two-piece summer suits. Sizes range 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38. Single and double breasted. Good patterns. Pick out your size while they last at $165 No Alterations. They will go fast F. . Livengcod & Co. In and About Pendleton .Miirlln Wed Martin. A marriage liCMUM was issued this Maiming to Manuel C. Martin of Wal la Walla and Miss Minnie B. Martin said to be a resident of this count sues for Divorce. A suit for divorce was filed this morning by Lola 0. Lewis versus A. T. Lewis. They were married at l:urns, in Juim', 19u.i, and have no children. Desertion Is alleged. Motel Improvements. A new telephone booth has been Installed at the Hotel Bowman. The new one Is more modern than the old. The former booth has been en larged and will be used as a private office by Manager Cooper. Granted Teaching erllficates. A certificate to teach In the city of Pendleton has been granted by Coun- tv School Supcrint'i)d-nt Welles to Miss Inez Makin of Wallowa. The certificate was granted on her state grades. B Auto to Seattle. Dr. and Mrs. B, A. Vaughan will leave for Portland Friday. In that city they will Join a party that will travel by auto to Seattle to see the fair. Mrs. Kichardson, formerly Miss Bertha Matlock, will also be with the party. I LOCALS Pastime pictures please all. Rock Spring coal, Henry Koplttke. Beddow & Miller, exclusive plumb ers. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 302 Water street. For sale Two fresh milch cows. Enquire 417 Eddy street. 8ec Henry Koplttke for Rock Springs coal. Phone Main 178. For Sale Feed and chop mill, practically new. Inquire this office. If yuu want good dry wood, ring up H nry Kopittke. phone Mam 178 When In need of plumbing ring Peddow & Miller, phone black, 3550. Automobile stage to Lehman springs. Inquire Pendleton Auto Co. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. For rent Four room cottage, good location and condition. Inquire 100 E. Bluff street. Prompt plumbing wark at right prices. Beddow & Miller, the exclus ive plumbing shop. Wanted Position as cook in har vester, either stationary or combine. Apply 1012 E. Court street. C. C. Hendricks, agent for the Ver mont Loan & Trust company, will place loans on Umatilla farm lands Found near O. R. & K. depot, pair Indies long, black kid gloves. Owner can have sume by paying for this no tice. Six room furnished house for rent during summer to small family. In quire 314 Dustln street of phone Pluck 2341. Header boxes, feed racks and cook shacks made right and on short no tice. Prices are reasonable. Pen dleton Lumber Yards. For Rent Unfurnished room In East Oregonlan building: large and cool; electric lights; bath on same floor. Inquire this office. Ladles I have the agency from the Inventors for the latest methods of dress cutting. Those wishing to learn please call at 720 Aura. Also patterns cut to order. Are you going camping? If so, how la your outfit? Will you need a tent, stove, hammock, gun, fishing tackle, ammunition or camping outfit? We have a fine line and just what you want. Come in and see us. LaDow & Peterson. Mtsed her arm. She awakened sud denly and when she looked down Into the street, she became so terrified that she fainted. The fire depart ment was called out, an extension ladder put up to the ledge and two firemen carried the young woman i down. DEMOCRATS M OF HOUSE REPUBLICANS To PLAY BALL July 14. Republicans members of the house baseball game Friday Washington, and democratic i will meet in u afternoon. The democratic team will be cap tained by Representative Kingead of New Jersey, who will muster into ser vice Representatives Garner, Texas; Mcl lermott, Illinois; James, Kentucky; IliiKhes, New Jersey; Garrett, Ten nessee; Dan Drlscoll, New York; oVonnell, Masachusetts; Heflln, Ala bama, and Robinson, Arkansas. The republicans under representa tive Tenor of Pennsylvania, will put fortli Thomas, Ohio; Anthony, Kan sas; Vreeland, New York; Cole, Ohio; Puller, Pennsylvania; Dawson, Iowa; Taylor, (ihio; Morehead, Pennsylvan ia; Bennett, New York; Longworth, Ohio; Slemp, Virginia; Burke, Penn sylvania; Denby, Michigan; Gaines, West Virginia, and Hawley. Oregon. The proceeds will go to the Play Grounds association. in i'"' Plumbing Contract. Rcddow & Miller, the local plumb ers, have been awarded the contract for doing the ,lumblng work upon the new O. it. & N. depot. They will also have the plumbing work for the depot to be erected at Baker City. IrriNMil for Tresspassing. Sheriff T. D. Taylor left this morn ing for the headwaters of McKay creek, to arrest a young fellow by the name of Doan, who is charged with trespass. It is alleged that he Insisted on pasturing his stock in an other man's pasture. made North Yakima last night, en route to Winnipeg, Ont. Mr. Haye is accompanied by his wife, his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Penland, and his granddaughter, Flossie Penland. They are riding In a big Elmore 30-horso power touring car and are equipped with everything required to make their long Journey, camping by the roadside at night. Counting passen gers, tents, food, etc., the Elmore is hauling about 1500 pounds and Is at tracting considerable attention on thi street because of its heavily laden appearance. A long handled shove tied on her and some other imple ment of necessity In emergency cases there sucirests that the minister and his companions expected some diffl cultles when they left home. well Unknown Man Suicides, Portland. A middle aged dressed man, put a dramatic end to his own life at Moore's crossing on the Vancouver carllne at 11 o'clock this morning. In his pocket was a card with the name K. r . Turner. George Bowman and Bert Kale, twi young men living at 3!k rremon street, noted a tall, heavily built man rapidly approaching them walking on the street-car trestle near Hayden is land. When less than 200 feet from them he stopped suddenly, pulled a re. volver, and filing rapidly, put four bullets through his left breast. It was Turner's evident Intention to throw himself from the trustle for he staggered toward the edge even as he was firing, but death came too soon and he fell witn but a groan, spattering the ties of the streetcar track with blood. A Vancouver car which came up at the moment carried the body to the morgue. The only thing of value found in his pockets was an old brass watch, the only clue to his Identity a much thumbed card bearing his name and address. "52 1-2 Russell street, room 5, Merges building." lm Qmnde Woman Operated Upon. W. A. Worstel of La Grande, brought his wife to the hospital in this city yesterday, where this morn ing she had a cancer removed from the breast. This is the fourth opera tion which the woman has undergone, three of them being on the same side. Mr. Worstel returned home this afternoon. Warner Case at Walla Walla. District Attorney Phelps, Attorney James A. Fee, Attorney Douglass W. Bailey and Mrs. Mabel Warner, left last evening for Walla Walla, where today testimony Is being taken for Mrs. Warner's side of the Young will contest. The hearing will be con vened here tomorrow and will be finished up Wednesday or next day. WEALTH? PORTLAND MERCHANT GIVES MUCH TO CHARITY WAKES ON A LEDGE FAR ABOVE STREET New York. It required efforts of the fire department and police de tachment to save Miss Catherine Soulier, a sleep walker, from death at her home In Yonkers. Miss Soulier, who had been afflicted with somnam bulism for several years, rose from her bed and, with her eyes closed, walked out of a window onto a nnr low ledge three stories above a well lighted street Passorsby saw her and called the police. An officer ran up stairs nnd climber out of the win dow. Miss Soulier had reached the end of the ledge when the policeman Portland, July 14. Three benevo b ut institutions share In the will of Solomon Lipman, recently deceased which was admitted to probate be fore the county court this morning, The Kirst Hebrew Benevolent society receives by Its terms $3000; the Neigh hern 1 House of South Portland, $1000. and the Baby's Home, $1000. All of the property belonging to the estate Is bequeathed to I. N. and W F Lipman, sons of the deceased mer chant, to be held by them In trust un. til the death of Mrs. Lipman, when the estate s to be divided among the three children. I. N. Lipman, W. F. Lipman and Mrs. Rose Heller. The will provides that Mrs. Lipman shall receive the sum of $1000 a month during her life time, and in ad dition the residence property, silver ware and furniture. A codicil to the will provides that Mrs. Heller shall receive the dividends arising from the 200 shares of the capital stock of Lip man, Wolfe & Co. No statement Is made In the papers filed with the county clerk, as to th value of the estate as no inventory of the property has yet been taken. The will was filed by N. R. Simon of the law firm of Beach & Simon. New Ontario PlHHie Company. Ontario, Ore. At a called meeting of Ontalro citizens last night nn Inde pendent telephone company was or ganized. It will be Incorporated for $10,000. The Bell company recently removed Its toll station from here to Payette. Idaho, and the citizens, de siring better service, subscribed sev eral thousand dollars for a new com pany in which the members of the BoilB Independent company will he stockholders. Nearly every citizen of Ontario Is a stockholder In the new company. Officers nnd directors were elected last night, also , committee on by laws to file IncorpWntlon pnpers. I aire Strawberries. John Hentley has had on display at his office during the past few days a small box of us large strawberries as that gentleman ever saw. They were grown on the W H. Bell place on Cabbage Hill and were of extra ordinary dimensions, tnough no measurements were taken. They were of the Sharpless variety. Writing for Oregon Jobs. Portland. "I'm married, don't Irnik a drop, cuss a little and work like the devil." constitutes one sen tence from an original application for a hardware salesman's Job receiv ed this morning by the publicity bu reau of the Commercial. The writer was an easterner, who explained his desire to come to Oregon by saying that he had learned It it was the best place on the globe and that he wanted to get out among good people. The expressions were so quaintly put that the clerical force of the club adjourn ed business for a prolonged laugh fest. The expression of the hardware salesman is a superior sample of th. thousands of applications for work being received each day by Manager Richardson of the Commercial club. Pouple in Halne. Texas, California and intermediate points are planning to come to Portland. Hundreds of letters have been received from men who wish to buy land In central Ore gon as soon as transportation faclli ties are provided. TWO Teachers Wanted. Two school positions with fairly good saluries attached are awaiting the right men in Umatilla county. One la the princlpalshlp of the Umatilla schools, G. M. Wolf, having recently tendered his resignation; while the other Is instructor in the Nolln scnooi. This is a large district and a position that requires a man of ability KOEPPEN is showing something new in ALCOHOL Gas Stoves that are money savers The home kind and the camp kind. "The Drug Store 'Cli.it Serves You Best." ELSIE SIGEL POISONED BKIX)RK HEIXG STRANGLED New York, July 14 A chemical analysis by Professor George Fergu son, of Columbia university, has de tected the presence of poison in the vital organs of Elsie Slgel, who was murdered in the room of Leon Ling, nnd whose body was packed in a trunk. Further chemical tests are being made to determine the nature f the poison. This disclosure by Professor Ferguson confirms the evi dence submitted to the police 10 days ago that a Chinaman tried to buy poi son at a drugstore near the Chinese restaurant over which the girl was murdered, and that this effort to pro cure the poison was made on the day before KUie Slgel was killed. An- ther drugstore near the restaurant filled a prescription for a powerful irritant poison the night before the girl was murdered. flie result of the chemical analysis on tne viscera is the first absolute proof the police have had that F.lsle Slgel was poisoned before her body was strapped up and packed In the trunk, A postmortem examination led the coroner to declare that the girl had been strangled to death. Strangulation might have been the direct cause of death, but Professor Ferguson has established the fact that the young missionary worker was under tne inuuence or n power ful drug nt the time she was strangled. MoCreclle Won't Wear Gown. Husuin. Wash. Judge W. W. Me Credle, presiding Judge of the su perlor court, of which this county constitutes a part of the circuit, still refuses to wear a gown while holding court. He is stated to have said that he will not wear one before the Sep tember Jury session, and in all pro bability not then If the state did not buy it. The Judge says: "I have written to the state auditor asking him if he will accept vouchers for gowns but have received no reply In regard to the violation of the law being a misdemeanor, I have not look ed the matter up. The law Itself car ries no penalty, but there may be provision making It a misdemeanor for the violation of It." From the fact that the gown would not be a part of his regular raiment. Judge McCredle holds that it Is unfair for the state to cause him the expense. Finds Body of Dead Man. Portland. Harold Wright, a small town boy, acclmpanled by a friend, started early this morning on a search tor Diackerries. His first find was made when he reached a point two miles west of Willamette Heights, the dead body of on unidentified white man, lying face down In the under growth. Before reporting the dls covery to the police station the boys found a bullet wound in the head, the hair all about It burned with powder, Indicating that the shot had been fir ed at close range and probably by the man himself. Unable to find a telephone in the neighborhood the youngsters ran most of the way back to town before thev notified the station. Dunning, Mc Intec & Gilbaugh sent a wagon for the body and it will be brought to the city morgue where an effort will be made to Identify it. Lake County Rxaminer: You can set it down as a fixed and immutable fact that the day Is not far distant when every acre of government land n Lake county will be taken up and devoted to the use which It is best adapted, be it fruit, grain, pasture or mine! Aldrich taxes even liberty heavily. You will see eternal vlgllence on the high list next. PENDLETON PEOP1 E o LONG AUTO TRIP North Yakima Is at present enter taining two merry automobile tour ing parties that have already made many miles since they lef'home and are scheduled to make many more before their month's suffer Otttlng is over, says the Yakima Republic. Rev. J. S. Haye. a dominie In the Ciurch of Christ In Spokane, has his broadototb off and is driving one of the cms and W. 10 Rentier of TacOntS Is driving the other. The Have party arrived here the night of July 5 and Is headed for Seattle and other points of interest on the coast. Mr. Renner THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. fOUR BEST MVESTMENT-OUR EXPERIENCE In Case of Accident You should have a bottle of pure old whiskey in the house. One you. can rely upon. That you know is right. Such a one is CYRUS NOBLE; for the first time in 44 years now sold direct to you. BKT, ii inn rsmi' f 1 rall - quart bottlei, packed in plain caaee & all chargci prepaid to the neareal railroad exprea office for 4. 90 No danger of refilled bottles w hen you buy from us. No danger of some cheap worthless substi tute being palmed off on you. We have been the distributers of this famous brand, selling wholesale only, for 44 years. Pure old honest whiskey aged in wood. Every. bottle guaranteed. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. DISTILLtRS AGENTS EtUbluktd 1864 105-107 Second St. Portland. Orrroo cut T this imt MO mail to o. M W. J. Van Schuyrer & Co., Poni.r.d Or.fo. EadoMd pUw ftmi $4.90 fo, -UK pica md M at oacc by apm. ptpt low quru GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. P.O Addre . Sm Wenaha Springs Oregon Season 1909 $2.00 and $2.50 per day $12.50 to $15 per week 2 weeks or more 10 per cent, reduction 4 weeks or more, 20 per cent reduction Tents rented furnished or unfurnished. Cottages rented for sleeping room only. Camping privilege $1 .25 per week each adult. Swimming pool free to guests of hotel or campers. Stage Fare $1.00 Each Way Excess Baggage and Freight Charges 50c per cwt. Extras Furnished To Campers Tents, per week $2. 00 Bed Springs, per week 25c Bedsteads, per week 25c Mattresses, per week 25c Rates Made to Families Further information furnished upon application to J. A. BORIE Wenaha Springs, Ore. Gibbon P. O. Rosy Cheeks or Pale Ones? A moment's reflection with your mirror will give the hint as to the condition of vour system. Pale cheeks, muddy complexion, dull eyes, show a poverty of blood. You require something to make a plentiful supply of rich, red blood course through your veins. To ensure this take BEECHAM'S PILLS the wonderful little blood-makers. Whatever your blood may need the stomach will supply from the daily food when it is in good working order. Beecham's Tills aid the stomach to digest be food and to assimilate the blood elements. They increase the supply and improve the quality of the blood. If you are pale, weak, languid, or anaemic, a few doses of Beecham's Pills will Make all the Difference In boxes with full directions, 10c and 25c Persons wishing for a restful outing by the sea will do well to engage rooms at Locksley Hall Hotel CLATSOP BEACH, OREGON To accomodate people we have added European plan as well as American. We claim to set the best table at Seaside with plenty of Sea food . , This money making hotel is for as parties are going to Europe sale Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week. 1 Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not bevond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. KOEPPKX A BROTHERS. Cures Bickachj Corrects Irregularities- Do not risk having Bright's Disease jarDinetes