East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 04, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ETfilTT PAGFS.
Wofflba as Well is Bon w Mi Ho
ty Edney anil Bladder Troublo.
Kidney trouble preyg upon the mind
dJBCouragesandlefiseuHanibition; beauty,
vigor ana cneertuJ.
DCbS Boon difuinnoar
when tile kidneys are
' out of order or diseased.
Kidtlpvtrnnt.1 t,
i j " i ivv- lug
I become bo prevalent
that it is not uncom-
tnon for a rliiU Kc
wu.au W lV
born afflicted with
Heak kirinevn Tft,
child urinates too often , if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age wuen it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, thecause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
nd both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
oy uruggists, in tifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
pamphlet telling all
. L r t -
?1 swamp-Kooi, o.aooc
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
who found Swamp-Root to be just the
remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address,
Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Tho RuoHvclt I)ay8 of Unlimited
Copy Have Gone. Wry Few Stories
Now Conio I'rom tli0 White IIoiihc
ITcKltlcnt Turt Gives Otic Very
Llttlo News Ills Chiefs AIho Adopt
tlio Clum-Llko Policy Irosi Du
rcuiiH Suppress!.
Made lo Order
Dy workman with 20 years e
pcrlonoe, Competent Workmen Only.
Successor to
Jlunzlkcr Jewelry Store.
.720 Main Street.
To be trlven iviv At .Tim Fjifo.'
Pastime Parlors
Aro you a good bowler?
Call and Investigate.
Wednesday aid Ttarsd&y
Positively the Last Days of
Our Great
For the ben to be had In
nr'f, Fork, Mutton, VenI, Cured J
Meats, Fish, Ectc.
Prompt delivery.
108 E. Alta St.
Plionc Mnln 33.
new ana secona wssf
Goods Bought -and Sold
Empire Second -Hand Store.
cor. webb and uaraon Sts.
Phone Red 3201.
Washington. News hng become u
scarce article around Washington
since Theodore Roosevelt retired from
the White House. Congress has been
the chief producer since March ,
and almost all Important stories emu
noting from Washington during the
pnst few weeks have com either
from the halls of congress or from
Individual members of senate and
house. The White House, once the
source of unlimited news, is now one
of the dullest spots visited by news
paper men. Tho government depart
ments, taking their cue from the
White House, are producing very little
"copy," and officials of the adminis
tration, when they can be seen, have
llttlo to offer In tho way of Informa
lion. From the newspaper man's
standpoint, Washinlon has become
a "dry town."
The fact I that President Taft Is
not much of an advertiser; he does
not care for and docs not like news
paper notoriety. He has a host ol
friends among the Washington cor
respondents, but he does not talk
with them as freely or as frequently
as did his predecessor. Administra
tion policies are no longer made the
subject of conferences between the
President and :1ie newspaper men.
Correspondents wishing to see Mr.
Taft must do so by appointment made
through his secretary. And theo ap
pointments are not to be had except
when tho President Is winin to dis
close some specific subject. Even the
Sunday night story that -was a fea
ture of the Roosevelt administration
hag gone out of vogue, Tor Mr. Taft
keeps away from official cares on Sun
doy, and does not labor on that day
except In cases of the utmost urgency.
It Is not correct to say that all the
government departments have closed
their doors to newspaper men, for they
have not. Perhaps half -the members
of the coblnet are readily accessible,
and are more or less free to discuss
the business of their departments.
The other half, however, operate be
hind closed doors, and rare, Indeed,' la
the newspaper man who gets In un
less he waits nn hour or two, and
there are few men on few missions
who can afford to cool their heels In
the outer office of any department
- - . . . nf T nil 111.
111!" IIK1L H-M,III .l III;. All .i, ni.T j p-H;miT.
departments, however, subordinate nnt(1
officials have suppressed, and are n'
longer at liberty to disclose official
matters for publication.
There has been another great,'
If you want a correct New York style spring suit ranging in price
from $1 7.50 to $27.50, for only $1 5.00, you should come now.
The Sale Ends Thursday Evening at 6 o'Clock.
Many beautiful patterns in sizes to fit you.
Pendleton's Leading Clothiers.
May bo
ay bopprnian.wU' oiorcotneVi (wijvr
personal efforts wilhlhc assistant c
o tlo onp truly bpncjinol lovoW
rompily, Sy"up " Q,u Eta'r'j,,l,rt
wrtic-n onalilcs. one to form rvftulur
luibits tlflijy so tluit ossistatiec.to na
ture may tic railuolly dispone! with
ulien no Uij;it nmjcil as Hie In st of
in.inp(ltes,wlu,n required, aroto assist
inoturp aralinotto supplant the iwtur
it junction, whieh must aVponii iiti
Miutpjy tiptMi proper rtourislnrnftiT,
jtrm- pjf orts,mul right living gcnrnidly.
Tti jVt its bi'uejiciut effects, aKis
)ty the tfeittime
S Jj. manufactured y til.
Fig Syrup Co. oniy j
Exprewi and delivery prompt'
ly attended to. - Leave orders at
Pendleton Drug Co. Phone 20.
with the change ol adminls
Press Jrareaus of a number
flj' KiiverTinient 'bureaus, which had
h-on maintained for purely alvertlp
hiff purpiiNra, rmve been cloned. It
hid become qnhf a fad In official
WashliiBtnn In late years fur every
enthusiastic bureau lo estnlliH;i a
Ir.ess bureau f"r the dissemination of
ja v.s, information itul advertisiiiR
matter. Several of the press bureaus
eiitual!v overlooked tlu- news and
di voted their efforts almost entirely
tf. the exploitation of the work of
their respective turenus and the lau,
ist'.ion of iheir resiieetive officials
The bulk of the product of these liU-
! us was never iitinllsneu. especially
in 'the larcer d:iJties, liut it dill find
it way into the rountry papers. It
nv'li do so no liaiRer, for press lu
reaiis operated on those lines nve ob-
iHrti'iua to the invBident. (inly sueli
buruius uf roduce uncolored news
it'it are now nllowed to operute in
offiiinlilom, and tlnv are very 'f-w.
xews ixkfx:.st
Ilislory Making Events Propliesitxt
During Wrtt
Tomorrow, May 5th
The Big Dress Skirt Day
of the Pendleton Cloak & Suit House
We have some 250 skirts to choose from.
These skirts have been reduced to very low figures,
but to move them quick we will give an extra discount
of 50c on each skirt for tomorrow only.
Remember this is a bankrupt sale and everything
must go.
Swearingen & Seibert, Props.
J. D. Brooks, Manager
imlotisne WHl Constipation.
FVr .years I was trniblcd with uilli
oue.v and eonrtijiation, widen rr.ado
life Miserable for me. My appotite
failed I lost my iwual lorce and
vltaHty. Tepsin prejian tions and ca
thartics -only made matters ror.se. I
do not lanow wher-? I filiotfld haj.'e
beyt UAv had I nt trifd Ckambec
laln'a Stomach and Lfwr rablebi.
Tlie talhti relieved the El rowing oa
mce. Mronfithen th fllRftstive func
tions, purfcfy tho stomaclt, Uvar and
Wood, helunff the srm to to Its
mink nnturlly. Mrs. Ew Fotts,
ItirmliiKhnin. Ala. Thse UblaU are
for sale by U god dealers.
nig mi at OrplwMta.
Tfcie bill was opened with the Oiil
yer Iros., expert JUKRlern and clb
manipulators, to a crowded homw.
This set is above the average jug
gling acts. They were followed bjr
Kobzaro, one of the greatest novelty
acts ever appearing on tho local vau
deville slage. Mr. Iloby.aro fills the
place of two at one l!mo. Ho imper
sonates a lady while standing with his
left iMde to the audience, nJid a gen
tleman with the right.
The motion pictures were of tho
usual high class. The bill was closed
by a beautifully Illustrated song, sung
by Miss Violetta, the lady w'.th the
sweet voice.
A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
It Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold. It stops the
cough, heals the lungs and prevents
pneumonia and consumption. Con
tains no opiates. The genuine Is in
a yellow pnekngn. Koeppen Bros.
Vey Property for Sale.
Por sale, the Antone Vey residence
on West Webb street, Pendleton; also
tho lower liutter creek Vey ranch,
with all the sheep, cattle, horses and
machinery thereon. W!U sell on easy
payment plan. For further particu
lars, address, Antone Vey, Echo, Ore.
Washington. The progress of
events In Till key,, w here history-mak
ing events have followed one another
In rapid succession during the pasi
i'ew weeks, will continue to be follow
ed with keen interest by the entire
world. Other events of the week in
foreign fields will include the gen
eral elections in Newfoundland, the in
ternational celebration of the seventy
fifth anniversary of the reestablish
inent of Louvain university in Belgi
um, and the wedding of Tr.nce Har
old of Denmark, king Frederick's
third son, and Princess Helena ."
Sonderburg-lucksburg, which Is to
tak- place Thursday in Copenhagen.
Several events in the nat'onal cap
ital will share public attention with
the tariff proceedings in congress.
Friday is tlie day set for the dedica
tion of the Henry Wadsworth Long
fellow monument, situated at th.
corner Jf Connecticut avenue and M
street, northwest. President Taft w-'ll
participate in the unveiling ceremonies
und chief Justice Fuller nV.1 preside.
The formal opening of the Spokane,
Portand & Seattle railway company's
line between Spokane and Portland Is
expected to take place during the early
part of ftie week. The new l'ne, which
's S77 miles lonv, is owned Jolatly by
Uie Northern Pacific and the Great
Northern railway companies. It Is one
of the nuust costly roads in the contl-
ieirt, some of It .costing $100,ee
sntle, while part of it, hu'lt along the
rock cliffs, involwd an expenditure
of $&M000- mile.
Colorado will bcg.n a week's cele
bration of the fiftieth anniversary of
the discovery of goli In the Rocky
Thf Second National Peace eon
gres. which will hold forth in Chlca
go daring the preater part of the
week, will attract to tluit city a not
able gathering of men nad women in
terested in the movement for the set
tlement of International and other
disputes by arbitration . Fully 15,-
000 persons attended the f'rst peace
congress, held in New York two years
ago and it is exported that Chicago
central location will attract till even
larger gathering of visitors.
Other events and happenings of
the week that will figure In the news
columns will Include the b'g music
festival In Atlanta, the annual con
vention of the American society of
mechanical engineers in Washington,
and the southwest Intestate commis
sion on country life at Guthr'e, Okla.
This Week
The Premier Dancers
In Their Great German Character Act.
All New Pictures and Songs
We aim to PLEASE the PEOPLE.
Prices 10c and 15c
Usual Matinees.
Do It Xow.
Now Is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. You can do so bv an.
plying Chamberlain's I.lniment. Nine
cases out of ten are simply muscu
lar rheumatism due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism, and yield to
the vigorous application of this lini
ment. Trv It. Yon are certain to hp
delighted with the quick relief which
It affords. Sold by all good dealers.
Orpheum Theatre
Pendleton's Favorite Vaudeville
and Moving Pictures Show.
Program Changed
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
Thursday, Saturday and Sund
Admission to AH Matinees 5c and 10c.
Evenings lOcand 15c
Children Under 13 Free Every Sat. Afternoon
J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. & Mgr.