East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i4n Extraordinary Silk Petticoat Sale for Thursday and Friday Only.
Made of extra quality silk taffeta, double flounce, dust ruffle, in all the popular colors and blacks.
Extra length. Every one a splendid $8.00 value, as a special offering for Thursday and Friday
Save Your
The Half Price Sale on Ladies' Tailored Cloth Suits Still Continues.
they are said to have recently bought
3.000,000 bushels of May and sold 5,
000,000 bushels for July at a discount
of 6H cents, and now they are se
curing their profits of over 5 cents a
bushel In May and taking their loss
es in July.
His Is Largest rlay in Wheat Since
Days of Lciter Corner New Son- j
satlou Started by Report of Short
Crops in Kansas Little Wheat In
Whole Country Prices May Reach
a Dollar Forty.
Chicago. A profit of close to $3,
000,000 is already secured by James A.
Patten and his followers in the May
wheat campaign, which has but six
days more to run, as next Saturday
will be the last business day in May,
Holdings of the bull leaders at
their maximum were 18,000,000 bus-
Coast Leajnie Results.
At Portland Portland, 2;
Francisco, 4.
At Los Angeles Oakland, 6;
Angeles, 1.
-At Sacramento Sacramento, 2;
Vernon, 1.
Standing of the Teams.
San Francisco 636
Los Angeles 574
Portland 510
Oakland .370
Batteries Today's Games.
At San Francisco Portland, Gar-
. ' . ! mt anA TTnurnlof Knn Francisco
hels. and from the fact that casn "
wheat is scarce in the three weeks
. ... .v... 1.1 At Sacramento ernon,
Tins monui int'ie nac wtn , .
250,000 bushels received in Chicago, j "d Hogan; Sacramento, Ehman and
of which 1.132,000 bushels came by!5"163'
At Los Angeles Oakland, Nelson
and LaLonge; Los Angeles, Brlswal
ter and Orendorff.
lake from Duluth, and only 72,000
iby rail from the Winter wheat sec
tion. This is the lightest run for this
season, when the high prices' are con
sidered, and shows to the minds of j Northwestern League Results,
the oldest traders that there is little At Portland Portland, 3; Spo
wheat back in the country. j kane, 2.
Usually when there is any excite-1 At Seattle Aberdeen, 0; Seattle,
ment in the markets and prices have I 11.
held above $1 for several months, At Vancouver Tacoma, 4; Van-
those who have tried to bull the mar- ; couver, 0,
Option Election.
Anderson, Ind., May 26. Stirring
scenes marked today's local option
election in Madison county, which
will In all probability result In adding
this county to the "dry" territory o
the Hoosler state.
The campaign of the "drys" has
been spectacular in the extreme, an
organization of the leading business
and professional men of this city Join
ing with the county local option lea
gue, the ministers' and the women's
clubs in working for prohibition. Th
"wets" also had a through organiza
tion, but every indication points to
their defeat In today's election.
Aldermen nay Ball.
New York, May 26. Jew Peter Plu
vius willing, some of the most adi
pose and otherwise distinguished
members of the New York board of
aldermen will Immolate jthemselves
on the altar of sweet charity this af
ternoon, liravely daring the Jeers
and Jibes of the heartless metropoli
tan rabble, they will attempt to play
a game of baseball at American Lea
gue park, the receipts to go to the St.
Lawrence Hospital. The fans want to
know what conception of the national
game is entertained In the noodles of
the city fathers, and they will bo out
in force to cheer the victors 'and cast
epithets and ginger ale bottles at the
under canines.
We want to dispose of several cars
in 4 ft. lengths. Ask us for price in
any quantity.
For rent New 5-room cottage,
with modern conveniences. Lot
50x100. Also new bam and yard.
Enquire B13 Pine street.
Gorman Saengerfoxt.
Savannah, Ga., May 26. German
Americans from all the larger cities
of the Southeast are Savannah't
guests today at the opening of tho
fourth annual sncngerfest and conven
tion of the South Atlantic branch ot
the National German Alliance. It Is
estimated that 500 visitors are al
ready In the city, and It Is probably
that the number will bo doubled by
night. Twenty-five organizations are
Entries for Anto Moot.
Wilkes-Barre. Pa., May 26. Entries
close today for the hlll-cllmblng and
other contests to be held by the
Wllkes-Barre Automobile club on
Monday next. A large number of en
tries, covering a wide scope of the
country, have been received.
What time will the clock stop?
Oknlnhomn Elks.
Swanee, Okla., May 26. Practically
all of the best people on earth re
siding within the confines of the new
state, accompanied by their better
halves and sweethearts, are in Shaw
nee today for the third annual reunion
of the Oklahoma lodges of Elks. Ath
letic contests, street pnrades and a
ball are the entertainments provided
for the visiting bills.
l'ornker to Senk.
Columus, O., May 26. Former
Senator Foraker and Governor Har
mon or Ohio are among the men or
prominence who will address the sec
ond annual meeting of the National
Negro-American Potitleal League,
opened In Columbus today. It Is ex
pected thnt Mr. Fbrakor will touch on
the Rrownvllle mntter In his address.
What time will the clock ston?
ket in the past have lost heavily by
being flooded with cash wheat.
So far Patten has only had to pay
for 2.450,000 bushels of cash wheat,
and he expects to get 1,200,000 bush
els this week. This will give him all
the contract grade of cash wheat In
Chicago. He is merchandising the
cash wheat at a good rate at big pro
fits, and expects to have it all sold
by the end of July.
Price May Go to $1.40
May wheat Jumped to 11.32 Sat
urday, making a new high mark for
the season, advancing 1 cents over
Friday's close, and selling 3 cents
over the top notch made during the
April exeitemept. It was the talk of j
the trade last night that shorts may
become scared and bid prices up to
11.40 by next Saturday, if not before
But Patten says he will sell wheat as
fast as buyers want It. and that there
is to be no corner run by him.
A new sensation was given the
trade Saturday In the estimates of the
Kansas wheat crop of 60,000.000
bushels. It was made by an official
of the Santa Fe road and created act
ive buying, as the government esti
mate two weeks ago Indicated 94,
000,000 bushels. Drought has cut
the crop down, and as Kansas Is the
largest Winter wheat district, it caus
ed a rush of buying, as It means that
the Winter wheat crop Is to be heavi
ly short of last year.
There Is a squeeze on In May oats
with the Armour Grain company and
Peavey behind the deal. They forced
the price to 61 "4 cents, the highest In
Batteries Today's Games.
At Portland Spokane, Gregg and
Stevens; Portland, Gough and Shee
han, At Seattle Aberdeen,' Wilder and
O'Brien; Seattle, Allen and Shea.
At Vancouver Vancouver, Hickey
and Stanley; Tacoma, Brady and Kll
National Leagne.
At Brooklyn R. H. E.
I Chicago 9 2
Brooklyn 3 7 2
Batteries Chicago, Pfeister, Over
all and Moran; Brooklyn, Mclntyre
Your Opportunity to Become Independent
Invest Now, in
And Your Future Will Be Well Taken Care of.
9 9
and Bergen.
At Boston R- H. E.
Pittsburg 6 5 1
Boston 2 6
Batteries Pittsburg, Phllippl and
Gibson; Boston, McCarthy and Gra
ham. At Philadelphia R. H. E.
Cincinnati 1 4 2
Philadelphia 0 2 2
Batteries Cincinnati, Ewing and
Troth; Philadelphia, Sparks and
At New York R. H. E.
St. Louis 0 5 1
New York 1 6 1
Batteries St. Louis, Sallee and
Bresnahan; New York, Raymond
and Schlei.
American League.
At Chicago New York-Chicago,
At St. Louis R- H. E.
RoHton 0 6 1
years, and 1 cents over Fridays' j gt Louis 5
close. At the top figure there were
500.000 bushels sold and settled, ac
cording to some of the trade estimates.
The deal Is not a large affair, and
the trading did not attract speflal at
tention. While the bull manipula
tors were spiling on the bulge, they j
Batteries Boston, Morgan, Ryan
and Corrlgan; St. Louis, Graham and
At Cleveland ' R. H. E.
Philadelphia 13 16 1
Cleveland 2 4 1
Batteries Philadelphia, Bender
had to buy July to close spreads, as anil Thomas; Cleveland, Ftlkenberg,
j Rhoades and Easterly.
At Detroit
R. H.
Best Goods Best Service
Washington 4 6
Detroit 7 9
i Batteries Washington, Croom,
Tanehlll and Street; Detroit, Mulln
and Schmidt.
To be given away at Jim Estes'.
Pastime Parlors
Are you a good bowler?
Call end Investigate.
Congestion of Population.
The approach of summer and thd
advent of many thousands of Immi
grants this spring Is attracting in
creased attention to the problem of
congestion in the larger cities In the
smaller Industrial towns continued
vigilance of the health and tenement
authorities has largely reduced this
evil, but in the erent centers of
population It is as acute as ever. New
York city probably afford the worct
example of this evil. In a single block
of Ludlow street, between Houston
and RIverton streets, are nearly 1100
children, of whom nearly 600 are be
low school age. Springfield Union.
What time will the clock stop?
A Few Facts
STANFIFLD lies in the beautiful valley of the Umatilla river, is on the pain
line of the O. R. & N. Railroad in the heart of the "Irrigated District" of
Western Umatilla county.
STANFIELD is so located, that it is destined to become the largest, most
modern and fastest growing city in Eastern Oregon.
STANFIELD will have beautiful Parks, and Parked Avenues, good water and sewerage systems, ce
ment sidewalks, improved streets, and in fact every necessity required in the building of a large up-to-date
Special Inducements
We will continue to offer special inducements for a few more days to
those who wish business opportunities or intend building homes.
Better hurry, they are going fast.
Look into this right now. Don't put it off and then be sorry when you
have seen the prices soar sky-high as they are bound to after we announce our
grand opening.
Take as an object lesson, Kennewich, Prosser, Hanford, Richland and Twin Falls,
notice how these cities have sprung up in a few years notice how the value of
property has doubled many times, making the investors independent for the
rest of their lives.
STANFIELD has been planned with reference to the future link your
future with it and you'll never live to regret the act.
For further particulars, call at the office of the
East Oregonian Building, Main St., Pendleton. Office open evenings until 9 o'clock
JAMES M. KYLE, Manager PAUL B. POWER.S, Special Representative