mumm MM HHMMH S5H EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OHEUO.MA.V, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 190fl. PAGE FIVE. daOlftred ttint he had no sympathy for such a man. 0t In and About Pendleton DAN KELLEY WILL BE T SEATTLE FIELD MEET Store will be open all day Tomorrow Make This Your Headquarters Extra Special Sale All Day on Men's Women's and Children's Will Visit In Msi. Miss Hazel Hamblen, stenographer In the law office Of Lowell & Winter, I'-.iv'h this evening for Minneapolis, where she will be the guest of rela tives for a month. That city was the home of the family before they came to Oregon. Take Body to Echo, The remains of Mrs. Delia Smith, who died at the hospital here yes terday, were shipped to Echo this morning for Interment. The body was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Albert, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Albert. SHOES Judge I'll. Gerald Patriotic There lH but one office in the city that is fittingly decorated for the big celebration tomorrow. That is the one occupied by Judge Fltz Gerald, the Judge having with his own hands and with his own flags made that of fice take on a patriotic appearance. F. E. Livengcod & Co. Store will be closed all day Monday Wallowa Horses to Washington. A car load of horses en route from Bnterpriaa to Mondova, Washington, nrai transferred here this morning from the O. It. & X. to the Northern Pacific. They were heavy draft horses and were being shipped bv iprinkle Brothers. RESULTS OF TIE BIG GAMES YESTERDAY : New York 2 7 Hatterles Smith, Hughes and Street; Manning, Qulnn and Sweeney. SI)TS OK ALL SORTS. nasi I eaguc Results. At iiakland; No. Innings, 9 Portland 2, Oakland 3. At Los Angeles Vernon 0, Los Angeles 5. At Sacramento Sacramento 3 Ban Francisco l. Pacific ( oust fifngmi Today Club. Won. Lost. P. C San Francisco 58 Los Angeles 54 Sacramento 47 Portland 42 Vernon 34 Oakland 34 Latteries Const GUMS, At Oakland Portland, Darkness, Armbruster; Oakland, Wlggs, C. Lewis. At Los Angeles Vernon, Schafer, Hogan; Los Angeles, Nagel, Orcti dorff. At Sacramento Snn Francisco, Corbett, Williams; Sacramento, Eh tnan, Graham. 35 38 39 4-J 56 59 .61' 4 :.s7 .647 r,u" .375 .362 Northwestern League Results. At Portland; No. innings, 9 Aberdeen 1. Portland 0. At Seattle Spokane 4. Seattle .6. Two games at Tacoma Vancouver 10-n. Tacoma 0-5. North western League, Today flub. Won. Lost P. C. Seattle R1 24 .680 gpokan 3s 34 528 Aberdeen 34 38 .472 Portland 33 40 .452 Vancouver 33 44 .452 Tacoma 32 4 4 .4 27 Neither Stem, Heck nor Autrey m I mis able to hold down first base for tin' Huston Nationals so far this season. "Young Cy" Young is coming into his own at Minneapolis, making the heavy hitters of the American asso ciation back up. From all accounts of their last bout In Boston, Sandy Ferguson and Joe Jesnette would make better wrest- I rs than fighters. The Pittsburg Pirates continue I l place more, daylight between their position and the resting place of ithe other National league teams. "Doc" Newton, who has had nu merous trial with the New- York Am- rlcsns, has been cast aside once more. Toronto has adopted "Doc" this time. Hilly Hamilton, the old National leaguer, has his Lynn team at the top of the New England Irtigue. Hilly also leads the league In hitting. Jim Jeffries, John L. Sullivan and Jack Johnson were in Providence at the same time the other day, but the three did not meet. According to a southern scribe, Floyd Roberta Is to pitch, play right field, also first base and coach the baseball team of Albany, da. It must take something faster than speed to do all this. Sewer Floods cellar. A bursted abandoned sewer pipe Is flooding the basement of the Rader furniture Btore this afternoon, despite the efforts of Mr. Radar and his em ployes to keep it pumped out. The capacity of the hole In the sewer is greater than the capacity of the pump. Unique window. The W. J. Clarke hardware com pany has a window that Is attracting n.uch attention today. It is a repre sentation of the army as It appeared in 1S76 anil as It appears today. The miniature cannon with the gunner Is probably the most unique feature of the display. Seattle, July 2. Dan Kelly lH not down yet. in spite of the report that the famous red-haired Oregon sprinter was laid up with a sprained ankle and would not be able to race again, he has appeared once more ready for action, entering with the Multnomah club In the giant A. A. IT. meet at the stadium of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclfle exposition. In August. Dan has announced that he will en ter the broad Jump. Ju, this event, Whatever the eastern critics may say about his sprinting ability, he is ad mitted to be one of the top-notchers of America. He easily won first place In the "broad" in the Jamestown meet and took second In the London Olympic games last year. The sporting world would like to see Dan Kelly try the spring again. On a northwest field Kelly could be ex pected to regain some of his laurels ht lost in the east. Running the hundred yard dash at Spokane In 9 3-5 seconds, or the world's record time, Kelly startled the world. The eastern hammers began their anvil chorus but nevertheless Dan was allowed the world's record In the event. When he went east he was placed in a hard position. On the one hand he had the reputation which it was practically impossible for any human being to maintain. He was put up against the best men in the world on a straight track. Kelly fell down In his heat at the Jamestown ex position and since then he has never run again. He may be persuaded to race at Seattle. The First National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Report of the condition, June 23, 1 909, to the comptroller of the currency Condensed RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. .$1,349,219.77 Overdrafts 34,931.73 U. S. Bonds 255,000.00 Other bonds and securities Bank building Cash and exchange. 20,826.35 10,000.00 444,700.70 $2,114,678.55 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 250,000.00 Surplus and undivided Profit 134,267.45 Circulation 238,300.00 Due to banks 17,851.93 Deposits 1,474.469.17 $2,114,878.55 LOCALS HcCourts Return Home. United States District Attorney John McCourt and family left on the noon train for their home In Port land, after a visit of several days In this city. Mr. McCourt was here on bus In SSI for the government as well as to care for private matters, while Mrs. McCourt and children were the guests of friends. sues for Divorce, A suit for divorce has been filed by Doynes Turner against Jennie Tur ner. Both are well-known residents of Pendleton and were married here January IS, 1108. Cruel and inhuman treatment is alleged us grounds for divorce, the cruel treatment alleged (i nsisting of nagging and abuse through jealousy of Mrs. Turner "lay friends." on the part of his wife EASTERN GAMES. Imerloau League, At Boston R H. K. Philadelphia 1 6 3 Boston 3 9 1 Batteries Bender and Thomas; Ar rellanes and Carrlgan. At Cleveland H. E Detroit 9 13 1 Cleveland 3 6 6 Batteries Wllllts and Schmidt; Berger, Liebe and Easterly. At Chicago R. H. E. St. Louis 2 8 1 Chicago 0 4 0 Batteries Pelty and Crlger; White, Sullivan and Owens. At New York R. H. E. Washington 1 7 2 ILLINOIS H s ttO m:w EFFECTTVI Poor Appetite indicates weakness of the stom ach nerves which control the desire for food. It is a sure sign that the digestive organs need the help of BEECH AMS mm SjM "vcrywhero. In boe 10c. ni.d 25c. Chicago Two hundn d and twenty new laws passed by the last Illinois legislature go Into effect July 1. Some of the big measures are not operat ive before next January, notably the hazardous machinery act and the Board Of Control, which takes over all charitable Institutions. The chief laws effective tomorrow are: Forbidding women to work In fac torles or tiny place where machinery is employed, more than 1(1 hours a day. This di es not apply to merenn Hie establishments. Permitting automobile drivers to de fend themselves in court under law permitting "reasonable speed." Authorizing the city of Chicago to add $16,000,000 to Its bonded indebt edness. Permitting "white slaves" to testify when their husbands "are Involved." Making It a felony to detain any wo. man in a resort on charge of debt. Providing for the examination and licensing of barbers. Inheritance tax law, which will add millions to state revenue. Punishing landlord! who bar chil dren from flats. Creating forest reserves. Pawnbrokers required to hold nil ar ticles a year and cutting Interest to 3 per cent a month. Are you going camping? If so, how Is your outfit? Will you need a tent, stove, hammock, gun, fishing tackle, ammunition or camping outfit? We have B tine line and Just whnt you want. Come In and see us. taDow & Peterson. Plant Trout Fry. C. K. Cranston, secretary of the 1 cal anglers' association: "Click Humphrey, William Hoch and Pete Swanson, returned today from Mea i ham creek and Wenaha. where they hail been to plant the SflOO eastern brook trout fry received from the government hatchery for distribution In the Fmatllla river and Meacham creek. Steve ion wins prise. Steve Done, the local blacksmith and amateur fisherman has been awarded the prize fishing rod offered by the Taylor hardware company for the man catching the largest trout with tackle purchased from that store. About a month ago Done landed beautiful 2o Inch trout, and as thlj record was not excelled he was there fore awarded the eight dollar rod which had been hung up as the prize McClure t'pholils Dr. S. W. McClure. of the bureau of animal Inustry, left this afternoon for Salem. He is en mute for the capital on business connected with the controversy over the law creat ing the state veterinarian. Dr. Mc Clure Is of the conviction that the law passed nt the last legislative ses sion and which makes the state sheep Inspector the state veterinarian as well. Is right and legal as it stands. While in Salem he will consult with overnor Benson and Attorney Gen eral Crawford upon the subject. Watch Tallnmn drug store corner. Stlnson, lrlntliig Expert. L. R. Stlnson, who was here Inst week for the Knights of Pythias grand idge session, being the grand keeper if records and seal in that order, has Just been appointed by Governor Hen son as state printing expert. He will ueeeed Albert Tozier who has held that post for the past seven years. It is the duty of the state printing ex pert to audit the work of the state printer and the post Is one of much responsibility. It Is understood that the duties of the office to which he. has been appointed will nut necessi tate Mr. Stinson's resignation from his office with the Knights of Pythias. KOEPPEN is showing something new$in ALCOHOL Stoves that ias are money savers The home kind and the camp kind. "The Drug Store Tbnt Serves You Best." l ined for Fighting, Thomas Ward. Glen Vtakera and Claud Franklin, participants in a three cornered tight on Main street, last evening were arraigned in police court this morning and each given a sen ten te of $10 or five days. Vlckers paid, but the other two are languish ing in durance vile. Ward, the oldest member of the trio, threw himself up. on the mercy of the court but the court had no mercy. It seems the man was drunk and he was Informed by fudge Fltz Gerald thai there was n excuse for a man being drunk In Pendleton al the present time. Me sal, I that to get drunk heve now It was in 'essary for a man to deliberat ely plan go forth with the In tention, not only of breaking the law hinweUa but or inducing someone else to break the law also and the court Pastime pictures please all. Rock Spring coal, Henry' Knplttke. Watch Tallman drug store corner. Beddow & Miller, exclusive plumb ers. Wanted Family cook. Inquire this office. See Henry Kopittke for Rock Springs coal. Phone Main 178. For Sale Feed and chop mill, practically new. Inquire this office. If you want good dry wood, ring up Henry Kopittke, phone Ma n 178 When in need of plumbing ring Peddow & Miller, phone black, 3556. Automobile stage to Lehman springs. Inquire Pendleton Auto Co. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. For rent Three furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 205 West Webb. Six houses and three tents for rent. Inquire of Mrs. E. O. Curren, Ocean Park, Wash. For rent Four room cottage, good location and condition. Inquire 100 E. Bluff street. Wanted Boy of 16 years i r over to learn printing trade. Inquire East Oregonian office. Great shoe reductions at the Peo ples Warehouse. Come early while we have your size. Prompt plumbing wark at right prices. Beddow & Miller, the exclus. ive plumbing shop. For the next 10 days we will sell all our summer millinery at cost and below. Campbell's Mlllinerv. C. C. Hendricks, agent for the Ver mont Loan & Trust company, will place loans on Umatilla farm lands That coal abounds around Spencer butte and along Spencer creek Is mor ally certain, says the Eugene Register. The Ladies' Aid of the Christian church will serve chicken dinner in the room next to Eller's Piano house Saturday, July 3. Wanted by two experienced women. .""ook house for big crew. Address Mrs. C. J. Huffman, Freewater, Ore. R. F. D. 1, Box 60. Header boxes, feed racks and cook Bhacks made right and on short no tice. Prices are reasonable. Pen dleton Lumber Yards. Man and wife want to rent furnlsh- d four or five room modern house for summer or longer. References given. Address X, care E. O. J! Jiwie 23, 1904 $ 631,042.33 o June 23, 1905 939,990.53 J June 23, 1906 987,861.04 i, June 22, 1907 1,053,152.08 J June 23, 1908 1,304,329.50 II June 23, 1909 1,474,459.17 FIVE YEARS GROWTH DEPOSITS. OF I, Geo. Hartman, Jr., Ass' Cash ier of the above named lank, do solemnly swear that the within statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. HARTMAN, JR., Asst. Caahter. me Increase In deposits since statement April 28, 1909, $114,419.39. bubscribed and sworn to before this 24th day of June, 1 909, C. K. Cranston Notary Public for Oregon. sss 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MM Mf "Fry" at MoKenste Hatchery, Through the efforts of Senator Bourne, Master Fish Warden McAl lister and A. C. D.xon, a number jf the Lane County Fish and Game as sociation. 230,000 trout spawn have been cared for at the McKenzle hatchery for the past year. The spe cies are eastern rainbow and brook trout. Through the process of prop agation 50.000 of the fry failed to survive, but this is the usual percent age of loss. The fry are now about two Inches in length and lively as crickets. Celebrate at Meacham. There will be a big dance at Mea cham on Saturday evening, July 3. Music by the La Grande orchestra. Everybody invited to come and cele brate with us. A good time assured you. M. A. Milton was elected school di rector at Lebanon for the twentieth consecutive year. ache Proper glasses will pUt a stop to that constant head If your eyes are weak nnd Baker City raised $10,000 as a bonus watery they need glasses. If you are to build an extension of a railroad 40 wearing glasses and continue to suf mlles distant from that town in six fer such troubles then your glasses (lays- I are wrong. With a practice in Pen- ! dleton extending over 5 years we are Automobile stage to Lehman I pi epared to give you dozens of ref springs. Inquire Pendjteon Auto Co. erences. Eyes examined free. Prices reasonable. Dayton Bros., eye special Watch Tallman drug store corner. Ists. over French Restaurant. Prompt and Practical Watch, Clock and Jewelry EPAIRING A. L. Schaefer Successor to Louis Hunxiker. HOTEL PHILIP, Portland, Ore. FOURTH. FIFTH AND BURXSIDE STREETS. Phone Main 7559. European Plan. New concrete building, all outside rooms, trie light, bells, phones. Hot and cold water. RATES: 75c PER DAY UP. New Management, Steam heat Elec Free Baths. SPECIAL WEEKLY. The Most Beautiful Homes Built Today, Are Being Made of Concrete Blocks. They are pret tier, more sub stantial and far more comporta ble in either hot or cold weather. See my many beautiful de signs In con crete blocks before you build your home. o m Contractor and Builder D. T. MHY Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Foundations, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better Its longer than stone. I will furnish vou mtlmsit for any claaa of work on application. Cor. Rati road amd Willow Sts.