BIGHT PAGES- DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. I'KX DLKTON, OJtKGON. I'HIDAY, JII.Y 2, i0. PAGE THREE, III COUNTRIES INTERESTED li CONQUEST OF TOE 1 SCHIVELY ON TRIAL id SENATE AUGUST 1 PROGRAM FOR THE INDIAN CELEBRATION "Within five yean atrshlpi win be currying punngon ncros the ocean In eighteen hours -loo miles nn hour. Aerial flight will he com mercl; in that time. The north pole tan ami will b reached In a 40 hour trip. The perfected helleoptal will be able to encircle the globe In a week." Thomas A. Edison. ficrmuny huH ordered experiments with aerlul cruisers for offensive pOrpOMI, and tests of different types of sheliH 'fa be dropped from nlr shlps. She has formulated plans for an aerial nee I with an airship at every frontier fort and seueoast for tification. The first reft aeronautical expo sition the world has ever seen will he held from July 10 to October 10 at Krankfort-on-the-Maln, Germany. Ring Leopold of Belgium has put Up a prize of $5000 for the best work answering the queetlon: "Describe the progress of aerial navigation and the best means to encourage It." There is no restriction limiting the competitor! to any nationality. Same Idea at Same Time. Two Inventors on opposite sides of the Atlantic have Independently con ceived substantially the same Idea of using Instead of a single large propeller a number of small propell ers of relatively low speed K. V. Hammond, of London, has construct ed sui'h a multiple propeller nnd has conducted a series of valuable ex periments. The American Inventor, Wilbur R. Klmhall, has constructed n heloc ipter, the lifting propeller of which Is built on the multiple prin ciple. Henry I'arman Intends to dispense with the rear rudder for horizontal steering, and will make the rear planes flexible, so that they can carry out steering movements as well an act as stabilizers. It Is reported that a factory ca pable of turning out 100 aeroplanes yearly Is to be established at Ham mondsport, X. T. One of the lead ing automobile companies Is also contemplating the construction of aeroplanes and air ships at Its Uos ton factory. R. H. R. Green, president of the Texas Midland railway, haB ordered a Wright aeroplane, which. It Is said, will cost between tfOOO and $SO00. Han) BeJIoana in Germany, Germany has completed six dirig ibles nnd has six others under con struction. A great manufactory al ready exists at Frledrlchshaven. Hy September the German government will be able to build two airships able hy side and to complete the ves sels at the rate of one a month. Four officer! and eighty-seven men are now employed upon these experi ments, and hy the end of next year the corps Is expected to muster over a thousand. Sir H train Maxim said recently: "At the present rate of progress we should certainly have machines with in a few years that would travel at tin rate of sixty mile an hour, nnd to carry a load of 1,'Om I. The beat in'n- oave kJie time be abb pounds." a model of m. Jacquelln'i flying machine has arrived at Monaco, where Its Inventor hopes to demon strate Its practical utility wings of this flyer are said at the rate of 0000 Itrokei Ute. According to the London Bxprtil the Archduke Joseph !' rdinantl, who was testing a new dirigible ballmn at Lelna, Austria, recently arrange i w iui uouni von onrnnri to m.iKe , a simultaneous ascent with his di rigible. The two airships rose about 200 feet when they were seen to rusli towurd each other and oomi Into violent collision. The Impact locked the shipn together, and it tVfl! Impossible to separate them until they descended, five hours later. Emw io Learn to i i. Wilbur Wright has been' Quoted a! saying that "any man who Is quick at picking up things can easily lean, to fly In two hours." Many of the boys of Frimet abandoned the oldfaehloned and are devoting their spare and pocket money to the making of model aeroplanes, The most popular are biplanes, about five feet in length, driven by elastics and cupable of fly ing about 100 feet. A Helgin Inventor has constructed a flying machine modeled from the locust insect. It is claimed that with a 100-horsepower motor the machine weighs a trifle less than 870 pounds. Austria has decided to construct two types of dirigibles for military purposes. Both are to be built from the designs of Dr. Haymolid Nim fuhr. Russia having ucqulrefl the first i 'lement-Rayard dirigible, Ti. Cle ment is now engaged In plans for his Clement-Bayard No, 2 This will be far larger than Its predeces sor. Herr Mathis of Strasburg. who has bought the original Wright aeroplane, announces trial flights of this and also of u new Wright machine with u Fiat motor. A new aerial record was set up by the German war-airship Zeppelin I , which made a flight of over thirteen hours, carrying several passengers. A record of a different kind was made by m. Bantoe-Dumont on his dlmln utlve new monoplane Demoiselle, In which he flew a mile and a halt D molselle may be called a Pali;- plane, for Its we'ghs hut '-'70 pounds, and can be transferred from place to place on a mot"r car. New Olympia, Wash., July 2. The trial in the Impeachment of John H, schi- N !y Will begin before the senate Wed nesday, AUgUSt 1, at 2 o'clock, 28 days, after the Issuch for the case shall is.-nv been oined b) the attorm j - rep; resenting the people and the defend ant. Hy a V0,te of to 14 at noon yesterday the senate determined the time as between July 21 and the date I fixed. The earlier date was urged by I the friends of the administration. It In ing urged that the session would have to adjourn within 60 days and 'the trial would have to be completed In fori- adjournment. Oil showing that as a court of im pes brunt the senate could sit indefi nitely, the date was arranged to give time fof depositions to be gotten from tern States, with the Idea that the one recess by the senate would cover all delays which might be occasioned by having an early reconvening "f the body. 81 hlvely appeared before the sen ate and the house members who bad left their places under recess for an hour, While the senate determined the future progress Ot the impeach ment, Schlvely showed no aggitatlon Or nervousness at the hundreds of eyes peering at him from the galler ies. Hundreds of citizens of Ohim.i.t. including a large number of women, crowded the galleries anil attentively listened to every word that was spo ken n the debates which followed the motion to fix the time of trial. Compromise! on Date. The board of managers of the house was represented hy Attorney General Hell, while G. C. Israel, a local attor ney, represented Schlvely. An air of anxiety prevailed the senate this mor ning on convening, and no business was attempted but the determination of the impeachment proceedings. Schlvely asked for 90 days In which to prepare his case, urging that de positions were necessary from eastern States, and that without them he could not enter upon the trial with a fair chance to defend himself. Fin ally the senate agreed to give him 30 days as a compromise. The house and senate will take recess this afternoon, the members leaving for their homes. At 10:10 this morning. John Schlv ely, accompanied by his counsel, G. C. J Israel, appeared before the bar of the senate as a high court of Impeachment and filed a motion asking that 90 lay! be allowed for preparation of j the ! tense. York World. The best at right prices in lawn mowers, garden hose, grass c;m -tiers, the fnmous Insurance Gasoline Stove also the only lawn trimmer In t'v ity It saves your knees and back LaDOW & Peterson. Snut'i Fork correspondence of Mil-j 1 Eagle: The Princess Pewclotheg, 1 Princess HIyouEatemSkunk, Lady j 1 SklnclotheS, the Honorable Lady d gag Ken De Make the Tripe, Bally Sawdust, Lady Angelica K. Shlnglepile I and another old lady who looked like , tnt, s(ssion decides to For Rent Unfurnlehed room in Fast Oregonlan building: '.nrc. n cool: electric lights; bath oil sam floor. Inquire this office. a cross between a bunch of hornet en I a knot on a pine tree were seen rt.-ollli'g along the river early this (Special 'orrcspohdonce.) Tutudla Mission, July ). Ho far as the Committee on program and ar rangements for the Indian camp meeting at Tutuiiia Presbyterian church can hear definitely from the prospective speakers the following person! at the named dates will ad dress the people, aii the meetings will be in charge of the Indian pas tor. Rev. gj, J. ( 'minor, who will also be interpreter for the English ad dresses. Other committeemen for detail work attout the dinner and Other work about the camp have been appointed. Mr. Connor will speak Thursday evening and conduct the business ses sion to follow, and will speak at all other services where no special ad dress is arranged for. On Friday at 2 p. m, and h a. in. Rev. W. G. White, the Sunday school missionary of file. Presbytery Ot Pendleton will speak on some phases of the young people's work and temperance Rev. E, W. Warrington of Pilot Rock and Dr. J. V. Milligan, D. D., of Port land, will be In the camp for dinner on Saturday. After dinner each of these mill wi'll make appropriate patriotic and 4th of July addresses. Saturday evening Dr. Milligan will give the first stereopticon lecture, as sisted by Rev. W. L. Van Nuya of Pendleton. The regular Sabbath services will be held at which time other visitors of both Indians and whites will be heard. Sunday at 8 p. m another stereopticon lecture on the mission work will be given. Supervisor Chas. L. Davis has been asked to address the people some time during the meeting on some phase of "Good Citizenship," pertinent to these Indians, and we think he will agree to do it, though no definite response has come from him. Only eight years remains of the time when these Indians are sup posed to be, in deed and truth, full fledged citizens, so there is an open field for instruction along this line, and we are expecting something good from Mr. Davis, if he will agree to "let It out" Dr. W. S. Holt. D. D., field secre tary of the home mission board for the Pacific coast, hopes to reach the camp in time to address us along his line of work, if his prearranged dates will allow him to do so, but up to present time no definite word has come from him. The committee on program and ar riMiSenn lis has endeavored to se enri pi b ken that would "fill up" all in pthi r ways than the filling up J process Which will take place Sat urday at noon, to Which all are in- I vlted, as well as to other features. It was intended to "break" camp Mon- j day, and such will be the case, un- hold over Tiic ate "' I lently the Crater by a Bush. '.ford Judge Lake Tribune ( iellowayi road was remarks: J 1 view ofS obscured ' Monday so as to hear the third stere opticon lecture, since Dr. MUligan was forced to come a day late. The dtnner and most of the meetings will be held in the big tent which the peo ple own. J M. C. HOLIDAY FOR MEN OF BATTLESHIP FLEET ...Pride of Possession... itlwiiv-t- enhanced when there is carried with it PROLIFIC PROFIT Pridd nnd Ppofil will go hand in hand down through never-ending tiine it von make posjoqoa'ion by purchasing a tract in RICHLAND The WonderUnJ on tlio ('oluiiihia, in t'it- World's BW Irrigated District The Soil, The Water Supply, The Climate are conductive i the growth of all kinds of fruits, vines and berries, ana of them we have been, tolling in print THERE Ai!K OTHEB PRODUCTS, and herewith we offer a few rig gesuong: BEES On account of the long, open season and continuous sunshine i 1 thrive exception" ally well, ami will average at least 100 pounds of honey to tho hive, so those who know assert, B, Wieitenoa, of Richland, has, lws which have made as high as 1 10 pounds of exceptionally flav ored honey per hive. PERPETUAL WATK Alfalfa and Dairying Alfalfa ig OHO of the staple Otops of this valley, and no where does it produce more heavily than here, yielding four cuttings dur ing the season, and thei, leaving good pasture. Jt. will produce a eons. rvalive average of ten tons per acre, whieh always sells for a l: I price, A. MeCleary, of tlr- place, has a piece of alfalfa from which he ml more than 2 tuns per acre last season. Aii acre of alfalfa will feed two cows or two horses, or fifteen hogs, or two hundred chickens one year. A little eon: mixed with alfalfa makes one of the host, known feeds. Alfalfa i u wonderful milk producer, and on account of tho ease with whieh a herd of dairy cattle can be kept during the mild winters, it makes dairy ing very profitable, R RIGHTPRICE PER ACRE MUCH LE BE A FEAR HENCE, HOPS There is a yard in tho Richland Valley that up to 15)07 was leased hy the MeNeff Brothers, of Yakima, and a hale of hops from this yard took the prize lor the best hops at the Denver Irrigation Fair in l!H)-. This same yard also took the premium at the In terstate Fair at Spo kane in 1906. The prize at Denver was a loving cup, valued nt $600. SS T11AX IT WILL Come in nnd gel our literature, learn conditions and terms. Richland Land Co. R. E. TARBET, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon Washington. sailors ,)f the July 2. officers and battleships Of the At lantic fleet were given shore leave today, by order of the navy depart , mcnt, and will celebrate Independ i encc day at New England ports. The leave beginning this morning will ex ; lend to lu xt Tuesday, when the gal . lant tars will return to their vessels. At Boston the four ships of the first division Of the fleet the Con necticut, Verm nit, Kansas and Lou lalana -Will give their men liberty. The four vessels of the second divi sion Will scatter along the coast, the Minnesota being sent to Marblehead, the New Hampshire to Portsmouth. V. li.. the Mississippi to Kastport, Me. and the Idaho to Rockport, Mass. Two of the third division. ships, the (leorgla and New Jersey, will go to Penobscot bay, Me., and the Nebras ka and Hhode Island of that division go to a port to be selected by the division commander. The men of the Virginia and Wis consin will spend their Fourth at Portland, Me., the Maine will go to Homester, Mass., nnd the Ohio to Poothbay, Me. All the battleships will reassemble at Princetown. Mass., July 10. to resume the summer ma neuvers. HEAD OP II VrtBTM PASSENGER DEPT. COMING , Portland. J. C. Stubbs, vice prcsi I dent nnd traffic director of the Ilar- riman lines, will nrrive in Portland from the east tonight .or tomorrow ; morning. Assistant Passenger Agent John M. Scott of the O. It. X. left j last night t"r Huntington, where he will meet Mr. Stubbs and accompany : him to Portland. As trice president in charge of traf- j fie, Mr Stubbs is the "whole tiling" I With the passenger department of the Harriman lines, and it Is thought that be is coming west nt this time to look over the ground prior to the commencement of passenger service by tiie Harriman lines over the Northern Pacific's Portland-Seattle line I: is probable that be will con fer about tin- operation of the joint line with Paelfie coast off,rlnls of the Northern during his western trip. A PrlneVille man recently discov ered the Outcrop of a lime deposit In I the Bear Creek butte district, near where the gypsum deposit was dis oovered some time ago samples of the lime were taken to PrlnavUlS and tested, with the result that the qunl-I ity Is pronounced to be of the very best. Several big, bold cougars have lately been killed near Dexter, Lnne We Quote You the Following Prices for SATURDAY 75c Men's Balbriggan Underwear $1.50 Ide's Silver Brand Shirts $2.00 Ides Best Makes 2 Pair of Good Socks for 50c Fancy Sox, assorted patterns 75c Work Shirts . 200 Pairs of Men's $3.00 Pants 37 1-2o 95c $1.25 25c 25c 39c S1.75 Suits at 50 Per cent, off, the season's latest goods. The Enterprise C. Odenwald, Prop. 1. M. Rosenthal, Mgr. Now Is the Time Before the Hot Weather to Install a Gas Range. Are You Compelled to ., urn in a nut uiriy Kiicnen, carrying wooa ana i Jt coal and shaking grates. start your fire an hour before you will use It, burning up good fuel, keep poking the fire and then have only a measely little blaze, making your coffee luke warm and your hot cakes white and doughy. pay a fuel bill big enough to stagger your pocketbook. spend nearly all your time in the kitchen, get ting yourself all dirty and too tired to go and dress to go out and enjoy yourself. DON'T YOU THINK YOU HAD BETTER THROW OUT ALL THIS HOT, HARD WORK. BUY A GAS RANGE AND COOK WITH GAS? Then you can get your meals in your best gown without soiling It. Turn a valve and strike a match and you have a strong, steady, concentrat ed heat any time of DAY or NIGHT and at a second's notice, and THESE HOT SUMMER DAYS WILL NOT BE SPENT IN A HOT, DIRTY KITCHEN. When you're down town drop In our office and let us show you all about a gas range. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Matlock Building. . i ALL THE GRAND THEATRE "ALWAYS LEADS" This Week Mamie Mandore and E arl Sheldon Singing and Dancing All Good Ones All New Pictures and Songs We aim to PLEASE the PEOPLE. Prices 10c and 15c. Usual Matinees. Orpheum Theatre Pendleton's Favorite Vaudeville and Moving Pictures Show. Program Changed Monday, .Thursday and Saturday. Special Matinees: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Admission to AH Matinees 5c and 10c. Evenings 1 Oc and 1 5c Children Under 12 Free Every Sat. Afternoon J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. & Mgr. county.