East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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howers tonight ana
VOL. 22.
NO. G595
' 1 ' , , , , , JJA'f-: .fea
' n
Neighboring School Wins the
Eastern Oregon Athletic
Contest by 12 Points.
Oniurlo Gels Third Place and La
Gruiiilo ("omen In Fourth I'll Ion
and Island City Do Not Show Vp In
Meet -Control Is CIom. Pendleton
leading I'll til lu Ijist Two Events
Sordini of the local High School
Proves Individual Slur of Meet
Wins First In all Dashes.
Seattle, May 26. While
two Bisters were ' attempting
to wrest a revolver from
Charles Faulk, a Ballard car
penter, aged 41, he turned the
weapon against himself and
suicided In the kltehen of his
father's home. The 'cause
was despondency o.ver the
death of a child.
Eugene, Ore., May 26. Fire whlrh
brokeout In a frame livery stable in
the heart of the business section of
this city for a while yesterday after
noon threatened the destruction ol
the entire commercial section of the
city. Valiant work of the volunteer
firemen confined the loss to the stable
building and eight or ten frarn
4 I warehouses In the rear of the stores.
4 ini Christian Science church build-
Shock Felt in States of Iowa,
Illinois, Michigan and Wis
IX FIKLI MEET !''"? thrPe blocks distant, was par-
ltaker City 42
Tendleton 30
Ontario 27
La Grande . . .19
Cove 13
With 1! points more than her near
est competitor, Baker City high school
won the annual Inter-scholastlc field
meet at the Frazlcr track, yesterday
afternoon. Pendleton finished sec
ond, Ontario third, and La Grand
fourth. The failure of the Island City
and Union representatives to show up
narrowed the meet to five teams.
Though Baker's winning margin was
large, the meet was not decided until
the last two events. In both of which,
the victorious team took all but one
point. Tlie surprise of the day va
the manner In which the Pendleton
team took the lead with the very first
went and held It until the next to the
last event of the day was pulled off.
This showing In the face of the fact
that the locals had been figured out
of the running is a source of mucn
satisfaction to the Pendleton school
and Its supporters. With one more
strong man the victory would have
remained In this city.
Gordon the Star of Meet.
Chester Gordon' of this city, with
15 points to his credit, was the star
point winner of the day, taking first
In the 50, the 100 and the 120-yara
dashes, these being all the events In
Many burned, having caught fire
from sparks. The rear of all the
business buildings In the block
bounded by Willamette, Ninth, Olive
and Eighth streets were damaged.
The warehouses were used as stock
rooms by the stores n front .if them
and their destruction entails a Ions
ranging between 150,000 and $100-000.
xew road wtll hvn
from taco.ua to rohtlaxd
Great rrtlicni mid mion Pacific
ltl Ve the Northern Purine Track
From Tacuinn to Portland Will Al-
Jointly Thc the Bridge Over the
CobimMa Tfl Necessitate
Double Tracking of UiP Itnail .
Maintain Kinrate Terminal
Shock Continue- for Four Seconds
Early This Morning pi Peoria, III.
Small Fires Imported Started by
Overturning of stoves In Chicago
KulldiiigM Shaken In Wisconsin
I took ford, 111.. IVels Two Distinct
Shocks Loosens car Sondfn It
Down u (,rado.
Peoria, 111, May 26. An earth
quake shock was felt here at S:30 this
morning continuing for four seconds,
but with no damage.
meago, May 26. Reports from I
Oak Park suburb, nay every chimney
i leveled by the quake at 8:40. Sev
eral small fires were started by stoves
overturned. The shock was felt In
Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan.
Dispatches from Dubuque, Iowa, say
the shocks were felt there.
Buildings were shaken in Milwau
kee and other cities in Wisconsin re
port a brief quake. Muskegon. Mich..
also fett ft.
Two distinct shocks were f -lt at
HockforU, III. An Intel-urban oar was
standing on a grade near Rpckford
and was started by the quake, run
ning down the hill anil narrowly miss
ing the wagon of a farmer. It stopped
when It tftruck the up grade track.
Umatilla Men Are . Held fo
Selling Liquor and Two of
Them Sentenced.
HclKleson .Must SM-nd Six Months In
l"rlsoii for Throwing a Kock
Through a Pullman Car Window
Forgers of lic .Mayor' Name Given
Six Months Weston Safe Crackers
Held for Seven and Five Years Fol-
iimmg incir rieas or fiiiuty case
Against Mike Ryun Being Invcsll-gali-d
This Afternoon.
Epsondownes, Eng., May 26.
Minoru, King Edward's colt
today won the English derby,
the greatest turf event of the
world, before enormous crowds.
This Is the third time that the
King has won the derby. The
purse was 135,000,
jacotna, wash.. May 26. J. I).
Farrell, general nmnager of the 'Ore
gon and Washington railroad and the
right hand man of Edward H. Harrl
which he was entered, except the last
lap In the half-mile relay. Beers of
Baker City wag a close second with
IS points, all of which were won In
the weights. Nat Kimball of Pen
dleton was third with 11 points, hav
Ing won the low hurdles and run sec
ond to Gordon In the 60 and 100.
Cup to Winning: Tram,
At the conclusion of the meet the
mcdalB were presented to the differ
ent point winners, and Oliver Hus
ton, as captain of the University of
Oregon track team, presented the
handsome cup offered by the student
of the University of Oregon to the
winning team. This was handed to
Captain Jones of Baker City.
'Huston also ran an exhibition 100.
yard dash In 10 flat, coming; down
the line with a magnificent stride
amKl the cheers of the spectators.
Among the surprises of the meet
was La Grande's failure to win more
than fwurth place. The athletes froiv
the wgnr beet town were the most
confident of victory of any on the
field, 'but when It came to a show
down they were not there.
TOngftnhl Springs Surprise.
Another surprise was sprung when
Engdahl fr Pendleton crowded
Peare of La Grande for first place In
the mile, fnlshlng a strong second.
Kngdahl had not been counted on to
take a place hi this event, and when
toward the close of the gruelling it
became evident that the tall debate
was going to come In at least second
t-he enthustnum of the local suppor-
(Contlnued en Page Five.)
J man In the northwest, made the fol
lowing official announcement, cover
tng joint userrihlp mi the. main line of
the Northern Pacific between Tacoma
and Portland by the Northern Pacific,
lireat Northern and Tulnn Pacllio
railroads, to Ihe Ledger today:
"Arrangements lare Vwti made be
tween the Northern Pacific. Union
Pacific and Great Xorthem railroads
under which the Northern Pacific be
tween 8outh Tacoma and Vancouver,
Wash., and the bridge orer the Col
umbia river will be used Jointly by
the three lines. The Northern Pacific
will at once begin completing the dou
ble tracking If Its road so as to care
for the business of the three compa
nies. The property will be used br
the three companies for all kinds of
business, being maintained as a first
class, double track railroad."
The announcement was also made
that the three roads will have their
own separate terminal facilities in Ta
coma and also In Seattle.
WANTS $7500 FOIt
mk 'lost reason
Tacoma, May 26. Theodore Nel
son, an Inmate of the state Insane
asylum at Stellacoom, has brought
suit against his former employers for
177500, which he claims Is the value
of his lost reason. The suit was
brought through Miss Caroline Len
ohm, ine iimn s sister, iveison was
formerly employed as a sawyer at the
Massell Lumber company, and on
May 1, 1907, ho fell through a trap
door, sustaining Injuries unbalancing
his mind.
Sprinirfield, m.. May 2d. ingre5s-
man William Lorimer, once a street
car driver in Chicago, was today elect
ed United States senator. The legis
lature has been deadlocked for sever
al weeks.
Lorimer Is one of the strongest pol
iticians in niinols, and probably has
a bigger following than anv other,
While driving the street car he mixed
In politics, finally becoming such
political power that he resigned his
Job to devote his entire time to his
new calling. He represented his dis
trict In congress for many years, and
was so popular that, although repub
llcan, nearly an democrats of the dis
trict voted for him. thereby insuring
his election. He has a magnificent
mansion on the west side, and a beau.
tlf ill summer home at Fox Lake, 111.,
where he will spend his holidays.
Portland, May 26. Evidence was
given today in the government's suit
against Wmiam Hanley, accused of
illegally "fencing" 80.000 acres of
public lands In Harney county, Ore
gon. It helped to sustain the con
tention that the lands are barred
against entrance by private individ
B. A. Smith and Charles Wells.
sheep growers of eastern Oregon, tes
tified for the government. The gov
ernment lands enclosed br th TTn.
ley fence are not easy of access un.
aer tne present conditions. Frank
C. Davey, receiver of the land office
With five new Indictments, seven
sentences, the grand jury investigat-
ng another case and still another one
on trial it is evident that the present
brief session of the grand Jury and
circuit court Is a busy one. Three of
tne five Indictments were against
Umatilla men charged with selling
liquor in violation of the local option
law, while the other two have not been
made public yet for the reason that
the persons indicted have not been
Two of the Umatilla men, F. W.
Cline and J. Johnson, have heen sen
tenced while the other man, Joe Mor
rison has pleaded guilty and will be
sentenced this afternoon or tomorrow
morning. Cllne paid a fine of $250
while Johnson was fined $600 which
he secured after some delay.
The other five sentenced were J , A.
Crowley, Michael Iiurke, David Clark,
Henry Henderson, and Fred Hook or
Oakley. Henderson was elven six
monthj for throwing a rock through
the Pullman car window near Gibbon
station a few weeks ago. Hook was
given two years for forging Mayor
Murphy s name. The other three men
are the ones who cracked the safe
In the Sim Culley store at Weston,
They entered pleas of guilty to the
charge of larceny from a store and
the other charges against them were
dismissed. Crossley and Burke were
given seven years each, while Clarke,
the younger of the trio, was let off
with five years.
Crossley recently completed serving
a five year sentence In the Oregon
penitentiary and it is believed that
Burke has also been Inside the walls
of the Salem Institution before.
This afternoon the grand jury is
Investigating the case against Mike
Ryan, the aged bachelor farmer, who
killed H. E. Dixon, in a quarrel over
road, last week. Jacob Shubert,
the man who was wounded by the
same bullet which killed Dixon, came
down from Walla Walla this morning
and is giving his testimony before the
grand Jury this afternoon. The widow
and six-year-old son of the dead man
also came down from the ranch near
The case of the state against
Charles Grant, indicted for the selling
of liquor contrary to the prohibition
law, is still on trial today, but it Is
believed that it will be finished and
given to the Jury late th8 afternoon
New rate books, giving the new In
surance ratings for the city of Pen
dleton were received this morning by
the local Insurance representatives.
These are Important In that they an
nounce for the first time the exact
amount of the reductions made on In
surance for Pendleton property as a
result of the recent investigations car
ried on by representatives of the in
surance adjusters.
In the business section of the city-
only those buildings which have been
rewired In accordance witlj the de
mands of the adjusters have been giv
en reductions. These amount to from
10 to 15 per cent. The reduction for
dwellng houses is 25 per cent while
that for detached dwellings is 33 1-3
per cent.
It will thus he seen that those per
sons who have refused to rewire their
buildings will not profit by the re
cent reductions until they conform
to the requirements of the association.
The change in the rates do not affect
the poor risks.
A.-Y.-P.- Officials Agree Lot to Erect
Booths on the Grounds Allotted to
Slates Without Consent of the Lat
ter Oregon People Say They Will
Xot Consent Controversy Threat
ened to be Serious.
Exercises Held Last Night at
Eastern Oregon Normal
School at Weston.
Exercises Are Among Most Successful
That School Has Ever Held Com
mencement Oration Delivered bj
Judge Lowell Miss Lillian Hoi.
man Is Class Valedictorian MJsa
Kelley Is Salntatorlan Regent
Ifofcr Present During Exercises
Favors Fourth Normal in State.
Seattle, May 26. With better ama
teur boxers and wrestlers entered than
ever before competed in the north
west, the annual Pacific northwest
The contract has been lot and work
is to start next week on the now
dcp.it. Such Is the announcement
Just received In Pendleton from tht
office of Chief Engineer Boschke.
Fisher & Petrle of Portland were the
successful bidders for the contract,
and the same firm Is also said to
hnvo been awarded tho contract for
the construction of the new depot at
While It Is announced that work Is
to commence next week, this docs
not mean that tho work will bo start
ed on the depot building at that
time. Before this work can be com
menced It will be necessary to mova
tho roundhouse to its new location
and make other preparatory changes.
Everything will bo rushed as rapidly
as possible, however," for after the
work Is undertaken no delay will bo
Tho grounds have already boon
surveyed nnd staked off by the engi
neers. An Inspector Is expected to
arrive this week to outline tho worJi
to bo done first, nnd the big under
takilK will bp under way.
aimetic championships open tonight
at tne Grand onern. Viourp in iv,i u,.
t Burns, Ore., showed how the orig- to continue until Thursday or Friday
Inal purchaser, Peter French, bought
a series of 40-acre tracts so connect
ed that they completely circumscribed
the 80.000 acres, which It Is alleged
Hanley Is keeping others from set
tling on
At the beginning of the morning
session Edward Seimerman, a Juror,
announced that his mother In Salem
was dying. Counsel for both sides
consented for him to leave the Jurv
The verdict will be returned by 11
George C. Sherman of Anpieton.
Wis., a witness for the defense, was
Introduced out of turn, as he found
It necessary to return to his famiTv.
Sherman testified that during 1907
he planned to bring n cololiv of Scan
dinavians to eastern Oregon and had
considered the location of the land
now In dispute. After looking over
the country and noting the absence of
transportation facilities ho aban
doned the project. Ho stated his
view of the lands gave him tho im
pression that tho fences on the plae.
wore not In good repair.
If A. Hunter, one of tho Mir-
'haser.s of the Oregon Central bind
rant from Minneapolis, stated on
vhalf of the defense bo also being
ntroduced out of turn that he had
onie to Harney county a war nu.i
with the intention of iiiivliiir
la nicy holding, but gave up the lo
cution after viewing tho property.
In every event the entries are large.
Among the competitors will be sev
eral champions. Portland is sending
omar Dranga, a 125 pound boxer,
f .ill i
.-M-Hiue nas Marry crort, the coast
champion heavyweight. Dranga will
be up against a hard proposition In
Pete Moe, of the Seattle athletic club.
Spokane is making a strong bid with
McFarland, who will be sent to annex
both the 125 nnd 135 pound class
titles. Wrestling will be limited to
six minutes and if there is no fall the
decision will bo made on aggressive
nets. Tile general public is admitted
t. the contests.
srccFssou to cFxsrs
Washington, May 25. Tt was of
ficially stated at the White House to
day that Census Director North had
n signed nnd E. Dana Durand. den-
uty commissioner of corporations
has succeeded him. The announce
ment was made at the close of n
onferenee between President Taf
uiil Secretary Nacel. li .!.,
'd that Nigel demanded the resiir-
tntion as the result of the investiga
tion recently ordered by th
Seattle, May 25. There will be no
selling booths on Oregon's ground on
the exposition grounds nor on any
land allotted to states or counties, un
less the exhibitors consent. This is
in accordance with an agreement
reached between the committee of
commissioners of the association and
the executives of the fair committee.
In the case of Oregon, president Wen- ! eral especially
rung, who left for Portland last night. were als rendered by the
said Oregon would never consent to boay under the direction of George
any booths. P. Chatterly, instructor In music. The
The controversy which for a time ' one vocal number on the program
threatened serious complications is I was by M1s Lois Powell,
now said to be closed. The difficulty! Tne concluding part of the eve
arose through the determination of ; "log's exercises was the presentation
the department works of the expo- j tne diplomas by President R. C.
sltlon to erect a hundred candy and j French to the 11 graduates, all btu
chewing gum booths on the grounds ; tw0 whom were from towns out
allotted to the various states. VarU ' side of Weston. The members of the
ous state commissioners refused to c,ass were: Lillian Holman, Claudia
consent to the disfiguration of their ; Kelley. Bessie Winn. Florence March,
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., May 26. With the
assembly hall of the Normal school
crowded to the doors with a throng
of admiring friends and relatives, 11
graduates were last night handed the
little rolls of sheepskin certifying to
the fact that they had completed the
prescribed course of the eastern Ore
gon State Norma school. While the
exercises were among the most suc
cessful ever held they were also the
most pathetic. In addition to the -fact
that commencement is always a
sad season for students, this was -made
doubly so by reason of the fact
that it is to be the last commencement
for the local institution, for two years
at least.
Flowers were piled high about the-
front of the platform and at the con
clusion of the evening's exercises
scores of people pressed forward for
the farewell leave-taking.
The commencement oration was
delivered by Judge Stephen A. Low
ell of Pendleton, who delivered an ex
ceptionally able and eloquent address
to the graduates.
Miss Lillian Holman was the class
valedictorian, while Miss Claudia
Kelley was the salutatorian. An ora
tion was delivered by Benjamin W.
Curry, another member of the class,
Regent Hofer was also present and
on being Invited to the platform made
a brief address, In which he came out
strong for the maintenance of the
three schools as at present. He de
clared that If necessary he would be
in favor of the maintenance of a
fourth one within the shadow of the
Oregonian tower.
In addition to the oratorical part
of the program, several musical num
bers were offered. Piano selections
were rendered by Miss Lillian Kemp.
Miss Ceclle Boyd, Miss Marjorie Mil
ler and Miss Margaret Wheeler. Sev-
creditable choruses
Seattle, May 26 Boatswain An
drew Hamilton, of the cruiser Penn-
I Doris Barnes, Ada Ely, Louene Hols-
ington, Benjamin W. Curry. Pina
I Mayfield. May Melghen and Benja
min F. Brown.
Jerome Faces Inquisition
New York, May 26. William Trav
ers Jerome tho f:tmnnQ iafWio . .
sylvania which arrived at Elliott bay torney of New Tork. will voluntarily
last night from San Francisco, Is to-, undergo a grilling examination as to
day suffering from terrible Injuries the conduct of his office when the
received while the port anchor was be- Peonie- inatunto ,(. .
ing dropped as the warship completed j at Cooper Union
the Journey. The shackle was carried, Mr. Jerome will not h ,.i.
ZZu T6, C8b,e s,ruck!"' reply to his Inquisitors extempor
Hamilton across the legs, mangling aneom.lv . . . ...
both limbs, below the knees. If he ' Questions hnvo Wn ,oL., 1. J:"
ZVlZS ht:"LPrba.b.,?e. ",rP'!d ' ha. spent much of
... ..u..ru ..uu ine his time during the last three davs it.
i formulating his answers.
for life,
pn si-
Charging her husband with firing
his pistol through the roof, shooting
t a cat and hollering like a coyote to
scare her and her son. Emilia M.
Lyon has brought suit for divorce
against Harry W. Lyon, section fore
man for the O. R. & N. r,t Horse
shoe curve. Numerous other accusa
tions of a cruel nature are made
against the defendant.
Tho complaint states that the par-
ins to tins suit were married in Pen
(Heion October 2t, 110. Their mir
" " l ied M:ss was evidently or short
' .niMciy io wear a duration, for It U alleged tint
erown for ..?.l."i'.... . .i I . . '
course of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. The woman says Lyon threat
ened to kill her and her s'm by a for
mer marriage; that when she' was ill
he refused to procure a physician;
that ho killed a sick sheep nnd made
her eat its meat, while at other times
he refused to furni-.li a sufficient
amount of food or clothing.
Mrs. I.yor, fr ,,,, nw,,IlUi,
cree of divorce and , rmissin,, to
tiiko her former nam,, of Oerle.
She also a.-ks f ,,. f,,,. ..,;;,1r,v
fees. for r-is, $,-,0 f,T ,.!,,.,!,,.
and for her support while t Ii 1 -t
suit is pending. Prior V--t
-'t r-pr. .
iii ne. two weeks tho husband b
gan h'.-.
siius Mrs. Lyon.