EVENING ED1T10H I, ' fSsi - EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT. Modern printing of all kinds promptly done at the Cast Oregonlan office. Probably fair tonight and Tuesday; cooler Tuesday. VOL. 22. PENDLETON, OKEGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1909. NO. 6575 ,-6 COLONISTS or THE THOUSAND Over 2000 Homeseekers Pass Through Pendleton Satur day and Sunday. WILL ALMOST DOUBLE FAMOUS RECORD OP I90J All of tho Horrlinan Equipment Thai Could lie Scraped Togctlicr Neces sary to Accommodate Colonist Traf fic Coming from the Missouri RJvcr Points to tlio Taciric North west A Single Train Carries Near ly 800 lloinescekcrs Exjicctcd Tliat 2000 Would-bo Settlers Will raws ' Through Today and Tomorrow. MEN UNDER ARREST E EX- CONVICTS Homeseekers from Missouri river points have been pouring through Pendleton Into the states of Oregon and Washington by the thouiands during the past three days and in dications point to a continuance of! the rush until tomorrow when all but the stragglers will have gone Two of the 'three men recently ar rested by Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Sheriff Wilson for the Weston safe blowing and store burning, are well known bank robbers who recently served long terms in the Oregon pen Itentiary. Their names are J. A. Crossley and Eli Dunn, the two men who were sent up for five years each for robbing the bank at Lebanon, Oregon, Feb. 5, 1905. James F. King sley, who was associated with them In that crime made his get-away and has never been taken. These two men were arrested In Tortland by Sheriff Tom Word, a few days after the robbery and when tried and convicted were sent up for five years. Through good behavior their time was cut down and they were re leased from the Salem prison a few months ago. The Weston affair was evidently the first crime attempted since their release. The boy who was with them has not yet been Identified, but he Is believed to bo nothing worse than a common tramp, though It Is quite probable that ho has done time In some reform school. His Identity has not been established. WILL REPRESENT GOVERNOR AT CONVENTION MEETING n meeting or tne Washington con nervation association at Walla Walla on May 13 and 14. The purpose of the meeting Is to formulate plans tot concerted efforts between Pacific coast states to conserve natural re sources. It was expected that the governors of Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho would attend. Salem, May 3. -State Senator J. N. Hart of Baker City, was selected by through. Every bit of the Harriman ! Governor Benson to represent him at passenger equipment that could be scraped up from Omaha to the coast has been pressed Into service to han dle the hoards of persons anxious to cast their lot In the far west. Train No. 6 that passed through Pendleton Saturday morning contain ed 15 touches or close to 800 colo nists for northwest points. No. 1 for the same day had almost as many more, while No. 5 Saturday and Sun day nights was compelled to come In three sections. There were two sections of No, 1 yesterday and there will be at least two sections of No. l tonight. No. 1 will probably contain 15 coaches when It pulls Into the Pendleton depot th'.a afternoon. Approximately 2200 homeseekers passed through Pendleton Saturday and the rush Is not over yet. ' It Is expected that 2000 more will pass! through today Bnd tomorrow. This' H a record never approached in u ! HUG KRO n E2E Hi EFFIGY similar length of time In the history5 of the colonist traffic In the north-j west. The record for the banner year oi 1907 has been completely snowed un der already and it Is believed that a gain of 60 or 70 per cent over las spring's traffic will bo shown when the records arc all in. It will require several days to get the totals as those stragglers who are spending a few days along the lino between Hunting ton and Portland will not turn their tkkets in until they reach the'r des tinations. The following concerning thaar rival ot the colonists In Portland Is taken from the Portland Journal: Sunshine Replace Blizzards. Coining from a land where bliz zards, wintry' gales and pneumonia weather have been the order of the spring, the colonists who stepped offj SHOW RESENTMENT TOWARDS WII1TWORTII HEAR Il Is Hanged in ' Elfish trtnn the Flagstaff of Mason Library DIs satisfaction Has Boon Shown ftn Several Month- 1 1 iftm Sign Is Posted on Friday Night Methods of Discipline Are Not LiUnd Po tltion Hoard of TruMoes. IS ACTIVE 1 T ATTEND Restores 92,000 Acres in Oregon Withdraws 178 000 Acres. RESTORED LAND IS IX LA GRANDE DISTRICT 187,000 Acres of Land Withdrawn Under Reclamation Law 30,00o Acres on Lower Powder River Re mainder Is t in Connection With Malheur Project Ballingor Clashes With Secretary Wilson as to Policy of General Land Office With drawal of Land in Forest Reserves Refused. Washington, May 3. Secretary Ballingcr today restored to entry 92, 000 acres of land in Oregon, and withdrew 178,000 acres in the same state. The land restored was in the La Grande, Oregon, district, and was withdrawn March 30 for the lower Powder river reclamation project. A withdrawal of 178,000 was made under the reclamation act It In cludes 30,000 acres for the lower Powder river project and the remain der In connection with the Malheur project In the Burns, Oregon, land district. Burns Land to Ih Examined. The lands withdrawn in the Burns district will be examined this year to determine the feasibility of starting the Malheur project. The protest of thf Owyhee Irrigation company against the Mnlheur project was taken under consideration. The land re stored was withdrawn for the purpose of conservation. Second National Peace Con gress Opens in Chicago With 1000 Delegates. DISTINGUISHED FOREIGN VISITORS TAKE PART President Taft Unable to Attend But Approves Alms of Conference Gomiers and David Starr Jordan Speak in Interests of Peace Tonight Prominent Visitors Take Part Japanese Situation to he Thorough ly Discussal 15,000 Attended Last Year's Meetings Attendance Ex peeled to he as Large This Year. Chicago, May 3. Over a thousand delegates and visitors attended the opening of the second national peace conference here today. The sessions last until Wednesday night. The reading of a letter from President Taft expressing his regret at his inability to be present, and approving the aims of the conference, was one of the day's features. Robert Treat Paine of Boston, presided, and an address by Secretary of War Dickinson was read. Addresses of welcome were made by Mayor Buwe and Governor Dineen. The principal speakers at tonight's session are Samuel Gompers and Da vid Starr Jordan, president of Stan ford university. 13.000 Attend Last Year. Fully 15,000 persons attended the first, pence congress held in New York tw years ago, and it is expected that Chicago's central lo cation will attract an even larger gathering of visitors before it ends, fnminir at this time the congress is considered of rpecial importance, and the Japanese situation will be thor oughly discussed . Distinguished Foreigners Present. Several distinguished foreigners are MY i THE -a 0. in!, PETITION Salem, May 3. E. J. Kaiser, editot of the Valley Record, of Ashland U making a tour of the Willamette val ley testing the sentiment on the pro posal to apply the referndum to the appropriation made by the legisla ture for the Oregon agricultural col lege. He has until May 23 to file the petition. According to statements made by Kaiser It Is uncertain whether the pe tition will be filed. He says appre hension has arisen as to the purpose of the petition, which Is not for the purpose of holding up allitional main tenance appropriations, which Is now eigthy thousand dollars, but for a to tally different appropriation of two hundred and ten thousand dollars for Improvements. RAILROAD COMPANIES NOW LIMITED TO TRANSPORTATION Washington, May 3. The commo dities clause in the Hepburn rate aci was declared constitutional by the United States supreme court. Th. clause limits transportation compan ies to that business exclusively. The clause reads: "From and af ter May 1, 1908, It will be unlawful for any railroad to transport from any state or territory, of the district of Columbia to any state or territory or to any foreign country any article or commodity, other than timber and manufactured products thereof man ufactured, mined or produced by it or under its authority, which may have been In whole or In part, or in which it may have an Interest direct, ex:ept such articles as are necessary or Intended for use in the conduct of its business as a- common carrier." A fine not exceeding five thousand dollars Is provided for each offense. Tacoma, May 3. Unrest and dis. satisfaction with the administrate of President B. II. Krorze of Whit worth college, for several months manifested tself In startling form uniay wnon rrcsniciu Kroeze was hanged In effigy from the flagstaff on the cupola of Mason library. Friday night a huge sign was post ed at Stevens street at the side oj tlio litirary, reading: "Drink to one who Is not man enough to resign, B. H. Kroeze." the trains as they arrived In Portland Hostility against Kroeze Is of long this morning wero greeted by sum- standing, and dissatisfaction with his mcry sunshine, blue skies, trees in full methods of discipline resulted !n a leaf and a wealth of flowers from petition being presented to the board every shrub and blooming plant i of trustees at the last meetlifg nsklng mat Lienn McKay be g'von n part of the power now attached to the pres ident. Members of the faculty con fess they are In the dark as to what will be done by the board. The placard was readable for blocks bearing the name, "B. H. Kroeze" at tached to It. Tho stuffed figure sus pendMl last night was ordered taken They traveled along hillsides white with the dogwood blossoms and when tho train pulled Into the city through the backyards of the east aide, the lilac bushes decked In lavender and the houses covered with wistaria blossoms, made the new residents op en their eyes In wonder. There wasn't much doubt of their being glad they had come, and no one sal ' down this afternoon. ho was homesick. They peeled off their overcoats and mufflers before they had reached the welcome, arch on Hoyt street. Gloves, mittens and Jackets followed. Half the kids and there were several hua dred of them wore heavily knitted caps or "pussy" hoods, when they passed through the depot gates. Most ROOSEVELT HUNTING PARTY GETS GAME AND WORSHIP Nairboi, May" 3. The Roosevelt party today, after a day's rest, re sumed tho hunt, the object being gi raffe. They will remain at Mau Hills 'until May 14th. Four hundred war- of them were bareheaded before their i rlors and Klkuyu chiefs danced a war fathers and mothers had finished try-j dance for Roosevelt, at Fort Hallyam. lng to get the men In the baggage! They gave Roosevelt three sheep, a room to tell them when their trunks' bull and a wild ostrich, would come. j Roosevelt gave each native a piece While the majority of tho colonists of sliver. May 14th the party will have come to Tortland, it is merely to start for Nairobi, reaching there May make this their starting point for: 15th. After remaining thero three days they will proceed fo Sotik. According to tho story brought hero today, Colonel Roosevel killed a gi gantic lion crouching ready to spring upon two members of the party, the largest killed since the beglnnlg of the party trip. It was frightened when Roosevelt arrived. Clashes With Wilson. Washington, May 3. Clashing, ov er the best policy to be pursued in the conduct of the general land office,' Secretary Ttnllinger of the Interior do-1 partment. nnd Secretary Wilron, of thn ilr.inrl,nriil rf ,t irrlinlt 11 rr, rlrt- ' , , ' . , , ,. ,. , . 't.nk ng part, noluding Count Johann dared war today, nnd finally placed , , ' . . ., . .... ' ... , . , .. , He nie ch von Bcrnstorff of Germany, their differences in the hands of the. " . , , ,, , i Herman P. Iigercrantz, envoy from president for settlement. The trou-' , , , , , . , , . ; Sweden: Dr. Wu Ting Fang, envoy hie arose when Chief Forester Tin-' '. ,,, , . T " .... . . , , . ! from China; Alfred Mitchell Innes, ehot had Wilson request certain lands, ,. , ,, ... , ,,.,.,. A . ' , , ,, i counsellor of the British embassy, and in the west to be withdrawn from all : It , . . i ern history In tho University of Nor ! way, Christiana, ex-president of the .'a- ! tion.il peace organization of Norway Besides those named, representa tives of the Japanese embassy, the 'Turkish Jegntlon, and the French ! ombnssv will bring greetings to the congress from their governments. I Ueiii-'-si'iitative Bartholin of Mis souri will preside over the session at which the foreign representatives will speak. SUPREME COURT III SESSION HERE BOOT L ARE CAUGHT Two Men Arrested, Convicted and Imprisoned tor Selling Liquor to Indians. THIRD MAN LIKELY TO BE. ARRESTED TODAY Frank Parr and James Myers Art Taken by the Chief of Police Charged With Rlegal Selling of Li quor Myers Ig Convicted on the Testimony of Two Indians Will Serve 25 Days in Jail in Default of $50 Fine The Second Man Will Serve Twelve Days in Jail Third Man Suspected. for men who patrol the national for ests. Heretofore such requests have been grunted without question. Secretary Wilson and Forester Pinchot were dumbfounded when Secretary Ballin gcr sent mord that the law would not perm't such action, and that he must decline to make the withdrawal. Wilson nppealed to President Taft, nho asked both secretaries to prepare tendons, tetntions. TI 1 1; E TEN .him; e G A 1 .1 .0 W AY "WITH ASSASSINATION PLOTTERS ARE EXECUTED IX CONSTANTINOPLE Constantinople, May 3. A report that the deposed Sultan Is seriously ill was received from Salonlca. To day thousands witnessed the execu tion of the condemned men led forth clad in trousers and jackets. Upon each was fastened placards bearing Tillamook, Ore., May 3. Circu't Judge Galloway announced In open 1 court today that he was threatened with assassination If he convicted certain parties In Tillamook county,; and wns warned not to be out late tne name f the crime rf which he nights or to attend public resorts". wna accused. A cordon of police con Feeling Is Intense here over the at- trolled the crowds. Each victim was tempt to Intimidate Justice In the ' rase,i by a pulley and suspended un prosocutlon of numerous alleged boot- tli strangled to death. legging cases. The Judge's an- Thirteen plotters were executed to nouncemcnt is tho climax to a bitter; flay, .several soldiers and leader pub- fight made in the case of William , p.-lv shot, and accomplices hanged Ijingworthy, charged with bootleg ging. Many casfs have been tried since local option was made effec. tive. Arrest, prosecution, conviction and imprisonment followed fast for Frank Parr and James Myers when Chief of Police Gurdane took their trial on the charge of selling liquor to In d'ans and In violation of the local op tion law. In securing convictions against these men the Chief of pollc showed that he is somewhat of a sleuth himself. When Ti-co-nl explained in police court Saturday morning that he hatf secured his booze "at the show," the chief immediately got busy. Tl-co-nl was taken to the carnival grounds, but despite his assertions to the con trary he was unable or unwilling to point out the man from whom he had secured the firewater. Later in the day, however, Bill La Rock, another Indian, was picked up and he quick ly pointed out Myers as the man who had not only supplied him, but had also disposed of the' fiery liquid to Ti-co-nl. On the evidence of these two In dians Myers was arraigned in the po lice court, tried and convicted. He was fined 150 or 25 days and In de fault of the money he took the Jail sentence. Frank Parr was a'so arraigned on the charge of selling liquor to In dians, the witnesses beine Anderson Sh'ptour and Frank Johnson, both, minors. He was arraigned on two charges, that of selling liquor in vi olation of the prohibition ordinance and that of selling liquor to Indians. The first charge was dismissed for the reason there was pome doubt as to the intoxicating ability of the bev erage. On the second count he was tried, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $25, in default of wh'th he will serve twelve days in paid. When the city gets through with these men there may be further trou- ' hue in store for them. Parr is subject to arrest on the charge of selling II- OUOr to A minor anH aln sf n Nine cases were disposed of during ,,QUOr m defianp n, thB , the day and at this rate the entire ,aw wniIe both men w, b ?ubje WILL DISPOSE OF ALL CASES THIS WEEK AH live Members of Supreme Bench Are In Attendance Spring Term Session of Supreme Conrt in East ern Oregon Begins Promptly Nine ' of the Cases Disused of During Day Docket Will Soon Be Cleared at Tills Rate. With all five members of the sU'j preme bench present the spring term of the eastern Oregon session, of the supreme court was opened this morn ing. The work of disposing of the cases on the docket was taken up without delay and the end of the wee will find every case disposed the wee of. Charles Pickens refused to lie down unless his bed was splaeed due south nnd north. He gave notice of the Testimony n Merger Case. . Portland, Ore. May 3. Testimony In the government's snlts to dissolve the merger of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific is being taken here today. Many subpoenas of witnesses, among whom are included railroad (Continued on Page Eight.) STEALS TROUSERS OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Oregon City, May 3. A bur glar entered the homo of Chief of Police Burns Inst night and carried away the chief's trous ers. When ho awoke this morn ing ho missed his trousers and secured p;iother pair and start ed In a search. Ho found foot prints leading to the gate post where he found the garment hanging. Tug Day nl Memphis. .Memphis, Tenn., May 3. This Is tag day In this city, and charming ma trons and young, ladies arc busy all over the city. Tho Tag Day is for the benefit of the Home for Incurables, which has been sustained almost whiflly by the money raised through Tag Day. Lynn, Mass., will have 80 cei.t gas after July 1, rule bef.ire arriving tit a friend's, men who previous to the merger were house or a hotel, but a compass was In the employ of one or the other of always handy In his baggage to make the railroads and local shippers, have sure. brpn served. GHTHOL C MEN 'S J PISS B III Thero Is a good probability of the establishment of a. Catholic prepara tory college for young men In this city. Though no definite plans hnve yet been made It Is known that the order of Jesuits, which owns tho va cant block just west of St. Mary's Catholic church, Is considering the advisability of establishing the school. At this time the Jesuits have a young men's preparatory college. Gonzago college, at Spokane. It Is now so well attended that Its capacity Is taxed and this has caused the con sideration of plans for a school at this point. Should the school he established it will be for young mm only and in no way will be a rival of the St. Joseph's academy, conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. At the St. Joseph'c ac ademy ony boys of very tender years attend, the most of the pupils being girls. Tho complete plans for the new Catholic church have been prepared, the work being don, by T. F. Howard, for M. J. Caliban, foreman of the plaining mill. The church will be the finest structure of tiie kind in the city. docket will be cleared In five days. The case of the state versus C. Sam Smith was transferred to Salem for argument. This was a Crook county case. The case of Christ C. Boe versus Hoyt Arnold, was argued and submit ted. The three Malheur county local op tion cases were argued and submitted as one case. The case of F. F. Sharp versus Orah Beecher, appealed from Wal lowa county, wae argued and submit ted, as were also the cases of State versus Minnlck (Union county); and of Rachael J. Rafferty versus A. B. Davis, appealed from Union county. The State versus J. A. Moxley ex rel, was submitted on brief. Attorney Francis H. Bartlett is ap plying for admission to the bar in this state on a certificate already held by him while Claude M. Johns and C. C. MeCullock of Baker City are both applying ror admission to the har. to arrest for selling liquor without a government license. A third man will probably be ar rested before night. He is accused of having sold two pints of whiskey to Tsadore Wh'tebull, and his arrest will follow the securing of corrobora tive testimony. A. E. McFatridge was present at the trial this morning and Informed the Indians who had been drunk that hereafter they need not expect to re ceive any money from their lands through him except Just as they abso lutely needed It for the purchase of the necessities of l'fe. The govern ment gives him the power to black list drunken Indians and he has start ed his list. PROMINENT MEN'HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT OREGON WILL GET JUSTICE IX TARIFF Washington, May 3. Senator Piles of Washington, took the floor of the senate today and made a plea for the retention of the present dutv on lum ber. Senator Bourne, of Oregon, was practically assured by the members of tho finance committee that the items on the tariff bill In which Ore gon Is interested will be properly cared for. especially those on lumber, wool, hops, hides and gyphum. Senator Bourne received a telegram that his riother, 97 years old, had died at Now Bedford, Mass., and ho left this evcn'ng for the bedside. He had prepared a speech on lumber, but will withhold it to revise owing to the late news received. San Francisco, May 3. Former six companions weer seriously in Senator Plunkett and six companions . were seriously injured, some probably fatally, when an automoile in which they were riding was wrecked on the great highway on the beach early today. Plunkett sustained severe bruises and internal Injuries. L. B. Percivial, the chauffeur, was internal ly injured and may die. While turn ing into the drive the machine skid ded, throwing the occupants out. Mrs. Mildred Forbes and Alice Coll!u were afto injured. Maryland is the most advanced state in the union In the fight against the "white plague," according to a bulletin Issued by the National As sociation for tho Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis. OREGON YOUNG MEN ACCUSER OF ASSAULT. Redding. Calif.. May 3. Three young men of Merrill. Ore., are Jailed here for alleged assault upon Miss A. Ward, ac cording to the report received here. The attack is said to hnvs occurred during a buuuy ride. The prisoners five the nam.' , f Clay Kahn. Thomas Loveian 1 and Elmer Hoyt.