D.ITLY R11ST CfKTtiOXl.tX, rTNDLETO.r, OUEGO-X'.. F?!fPAY, JlfT 4, 1009. TEf pages. PAGE FOOL 1 ".fefe XrNTY OFFICIAL PAPKHl. an kni:ri:xi)EXT nkwspai'Kr. PoblUbed Dally, Wwkly and Semi-Weekly, t lVmlleton, Oregon, by the EA8T OIIKGOXIAN I'UitLISHI.NG CO. SUItSCniPTION KATK3. Dally, one year, by mall Dally, ilx months, by mull Dally, three months, by mall Dally, one month, by mall Dally, one year, by carrier Dally, six month, by carrier Dally, three months, by carrier . ... Dally, one mouth, by carrier Weekly, one year, by mail Weekly, tlx months, by mall Weekly, four months, by mall Beml-Weekly, one year, by mall . , . Semi-Weekly, six months, br mall , Beml-Weekly, four months, by mall 5.00 2.50 1.25 .SO T.50 3.75 1.85 .65 1.50 .75 .50 1.50 .75 .80 The Dally East Oregoulan Is kept on sale at the oreson .News Co., ht Bin street. Portland. Orecon. Chkatw liureau, 009 Security nulMlng. washincton, I). C, bureau, oui f our teentn street, N. W. Member United Press Association, Telephone Main 1 Entered at the poetofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second-class mall matter. EX PEA von. "What hast thou for thy scatter ed seed, O Sower of the plain? Where are the many gathered sheaves Thy hope should bring again?" "The only record of my work Lies in the buried grain." "O Conqueror of a thousand fields. In dinted armor dight! What growths of purple ama ranths Shall crown thy brow of might?" "Only the Blossom of my life Flung widely In the flight." "What is the harvest of thy saints, O God, who dost abide? Where grow the garlands of thy chiefs, In blood and sorrow dyed? What have thy servants for their pains?" "This only to have tried." By Julia Ward Howe. SIIFX THIS HABIT. Of all undesirable citizens about the worst Is the man who buys everything he can through mail order houses rather than from his home merchants. In every town there are some such people. They exist regardless of how extensive may be the stocks of the lo cal merchants and regardless of the prices charged by the latter. Pen dleton unfortunately has a few "mall order" cranks. There are people In this town who foolishly send to Chicago and else where for articles which they buy, without seeing them, at prices fully as high, when freight is considered, as they would be charged In this city. This is not good business on their part It would be far better for them to patronize their home stores. They would then know exactly what they were getting; they would have the merchants guarantee back of the goods and in case of dissatisfaction the trouble could be readily adjusted. No such consideration is ever received from mail order houses. The man who buys from a mail order house takes a chance at getting something he wants. If he gets what he wants al right; otherwise he is a lser- But aside from the fact that you can get better service from your home merchants there are other reasons why you should give them the benefit of your trade. The success of your town depends more upon the amount of business done by your merchants than UDon anything else. When the merchants do well the town has a progressive air and there la advance ment in every line. The merchants pay taxes that support local Institu tions; they contribute to all worthy causes; they assist new industries and are always working for the advance ment of the city. In order to do this they must be patronized. By every consideration of Justice and also as a matter of common buslners policy they are entitled to your patronage. Down with the mall order habit. NOVEMBER 1910. Commenting upon the closing of the Eastern Oregon normal school the Salem Capital Journal had the follow- lng: "Daniel Webster lamented over tie sacrifices of poor little Dartmouth "There Is something peculiarly pa thetlc in the tragedy of an educational Institution. "The first of the three Oregon Nor mal Schools the one at Weston has been formally If not finally closed. "By donations of citizens the senior class was able to be hurriedly gradu ated. An obligation of honor by the legislature has been repudiated. "But the closing act in the educa tional drama was carried out decently, and in good order, and with all due -UNION :eS, LA gEU formalities. "The alumni met with larger aC ttndanco than ever had their ban quet, there were the sermon, class play, orations, soiirs, valedictory, di- plomas, benediction, farewells, "There was a tremulo effect in Pres ident Franch's voice ns ho spoke the Inst words to the class, telling them the school stood for kindness, for do ing good to others, for the principle of the vicarious life. , "Two gentlemen of njpilest abilities delivered addresses of appreciation, from the outside world. "Trunks were packed, tickets bought the faculty scatters, books and pic tures are put away, an Inventory Is tnken by the state, padlocks put on, end all placed in charge of a care taker. "Thus ended the chronicle of the one backward step In the march of Oregon's development." But while the Immediate future locks dark for the Eastern Oregon normal there is hope ahead. The school may yet be saved by an ap peal to the people under the Initi ative. Instead of moaning over the present situation the alumni and friends of the school should be busy wlth plans for presenting the merits j of the school to the people of the state at the next election. The nor problem" has not yet ! mal school been settled. It will be settled In No vember 1910. KEEP IT GOING. In placing the $500 received from the woolen mill site into a park fund the city council took a wise step. The action shows that the mayor and councllmen realize the need of parks li this city and are ready to estab lish them as soon as possible. With the 1500 to start with It would seem that something might be accom plished at once. This city may easily establish a number of small parks in localities where they will be convenient of ac cess. The old north siae cemetery may be converted into a plaza or park that will be a credit instead of a dis grace to the city. Tlie old academy giounds on East Webb street may be made into a very nice outdoor resting place. Then the little island opposite the Pendleton academy grounds might be secured for park purposes. Certain It U that with some improvement It could be made Into a delightful spot. It would be a splendid place for plc- ics, band concerts and for a por- on of the fourth of July festivities. At this time a park system stands ao Pendleton's greatest need. Every ear the need becomes more Impera tive. A plan whereby some sort or park facilities may be secured' for the city must be worked out soon. By placing the 1500 in the park fund the ccuncll has made a start. Keep the good work going until the parks are established. The Washington legislature has been called together not to rectify a mis take but to hear some reports regard ing officials, some of whom are In lall. others under indictment while others are merely under "clouds." James J. Hill says that he cannot build any branch roads in Oregon but that he thinks some roads are badly needed. All Oregon gets Is "sym pathy." The old Columbia Is getting high and promises to duplicate the record It made in 1894. Notice rnFI Watch tor The Ice Wagon will only make one trip daily, if you want ice hang out your card by 7 o'clock every morning. Those having no cards phone to the office and the driver will call and leave you one. Wagon Will Run in the Forenoons Only, on Sundays. Pend THE FAITlfCTL- ONE. Ill' t(ie storm and the stfUV when tlv lightnings Jf life Had blasted my deepest endeavor, She came to. my side whin the Inst hope had died, And whispered: "I lovo you for ever!" II. the bitter unrest of a . grief- And stricken breast Saw a star through the black shadows living. Knew a Joy from above in th"c strength of that love That is wounded and yet Ilea tfor- givlng. III. And sorrow now seems but a phan tom of dreams. And Peace shall depnrt from nx ever; O'er Life's Valley of slsh.s see see! the llKhts in the skien! For the whispers: "I love you for ever!" Atlanta Constitution. THE tl'lSOX IUVER. The Hudson river consists of two strips of advertisements as far as the eye can reach, Inclosing a body of water filled with tug boats, mlcrnbes and floating folks of other descrip tions. Henry Hudson first discovered this famous river on his way to Troy to I Ieav his collars and cuffs to be laim- dpred nfter n long sea voyflg0. Stepping ashore at the foot of Twenty-third street he gave orders to P UP a tht ,for n"" ana cunupuun miuuiu iitvur uu ciu aled, and then he passed to West Point, started a parade ground, and then rested at Albany, where he opened a bureau of franchises other wise known as the State Legislature. Xo doubt in the near future the Hudson will be used as a race course for aeroplanes. At present It Is oc cupied with the duty of keeping New Jersey apart from New York. Puck. PATTI AXD KIXG EDWARD. In London one year, when, the sea son was unusually long, says Adellna PattI, I well remember an amusing Incident connected with the then Prince of Wales, now King Edward vrr. His royal highness having been per suaded that Jealous feeling would be aroused in the breasts of rival prima donna if they sang the wrangling trio from "II Matrlmonio Segreto,' thought of having a joke at their ex panse, and so caused Lucca, Nilsson and myself to receive an Invitation to sing that piece. I, however, believed I could guess the prince's intention and arranged a counter plot with my colleagues,, which succeeded perfectly. At the matinee at Marlborough house we three conspirators drawled out the trio with such mournful, stolid faces that the whole audience,: with their humorous and royal host at their head, stared dumbfounded at the automatic trio.1 Selected. What Is Fame? ' ' 'We have no really famous men these days."' "Oh, I dont know. I doubt if any crowd ever cheered Napoleon for an hour and 47 minutes." Pittsburg Pbst. A Little Too Much. Dolly When they came back from their wedding trip he had Just $2.98 in his pocket. Poily The stingy th!ryr! Puck. It is easy to mistake self-approbation for reformation. Victor and Columbia Double Discs GET THE BEST AT - ptanorltaliUtr 813 Main St. Pendleton; to Ice Consumers leton ice IS fcSe B Every pora is ad! gland of the skia Is empfoyoJ in t'.io nrtMSsary wct'k of pr&se.'vinij its smosoSh., oven toxtttie, softonius'and clrjansiu? it, and regelat ing the temparatura- of our bodies. This is doiio ? an ev&pontioa tbrcig!' each tiny c:iht, witch rods oa continually diytri ciht. Whoa the blowx' becomes inioctod with humora audi adds a tforfiiiu perccntaso of thiia impurities also pas3 tf.f with tho n;ii':ual evaporation, and thiir sour, Se" nature uvit'ites and Inflames t!i3 skin,, aad drit3 -f? in natural Gilt, causir pimples, Zos. p-.istul. or sor.io itchfry: rash, cr V.r-1, c-aly skii ftSreotio:?. S. S. S. cur-i s'au troull33 of every Sil by nevtruiixirig tho' acids am. removing tho humors isom tho blood, S. C. S. ca-rfi the r.dd-hroted circu lation, builds it up to tu normal Ftr.Wflta and tUii'kness, multiplies it? n.'.triMoas, rird covp'.iscl.'s, and enriches' it ia ever. " irny. Then the skin, iustetid of beln irritatel and disoasnd' by the cx'.tdmg acrid itsatter. i nourished, soothod and softened by tins', cooliap, lio'Thy stroam,o blood. S. S. S., the greatest of M-tod purifiers, eN-pcls ell tor-:?. natter nal surely euros Eezor.w, Acne, Todter, Salt ItlWJsi and al.1 ether ilisoasw and Elections of tho skia. 14 removes pimrfps, blar-i;V r.nd oth' un sightly blomishes from the ikia and nssi3t3n restoii.-i f:'.i conipl'insion. Book oa Skin Diseases and any medical advice- do.; rod fno to ell who writo. TEE SWi'I'T SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA, . i ii ... . . - - ELIMINATING DEATH. National efficiency depend: partly on natural resources; partly on the integrity of soc)nl institutions, partly on human vitality, und Is a r.'uctlon against the old fatalistic creed' that deaths Inevitably occur at a constant rote.- The new mottt Is Pasteur's, "It is within the power of man to rid himself of every parasitic disease." Longfivity varies In different tiine and' places. Tho aventge length of life in Denmark and Sweden exceeds 50 years; In India it falls short of 25. In lSurope it has increased In' 350 years from less than 20' to over 40 years. In Massachusetts, In less than half a century, It has insreased five years. As longevity Increases, mor tality decreases. The death rate in the "registration area" of the United Status is 18.5 per thousand; in Indlh It is about 42 per thousand.'. In Euro pean cities it varies from 16 to 40, The death rate has been decreasing during -several centuries. Ire the si-v-enteoiitlv and eighteenth centuries it was 40 to- 5, and during tho- past pe riod rose as high as SO. It is now 15. In Harona the death rate after American occupation fell fi-om over SO to -aboutc 20. The greatest reduc tions' have been effected among chil dren. The mortality beyond tlie age of 50 years has remained stationary. Special disease have decreased, such. as tuberculosis, which is now one third us prevalent as two generationB ago; typhoid' fever, which in Munich after the elimination of cess pi-ols. de creased 97 per cent, and In Laurence; Mass., after tfie Introduction of a pub lic watvr filter, decreased over 80 per cent. Smallpox has practically disappeared since vaccination was em ploved and yellow fever since its mo squito origin has been known. Am erican Life Magazine. vTn vrs ix a name? When a man marries It Is :r.;t as legal for him to take his wlfeV unnie a' for Yih to take his. Thus,' if ;MT. Johnson- marries Miss Robinson ihoy I AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Capital $100,000. DIRECTORS: T.' J. MORRIS, A. D. SLOAN, WC O. COLE, F.. W. VINCENT, A. C. RUBY, Rl N, STANFIELD, W L. THOMPSON. The Directors of this bank keep themselves in touch with every important detail of its business. Fidelity and security are thereby insured to-all depositors. the Ice Wagon t Cola Storage Co. MM M0MOH can legally call tnemselves Mr.', and Mrs. Robinson. If ' they please, . jays tho Chat'anooga Titles. So Chief Justice' William B. Chrw of the Ohio supreme court declared. Tho chief justice vns discussing tfto case of tliw young woman of IrondaVe, Ohio, who- refused Id' wed a man bi caus0 she did not lifce nis name, aird the court would not lbt him change it. The youngr woman and tho learned Judge at Irondale hod: a colloqny something like this; "His name Is Beefsteak, and, al though he la tender and true, I can not wed a nein by that name. How dues Mrs. Hesfsteak sound, your honor?" "Beefsteak Is an honest and sub stantial name," said the Judge. "I see no reason to ahango It I suppose If his name was Lobster, or Truffles, or Pate-de-Fole-Oras, your would con sider that aristocratic and marry him. By the by, what is your name, miss?" "Lamb." Selected. Use Pltcfier 138 Tears. S. Bouvler of 'Blddefowt.'Me., has a pitcher that has been Irr constant use for 138 years. It Is a metal pitcher finished In copper lusteirand It is In perfect condition. Strongest Men In Korld. Elmer .and Doane Bltgnod of Vol untown, Conn., think they are the two strongest men in the world. It Is said that each can lift on- his back a weight of 2400 pounds.- THE BEST REGULATOR. We promise to rrtnrn every cent paid as for Kexall Orderiiw if they fail to satis fat:torially gilievs constipation.. They are eaten like candy, are particularly good for delicate persons and children do not gripe at cause nausea, and may be-taken at any time of day or night without any incoif venience whatever. We want you. to try Rexall Orderlies at our rist because we are positive they will do as wsslaiuu Two sizes, ioc. and 25c. -. PENDLETON DRTG CO. "The Retail- Stwe." Surplus $100,000. ii , . J) si 73 The I Cornelius "The House of Welcome" Cor. Park and Alder Portland Oregon A hotel when? the North western people will find hearty welcome and re ceive courteous treat ment at moderate prices. G W. Cornelius Proprietor DO Tor WANT AUTO BARGAIN Tor sale at a bl- sacrifice If litaiKiU ntnind lately my two auto mobiles, S iMissongcir- and 7 pas bmper; both In A f mcclianlcal eoniHtkwi. I am leaving for an extended trip abroad. lliis Is a peimliii bargain for anyone who Is in the- market for a fin niadtlne. For further particulars address ACTO' OWNER, East Oregonian Office. HOHBACH'S- Delicious IIoine-Made ICE CREAM AND SODAS are the bsL Tee cream delivered to any part of the city. PHONE MAIN 80. flico Rossis, Chops ani Steaks Best sausages and (molted or cured nutts. Pure lard. EMPIRE MEAT CO. rixme Main 13 Milne Transfer Phone Mrin 5 Callsk promptly answerei for all baggape transfer ring,. Piano and Furntvure mowng and Heavy Truek ing a 8recialty. 'I 1 tl.On LOW U90 FARES 100 Between THE DALLES and POBTLAND Leaving Thi Dalles at 3 p. m. daily ezcepti Sundays and Thursdays;, arriving in Portland 9:15 p. ai. on fast Steamer DAI LEY GATZKRT. Str. DALLES CITY leaves The Daltoa t a. m. Monday, We&aeMay and Friday. Passengers on O. R. 6t N. Co., trains No. 3, & and 7, caj make con nections as abov, dally ex cept Sunday, boat from Portland 7 a. m. VT. L. C1UCHTON, Agent, The Dallea. S. F. McDONALD. SupU Save (he Chicks r Insect Powders Lice Killers Poultry Conditioners. COLESWORTHY Sells them At the Feed Store 127-129 E. Alta j LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion, for count court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for ale at East Oregonlan office. u