East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 24, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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" Cherry-Blossom."
It is 8 proverb of Cherry Blossom
Land that a healthy stomach is the
basis of all strength. Good nature is
also recognized as of great importance
The Japanese as a people are remaru
able for their health, endurance, pa
tience and skill.
The cherry tree is the most highly
prized of all in Japan. It not only
fives forth a beautiful blossom but the
wild cherrv tree furnishes a bark which
Is most highly prized in medicine,
Wild Cherry I gJSK
(PrunutVirginiana). PKXSAtorv,
wnica is an
authority on medicines, says of the
properties of this iSiack uierryDarK:
Uniting with a tonic power the
Sropertv of calming irritation and
iminishing nervous excitability.
Adapted to the treatment of diseases
In w hich there is debility of the stom
ach or of the eystera." Another au
thority, King's Americas PisrEssA
lOHY says, " it gives tone and strength
to the system, useful in fever, cough,
and found excellent in consumption."
This ingredient is only one of several
rerv important native, medicinal roots
in I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
iry. This is a remedy which has en
Joyed the public approval for nearly
forty vears, nothing new or untried
about it, has cured thousands of people
of those chronic, weakening diseases
which are accompanied by a cough,
inch as bronchitis and incipient con
sumption. More than that, oy reason
of the other ingredients, Bloodroot,
Mandrake, Golden Seal, and Queen's
root, all of the medicinal virtues of
which are scientifically extracted and
combined in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, remarkable cures of
dyspepsia and stomach disorders have
been accomplished.
Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Pierce
discovered that chemically pure glyc
rine of proper strength is a better
solvent and preservative of the active
medicinal principles residing in most of
our indigenous or native medicinal
plants than is alcohol. As its use is
entirely unobjectionable, while alcohol
is well known when used even in
small portions, for a protracted period,
to do lasting injury to the human sys
tem, especially in the case of delicate
women and children, he decided to
nse chemically pure glycerine instead
of the usually employed alcohol in
the preparation of his medicines.
He found that the glycerine, besides
being entirely harmless, possesses in
trinsic medicinal properties of great
alue. Its nutritive properties, Dr.
Pierce believes, far surpass those of
cod liver oil, entitling it to favorable
consideration in all cases of incipient
consumption and other wasting diseases.
It is an invigorating, tonic alterative
and owes its virtues to Nature's veee
table garden. Dr. Pierce is only the
scientinc gar
dener who
knows how to
Nature's Garden.
combine the plants given ns by Nature
to cure our diseases. This prepara
tion is oi pleasant taste, agrees per
fectly with rebellious and Bensitivft
ttomachs, and is extremely effective in
Testoring tone and vigor to the entire
system. It cures inflammatory troubles
of the stomach as well as indigestion
and dyspepsia arising from weak
stomach. One reason why it restores
the health of run-down, pale and ema
ciated people Is because it first throws
out the poisons from the blood through
the liver and kidneys. It then begins
its reconstructive work in building up
flesh by first making good, rich, red
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is
Bade in a large laboratory, thoroughly
equipped with every scientific appliance,
at Buffalo, N. Y. Qualified chemists
are in charge of the laboratory, with
nearly a score of skilled physicians and
surgeons employed to scrutinize, deter
mine and prescribe these remedies and
other means of cure as seem best suited
to many thousands of cases of chronic
diseases which come before them for
treatment each year. It costs you noth
ing to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce the
head of this Institution, at Buffalo, N.
Y. and get an accurate medical opinion
in your special case and vholly without
Day Is Fixed by Committee In Charge
LateiKSs or Season Caused Slight
Delay will 110 M,Mlo Milton's
Greatest Holiday Strawberries and
Cream Free for Everybody Sjkn
elal Excursion Will Be Arranged.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, May 21. It has been de
cided by the general committee oil ar
rangements to set Tuesday, June 8
for Milton's annual strawberry day
and stock show. This decision has
come about after careful considera
tion of the conditions which have
prevailed this spring. The lateness
of the season has caused a delay In
the committee's work because It was
not known heretofore at what time
It would be best to secure a plentiful
supply of the strawberries for the oc
casion. It is asserted that should
the crowd attend that the committee
has figured on, It will take from 75
to 100 crates of berries. The grounds
will be beautifully decorated as will
the city, on this, the greatest day In
Milton's history. The program will
consist of speeches by prominent
men, recitations, songs and flag drills.
games of all kinds, but there will be
no graft allowed on the grounds dur
ing the day. The only concession
granted will be providing the visitors
with sandwiches and coffee.
Everybody is Invited to attend and
all will be made welcome.
The various committees will be an
nounced later. The visitors will be
served with strawberries and cream
and cake free. All guests are request
ed to bring their lunches and join the
people of Milton in a good, old-fashioned
The committee appointed to ar
range a stock show In connection
with the other festivities of the day,
report very favorably at this time.
There are many entries from outside
points, as well as people at home and
this feature will prove an interesting
one to all those interested In live
stock. Excursion rates have been ap
plied for over the line of the O. R. &
N. from all eastern Oregon points.
Milton Personal Notes.
W. K. Bradley left this afternoon
for Walla Walla to spend a few days
islting friends.
Miss May Atkins, who has been
employed in Mrs. L. B. Storm's mil
linery parlors, left yesterday to spend
the summer with her parents on Dave
Still's ranch.
A number of Milton people went
to Athena to attend the Farmers'
picnic there today.
J. X. Stone has just returned from a
trip through the Palouse country
where he has been in the Interest of
the Milton fruit grower's union.
S. A. Miller, clerk of Milton school
district Xo. 31, has advertised for
bids for contract work and fixtures
for an eight-room brick school house
In Milton and a four-room brick in
Freewater, to cost approximately
$25,000 and $10,000 respectively.
Bids will be recived until Monday
noon, May 31. It is generally under
stood that a number of contractors
will figure on the work and It Is
thought estimates will be very close
for this reason,
Pendleton People Must Recognise
ad Heed It
Kidney Ills come quietly myste
But nature always warns you.
Notice the kidney secretions.
See if the color Is unhealthy
If there are settlings and sediment,
Passages frequent, scanty, painful,
It's time then to use Doan'e Kid
ney Pills,
To ward off Bright's disease or
Doss's have done great work In
C. Beale, 300 Aura street, Pendle
ton, Ore., says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills gave me freedom some six years
ago from kidney trouble and lame
ness In my back from which I suf
fered for a long while. I was also
greatly annoyed by the two frequent
passages of the kidney secretions, es
pecially during the night when I was
forced to arise several times. A
short use of Doan's Kidney Pills,
procured at The Pendleton Drug Co.,
relieved me of all these difficulties
and at .that time, I gave a statement
recommending them. Many persons
have s!r):" called upon me, wishing
to know If th emlorsemont were true
and I hive always advised other kid
ney stiff t-rers to use Doan's Kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for thu Uni
ted States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
for children tafa, Bar: Mo opiate
Milton, May 28. For the purpose
of a second time empowering the
mayor and city council to Issue bonds
against the city in the sum of 315,000
to liquidate the expenses of the en
largement and extension of the Mil
ton municipal electric light and pow
er plant, a special election of the
legally qualified voters of this city
will be held in Alliance hall here Tues
day, May 25.
In order to carry the bonding prop
osition will be necessary for at least
two-thlrda of the legally qualified vo
ters of the city to cast ballots and
these must be in favor of the issue,
Efforts will be made on the day of
election by the council and officials
of the city to have every voter pres
ent and vote on the issue. No matter
if there are those In the city in favor
of the election but do not vote, It will
be counted as a negative desire just
the same.
Although there seems to be abso
lutely no doubt as to the wishes and
desires of the tax-paying voters on the
proposition of bon(n, strong efforts
are to be made In order to make sure
that at least two-thirds of those en
titled to vote will cast ballots in favor
of the Issue. There Is not a person In
the city who thoroughly understands
the situation who will not vote to
bond the city to secure money for the
improvements which have been made
this spring. From a plant with a ca
pacity of 125 H. P., the Milton electric
light and power plant has been ln-
reaspd by a new generator and the
extension of the barrel flume, to a
apaeity of 080 II. P. A large part of
the additional power has already been
iken and the revenue has been ma-
t rially Increased. The actual cost of
improvements will be in the neigh
borhood of $15,000 and already ad
ditional n-vnue amounting to be
tween $3ij0 and $400 per month Is
being brought in.
Among thoe who secure power
from the plant are The Milton Ice
Plan, which takes 35 H. P., and the
following men using 5 H. P. each for
rrlgating purposes: S. 8. Shields, W.
A. Copeland, 8. E. Rlnchart, A. A.
Morton, Jacob W. Haynes, Jesse Mar
tin, Henry Oroth, Wm. Foreythe and
F. W. Nordhoff. Besides those using
power a large number of additional
Added to the Long List due
to This Famous Remedy.
Camden. N.J. "It is with pleasure
that I add my testimonial to your
already lonjr list hoping that it may
induce others to avail themselves of
this valuable medi
cine. LydiaE.l'ink
ham's Vegetable
Compound. 1 suf
fereu from terribl
headaches, pain in
my back and right
side, was tired and
nervous, and sc
weaklcould hardh
T I'
l"inkliam's Vegeta
bio Compound re
stored me to healtl
and made me led bke a new person,
and it shall always have my praise."
Mrs. W. r. Valextixe, 902 Lincoln
Avenue, Canuleu, . J.
Gardiner, Me. " I was a great suf
ferer from a female disease. The doc
tor said I would have to go to the
hospital for an operation, but Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound com
pletely cured me in three months."
Mrs. S. A. Williams, li. i D. jso. 14,
Box 89, Gardiner Me.
Because your case is a difficult one,
doctors having done you no pood,
do not continue to suffer without
giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial. It surely hag cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner
vous prostration. It costs but a trifle
to try it. and the result is worth mil
lions to many suffering women.
lights have been placed in Freewater
and a contract entered Into between
the two cities whereby Milton will fur
nish Freewater with lights for a term
of at leats 15 years.
Not In the history of the city has
the financial standing of Milton been
on such a firm basis as It is at the
present time. The revenue capacity
of the city allows of a municipal tax
smaller than that of any other city
in the northwest. The city property
tax last year amounted to only six
Polls will be open at the special
election from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., giv
ing everyone ample time to cast his
vote. Wm. Talbert, J. P. Craddlck
and R. H. Patterson are to act as
judges in the election and J. S. Rlchey
and C. J. McKenzie as clerks.
Lived 152 Years.
Wm. Parr England's oldest man
married the third time at 128.
worked in the fields till 132 and liv
ed 20 years longer. People should
be youthful at 80. James Wright of
Spurlock, Ky., shows how to remain
young. "1 feel Just like a 16-year-old
boy," he writes, "after taking six
bottles of Electric Bitters. For thir
ty years kidney trouble -made life a
burden, but the first bottle of this
wonderful medicine convinced me 1
had found the greatest cure on
earth." They're a godsend to weak,
sickly, rundown or old people. Try
them. 50c at Talman & Co.'s and
Pendleton Drug Co.'s.
Call for Warrants.
All general fund warrants regis
tered during the months of June,
July, August and September, 1908,
will be paid at my office In the coun
ty court house upon presentation. In
terest ceased upon date of publica
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, May 17,
1909. G. W. BRADLEY,
County Treasurer.
We want to dispose of several cars
in 4 ft. lengths. Ask us for prlce In
any quantity.
What time will the clock stop?
A great many people
brighten their polished
floors by wiping them,
once or twice a month,
with a cloth dipped in
A better way is to use
Ivory Soap and luke
warm water. Apply with
a soft cloth. Use very
little water. Wipe dry
with another soft cloth.
By following this
method, you clean your
floors as well as brighten
Ivory Soap
994i& Per Cent, fure.
All under irrigation.
All under cultivation.
You get returns the first year.
You will own your own water
Buy now and take advantage of
this year's Alfalfa crop.
They are being sold in 5-10-20-40
or more acre tracts.
These lands will more than pay for
themselves in 4 years without further
For they are in alfalfa hay now.
Cut 8 tons to acre last year and alfal
fa hay sells for an average of $6.50
per ton in stack.
The Umatilla Meadows are selling
for $ 1 75 per acre. 1 -4 down and
1 -4 a year.
If interested cut out and mail to us.
Rooms 3 and 4 Barrett Bldg.
Walla Walla, Wash.
Please send me particulars concerning the
Umatilla Meadows.
Fox Realty Co.
Rooms 3 and 4 Barrett Bldg.
Walla Walla. Wash.
The Scenic
Thro the Land
of Fortune
2, 3, JILT 1, 2, S
AUGUST 11, 12
Through Service to
Effective May 28, the North Coast Limited Uie crack train of the
Northwest will afford through electric-lighted drawing-room sleep
ing car service. Pacific Coaft to Chicago, dally. .
Bnffet-llbrary-obscrvatlon car with barber, bath and every acces
sory. Dining; ears a la carte for all meals.
A. D. CIIARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pans Agt. W. ADAMS, Agent,
255 Morrison Street, Portland. Pendleton, Ore.
Northern Pacific Railway
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, June 1 to October 16.
Ralner National Park. and Paradise Valley, by auto or rail, from Ta
coma,. June 1 to October 1. Yellowstone Park Season June 6 to Sep.
tcmber 25. Rose Festival, Portland; June 7 to 12. Seventeenth Na
tional Irrigation Congress, Spokane, August 9 to 14.
"The House of Welcome"
Cor. Park and Alder
Portland, Oregon
A hotel where the North-
western'people will find
hearty welcome and re
ceive courteous treat
ment at moderate prices.
C. W. Cornelius
General Blacksmithing,
Wood Work and
Wagon Making.
Plow Share Grinding
and Sharpening. g
2M T?
i vx?r. Miia a vouonwood
Streets 3
w 5
Save the Chicks
Insect Powders
Lice Killers
Poultry Conditioners.
Sells them
At the Feed Store
127-129 E. Alta
' To be given away at Jim Eetea'
Pastime Parlors
Are you a good bowler?
Call and lnveatigate.
Express and delivery prompt
ly attended to. Leave orders at
Pendleton Drug Co. Phone 20.
D. C. Graybeal
614 Main Street
Phone na for Good Dry Wood.
Red S961.
vrrv "
''Mill CoPVRiaHTtAe.
Anron MiNJInf ikMeh and dMerlptlon mf
tlon.itrtetlroonfldentfaj. HANDBOOK on Ptunt
qaloklf MMruin oar opinion trt "h.thw ma
The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron-
age. it 13 the advertising medium of this section. ,
I HUH l! Hi
1 Wills JL A)iL
Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not
bevend the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
Cores Backache
Do not risk having
Bright's Disease
.or Diabetea
Mnt f re. OldMt aRnof for tecum! utwti.
I'.tenM Uken through Munn A Co. MotlT
petal notkt, without thiirie, In the
Scientific American.
A hundiom.lf lltmrtrited Ijutrait etr.
eolation of ny tolenUfls lournal, Twin. II a
rt four roontbi, L Bold by all lxwriaaterai
Branch Gfflo. 431 F BU Waablugtoo, & C.
Evory Vcnan
ll Interested and nhonld know
bdoui ine wonoarnil ,
Marvel ""'""a fvt
M- Ml AT
run WJnmmm
AnkTonr drnftrtit
it. If h cannot ripply
the MAKVKU tccopt no
other, out una itamp tor Illi
tratea book cald. It rlrna
pnrtlenlan and dirwtlona Invalnahta
to ladle. MARVEL CO, 44 E. 234 St.. New Yf
MaM QiuuihI h
B B.I t. itrlelnr..
rr?.ti CMU4rin.
C Bin O for nnn.tural
Irritatloai or ulceration!
of ma cone membrane!.
Palnlstt, and not attrln
gent or polNnnom.
Hold by DranrleUi
or tent In plain wrapper,
tT exprera, prepaid, for
I .00. or I bottln 12.75.
Clroolax aeol oa roqueet.
Makes Kidney and Bladder Right