EIGHT PAGES, DAILY EAST OKEGOYIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, IAY 21, 1900. PAGE FITS. Children's Shoe Sale Now On 200 pairs Children s one-strap slippers, 85c, $1.00 values now 68c 250 pairs Children's four-strap slippers dnd buckles, reg. $1.25 and $1.50 values now 97c 175 pairs Children's oxfords, black and tan, all sizes, regular values up to $2.50 now $1.69 All Tan and Black F. E. Livengood & Co. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALSj Pastime picture please all. Main street bakery now open. Tomato plants at ForBhaw's store. Rock Spring coal, Henry Koplttke. I'or sale Light spring wagon. En quire 601 Union street. Furnished housekeeping rooms fjr rent. 718 Collego street. See Henry Koplttke for Rock Springs coal. Phone Main 178. For Rent Seven room house, north side. Enquire 223 Perkins avenue. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Apply 914 West Court street If you want good dry wood, ring up Henry Koplttke. phone Main 178 For Sale Feed and chop mill. practically new. Inquire this office. New bakery now open, La Fontaine block, Main street. Phono Black 2711. Furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 301 S. Main street. Phone Black 6041. Lost White elastic ladles belt with cut steel buckle. Return to this office for reward. Wanted Woman or girl for gen eral housework. No washing. Call at East Oregonian office. Good pasture for horses. Fine grass and running water. Address box 462, or phone Red 2271. C. C. Hendricks, agent for the Ver mont Loan & Trust company, will place loans on Umatilla farm lands. Fresh bread, pastries, candies, fruits and canned goods. Main street bakery, La Fontaine block. Phone Black 2711. We hove some very des'rablo rest donee properties In Pendleton to ex change for unimproved property In Portland or vicinity. H. P. Whitman, 819 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. For rent Modern nine room house, partly furnished, suitable for board ing or lodging house, also three fur nished housekeeping rooms, one block from Main street. Enquire at 205 W. Webb street. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. I TOUR BEST I1VESTMENT OUR EXPERIENCE The Grand. Program at the Grand theatre start ing this evening as fallaws: "Teddy in Jungle Land," an Inter esting film depicting th0 life of Roos evelt In Africa. J. H. Hearch, comedian. Beautiful Illustrated song rendered by Miss Myrtle Bloomfleld, "Pendle ton's Little Warbler." Elmer Beard, contortionist, "The Beggers Coin," drama. "Devi," In a song specialty. "Bridget on a Strike," comedy. The Grand theatre orchestra under the direction of Prof. Bloomfleld al ways a feature. The Grand shows three thousand feet of motion pictures each perform ance. roucliliin'g Sixt-Ioliy PloaslnR. Mr.W. A. Coughlan's specialty be tween the acts of the "Pirates of Penzance," given by local talent, at the Oregon theater last night, was very highly appreciated by the audi ence who attended the opera. Mr. Coughlun Is a business man of Portland representing the Jacobs' Ptlne company of ' that city, and Is Helling lots for them In Argyle Park He may be seen at any time at E. L Power's store, Pendleton's leading harness and saddle firm, 706 Main street. rani of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the kind acts and assist ance rendered during the late illness of our daughter and wife, Mrs. An drew Kldd. MR. AND MRS. T. J. TWEEDY AND FAMILY. ANDREW KIDD. WILL XOT ixtfh MFitrnmi . IV WESTMINSTER London, May 21. The Westminster authorities have dellned to place the the ashes of George Meredith In the abbey. A strong appeal to the dean to this effesct was strongly support ed by the Society of Authors, repre senting all the lending writers, by Premier Asqulth, Lord Morley, Rud vard Kipling and James M. Barrle. Mr. Barrle made, a personal appeal to the dean, but in vain. The action of tho Westminster authorities has caus- d much disappointment, as It Is known that the question of space was not Involved. Fed Headachy? It probably comes from the bile or some sick condition of the stomach or bowels. No matter which, put yourself ri'ilit with Sa'd Evorrhra. In boxat 10c and 25c OWELL ASSI MF.S PHKSIDEXCY OF ILVRVARD Cambridge, Mass., May 21. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, who for ten years has been Eaton professor of the sci ence of government at Harvard, as sumed the presidency of the univer sity yesterday as the successor of President Eliot. It is expected that within a Bhort time the alumni of Harvard will pre sent Dr. Eliot with a fund sufficient to enable him to live In comfort the rest of his life. It Is said the funa already amounts to more than $130,-000. Wm. Slusher left today for Nolln, Lawrence Lleuallen Is In town from Adams, J. R. Dickson left last evening for Hot Lake. R. N. Stanfleld came up from Echo last evening. George. T. Blair Is transacting bus Iness In this city. James S. West of Hermiston, la a county seat visitor. Tom Mosgrove of Milton, Is a Pen dleton business visitor. Jos. Lleuallen drove down from Adams today In his automobile. Jack Lacey of Hood River, la car ing for business Interests here. Jas Kyle of the Columbia Land company, left today for Stanfleld, Jake Narkus of Weston mountain, Is In Pendleton today on a business visit, District Roadmaster H. Jurgens Is In Echo today on business for the O, R. & N. Mrs. S. C. Stanley and daughter of Walla Walla, are guests of friends In this city. Miss Victoria Haas of Enterprise, is the guest of Pendleton friends for a few days. Mat Mosgrove, the Milton mer chant, came down from that place last evening. Don C. Brownell and Russell Brow- nell and wife are up from Hermiston on a blref visit. Shug Clark an old time resident of Pendleton and vicinity, is now here from North Yakima, Editor J. P. McManus of the Pi lot Rock Record, spent last night In Pendleton on business. Frank T. O'Connell of Umatilla Is up from that place today for the transaction of business. H. Mitchell of Milton, Is among to day's visitors in Pendleton from the east end of the county. F. C. Oxman, sheepbuyer from Dur kee, Is In Pendleton today for the pur pose of buying Umatilla county sheep. L. C. Cavanaugh, a prominent Ma rion county farmer, left for Salem last night, after spending the day In Pen dleton. Mrs. Gus La Fontaine arrived last evening from Portland where she has been during the winter, her daughter being In school in that city. Homer Reeves left on No. 11 to day for Echo and expects to return to Pendleton this evening. Reeves Is now a special adjuster for a fire In surance company. C. O. Dahlgren. a prosperous farm er from the Holdman country, Is a Pendleton visitor today. Mr. Dahlgren reports the crops looking well In his vicinity. However, rain is much need ed. General Superintendent M. J. Buckley of the Harrlman lines In Ore gon and Washington, D. W. Campbell, superintendent of the Oregon division of the O. R. & X., and Wm. Bollons, division engineer of the O. R. & N. Oregon division and the Southern Pa cific lines In Oregon, were In Pendle (in this morning on an official visit. These gentlemen left In their private cars the 02 and 03 on No. 11 for Echo. ered at the gates to see the two offi cers come out, and Stoessel was warm ly contgratulated on his release. Rear-Admiral Nebogatoff, who to day finds himself In reduced circum stances, was met only by his son. He walked to tho nearest station of the streetcar line, carrying his personal belongings In his hand. Emperor Nicholas extended mercy today to eight other naval officers who were dismissed from the service. The dishonoring features have been revoked and the men are regarded as having retired from the service In the ordinary way. OKKGOX'S WAR CLAIM OF $193,500 ALLOWED Salem, Ore., May 20. Attorney General Crawford received formal no tification yesterday afternoon that the United States court of claims, at Washington, D. C, had allowed the state's claim against the United States for Indian war veterans' boun ty, and has sent In the claim to con gress with the recommendation that an appropriation be made to cover the amount. It Is believed that the special session of congress will enact a deficiency appropriation bill during the present session, In which event Oregon's money will be forthcoming pretty soon. Th$ total amount of the claim al lowed Is $193,534, and is based upon tho government's offer of a bounty of $150 for every man that would vol unteer to serve during tjje civil war. Oregon mustered In one regiment, First Volunteer Infantry, which, al though Its services were not called upon to engage In the war In the east, did service In putting down the Indian outbreak In this state, which the gov ernment recognized as equivalent to service in the rebellion. Acting upon the good faith of the Unltojfl States government, the Oregon legislature authorized the issuance of 2760 'bonds, In favor of the veterans entitled to the government bounty of $150, In 1884, at the par value of $50 each, bearing Interest at 7 per cent per annum. The state redeemed these bonds, the principal amounting to $129,041, the Interest at $63,868, ex pense of advertising for redemption of bonds before maturity, printing, etc., $644. making the total $193,543, which was allowed by the court of claims. The state's claim for $6323.44 for raising and equipping several companies of militia as a reserve was not allowed by the court of claims, because the act of July 17, 1861, made no provision for raising troops for state service, and the militia com panies were not called upon to do service for the general government. The First National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Report of Condition. April 28th, 1909. to the Comptroller of the Currency. CONDENSED Resources: Loans and Discounts $1,297,668.87 Overdrafts 34,232.87 U. S. Bonds 250,000.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds 5,000.00 Other bonds and warrants 24,026.45 Bank Building 10,000.00 CASH. Cash on hand $242,291.65 Due from banks 155,268.17 Redemption fund 7,000.00 $404,659.72 ,'.; ' . : $2,025,486.91 Liabilities :' Capital stock $ 250,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 130,422.11 Circulation 237,000.00 Deposits 1,408,064.80 $2,026,486.91 I, G. M. RICE, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the within statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, O. RICE, Cashier. Subscribed and swor to before me this 29th day of April, 1909. (SEAL) C. K. CRANSTON, Notary Public. ARRESTED FOR SELLING LMAGIXARY BOOZE 400 NEW YORK BAKERIES CLOSE THEIR DOORS XF.ED OF IRRIGATION IX Wll.LAMETE VALLEY Salem, Ore., May 21. Advance sheets of the topoRraphlc may cover- in 138,000 acres of the Willamette valley between Eugene and Junction City have been received by the state engineer at Salem. This area was sur veyed during the summer of 190S by State Engineer Lewis in conjunction with the United States geological sur- vev. The nnisned map win dp puo- lished for distribution by the United States geological survey, Washington. The map shows the Irrigation and drainage possibilities of this section and will prove valuable to commercial interests. It shows but one or two houses to the square mile. By pro moting and encouraging the practice of Irrigation and more Inexpensive and diversified farm, this map should show from 30 to 40 houses to the Fqunre mile. A bulletin on Irrigation In Ore- gon recently Issued by the department of irrigation Investigations at Wash ington illustrates by diagram the need of irrigation In the Willamette valley. The striking feature brought out by this diagram Is that the summer rain fall In the Willamette valley Is much less than that which occurs In some semi-arid regions, and far less than that which occurs In the eastern hu mid states. Making Sure. The Bride I want you to send me some coffee, please. The Grocer Yes, ma'am. Ground? The Bride No, third floor, front. Woman's Home Companion. KOEPPEN KOEPPEN Has a window full of Has a window full of ALLIGATORS Bohemian Art in purse form, which you in vase form, which you had better see anyway can have at Prices 50c each $6.50 to $25 They are the dollar kind I STILL ALIVE AFTER FALLING 350 FEET Reno, Nev., May 21. One man suf fered a fracture of a leg, while two companions were only slightly bruis ed and shaken when a lift In the shaft of the Quartette mine broke today about 10 feet from the opening, pre cipitating the three miners to the bot tom of the mine, 350 feet below. Twelve feet of water In the bottom of the mine prevented all three from being killed. The three men were George Ackley, Harley Holmes and Charles Butterfleld, Chicago men, who own the mine. Tho men were being brought to the surface In the lift when the cable broke on one side of the bucket, caus ing It to tip and throw the men out. Ackley, whoso leg was broken, struck the side of the shaft In his fall. PARDONED nUSSIAX C.EXEUALS ARE CHEERED St. Petersburg. May 21. Lleuten-ant-Gcneral Stoessel and Rear-Admiral Nebogatoff. who were pardoned by Emperor Nicholas, walked forth from the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul this afternoon. A large crowd gath- New York, May 20. A bread fam- ne among the 800,000 residents of the East Side was Inaugurated yes terday, when more than 400 bakeries closed I down. The trouble started with the Increase In the price of wheat and was augmented by the strike of the bakery employes on the East Side. At a meeting of the bakery own ers it was decided to close all their shops, numbering more than 400, commencing yesterday morning. The police, hearing of this, detailed an nusually large number of men in this section during the hours when the housewives usually visit the ba keries. This was a fear that the riot ous scenes qj a few years ago, when the price of meat was raised, might be repeated. Bakeries which are not affected by the action of the meeting will not be able to supply one-tenth of the demand for bread In the crowd ed East Side and therefore It was be lieved that there would be an unpre cedented demand for flour and bread from other sections. Los Angeles, Cal., May 20. Al leged worthless certificates of an Im aginary whisky warehouse and a number of disgruntled liquor dealers will figure In the trial of Nathan Roe- mer, who was arrested today in San Francisco. He Is a whiskey salesman, and the complain filed charges him with hav ing obtained money under false pre tenses. According to the police, Roe mer's victims are numbered by the score, and the losses mounts into the thousands. He is said to have "worked" nearly every town in South ern California' where a saloon Is to he found. His very low prices proved Irresistable bait. The complaint sets forth that he stated that the Pleasant Springs dis tillery, New York, had a great quan tity of whisky of the Pleasant Spring Club brand stored in a United States bonded warehouse at Stanley. The liquor was offered at a bargain. Roe mer traded the warehouse certificates Jor cash, it Is alleged. A Deferred Reward. A little boy in Trenton, who has but recently mastered his cathechlsm, confessed 'his disappointment therein In the following terms: "Say, dad, I obey the Fifth Com mandment and honor my father and mother, yet my days are not any long er In the land, for I'm put to bed at 7 o'clock every night Just the same." Lipplncott's. The latest Japanese bank notes are printed in English as well as Jap anese characters. As Jones wended his uncertain way homeward he pondered ways of con cealing his condition from his wife. "I'll go home and read," he decided. Later Mrs. Jones heard a noise in tho library. "What In the world are you doing in there," she asked. "Reading, my dear," Jones replied. ' "You old Idiot," she said, sornful ly, ns she looked In at the library door, "shut up that valise and come to bed." Success Magazine. Wouldn't You Try the Bitters If you knew imsiUvcly that it would , benefit your poor, weak stomach,! inactive liver and constipated bow-! els? Then you ought to pet a bot- tie today, because for over 50 years I It has done those very things and i we have letters to prove It; but re- member. It's Hosteller's Stomach IlltUTS you want, so please insist on having It. It is for Indigestion, nsicisla, llck-hlng, Heartburn, CoHtlveness, IJver and Kidney Ills ami Malaria, Fever and Ague. See that our Private Stamp over the neck of the bottle is unbroken. It guards against counterfeit. IX BAXKRUFTCY. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of Harry E. Barthol omew, a Bankrupt. To the. Creditors of Harry E. Bar tholomew of Echo, In the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid, Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given, That on the 19th day of May, A. D., 1909, the said Harry E. Bartholomew was duly ad judicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, referee In bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on June 3, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other baslness as may properly come before the said meeting. Done at Pendleton, Oregon, this 21st day of May, 1909. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Referee in Bankruptcy. Is to love children, and no home can be happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering and dread that she looks for ward to the hour with appre hension. Mother's Friend, by Its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event with but little suttenng, as numbers have TT pctiflpri anfl A it 5 tifrrh I i its weight in gold. fl.00 per bottla of drogglatt. Book ol ralu&blo Information lulled tree. THE BBAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ga. ram important Notice Something New in Pendleton DR. F. A. Clise The eyesight specialist has located an office in Pendleton The Dr. has had over 30 years practice fitting glasses. He has associated with him his son who is an expert lens grinder. We have machniery for grinding our own glasses. Tour head aches Tour eyes ache Tour eyes tire Your eyes water Tour eyes smart Tou can't see well YOU MAY XEED GLASSES. I will give you a thorough and careful examination without asking you to get glasses. If you wish to have your eyes 'examined call or tele phone the PendelLon Drug Co. I will examine your eyes at your own home, office or place of business. fillip Dressed Chickens Kept cool and free from dost Milton Strawberries, Ripe Tomatoes, and everything in fresh green vegetables Phono Main 37. -INGRAM'S. Pltone Main 37.